295, Cruel Grassland II

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The entire cavalry squad lined up in a row and began to descend the mountain neatly. They were in no rush to charge.

Because, in the cavalry training manual given by the master, there are strict requirements for charging.

In the movie, the cavalry charges as soon as the battle begins, but this is all nonsense. In that case, the horses will soon be unable to run.

This has a painful lesson on the battlefield.

In history, the Seleucids were an extremely powerful military regime. They not only invaded India, but also dominated Europe. Their cavalry was extremely effective in combat.

However, in a great battle in 190 BC, the Seleucid cavalry made a fatal mistake and were completely annihilated by the Roman infantry.

As soon as the battle began, the Seleucid cavalry charged at high speed and immediately tore apart the Roman legion's line, turning the Romans on their backs. However, the Roman legion discovered a fatal weakness in their ranks.

When they started, they charged too hard, and soon the Seleucid cavalry could no longer charge.

So the Romans immediately organized and surrounded them,

Knock all these knights who have lost their speed to the ground.

Since the war horse has no strength, it cannot run.

You can't even retreat.

So 3,000 cavalry,

The entire army was destroyed!

In Yang Fan’s code of conduct,

It is strictly forbidden for all cavalry to charge. They must maintain their overall formation.

Controlling the speed of the horse can prevent the formation from collapsing.

Running fast is not a skill,

Being able to control the horse's speed and maintain formation is the key to success.

Everyone knows the famous 80-20 rule, which is also very suitable for cavalry combat.

Because in a cavalry unit, about 20% are active charges.

Most of the warriors who can fight follow others.

Running with all your strength from the beginning will make the brave rush too far forward.

This will allow the bastards to fish in troubled waters, lowering their speed and preventing them from charging too far.

Their reasons are also very "sufficient",

That is because the physical fitness of war horses is different.

In this way, only 20% of the warriors will attack the enemy in advance.

Naturally outnumbered,

When all these people are dead,

The remaining people were defeated, so everyone must be pulled to maintain the front and join the enemy together.

An Sanxi shouted the command, and thirty cavalry lined up in neat rows, riding forward in small steps.

The Mongolians on the opposite side didn't understand. They didn't take advantage of the chaos in the camp to kill them quickly.

What do these horse thieves think?

They obviously only have thirty-one people, but there are more than a hundred men on their side who can fight. When all their own men have prepared their saddles and saddles and mounted their horses,

They will be completely defeated.

These Mongolians don’t know,

Yang Fan's cavalry attack is divided into four steps.

Canter, the horse moves slowly,

The sound of horse hooves is 1 sound,

In other words, there are four hoofbeats in one horse step,

The speed is approximately 1.4 meters/second.

Trot, the horse is walking fast. You can hear the sound of two hoofs in one horse step, and the two hoofs lift off the ground.

Generally, the sound of two hooves can be heard, with a speed of 3-4 meters per second.


When the horse starts running, sometimes its hooves fly into the air. At this time, the sound of the horse's hooves is chaotic and the speed is 5-7 meters/second.

The attack step is the horse running away from the rein, crushing everything, which is the pace of the cavalry charge.

Now it's time to move forward slowly.

An Sanxi watched the Mongolians on the opposite side hurriedly put on their saddles and gathered together. About fifty people rushed over in the first wave.

An Sanxi was not in a hurry, shouted the command, and the entire column advanced slowly, waiting for them to approach. From a high position, he watched these enemies come within 80 meters.

An Sanxi nodded, that's it.

"Everyone is here, draw out the lance," An Sanxi shouted: "Aim the lance, prepare, and fire."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A burst of smoke spewed out from Gu Xi, and all thirty-one flintlock carbines (without bayonets, only about one meter in length) spewed out flames.

The cavalry formation rushing over from the opposite side seemed to have been hit by a hammer and paused.

Then, eighteen or nineteen people immediately fell off their horses. A large chunk was missing from the front of the entire formation.

These herdsmen have no concept of formation. A group of people formed like an apple. Then a piece of the apple was missing, as if someone had bitten it.

The morale of the cavalry on the opposite side suddenly collapsed.

These people were herdsmen, not professional soldiers, and they were organized temporarily to fight against horse thieves.

Although all their people are soldiers and everyone can ride a horse and shoot arrows, but

This also shows that they are all rookies. They do not have the iron will and discipline of a real army.

Yang Fan's soldiers, especially this kind of officer training team,

Everyone has destroyed more than ten firecrackers, and their marksmanship is extremely accurate.

With at least four hours of combat training a day, every officer is bruised and bruised.

Organization and discipline are not on the same level and cannot be compared at all.

If it weren't for the bumpy horse, the difficult shooting, and the southerly wind today, the result would have been even higher.

When the herdsmen on the opposite side saw that a third of them were killed with a burst of gunfire, they were immediately frightened to death.

Immediately half of the people turned around and ran back.

"Pull out the second lance, prepare and fire" An Sanxi issued the order in an orderly manner.

After shooting the first lance, insert the gun into the long holster in front of the saddle, and then pull out the other lance.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Smoke filled the air and flames flashed. The herdsmen huddled together, and in the second wave of fighting, fifteen or six fell off their horses again.

The remaining dozen or so people beat their horses desperately and fled backwards.

"Everyone is here, move forward quickly." An Sanxi saw that he had defeated the first wave of enemies, and then ordered to speed up the pace.

The cavalry team came down the hillside. Even at a brisk pace, the sound of two horses' hooves could be heard, and the speed seemed much faster than usual.

At this time, An Sanxi had already seen that the large enemy force on the opposite side had been formed. There were more than a hundred people there.

There were more than seventy strong men and more than thirty old men. Women were also guarding around the camp with bows and arrows.

"Everyone has it. When approaching the enemy thirty steps, hold a double-barreled musket in each hand and fire freely. After shooting, immediately run to the west and break away from contact." An Sanxi ordered loudly.

There are many people on the other side, so there is no need to use rookies to fight with the other side. After one person shoots four shots, he will leave immediately after the shooting.

I am an Arabian horse in this respect, and the Mongolian horses cannot catch up even if they are tired and vomit blood.

Since the horse is good, don't blame me for bullying you. You can't run away when I want to hit you. You can't catch up with me when you want to hit me.

These brats are all officers, so we should try to reduce casualties as much as possible. But in the end, we have to let them fight hand-to-hand to see blood.

The two sides rushed closer and closer, and among the enemy group there was a man wearing armor. He wore an eight-petal iron helmet and was covered in rusty chain mail.

An Sanxi knew that that man was the tribe's Nayan, that is, the leader. As long as he killed him, according to the rules on the grassland, he would be the tribe's new Nayan.

His women and children are his own. His horses, cattle, sheep, and tribe are also his.

This is a rule that has been popular on the grassland for thousands of years.

Just like a pack of wolves, if you can defeat the wolf king, you will be the new wolf king of the pack.


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