825, strike first to gain the upper hand

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Steel Tycoon in the Late Ming Dynasty 825, start first to supplement yesterday's chapter

"Sir, there is an urgent military situation on the grassland." The officer came to Yang's house and saluted before saying.

"Well, come to the study with me." Yang Fan turned around and walked towards the study.

Yang Fan's study is in the west room of the first hall. It is heavily guarded and is the most heavily guarded place in the Yang Mansion. All the military secrets of the Yang Mansion are here. Usually Mo Table and his trusted servants are responsible for guarding it.

The officer handed a kraft paper bag with three layers of pheasant feathers to Yang Fan. Yang Fan took it and checked it carefully. The paint was intact. Then he opened the document bag with a paper knife.

After receiving the information, according to the rules, the officer was given a seal to sign the receipt, and then the officer left.

Yang Fan sat on the chair and looked at the documents inside one by one.

This is a summary of recent information sent by An Sanxi from the grassland.

After Yang Fan's squadron returned, An Sanxi's cavalry army has been stationed in the grassland. Some time ago, the cavalry attacked the winter camps of the Tumut people everywhere and wiped out all the Tumut people outside Guihua City.

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The nobles and their cavalry all fled into Guihua City. Ansanxi took the opportunity to annex the people of the eight tribes of the Tumut people east of Guihua City. The joining of these people greatly enhanced the strength of Duolun City.

Now the Tumut people have been compressed into Guihua City, Jiuyuan City, and Linhe City, which is a narrow area south of Yinshan Mountain and north of the Yellow River. They are closely related to the Ordos people across the Yellow River.

This place is the Chile River in the Yuefu folk song. The Chile River, at the foot of the Yin Mountain,... is a lush land where the wind blows the grass and you can see cattle and sheep.

Yang Fan looked at the information and used red and blue pencils to draw the locations of various forces on the map on the table, marking the distribution of their military strength, as well as various detailed information.

According to intelligence, since the beginning of winter this year, the Khalkha people have made unusual movements. From Guihua City to Nuruerhu Mountain, reconnaissance light cavalry from Mobei have appeared in many places. These cavalry are mainly from the Mobei Three Troops of the Khalkha people.

There were even people from Bayinnuoyan who came from the Khanate.

At this time of year, it is extremely cold on the grasslands of Outer Mongolia. People and animals will hide in winter camps and suffer until spring. When the time comes, see how many people and livestock survive, and then plan for the new year.

Since the beginning of winter this year, Tushetu Khan's light cavalry has crossed the Gobi many times to conduct reconnaissance in the Monan Mongolian region. Even Bayinnuoyan's people and even Chechen Khan's people have begun to cross the Gobi and peep south.

The scout cavalry frequently encountered patrolling militiamen, and exchanges of fire broke out. Some cavalrymen were killed by the militiamen's muskets, and a few were captured. The small group of Khalkha scout cavalry even reached as far as the Great Wall.

An Sanxi was worried that the Khalkha Mongols were joining forces with the remnants of Monan Mongolia.

After next spring, when Yang Fan attacks Guihua City, the people from the Three Khalkha Khanates and Bayinnoyan will cross the Mongolian Gobi from the north and enter the Monan Mongolia region on a large scale to attack the logistics route of the Western Expedition.

After all, after the army left Zhangjiakou, there was only one city in Jining on the vast grassland as a military stronghold.

From Zhangjiakou, we have to walk three hundred miles to Jining, and then continue marching for at least 260 miles to Guihua City. The long logistics supply line of nearly six hundred miles is very difficult to defend.

The territories of Chechen Khan and Tushetu Khan are on the back of this supply line. I am afraid that a lot of troops will be needed to protect the transportation of baggage troops. The enemies are all cavalry, and they come and go quickly, which is very difficult. I am afraid that a large number of troops will be contained.

Yang Fan touched his chin and thought.

Rather than passively defending, it is better to proactively attack.

Strike first to gain strength. Take the initiative to attack Chechen Khan and Tushetu Khan. Before the battle of Guihua City begins, resolve the two parts of Khalkha and completely resolve all worries.

The cavalry army is currently forming a camel force, and its strength has risen to 50,000.

Each of the three Mobei Khanates only has 20,000 to 30,000 cavalry. Fighting any one of them alone would be a crushing defeat. Not to mention the advantages in equipment.

If there is a sudden attack, one of the khanates can be easily eliminated. The remaining two are easy to deal with.

At present, the biggest problem in sending troops is that it is the cold winter season. Under the extreme cold, soldiers and horses are likely to freeze to death.

It is the coldest time of the year on the Mongolian Plateau. During the day, it is about minus 20 degrees Celsius, and at night, it is about minus 30 degrees Celsius. If there is a cold wave, the temperature will drop to about minus 40 degrees Celsius, and it will be accompanied by level 5 or above.

Strong winds and blizzards.

Yang Fan was a little hesitant. Is this season suitable for sending troops? Of course, the enemy would never have thought that Yang Fan would send troops in the harsh winter. In order not to freeze to death, they all huddled in the overwintering camp and suffered.

Yang Fan can strengthen winter clothing for the soldiers. Knee-high felt boots, super thick cotton trousers, cotton jackets, and cotton coats. These cold-proof equipment can be solved.

When the Daqing Oilfield was developed, thick cotton trousers were made that could withstand temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius and be worn overnight in the field. The effect was very good, and a person could stand on them directly while wearing them.

These winter clothes are very reliable, and even played an important role during the conflict on Zhenbao Island.

At that time, the Chinese soldiers entered the position to ambush at dark, and Mao Zi entered the position to ambush at midnight. When the battle started at dawn, Mao Zi was half frozen to death. But the Chinese soldiers wearing large cotton-padded jackets and thick cotton trousers did not suffer from frostbite.

The way to wear it at that time was to tuck the chin of the cotton-padded jacket into the trousers, then tighten the belt. Tie the trousers legs tightly, and then put on knee-high felt boots. Wrap the head with a hood, only exposing the eyes and nostrils, and wear a belt outside.

Dog skin hat. Wear a cotton coat as the outermost layer.

Yang Fan has these things in his warehouse. Because he has to prepare for the battle in Liaodong direction, Yang Fan has been stocking up on these materials for a long time.

Winter clothing is not the problem, can other problems be solved?

For cooking and heating the tent at night, Yang Fan has a kerosene stove. The kerosene has a high combustion value and does not need to be carried too much. This is not a big problem. He can use water to melt ice and snow. Yang Fan has dehydrated vegetables, compressed biscuits, and fried noodles can also be made in large quantities.

Food isn't a problem either.

However, horses are a big problem.

First of all, it would be impossible without horses. It is absolutely impossible to go to Outer Mongolia to fight on foot. Yang Fan would have to be crazy to be so unreliable.

However, at this temperature, horses can easily freeze to death, especially at night. In addition, horse fodder is also a big problem.

Think about it, why do the Mongolians huddle in overwintering pastures? Isn’t it just to have the wind at their back and to have dry grass for their livestock to eat?

What did Yang Fan's cavalry feed their horses along the way? Did they rely entirely on grain? How much grain was obtained and how was it transported?

The roads on the grassland are extremely poor and covered with ice and snow in winter. The wheels can easily get stuck. How to transport them?

After Yang Fan thought about it over and over, a bold idea emerged. Simply abandon the horses and use camels instead.

This chapter has been completed!
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