904, When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins.

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three red flares flew into the sky.

This was the signal for the artillery squadrons and machine gun squads on the hill to open fire.

Hou Shilu and Tian Guang looked at the sky in surprise.

This is a crazy thing, it looks like fireworks, but it obviously performs better.

Because it is broad daylight, the red signal flare can be seen clearly. It also draws an arc in the sky and maintains high brightness and high recognition.

"No, there's an ambush in the valley." Tian Guang's expression changed.

Although he didn't know it was a magical thing, his intuition told him that it was sending a signal. It was similar to the idea of ​​throwing a cup as a signal.

Hou Shilu was a little confused.

He rode his horse and stood on the top of the sand dam, looking at the mountain walls on both sides. The valley was made of rocks, made up of broken shale. It was bare in the winter, and some places were steep and some were several square meters.

The gently sloping platform.

Clusters of shrubs are scattered randomly in the gentle area.

There really is no way to hide an army here. Even if there is an ambush, where can they hide it?

Then, he heard a burst of gunshots, much more violent than before. It came from the end of the valley in the distance.

At this time, all 7,000 guardsmen had entered the valley, and more than 3,000 battalion soldiers were also entering Shaba.

Hou Shilu didn't have a telescope and couldn't see what was happening in the distance. However, the gunshots like exploding beans and the rising smoke still made him alert.

There's a fire ahead.

At this time, at the end of the valley, behind the last parapet, the first squad fired their salvo. Thirty-one lead bullets hit the swarming guard pacesetters head-on.

This time, the distance was only twenty meters, and all was carefully aimed.

The third generation of flintlock guns showed superior performance. Almost every shot hit the target, and some lead bullets even directly penetrated two or three people.

Because the lead bullets currently produced by the Xincheng Ammunition Factory are all lead-coated steel core bullets. After this change of equipment, the ammunition has also been changed. They are mainly used to deal with the heavily armored Jiannu infantry and Oara heavy cavalry.

These guardsmen only had a set of tattered mandarin duck jackets, as if they were not wearing armor. Some steel-core bullets directly penetrated the first person, and then continued to penetrate the second, or even the third person.

The narrow valley road limited the number of people in the cross-section. A maximum of thirty or forty people could be deployed here. The first salvo directly knocked down all the people in the first row.

The guardsmen in the first row and even the second row fell to the ground.

After the high-speed lead bullet enters the human body, it quickly loses its stability due to the combination of the two metals, and rolls directly in the flesh and tissue, pulling out a huge cavity. As long as it hits the torso, there is basically no possibility of survival.

Some steel-core bullets hit the limbs.

Because the caliber of muskets in this era was very large. The caliber of the third-generation flintlock gun was 15mm. The huge kinetic energy directly broke the arm. If it hit the thigh, half of the thigh meat would be taken away, causing severe blood loss.

Cui Hao of the Hundred Households was holding a waist knife and shouting loudly for his thirty-seven guard soldiers to charge. A volley of gunshots came from the opposite side, and his soldier was directly hit in the head.

The eight-petal iron helmet did not play any role. It directly opened a hole in the forehead, and then a big hole exploded from the back of the helmet. The red and white ones were sprayed out like tofu.

Cui Hao's heart trembled. He had never been in battle in his life. He was a hereditary member of a hundred households. At this time, the cruel battlefield in front of him scared him so much that his legs were weak and he was shaking like noodles. He really couldn't move.

After the first row of shooters finished shooting, they immediately turned around and threw the empty guns to the second row, then took the loaded guns from the second row's hands, turned around and continued to aim and shoot.

At this time, the second and third rows gave up the three-stage shooting, and the second and third rows changed to loading ammunition. The loaded guns were directly handed over to the first row for shooting.

The third-generation flintlock gun has a rate of fire of five rounds per minute. With two rows of guns loaded, it can fire once every three to four seconds on average.

Bang bang bang! Another volley.

The charging soldiers rolled to the ground again.

Bang bang bang! The third salvo. The fourth salvo.

The time interval of three or four seconds was too short, and the continuous and continuous firepower caused the guardsmen to be directly blinded. Their discipline was very poor, and they were forced to go out.

They were full of resentment to begin with, and if one of them hadn't been given a tael of silver and a few hearty meals before setting off, they would have mutinied and made trouble.

Now that they were suddenly hit by such fierce firepower, their livers and gallbladders were split with fright. All of them were running around like headless flies.

"Ready, fire!"

Each order was a volley of fire. The time interval was very short.

These chaotic crowds were once again stripped away.

At this time, even Hou Shilu and Tian Guang began to become suspicious. Are there really only more than a hundred fire gunmen here? With such dense firepower, it looks like there are five hundred fire gunmen.

"The first row keeps shooting, the second row reloads. The third row, throw three rounds of grenades." Li Jike gave the order.

The cavalry army has not relaxed its training on throwing grenades. This is the most important training item besides shooting. Shooting, throwing grenades, and stabbing are the three most important skills in infantry drills. All soldiers must meet the standards.

Those who fail to complete the training tasks will be beaten with a military stick, or even be removed from active service and transferred to a local military service station to become a reserve.

Yang Fan's formal soldier's salary is very high, and there are a lot of benefits for taking care of his family members. For example, arranging employment for relatives, etc. Therefore, everyone trains seriously, and no one wants to be dismissed. This means that their future is ruined.

The soldiers in the third row immediately put down their rifles and took out grenades from their belts. Each soldier had a cloth sleeve hanging on his belt that could hold four grenades.

Now the enemies in the front row were being beaten by the volley of guns and were running around. They wanted to run back, but they were blocked by the people behind. The people behind were not aware of the situation in front and were still squeezing forward. They suddenly huddled together.

The thirty-one people in the third row quickly threw ninety-three defensive grenades. These grenades were fragmentation-type.

Sparks of flames exploded in the crowd.

The violent explosion of the grenade caused the blood and flesh of the people around him to fly everywhere, and their limbs even fell to the mountains on both sides. A thigh fell from Luo Xiaohu's shelter pit.

Luo Xiaohu threw the leg out while cursing his bad luck.

The team leader was directing several people to move the muzzle of the gun to aim at the enemy targets in the valley.

Just now, during the time when the riflemen fired several volleys and then threw grenades, they were busy moving the muzzle, lowering the angle of depression, and aiming at the enemy soldiers filling the valley.

Ninety-three grenades were thrown directly into the middle and front of the enemy's team. The farthest grenade was thrown seventy meters and directly hit the helmet of a Qianhu.

Qianhu groaned, subconsciously picked it up with his hand, and a smoking wooden handle grenade fell into his hand.

He looked at this thing strangely. Before he could understand what it was, there was a loud bang. The grenade exploded.

The huge explosion directly broke Qianhu's waist. Dense fragments swept across a radius of ten meters. A group of officers around him were hit by shrapnel on the head and shoulders, and fell down screaming.

This chapter has been completed!
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