422, grabbing crops 2

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The Sibeigou family wore bamboo hats, water hyacinths filled with salted cold water, and sickles on their waists. His wife, two sons, daughter-in-law, and two grandsons aged thirteen or fourteen

.They were all dressed the same and lined up.

"Listen up, everyone. We have been working hard for months and have been waiting for these few days. It has not been peaceful recently. Both the east and the west are about to stir up trouble. We must rush to harvest. No one wants to have mature crops that are cheap, not the Tatars.

Okay, I don’t need to say more about the rest. The workshop also rushed to make a batch of pedal threshing machines, which were separated from the bags on the field. The animal husbandry team brought all the cattle and horses they could get. Help us.

Transport it to the city. Guys, please work harder and work harder to get the pellets back to the warehouse. Don’t waste it. If you delay this moment, the birds will peck at the rats, and the wind and rain will cause a lot of damage. "

"Old Uncle Zhong, stop talking. Everyone knows that they are all scared of hunger. The one who dares not to cherish food must work hard."

"Yes, if you can't finish harvesting during the day, keep working with a torch."

"Yes, the seeds are good, the ground is fertile, the weather is good this year, and the bugs won't interfere, so it looks like a bumper harvest."

Old Zhongtou put down his hands, signaled everyone to be quiet, and said: "This year, our company has been arranged to plant wine-making sorghum, using short-stemmed, early-maturing and high-yielding seeds. Sixty pounds of cow manure was applied to each acre of land.

After flowering, another 30 kilograms of human manure were top-dressed. Agricultural students at the college said that the yield per mu could reach 800 kilograms. If there were chemical fertilizers, the yield per mu could reach 1,500-2,000 kilograms. We don’t know what chemical fertilizers are, but our farmers

There is enough fertilizer. This year's harvest will definitely be good. Once the sorghum is sold, everyone can buy whatever grain they want."

Legend has it that in ancient times, Gonggong was in charge of water conservancy work. Gonggong's son was named Julong. When floods broke out, he guided the people to build houses on the highland mounds and reclaim wasteland to fight the floods.

Every 25 households constitute a community, which is the earliest origin of the word community.

Yang Fan followed the ancient system and also organized 25 households into one community and ten communities into one district. Each community of farmers in Duolun City has 250 households, with a population of about 1,300. There are a total of 6,000 farmers in the city, divided into 24 communities.

, also called Twenty-four Square.

Each village has a community office, which is self-governing by farmers. The management agencies are directly elected, just like the village committees on Yang Fan's territory. They are all directly elected. Elections are held every year before the Spring Festival. Of course, medical, education, judicial and

The finance and taxation department is still assigned by the government.

At present, Duolun City has not appointed civilian officials to take charge, and is still in the early stages of military control. The main affairs are handled by Huang San and An Sanxi.

While An Sanxi was mainly responsible for the Mongolian pastures, farmland and Duolun City, Huang San was mainly responsible for the Bastille Castle.

Public security in the city is mainly responsible for the security teams formed by off-duty personnel elected from each district. Civil disputes and criminal cases are transferred to Huang San for handling.

Later, students graduating from the academy will be gradually sent here to organize government and judicial and law enforcement agencies.

Because this is Mongolia, Yang Fan dare not let them disperse into natural villages and live in the surrounding area. He would rather work hard for them and get up early and walk long distances to go to the fields when farming.

After all, they are protected by rammed earth walls, and they are safe. As for the periphery of the farmland, trenches are dug and barbed wire fences are installed to prevent wild animals from destroying the crops.

Although this piece of land grew well, everyone noticed that the sorghum flowers were much larger than ordinary sorghum. But no one dared to estimate the yield per mu to be so high, and suddenly the sorghum below exploded.

When we first planted this variety, everyone was reluctant. The sorghum was short and everyone was worried about a poor harvest. Unexpectedly, it produced such a high yield.

This sorghum is very strange. It is less than a person tall. Normal sorghum is more than a quarter taller than this one, but the seeds produced by this short sorghum are much higher than normal sorghum.

This seed was specially chosen by Yang Fan. Mongolians like wine, so mass production of liquor is a good way to revitalize the local economy.

Only by allowing Mongolians and Han people to need each other can the two nations be united, and neither can live without the other.

This seed is the modern Jinnuo No. 5. This seed is semi-waxy, has a large output value, and has a high wine yield. It is one of the preferred sorghum varieties in the wine-making industry.

The growth period is 120 days, the average plant height is 1.50 meters, the panicle length is 1.5 centimeters, compact, with red shell and red grains; this variety is highly adaptable and can be cultivated in mountainous areas, dry land, saline-alkali land, and sandy land. The average yield per mu is about 50 pounds.

Moreover, sorghum stalks can be fed to cattle, horses, sheep and other livestock. The Mongolians recruited by Yang Fan will bid farewell to nomadic herding and switch to fixed pastures to plant alfalfa with high nutritional value and raise them in captivity.

Nomadism is a last resort. It is to prevent livestock from eating the grass roots and destroying the grassland, so it is necessary to move and graze. This is also the reason why Mongolia and the previous nomadic peoples have loose national organization.

The control is weak and the political power is extremely unstable.

Yang Fan fixed them up and settled down for easy control.

Only by settling down and fixing them in cities and residential areas can we firmly control the grasslands and facilitate long-term peace and stability in the future.

In addition, planting grass can produce silage fodder in autumn, ensuring that livestock can survive the winter.

There are many benefits to living in captivity. Cattle and sheep do not move around so they can gain weight. Planting pasture can help increase the livestock carrying capacity of a unit of pasture.

In winter, the cattle and sheep are driven into stone houses where they can light fires. There is no shortage of coal in Inner Mongolia. In this way, the cattle and sheep will not freeze to death.

When the sheep breed is replaced by fine-wool sheep, in the future, in addition to mutton, wool will also be a major income for herdsmen.

Duolun City will develop a woolen textile industry to produce wool, wool and cashmere products, leather clothes, shoes, and fur clothing. It will also build a large slaughterhouse to produce a variety of cooked food, sausages and other meat products for sale to the mainland.

The Mongolians gave each household a small courtyard in the city, built a fence, set up a yurt, and lived in it with their dogs.

Only some Mongolians choose to hire people to build houses. After these Mongolians live in houses and hot kangs and spend the winter comfortably, I believe other Mongolians will soon give up their yurts.

Nowadays, every community in the city is a mess of mud houses and yurts.

The Mongols did not have a separate community. They were all separated and lived in the twenty-four houses, living together with the Han people.

At this time, there was an incense table placed in the open space in the south of the city.

An Sanxi and Huang San took the officials, big and small, to burn incense and pray, bowing three times and kowtowing.

Kill a pig, a cow, and a sheep each on the spot, and place the heads on the incense table.

Pray to God and ancestors for blessings, good harvests every year, safety for people and animals, prosperity in all industries, and wealth all year round.

After offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, ancestors and the god of grain, An Sanxi shouted, "Open the sickle!"

On the top of the city gate, there was a cannon, which was not loaded with projectiles. It served as a signal cannon and fired a shot into the sky with a loud bang.

After the cannon was fired, cannons were fired one after another at the three city gates in the east, west and north.

Gathered outside the city, production teams from various communities, with the community as a small team and the district as a brigade, collectively raised their sickles and shouted loudly: "Open the sickle! Open the sickle! Open the sickle!"

The leader of the team, Zhong Tou'er, raised his sickle and shouted: "Everyone, work hard. Try to finish the harvest in three days. The ten families who have harvested the most will be rewarded with a cart and a pack horse for each family as mentioned above."

Suddenly, everyone in the crowd was gearing up, turning around and rushing toward the sorghum field.

This chapter has been completed!
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