546, the army arrived in Duolun

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After a night of feasting, Yang Fan ordered the wake-up call to be given one hour later the next day.

Yang Fan was very strict in managing the army. Normally, he would get up at five o'clock in the morning, get dressed, wash up, and then line up to get breakfast. The Huotou Army would get up in the middle of the night to prepare food for the army.

The wake-up call was not blown until seven o'clock in the morning today. After all, everyone was given a pound of liquor yesterday and drank it all. After the meal, the entire army sorted out various items, dismantled the car city, and then cleaned up the battlefield.

The densely packed enemy corpses outside Checheng have been cleaned up by wild animals these days and nights. This is one of the self-purification functions of the grassland. No epidemic will occur.

Moreover, judging from the simple beliefs of the Mongolians, they eat the flesh of all living beings while they are alive and return their own flesh to the Immortal Heaven when they leave this world, which is very fair and reasonable.

The war dead on one's own side were cremated according to Yang Fan's order. They were put into cloth bags with their names written on them. They were then shipped back to the Zunhua military camp for temporary placement.

At the end of the day, Yang Fan led the entire army in a simple ceremony. An eighteen-gun salute was fired, and the entire army fired farewell shots into the sky.

The steamship was hung with white flags and loaded with injured, injured and ashes. After the whistle blew, it sailed downstream.

After a brief lunch, the entire army set off, advancing both by land and water, towards the city of Duolun.

Two days later, Yang Fan and his party arrived in Duolun.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city went out ten miles from the city to greet him. Both Mongolians and Han people cheered excitedly at the arrival of their master.

Many Han people here are Yang Fan's domestic slaves. In the eyes of the Mongolians, the master of Nai Renbaat'er is naturally their master. This has been the rule on the grassland for thousands of years. Men, women, children, cattle and sheep are all on the grassland.

It belongs to the victor. It is a matter of course and has been a tradition for thousands of years.

Yang Fanhe wore mighty armor, took his two wives, and entered the city accompanied by civil and military officials.

An Sanxi and the officials knelt down to greet Yang Fan and the two ladies. An Sanxi held a tray with three bowls of kumiss in both hands.

Yang Fan, Tu Shanyue and Lin Yue dismounted.

Yang Fan and the two ladies each picked up a bowl, dipped their fingers in the kumiss and flicked it three times to express a toast to the eternal heaven, earth and gods. Then they drank it all.

Yang Fan helped An Sanxi up with his own hands. He held his hand and walked into the city together.

The Mongols gave out thunderous cheers and kowtowed to welcome their new master.

In their view, Yang Fan's courtesy to Nairen Bat'er was the courtesy to all Mongolians.

Xiao Niangpi and Lin Yueru's cheeks were flushed with excitement. They saw their gratitude and admiration for the master from the Mongolian's fanatical eyes.

They both felt honored to be able to participate in such a ceremony. All this glory and dignity were brought to them by their husbands. In this era, it is normal for wives to be honored by their husbands and mothers by their sons.

Because of Yang Fan, they changed their lives and even changed the way their descendants live.

The Mongolians became free men from slaves, and owned the collective property of the pastoral team. They lived in cities and had their own homesteads. Those who had no wives got wives, and some even had children.

The life of the Mongolians on the grasslands was very difficult.

Regardless of wind, frost, rain or snow, we can survive in the wild. Wolves are just like dogs, patrolling outside the door. All kinds of supplies are seriously scarce, and everything is lacking. Many girls are seven or eight years old and still running around naked like their brothers.


Under the blockade of the Ming Dynasty, grasslands were hard to come by, and iron tools were even more precious assets.

Now that we live in the city, we have clean well water to drink. We no longer have to worry about dead livestock in the rivers transmitting viruses. No one will die of cholera or diarrhea because of drinking dirty water.

There are public toilets in every community. Children get up early to pick up the excrement of livestock on the road, either to accumulate fertilizer for their homes, or to dry it for fuel.

Complete drainage ditches and sewers drain rainwater outside the city, and the curved gravel sand and dirt roads are not muddy. Poplar trees are planted along the roads, and there are simple green spaces. There are public toilets on every street. The environment is very good.


There are grocery stores in the community, various shops in the city center square, as well as super large department stores and supermarkets.

There are all kinds of commodities inside, allowing the Mongolians to suddenly enter a world full of supplies and feel like they are in a fairyland.

Some Mongolians have never owned an iron pot for several generations.

After the animal husbandry team paid their salaries, they used these colorful and beautifully printed banknotes for the first time. When they bought their first iron pot in a grocery store or a department store in the square, many people were excited and hugged each other.

Headache and crying.

The city is absolutely safe. After school, the children played with the children of the Han neighborhood and did not want to go home when it got dark. They were found and kicked by my mother, and they all went home crying with their ears pulled.

While beating these disobedient calves, the Mongolian women lamented how good it was to live in the city. They no longer had to worry about their children being snatched away by wolves without even looking at them.

In the past, when we lived on the grasslands, women could not sleep at night. Because men had to herd horses and sheep during the day, and women had to hold Mongolian knives and squat in the sheepfold.

In the middle of the night, I have to fight with biting wolf dogs and wolves that come to steal sheep. I am exhausted, sometimes even covered with bruises. I am glad that I am still alive at dawn every day.

Because staying up late is a waste of energy, Mongolian women generally have a short life span, usually only in their thirties or forties, and those who live to be fifty are considered to have a long life.

This city is so nice. If you drive the sheep into the city at night and put them in the sheepfold in your own yard, there will be no shortage of them. You can sleep peacefully until dawn.

Mongolian women have enjoyed such a life for generations.

There is a barbed wire wall outside the community. There is a curfew at night and the gates are closed. The security director leads people on patrol carrying firecrackers. There are no thieves or bad guys at all.

If you get sick, there are medical clinics in the square, both Mongolian and Chinese. You can go to the one you trust. If the doctor can't cure you, there are shamans and lamas in the city.

Yang Fan wrote that he must respect the ethnic customs of the Mongolian people. If he is willing to believe in lamas and shamans, he must also allow it.

After all, they also have some secret techniques for treating diseases. Later generations of Tibetan medicine, Mongolian medicine, and Miao medicine also had many medicines with very good curative effects.

There is no cost to see a doctor. The doctors are paid by the government's education, science, culture and health department. Although it costs money to get medicine, there are many wild medicinal materials in this era, and there is not much money. They are all collected by herdsmen and farmers, and basically

All are cost prices.

There is no medical trouble in this era. It doesn’t cost money to see a doctor, so why are you making trouble?

There is no interest relationship between doctors and patients, and there is no need to deceive people.

Although this kind of universal medical care is at an extremely low level, and there is nothing that can be done about too many diseases. But the people are very satisfied. They accept their fate even if they are not cured. No one has ever come to the medical center to cause trouble.

This chapter has been completed!
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