800, pull out the radish and bring out the mud

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The wolf-like Marines immediately rushed into the cabin with flintlock rifles and bayonets, and began to dig three feet into the ground to search. Several other ships were immediately occupied by soldiers and began to search.

These Marines are used to searching for pirate ships. They are naturally very good at this. They can find things wherever it is easy to hide them, and wherever they are placed, with their eyes closed. Their efficiency is simply outrageous.

Mao Da's eyelids jumped as he looked at the things that were constantly being searched from the cabin. Many things hidden in secret places were all found. Boxes of gold and silver jewelry, many of which were stained with dark old blood.

Sack after sack of ginseng and deer antlers, bear bile, bear paws, bundles of sable skins, as well as dong beads and sand gold.

Mao Da felt like he had been looted. These soldiers were more bandits than bandits. They had all been taken out, and the time was very short.

No wonder he was surprised. These soldiers carried metal detectors, so they could find them no matter how deep they were hidden. The last few soldiers escorted Ms. Wen and carried her child onto the deck.

"Master Baihu, the suitcase in this lady's hand refuses to be inspected by us. The master has an order not to offend women, so we dare not use force." A small flag official said loudly.

Mao Da hurriedly said: "Brother Jinyiwei, this is Mao Shuai's side wife and son. Please do it for the sake of the fact that Governor Zuo and Uncle Dingyuan are officials in the same court."

Guangzhou rubbed his chin, no one dared to do anything outside the law when working under the master.

"I guess these things of yours are worth 500,000 taels of silver if you put them together." Fanchou said. "Dongjiang Town's annual military pay is only 400,000 taels. Where did your money come from, and how did these things come from?

Yes, it was sent there. Who is the owner?"

Mao Da's face turned red and white, and he couldn't answer at all. This was really a stolen goods.

Beginning in October this year, the imperial court stopped paying troops in Dongjiang Town. Mao Wenlong wrote to the emperor, "There is no food in Dongjiang. Grass roots and bark are scavenged all over the mountains. If they know that I am hungry, they will take the opportunity to attack..."

The Ministry of Finance and the Chief Secretary refused to distribute the money and food this year, and wanted to deduct the money from those who received more in previous years. However, I was given a salary of more than 100,000 yuan, and received a salary of 400,000 yuan. I had no food or clothing. I appealed to Jiuzhong, but now I am paying two

Eighteen thousand is the amount, and the money and food received by the general in the previous year will be deducted as this year's food and salary, and the people who are shouting, Geng and Gui will soon die today.

-----"Mao Wenlong's fate for the three armies is as thin as a thread"

Now Uncle Dingyuan actually found property worth 500,000 taels. What did Mao Da say?

Fang Chuang leaned down and twisted a gold hairpin with his fingers. It was very beautifully made and inlaid with pearls. However, the gold part was dull and dull, and there was black stain of old and solidified blood.

Fang Changchang's face became more and more grim. He was from Liaoyang. He fled to the Pass after the fall of Liaodong and became a refugee. Later, he was among the first to join Yang Fan's Xinghe regiment.

"General Mao, where did these bloody jewelry come from?"

Mao Dayi trembled and murmured, not daring to speak.

Jewelry inlaid with Dongzhu has only one origin, and that is Liaodong. As for why it contains blood, there is no need to explain.

Shanchou roared angrily, "You are so brave, how dare you engage in intercourse with slaves."

Everyone in the Mao family was trembling. If this thing was revealed, it would be a big disaster.

His Majesty placed Mao Wenlong in Dongjiang to attack the Jiannu. But the Mao family actually did business with the Dongnu privately. These bloody jewelry could only have come from the Jiannu who massacred the people of Liaodong.

What do you need to build a slave? Gunpowder, food, cloth, salt. Even iron tools and ordnance.

If these inside stories were revealed, there would be a huge earthquake in Beijing.

Shanchang turned to Wen Shi and asked with a face as cold as ice: "If I guessed correctly, the box in Madam's hand contains account books."

Although Wen was scared, she tried her best to calm down. Uncle Dingyuan found out what happened today, and she could no longer do anything about it. She glanced at these warriors who usually yelled at each other in disappointment. They were usually in Dongjiang Town one by one.

He was so arrogant that his tail almost reached the sky.

Today, when we faced Uncle Dingyuan, everyone was manipulated like frightened mice.

In the end, you still want me

The women stepped in to solve the problem. What a bunch of rubbish.

Mrs. Wen bowed and said calmly: "I have a request. Can you let me meet Uncle Ding Yuan? There are some things that are not convenient to say here."

After speaking, Wen's hand stretched out two fingers inconspicuously.

The scope is unclear, so, second, what does this mean? When the master laughed and scolded us, he sometimes said that we were "second-rate". Is this scolding us?

I didn’t understand the category, so I wrote a wooden character in the air with my finger.

Shan Chang was shocked. His face changed rapidly. He didn't expect that the water was so deep.

Wen Shi saw the change in Shangshou's expression. He smiled softly and immediately calmed down, standing there calmly.

"Madam, wait a moment, I'll report to Uncle Ming."

"Thank you, sir." Wen said with a gentle blessing.

Yang Fan looked at Fanchou and said, "She wants to see me? She is the concubine of Governor Zuo, so it would be inappropriate to meet me."

"Master, I'm going to reject her right now." Sheng Changchou immediately turned around and left. He didn't want to get involved in this matter. If the master doesn't see her, he won't see her. He won't say a word more.

"Wait a minute, let me meet her." Yang Fan said.

Yang Fan put on the earl's robe and met Wen in the VIP cabin.

Yang Fan looked at Wen Shi carefully. She was about 27 or 27 years old. She had an oval face, fair and delicate skin, and some beauty. She was not very beautiful. But she looked very smart.

She is thin and tall, with a good figure and temperament. She can barely be considered a skinny beauty.

"If you want to see me, just say it. I must see the account book in your box. I want to know who Governor Zuo has been interacting with over the years. In Dongjiang Town, in addition to defending the slaves, he also

What are you doing?" Yang Fan said straight to the point.

Historically, Yuandudu made an imperial edict to kill Marshal Mao, and there have been arguments about who is right and who is right for hundreds of years. There has never been a truth. Instead, Yang Fan became interested and wanted to see what happened back then.

Over the years in the Ming Dynasty, the more he investigated Mao Wenlong, the more frightened he became. He felt that the water in Dongjiang Town was very deep. All the important officials of the court who accused Mao Wenlong of collaborating with the enemy, no matter how big or small their contribution, would end miserably.

Sun Chengzong was dismissed from office in the Tianqi Dynasty. On the surface, it was because of the defeat of Liuhe. In 1700, the Ming army sneaked into Yaozhou and wanted to take a beheading action to kill the four-beile Huang Taiji who secretly came to the front line. Instead, he was defeated by three hundred Jiannu.

.leading to Sun Chengzong’s resignation.

In fact, Sun Chengzong discovered that someone was transporting gunpowder to Houjin under the banner of Mao Wenlong. Sun Chengzong arrested the person, seized the goods, and blocked the road out of the customs.

Then, not long after, Sun Chengzong was forced to resign and completely left the Central Committee.

A generation of imperial masters were actually brought down. Who is this Mao Wenlong?

Why did Yuan Chonghuan insist on killing him? Yang Fan had also seen Yuan Chonghuan. He was very thoughtful and not a reckless person. And it goes without saying what Yuan Chonghuan's fate was.

Yang Fan has in his hand a table with the fate of all those who have impeached Mao Wenlong since the first year of the Apocalypse. Fill it out according to the time of impeachment, name, content of impeachment, results of impeachment, and personal fate. All of them had miserable fates.

This is obviously far beyond Mao Wenlong's ability. No matter how awesome he is in Dongjiang, he still can't reach the court.

This year Chongzhen killed a man named Wang Guoxing, a eunuch who had a close relationship with Mao Wenlong.

Your Majesty, what does this mean?

What is even more surprising is that after Wang Guoxing was executed, Yuan Chonghuan submitted a letter to resign, but neither the emperor nor the cabinet allowed it.

In March of the first year of Chongzhen, Mao Wenlong reported that there was a famine in the Dongjiang River and there were many bones. Chongzhen ignored him and killed Wang Guoxing in May. This man was very close to Mao Wenlong in the palace.

There was an informant in Yang Fan's palace. Lin Yueru reported that the crime of killing Guoxing was actually "the internal official Wang Guoxing claimed that he had a secret order to summon Mao Wenlong, and the traces were mysterious."

, there must be a hidden secret. (Volume 89 of "Guoyan")

Why, when Yuan Chonghuan saw Chongzhen killing Wang Guoxing, he immediately resigned. What is the secret reason behind this?

Yang Fan looked at Wen standing in front of him, carrying a box of ledgers, and became more and more suspicious.


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