767, Ali integrated into the tribe

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Mane is really a good thing, everyone likes it. No matter where in the corner of the world, this thing can reach the gods. Not to mention in Africa, especially in this country where the currency has almost collapsed.

The U.S. dollar will not be weighed on a scale to buy things. It is very safe to put this thing in your pocket. Haven't you seen that in neighboring Zimbabwe, there are no more valuable digits printed on the banknotes?

These colorful little pieces of paper are loved by everyone from warlords to poor people who have eaten this meal and don't know where their next meal will be.

Relying on these little green pieces of paper, Ali quickly recruited thirty strong, honest-looking workers.

These people have never left the tribe and they all work honestly. They are very afraid of the tribe elders and their own bosses.

Ali's homestead was a piece of land with a relatively good location and a large area due to bribes given to the elders. It was a full 500 square meters of land.

The living conditions of rural people in Africa are generally very poor, no matter which country they are in. Many villages have no electricity, no running water, and the houses are very small.

The houses of herders in the Horn of Africa are all built by themselves. Those who can build houses with bricks and tiles belong to the rich. Most people use mud, thatch, or better, iron sheets to build their houses.

Under Alibaba's plan, it will be built into a store-front-factory layout.

There are three bungalows built in the front, all of which are used for Ali's shop. There is a large yard in the back, used as a livestock pen. There is also a row of houses in the back, used as housing.

After Ali came here, he also tried his best to familiarize himself with the situation here. In addition to accessing the Internet and downloading information, he was also seriously studying all the knowledge here. In this way, he looked like he was completely from the Horn of Africa.

It is very simple for people here to build a house, not as complicated as building a house for people in China.

They first used logs to make pillars and fixed them with nails to build the frame of the house. Then they used shrubs, wattle and wood to make walls. From a distance, these walls looked exactly like woven wicker baskets.

Then many people stepped on the mud with their feet, and then put mud on the frame. When the mud was completely dry, the house was built.

Finally, the doors and windows were installed, and the doors and windows were all made of wood. The roof was paved with thatch, which can prevent rain.

Although this is a desert, the climate is still divided into rainy season and dry season. In the rainy season, there will be very concentrated heavy rains for a few days, followed by a year of drought. So the house still needs to be protected from rain.

When building a house, it was very lively and the surrounding villagers would come to help.

On the day of building a house, the owner of the house needs to prepare food and entertain the villagers who help build the house. They can build a house in one day in order to have a hearty meal.

Ali was a new stranger who joined the tribe. He had no friends. So he directly paid for Mane, which cost two dollars a day, and hundreds of people excitedly came to work for him.

They were surprised and very happy when they saw the US dollars. They even brought a rocking chair made of thick rattan and placed it under the shade of a baobab tree, asking Ali to sit and rest like a master while they worked.

Ali discovered that although he only hired men, their wives also came to help.

Because Ali was so generous, he directly gave me so much money.

When building a house, men are responsible for applying mud to the frame, and women are responsible for fetching water and stepping on the mud with their feet. This is because the mud must be mixed with water to become sticky.

An old man named Lao Kuba came over to chat with Ali.

Old Kuba said: "In our tribe, they build houses like this. If a family in the village wants to build a house, they have to prepare food and building materials many days in advance. When the day of building the house, everyone will

Everyone will come to help, the host only needs to bring out sumptuous food to entertain them, and leave other things to other villagers."

Ali asked: "Don't you know how to bake bricks?"

"Ali, we don't know how to make bricks. I heard that only the tribes in the highlands can make mud bricks. Our ancestors have built houses like this for generations. Such a house can be built in one day. There is no problem in living there for more than ten years. As long as

You are diligent and maintain it frequently. You strengthen it every year before the rainy season. You patch up the soil and repair the thatched roof, which is enough for you to live in for a lifetime."

"Before I moved, I lived in this kind of house all my life and gave birth to nine children."

Although Ali took out Mane, according to the rules here, he still has to take care of the food. To build a house here, you need to provide three meals. The US dollars are considered an extra reward.

In the morning, families in the Horn of Africa love to drink camel milk for breakfast. This place is known as the "Camel Kingdom". It is said that one out of every three camels in the world belongs to this country.

This can make people in China cry with envy. Camel milk is extremely expensive in China. How many people can afford to drink it? It has extremely high nutritional value. Even though people here are poor, they drink it with camel milk every morning.

The luxury is beyond your imagination.

Camels play an important role in the lives or hearts of local people. When people meet each other, they also greet camels in addition to the person they meet. They have a strong affection for the camels they have been with for a long time, and often stroke and wipe them.

Ali bought ten large barrels of camel milk at once, and the price was ridiculously cheap. Under the guidance of Old Kuba, several women poured the milk into a large pot and cooked it. No water was added to the big pot.

A thick layer of milk skin.

Wealthy families from various tribes in this country usually drink strong black tea with sugar for breakfast to satisfy their hunger.

Whether you can afford black tea is definitely a sign of status here. When you invite others to drink black tea, it is considered a very high courtesy and shows respect for others.

Ali bought black tea from Shan Ruliu and cooked it for everyone to drink.

Tea is a part of people's life in the Horn of Africa. Tea and sugar are inseparable. The black tea here is extremely sweet. There is a lot of sugar in it, and it even feels a bit sweet.

Ali took a sip of the black tea and felt that the taste was not just that of black tea. Just now, Ali watched some women adding nutmeg and cinnamon to flavor the tea.

People in the Horn of Africa love to drink black tea. However, due to climatic conditions, the local area has a desert climate and can only graze cattle and does not produce tea. Therefore, a large amount of tea is imported from Kenya and China every year.

Before starting work in the morning, the workers brought their wives and children. This is also traditional. Families here usually rely on the men to bring food to sustain themselves throughout the day.

They drank black tea, camel milk, and devoured injera. The children also ate big mouthfuls. It can be seen that there are not many opportunities to eat a full meal.


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