891, Flintlock Massacre 5

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At this time, four to five thousand people gathered under the city. They were holding various shields and even wooden boards as cover. Because the city wall was lost too quickly, the Shanxi merchants were anxious and asked them to look around for anything they could use to resist.

Musket stuff.

The crowds of people below the city came in droves carrying ladders.

At the same time, on the east and west walls, the defenders who were originally facing each other also jumped out from behind the cover, or moved away obstacles and charged towards the north wall.

They had a good idea. The four hours before dawn are when people are most sleepy and sleep the most deeply. At this time, no matter how powerful Tushetu Khan's musket is, he can't aim at it. Night is the best.


What they didn't expect was that the fire from the exploding shells and the raging fires caused by igniting the wooden houses would light up the night sky in a short period of time.

And the attacking crowd under the cover of night had nowhere to hide.

As the order was given, all fusiliers mounted their guns on the inner walls of the city wall and fired at any visible target.

The inner wall of the city wall is different from the outer wall. The outer wall has a horse face and crenellations. The inner wall is just a low wall of about one meter. After all, the city wall does not need to be defended inward.

The captain of the Wuyun Squadron is Wuyun. The cavalry army is accustomed to calling the troops by the name of the commander.

The Wuyun Squadron was the first all-Mongolian squad to be equipped with flintlock rifles. They were used to being proficient in bows and horses, but were very unfamiliar with the use of firearms.

However, they all know that this is a good thing. In the past, on the grasslands, they always looked at the firearms in the hands of the Han people with envy.

Now they finally got the weapon they imagined.

In the past year, they have switched from mainly using cavalry bows to mainly using flintlock cavalry rifles. The difference between cavalry lances and rifles is that the barrels are cut off. In order to make it easier to carry on horseback, the length and weight of rifles are

Greatly reduced. Named lance.

"Don't panic, everyone, just follow the training and trust your natural reactions." Wu Yun shouted loudly. Seeing that he was facing so many enemies, Wu Yun was a little worried.

This was the first time they used flintlock rifles and dismounted to fight the enemy. The opponent also had a large number of matchlocks. At this time, the sky was filled with the sound of both sides firing and the sound of bullets flying by.

On the roof opposite, there were flashes of fire from time to time. It was the merchant group who said that the musketeers were shooting at the inner wall of the city wall.

Wu Yun soon discovered that he had thought too much.

These little brats are not afraid of the dense enemies below.

They reloaded skillfully, and then waited for the light of the nearby shell explosion. They immediately raised their guns from behind the low wall, aimed at the enemy in the brightest place, and shot. Then they retreated behind the low wall again.

Every time someone shows up, draws a gun, or shoots, someone is bound to be knocked down.

Then, retract it and continue loading.

Fortunately, the cavalry rifle was short, otherwise the muzzleloader could only be loaded vertically. If you stand up at this time, your body will be exposed. This behavior is no different from committing suicide. The shooter on the opposite side is waiting for such a living target.

On the rooftops opposite and on both sides of the street, there were also a large number of arquebusiers. They were hiding in the shadows, waiting for opportunities to shoot the enemies on the low walls.

At this time, Beicheng seemed to be in a boiling pot. The shelling from outside the city never stopped. Every one or two minutes, more than a dozen shells must fall into Beicheng. An Sanxi used this low-intensity shelling to give instructions to the riflemen.


For half a year, they fired fifty to one hundred rounds of live ammunition every day, and practiced once every ten days. At this time, its value finally showed. These soldiers have long been numbed by training. They almost mechanically use infantry drills to do it.

Every action.

After each artillery fire lit up the night sky, the soldiers suddenly stood up and opened fire. The shouting soldiers of the merchant group were particularly eye-catching in the dark night. They did not know that this would reveal their position.

A group of people held up wooden shields and charged forward. As a result, a volley of gunfire was fired from the city wall. The people in front fell down like wheat blown down by the strong wind.

The wooden shield was useless at all and could not stop the steel-core bullets from mid-range. After the steel-core bullet penetrated the shield, it hit the person behind again. Although the person holding the shield in front fell, the person behind was exposed.

.Then the second round of volleys of gunfire came over, directly hitting the people behind who had no shields to cover them.

Each squad leader can flexibly make commands based on the current actual situation. On each street, there is an eleven-man gang responsible for blocking with volleys of guns. Others are free to shoot at the best targets.

Qin Donghai is one of the ten captains of the Fan family's retainers. He has one hundred sword and shield bearers, one hundred archers, and one hundred musketeers. They are equipped with the best muskets in the Ming Dynasty at this time - Lumi gun.

They were currently on the west city wall, rushing towards the north city wall.

At the corner of the city wall, there was a turret. At this time, a small team was stationed here, and a barricade-like fortification was piled with the dead corpses of the white guards to resist the attack of the defenders of the west city wall.

Seeing Qin Donghai leading his elite servants up the city wall, the guards from the merchant group above greeted him one after another.

"Master Qin, you personally led the team into battle."

"This is an elite servant of the Fan family. As soon as a fight breaks out, we will follow behind. We will definitely be able to defeat them."

The people around said all kinds of things.

After the North City Wall fell today, the merchant groups on the East and West City Walls immediately wanted to take back the North City Wall. However, the firepower from the opposite side made them feel frightened.

A camel cannon was hoisted opposite. This lightweight artillery soon appeared on the turret.

The location there is great, it is condescending and you can clearly see the situation of the business group.

Only a few solid rounds were fired to defeat their counterattack.

At this time, on the west city wall, a hundred sword and shield bearers were arranged in a tight formation and rushed towards the turret quickly.

The sword and shield soldiers rushed forward at this time. In this era, the sword and shield soldiers were elite soldiers. This is because the spear soldiers' equipment is cheap and the training is simpler than that of the sword and shield soldiers.

The tactical movements of the spear are only three moves: blocking, stabbing, and taking. They are used repeatedly and are used according to the actual situation. Civilians serve as spearmen. In an emergency, they can almost go into battle with a weapon.

The training of sword and shield soldiers is more complicated, and it usually takes two years to achieve some success. In terms of natural power, sword and shield soldiers can basically suppress the spear soldiers.

Everyone looked at Qin Donghai with envy as he had a large number of sword and shield soldiers. These were elite soldiers.

A common tactic in ancient wars was that the army would strike with bows and arrows before engaging in melee combat. Lancers without shields were often used as cannon fodder for one-time use.

Only elite infantry or veterans will be arranged as sword and shield soldiers or spear shield soldiers, and even more elite are cavalry and generals' personal soldiers. In addition, from an economic point of view, the iron and man-hours spent on one sword and shield can be used to build ten sets.

The above long gun.

"Brothers, Mr. Fan said that if you chop off a Tatar's head, you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver, which will be cashed in on the same day. Everyone, follow me and charge." Qin Donghai raised his arms and shouted.

When they heard that the reward was so generous, the people below blushed with excitement.

Ten taels of silver, this is not a small amount. Immediately, the morale was high, and the three hundred people rushed towards the opposite side with an indomitable momentum.

This chapter has been completed!
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