728,winter clothing

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While training was intensified, Yang Fan's engineers also began further construction of the Nanyuan Military Camp.

Because winter is coming, the camp needs to carry out related construction.

In the Nanyuan Military Camp, a new water tower equipped with a steam engine to pump water was built. The water tower is twenty-five meters high. This is the tallest building in Nanyuan and also serves as a watchtower for the military camp.

Yang Fan installed an obsolete forest fire telescope on it that was collected by Erluzi. This way, the surrounding area of ​​more than ten miles can be monitored at any time.

After the water tower was installed, the military camp began to install running water.

Subsequently, a new boiler room was built and heating equipment began to be installed.

With a boiler, you can start providing hot water.

Hot water is very important. One is to ensure that the officers and soldiers take a bath. After all, such heavy training requires them to sweat a lot and need to take a bath. Otherwise, their clothes will easily become rotten. Military appearance and discipline will not be maintained.

Yang Fan could not tolerate a dirty army. Such soldiers would not have a sense of honor.

At the same time, it also ensures that they do not drink raw water to prevent illness. Each household is given two large insulated stainless steel buckets. Each household is assigned special soldiers to take turns to open the water every day and use trolleys to push it to heat it.

When the water comes back, all soldiers within a hundred households must drink boiled water. The water in the kettle must also be filled with cold boiled water.

The winters these years have been very cold, and it is impossible to light a fire in the house. The officers and soldiers are frozen and cannot train properly.

Yang Fan installed a honeycomb briquette stove in every room in the barracks. The windows in the barracks were slit with paper, and quilt curtains were hung on the doors.

These officers and soldiers have never been so cared for by their superiors for generations, and everyone's face is full of gratitude. They turned their gratitude into strength and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the training.

Unknowingly, these soldiers in the Beijing Camp had a new change. They were clean shaven and neatly dressed. They walked with their heads held high and they no longer looked decadent.

Sloppy look.

They work and rest at the same time every day, wash up, drink boiled water, bathe on time, eat on time, train, and run. They seem to have forgotten the lazy days when they were unshaven, leaning against the corner in rags, basking in the sun, and catching lice.

After a month, they gradually got used to the new life. And then winter finally came.

The winters in these years have been getting colder year by year. A sudden cold wave accompanied by the north wind caused the temperature to drop overnight.

They got up before dawn in the morning. At this time, everyone had white mist spraying from their mouths.

Yang Fan knew that he had to prepare winter clothes for them now.

If His Majesty still follows the original plan and lets them attack Tumut and the Ordos, they will need to set off in winter and march long distance to Guihua City. Winter on the grassland is no joke. Adequate cold protection measures must be taken


The reason why Yang Fan does not object to sending troops in winter is because it is difficult to find nomadic people. They are scattered and nomadic in summer, and they are very scattered and difficult to find.

However, it is different in winter. They must find an overwintering camp and then gather together to spend the winter to avoid being spread out and freezing to death. At this time, the places they can hide are limited, so they need to find the right one.

Therefore, March is the best time to start the war. At this time, after a hard winter, both humans and cattle, horses, alpacas and other livestock are at their weakest. Those who did not make it through will freeze to death or lose weight.

Yes, starved to death.

Those who survived are still as skinny as firewood. There is no need to look for them everywhere at this time. It is very convenient. Taking advantage of their weakness and gathering together to annihilate them is the best time.

However, the guarantee for achieving all this is sufficient cold protection materials, otherwise, your army may freeze to death on the grassland.

Yang Fan felt that it was time to talk to His Majesty about winter clothes. In the past month, he had advanced a lot of supplies. The remaining emperor had to pay. He could not continue to advance. Before, he was mainly thinking about not causing any trouble.

Besides, it is worth spending some money to buy the military morale of the Beijing camp. The money will not be wasted.

After Yang Fan's memorial was submitted, Chongzhen happily decided to summon Yang Fan and Zhang Shize, and at the same time let a thousand soldiers enter the Guande Hall, the rear school ground of Jingshan, for a military parade, so that all the civil and military officials in the dynasty could see how wise his decision was. Now the capital camp is only

It's a real army.

At the same time, Chongzhen decided to observe the training results of these people on the spot. At the same time, he also inspected the cold-proof materials that Yang Fan planned to provide. If it was really necessary, he would approve the purchase with money. After all, only by solving the problems of the Tumut and Ordos people could the Great Wall be completely stabilized.

Along the line.

Yang Fan and Zhang Shize were supervising the training, and Chongzhen's decree came.

Summoning Yang Fan and Zhang Shize, they brought a thousand soldiers from the Beijing camp and entered the imperial city wearing full equipment. They lined up in front of the Guande Hall at the rear campus of Jingshan and inspected them personally. At the same time, they allowed civil and military officials to observe.

The weather was already cold. Because the soldiers from Qianhu went to observe the emperor, Yang Fan had distributed cotton-padded clothes in advance.

He was wearing a cotton-padded coat underneath, and his training uniform looked bloated. Outside he was also wearing a modern 1980s-style cotton military coat. He was wearing a hooded hat and a woolen knitted neck gaiter, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

If you are wearing armor, put it on over your cotton-padded clothes. This can keep you warm, and also provide a certain buffer when faced with the enemy's heavy weapons. It can also avoid blunt injuries and bruises.

Yang Fan led the 500 cavalry and Zhang Shize led the 500 infantry. They entered the imperial city from Dong'an Gate and arrived in front of the Guande Hall at the rear campus of Jingshan.

At this time, the officials of the third rank and above, including the senior ministers of the cabinet, the dignitaries and the military attachés of the third rank and above who were in Beijing, were all waiting on the Dan steps for this reporting performance.

The front of Guande Hall is relatively spacious, with civil servants on the left and military attachés on the right. In the middle is Chongzhen's throne, with his back against a screen. Looking at the dark area, it's very lively.

As soon as this Beijing battalion, which had been reorganized and trained, appeared, there was an exclamation of surprise on the platform.

These people didn't look like soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. They were all arrogant, with their chins raised, and serious expressions on their faces. The team of thousands of people was silent, as silent as a mountain.

They lined up in a neat queue, walked in uniform steps, and made a resonant sound as they entered Wuyingdian Square.

This time Chongzhen carried out a sudden attack, civil servants and nobles were talking about it, and there were many opponents. Although they could not give any decent reasons, it was true that their money was gone. They were all like mourning for their heirs, and all kinds of absurd reasons were given.

Use it to oppose.

From the ancestral etiquette, to the defense and security of the capital, and even the celestial phenomena were connected. Chongzhen couldn't help but sneer. This time, after the capital camp was completely rectified by him, the civil servants were all gone. They were all furious and had begun to

What nonsense.

Today, Chongzhen just wants them to see what you have done to the Beijing Camp. Now I am taking back the Beijing Camp, eliminating the weak and retaining the strong, and reorganizing the appearance after training.

Let's see who among you still dares to say that I am not the one who took back the capital camp.


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