822 Overturn the ruling(4K)

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 Fang Zhuo knew what Aoniu was doing in an informal interview.

From last month to now, Summers and others have contributed a lot of heat to the discussion of patent disputes. The intense patent litigation for smartphones that started last year has continued into a melee this year.

The top ten manufacturers in the industry have all been involved in lawsuits to one degree or another. The appearance of giants like Microsoft has attracted more attention. The Yike short squeeze incident that attracted global attention in April not only shocked the financial circle, but also caused public opinion against patent trolls to become rampant.

This is the industry development card proposed by our own side. As for the financial supervision card proposed by Aoniuxin, which is also in line with the background of the times, both of them are strengthening the rationality of that official document.

After all, this official document is related to violent fluctuations of tens of billions of dollars.

On the way back to Shanghai from Luzhou, although they were still riding in the same car, both Fang Zhuo and Philip lost interest in communicating, and they both looked forward to the eventual explosion.

Eastern Time ends on Saturday. As expected, all the retail investors that can be seen now are in disarray. They have lost the basis of mass fanatical public opinion. Simple judgments have returned to cognition - YIKE's stock price is going to collapse.


It doesn't matter whether the original collapse happened or not. Being able to retaliate against the organization is the biggest goal. The problem is that if you can guarantee not to run away now, can others not run away when they see this situation? Rather than letting others run away, it's better to run away yourself!

At 8 o'clock on Sunday night in China, Fang Zhuo talked about this prisoner's dilemma in a phone call with Kong Yu.

Not only retail investors, but also some small and medium-sized institutions that took advantage of the rising market to rush in.

Kong Yu has an institutional vest. From yesterday to today, the message conveyed by the vest is that all the small and medium-sized institutions that can be contacted have a resolute attitude towards long positions in this round. They will never run away, and the group short squeeze will definitely continue.

Go on! YIKE stock price can achieve greater glory again!

The firmer this attitude is, the more you have to listen to what you say. Make a fortune in a low voice, and persuade them to come with a loud voice.

"Mr. Fang, I heard from Lu Peining that the SEC is preparing to prosecute Goldman Sachs and more than a dozen banks, and the battle between the members is very fierce." Kong Yu can feel the widespread calls for financial regulatory reform in Washington.

"This is a game that affects the entire industry. We are just small shrimps, just letting Aoniu take advantage of the trend." Fang Zhuo's life in Shanghai is calm, but he can imagine the rough waves on the other side of the ocean.

Next month, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, BB&A; T are ordered to return the TARP Distressed Asset Relief Fund, which has a cash scale of up to 50 to 60 billion U.S. dollars. This is the money that was previously borrowed for fear of bankruptcy, and now it has to be repaid.


By the end of the year, TARP will still have at least hundreds of billions of dollars to recover.

"The relationship between Washington and Wall Street is becoming increasingly tense." Kong Yu said his observation.

From New York to Washington, especially after many days of contact with Lu Peining and others, he had a new feeling that he had never had before, and a new perspective on financial cognition.

Before Aoniu was not Aoniu, Goldman Sachs and other forces were a great help to him. Now the general trend has forced him to compete with them. The big one is industry supervision. The small one is that this week, two economic experts from Goldman Sachs have left Baidu.

Leave the house.

Fang Zhuo gave important instructions: "So, we must do small things well."

Customers have to be busy with many big things, so try to be perfect in small things. Once you have small things in mind, let's talk about big things with everyone.

Dual Time Zone Warrior is back online, paying attention to the movements of institutions, retail investors, and the media.

The behavior of retail investors grouping together to squeeze short positions is cool and trendy, but the ending of collapse is also the argument that has gained mainstream support this week. Now that it has finally arrived as promised, it makes people feel a little inexplicable regretful.

The excitement came to an end, and the price of the short squeeze was finally borne by Yike Company, which stirred up the situation.

Sunday Eastern Time was spent in a dull manner. The much-watched head of Yike did not speak out again, which made many people feel relieved. It seemed that there was no way to save the day, but they were always afraid of Mr. Fang.

How to open a forum.

The tragedy of the last round of short squeeze still has its shadow today.

This time, the king of retail investors also broke out in a cold sweat with his unique ideas.

However, in ancient times, the prime minister's star fell from Wuzhangyuan, and on Monday, Mr. Fang was defeated and the formation was empty.

There is still one hour before the market opens at 9:30 a.m. in New York on Monday, and it is 8:30 a.m. on Monday night in Shanghai.

Fang Zhuo was quietly waiting for the news to come out at Hang Lung 23. Lu Peining and the others finally decided to veto it today.

Twitter's data migration has not yet been completed, Freetrade has been under review, and websites such as Godie have suspended services. Even because of the changes in the past two days, Yike's large and small partners in the United States have also experienced unstable performance. On the table

Mobile phone vibration.

Another unfamiliar number from the United States.

Fang Zhuo has become accustomed to this kind of call pattern, and he estimates that in a few years there may be scam calls.

"In half an hour, Trade Representative Froman will hold a press conference in the East Wing office." Lu Peining was not harsh on the phone this time, and said very calmly and straightforwardly, "Apple has also organized a press conference on the office.

Lobbying vigorously, this would be the first overturn of an ITC ruling since 1987."

Then, his voice paused for a while, and he had to say regretfully: "Because of Apple's actions, the press conference has to be held."

Fang Zhuo frowned, is there any change?

"We have to talk about Apple first, and then Yike." Lu Peining didn't hear Mr. Fang's response and thought he had misunderstood his joke. He added, "9 minutes are left for Apple during the press conference, and only 1 for Yike."


"You, you, I'm so nervous here." Fang Zhuo casually pulled out a document, leaned back, put his legs on the table, and answered the phone while scanning the latest investment data of the service alliance.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, the SEC will pass the 'Yike Regulations' within this week, completely turning the temporary ban on naked short selling into a permanent ban." Lu Peining mentioned something that had been reported last month.

This is a measure related to financial derivatives under the financial regulatory reform. Fang Zhuo does not mind leaving traces in this way, but I don’t know how long this strengthening of supervision will last, five years or ten years?

Lu Peining said seriously: "Yesterday, I talked with him about the public sentiment reflected in the short squeeze by retail investors. He also agreed that this can increase the value of assets so much at one time, which shows that there is indeed a need to strengthen supervision."

Fang Zhuo wasn't sure if this was a joke.

Aoniu: Because I earned so much at once, there must be a serious problem with financial supervision.

This kind of thinking is not wrong. The public belongs to the public, and the private belongs to the private.

Lu Peining continued: "The next period of time will focus on the regulatory game, and I don't know if there is similar experience in Europe for comparison."

Fang Zhuo followed suit: "Then let Mr. Kong come back and rest for a while, and then go to Europe to see the differences in the financial field. After all, he is a front-line worker and can always have a deeper understanding."

Lu Peining immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, you have to pay more to Mr. Kong quickly, otherwise, there may be a Wall Street executive salary limit order this year." These are reform measures currently being brewed.

Lu Peining finally asked a question: "Mr. Fang, when will you come to the United States?"

Fang Zhuo did not shirk this time and expressed his worries sincerely: "It depends on when the matter will calm down. I love holding press conferences in person. This time I can only release them online. It is a pity.


"In this regard, Summers will talk to Carlyle afterwards." Lu Peining is not a person who cares about the beginning and the end. In particular, the MIGA funds are so tossing that people can't put them down. "MIGA's disposal of non-performing assets also requires

Let’s talk about it again. In fact, it’s best if you come over and don’t have to worry about safety issues.” Lu Peining believes that the size of the shareholders of the company that handles non-performing assets can be expanded by MIGA funds, which will not only increase the required disposal funds, but also ease tense relations and speed up financial recovery.

speed, this is not a win-win situation, what is a win-win situation?

In addition to this aspect, there are many ways to repair the relationship between each other. Strengthening supervision is strengthening supervision. There are also small things under the big level. Things do not have to be black and white.

He also comforted: "Besides, I listen to

Saying that John Paulson kept shorting Yike this time and attracted a large amount of funds, but secretly also used Freetrade to be long Yike? His behavior is even more infuriating and will be the focus."

This is internal data from Freetrade. It is the identity information that Kong Yu retrieved last night during his self-examination and self-correction in response to SEC review requirements. It is indeed a stock transaction of the "King of Short Sellers".

Even Fang Zhuo suddenly had nothing to say.

He paused for a few seconds and remained cautious: "After today is over, we will see the situation."

Judging from Lu Paning's arrangement, Summers, who was used by the Carlyle Group to persuade him last time, has changed his direction this time and is going to ease Carlyle. There will also be a series of exchanges of interests. As for the more effects, etc., there is always no problem.


If Lu Peining and others can provide after-sales warranty, the money will not be in vain.

"Okay, Mr. Fang, let's wait for the press conference first. Twitter will also check the data migration situation today. It is best to restore it during the session." Lu Peining did not forget to care about retail investors.

Fang Zhuo put his cell phone on the table and went through the contents of the call in his mind.

Just as he picked up the documents again, the intercom phone on the table rang. It was Phillip who wanted to come to the president's office.

Fang Zhuo agreed, and soon saw a calm-looking Phillip opening the door and coming in.

"Philip, when are you going back to the United States?" Fang Zhuo gestured to his friend to pour tea or coffee, and then said, "When you go back this time, you should also take back the guy who exposed your Goldman Sachs violations on the live broadcast. He is always there.

It’s not a problem for me here either.”

After the last round of short squeeze, Mount was still stranded in Yike. He accused Goldman Sachs of breaking the law in front of a global audience. Fang Zhuo has already transferred the evidence in his hand to the SEC, but Mount has been unwilling to go back.

Just hang out at Hang Lung 23 event.

In this few months, Mount became familiar with everyone at Yi Ke's level, and was even given the nicknames "Bankrupt Mount" and "Brave Mount".

Phillip frowned and promised: "I will find someone to handle it."

He didn't make coffee. When he saw the table in front of Mr. Fang filled with documents, he said sincerely: "Mr. Fang, even if Yike encounters setbacks, your other companies will still succeed."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "Philip, Yike also has the Chinese market." "There is only the Chinese market." Philip said with certainty, and persuaded again, "But ice core now has many global customers, and its potential is not

It is inferior to Yike, and its listing prospect is far superior to SMIC.”

"I also hope that Ice Core will be better. The listing of Ice Core in the future will require more help from Goldman Sachs." Fang Zhuo has a good attitude. "As for other things, business always involves cooperation and competition. I actually don't blame you in my heart."

Philip's respect arose spontaneously. Look at Mr. Fang's demeanor!

He is indeed the second best CEO in the world!

This time it was just a non-war crime, and the financial methods of Yike, a mobile phone company, are already quite amazing.

However, off-site means are also means, and things can never be isolated and static only at the financial level.

Philip sighed: "Mr. Fang, I don't know what other people think. Even if Goldman Sachs suffered a run last month, I think it is normal market behavior. I admire you and I don't blame you."

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly: "Nonsense, your Goldman Sachs made some money in the last round, why should you blame me?"

Philip then sat down and said, "That's what it means. I admire Mr. Fang very much."

"Business competition has always been ruthless. Hey, forget it, let's shake hands." Fang Zhuo had no intention of getting up, but stretched out his right hand. If he didn't shake it now, he might not be able to shake it in the future.

Phillip stood up quickly. No wonder Mr. Fang still had his legs on the table. If it were him, he would have lost his temper and become hysterical.

The two shook hands sympathetically. Philip admired Mr. Fang's demeanor.

Fang Zhuo also appreciates the professional style of Goldman Sachs represented by Philip.

However, just as Phillip was about to sit down again, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated crazily.

Phillip took out his mobile phone, and for some reason his heart beat faster.

, he pressed the answer button and received the latest news from his American colleagues.

"On behalf of White House, Froman overturned the ITC's ban on Apple and Yike! Overturned! The ban on sales has been overturned!!"

Phillip was stunned. Huh? Huh!

He subconsciously looked at Mr. Fang behind his desk and repeated the latest news: "The ITC's ban on Apple and Yike has been overturned."

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly jumped up from his seat and asked loudly and in surprise: "What? What did you say? What overthrow? I didn't hear clearly!"

Philip subconsciously repeated it again.

"Ah? Overturned? Apple and Yike? I've said it before, I've said it before! Nokia is a patent troll, hindering the development of the industry! I've said it a long time ago, right!" Fang Zhuo gritted his teeth.

, shouting with arms raised. This is a just overthrow that is conducive to the development of the industry!

Phillip looked at this scene in the CEO's office, and finally recalled the news from the United States in his mind.

He clutched the phone tightly and looked at Mr. Fang with an excited expression, and a sentence suddenly came to his mind uncontrollably.

Stop pretending!

I don’t know what’s going on, but Mr. Fang, stop pretending!

This chapter has been completed!
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