832 Be careful(4k)

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 Fang Zhuo's main purpose of coming to Lai'an to attend the conference this time is to meet old friends and to promote the development of Sina Weibo.

Whether Weibo was reincarnated after being acquired by Friends.com, or whether it was cutting into users' usage time through social networking, it is now a thorn in Penguin's side.

On the surface, Fang Zhuoming wants to establish Weibo's strategic development position in the mobile Internet era, but secretly, his strategic attack is a head-on collision in the communications field.

Of course, the former is also considered useful information at Internet industry symposiums. In addition to Penguin, Weibo can be used as a model for mobile Internet, which should be inspiring to many people.

As for Baidu, which is also attending this year, it has just upgraded its bidding ranking to the Phoenix Nest system. It is too easy to make money now and the track is too invincible. It is probably unwilling to take a serious look at the mobile Internet.

On June 4, the Internet Industry Symposium officially began.

Yesterday, a group of people unanimously chose to go on a night tour of the West Lake. However, Fang Zhuo was very late discussing the planning of Lin'an No. 2 Factory with his boss, so he did not enjoy such leisurely relaxation. He could only make an appointment for a cruise before the meeting started the next day.


He did not take the stage that day, but watched Kai-fu Lee, who announced his departure from Google, Li Guoqing, who had transformed into an angel investor, Zhang Chaoyang, the founder of the old portal website, Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360 Company, and others share their views on the current development of the industry.

Originally, the meeting planned to arrange for Mr. Fang to be the last guest on stage today, but in the end it was Wang Xing, the president of Weibo whom he strongly recommended, who came on stage to talk about the most popular Internet social platform.

The Xiaonei network was upgraded to a friend network, and he changed the track to take charge of Weibo. In addition, part of the company's team came from Sina Blog. Wang Xing, who has learned from experience and lessons, is already a veteran in domestic social networking. He talked on stage without looking at anything.

He looked like he was clenching his fists and wanting to kill someone yesterday.

Wang Xing was talking about practical information, but many people's attention was focused on Mr. Fang in the audience. Here is the school network, and there is the Penguin dating network.

Make a Sina Weibo here, and a Penguin Weibo over there.

Everyone can see that the two sides are really at loggerheads. Going back further, there is also a battle for China's number one portal.

However, in the second half of the social battle, Weibo was clearly dominant, which also contributed to the high-spiritedness of the king on the stage, the frequent nodding of the CEO below the stage, and the indifferent expression of the penguin horse.

As the end of today's meeting, Wang Xing concluded meaningfully: "As the saying goes, Tao is impermanent. I will shout out that slogan again, hoping to create the most dynamic social media platform in China."

He once said something similar when he was on a friend network, and this time "again" was like a little arrow of "biubiubiu" flying straight to Penguin's senior executives.

Warm applause erupted from the shores of West Lake.

This was not only applause for watching the excitement, but also recognition of the development of Weibo. No matter what, today's Weibo does have the ability to attract Penguin's attention. Wang Xing walked off the stage in high spirits and sat next to Mr. Fang.

This is a picture that he never dared to imagine a few years ago, but today it has truly come true.

The leader of Lin'an finally picked up the microphone and made a concise greeting, not wanting to delay the social activities of the entrepreneurs.

However, Fang Zhuo, who had not made a formal speech all day, stood up and yelled: "I will pay for the boat trip on the lake tonight!" The venue was filled with cheers and a cheerful atmosphere. The former world's richest man paid the bill. You have to give it a try.

What does it feel like? Under all the noise, Penguin's senior management team is very quiet, even a little dead.

Ma Huateng and Fang Zhuo are both heads, but they have different personalities. The former cannot do such impromptu things.

However, even if there is an element of liveliness and nonsense, Mr. Fang's response to everything is somewhat unpleasant, and it is inevitable to think of what he said yesterday, "Penguin's reputation in the industry in the past two years may be under siege."

Liu Chiping's emotions were a little surging. If he was really besieged, then Mr. Fang would be among them. He must be the one who messed with my penguin. "Let's go eat and go to the lake in the evening." Ma Huateng stood up and said this.


Liu Chiping, Xu Chenye and others all looked at the leader in surprise.

Ma Huateng smiled slightly and said calmly: "What are you looking at? It's not Mr. Fang."

Do you want to pay?" The penguins stood up and looked at each other with a smile.

Legion morale +1+1+1.

On a night tour of the lake, boats, yachts, self-propelled boats, leisure boats, and self-propelled rowing boats carrying corporate teams were rippling on the water. Fang Zhuo breathed in the air of his hometown, looked at the lake at night, and felt extremely relaxed.

Wang Yan was joking, Dongzi was peeling oranges, Ah Xing was making tea, Brother Wang was spitting melon seed peels into the lake... and so on!

"Wang Fengyi, you are so low-quality. This is the West Lake, not the Huangpu River." Fang Zhuo was a little angry, "Can you protect the environment?" Wang Fengyi smiled and gave Mr. Fang a handful of melon seeds. He was angry when he didn't accept it.

of retracted pockets.

He took a cup of tea from Wang Xing and talked about today's Internet videos: "When will Youku and Tudou become profitable?"

Liu Qiangdong replied casually: "It doesn't look easy. They must be going to be listed abroad. Oh, yes, Youku's Gu Yongqiang did not come this time. I heard that it was because Zhang Chaoyang was present."

"This video website is really a bit like Sohu's civil war." Wang Yan said with emotion.

The founder of Youku, Gu Yongqiang, was the former president and chief operating officer of Sohu, Chen Hanze, the editor-in-chief of Tudou, Li Shanyou, the former assistant editor-in-chief of Sohu, and the CEO of Ku6.com, and the former senior vice president and editor-in-chief of Sohu.

There are also Wang Jianjun, CEO of Wile.com, and Zeng Fuhu and Liu Yan, vice presidents of Antenna Video, all of whom came from Sohu. These Sohu executives plunged into the video field, just to compete.

As Fang Zhuo listened to them chatting about Whampoa Military Academy-style Sohu, he knew that there was another person who was also from Sohu who had not yet joined the game. He was Gong Yu who had left and joined Baidu. This person was the founder of iQiyi.

While Wang Yan was chatting, he suddenly turned around and asked his boss: "Mr. Fang, I heard that Zhang Chaoyang and Gu Yongqiang had a falling out and are going to sue for copyright. Is it true or not?"

"I saw Zhang Chaoyang's boat just now. Drive faster and I'll ask you in person." Fang Zhuo went forward to look for traces of the cruise ship. "No, just chatting." Wang Yan was just gossiping in private.

Fang Zhuo had already seen Sohu's ship, which was a little far away from him.

He directly raised his voice and shouted: "Hey, Zhang Chaoyang, Wang Yan let me..." His voice made Wang Yan's skin crawl.

Fang always became more and more unscrupulous, but he still wanted to be embarrassed.

Wang Yan quickly grabbed the conversation and shouted loudly at Sohu's boat: "Mr. Zhang, Sina wants to cooperate with Sohu, can you come?" With this shout, people from the surrounding cruise ships came one after another to explore.

Come out, or all the ears in the cruise ship stood up. Zhang Chaoyang was called by name, stood on the bow of the ship, and responded loudly: "Okay, you come to my ship to talk."

Wang Yan shrank back and said helplessly: "Full rudder, full speed ahead, I'm going to talk to Mr. Zhang about cooperation."

Soon, the two cruise ships reunited smoothly, and Wang Yan carefully jumped onto Sohu's cruise ship. He had cooperation to discuss, and most of the reasons were negotiated by the boss.

Yike promotes the Android system + YMS ecosystem in China, and the latter can fill in many links according to the gourd picture. For example, mobile phone search.

Wang Yan talked with his boss. He hoped that YMS could have a greater say, and Sogou, a subsidiary of Sohu, was a good choice compared to Baidu.

From PC to mobile, many fields have redrawn the starting line.

"Let's go ahead and let them talk." Fang Zhuo calmly ordered, and the cruise ship bid farewell to Sohu.

As if inspired by this expressive nature, shouts could be heard from time to time on the lake, which was unique and had a different flavor. "Mr. Fang, the people from Nokia are already in Shanghai and are coming to Lin'an." Secretary.

Liu Zonghong reported the latest news.

"Quite persistent." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"The company has already expressed its refusal to negotiate, but Nokia CEO Simons still wants to come, hoping that we can have a sincere talk," Liu Zonghong said.

Fang Zhuo remained silent. We need to talk, but when we talk and with whom we talk can still make a difference.

Although the United States

The government has expressed its attitude towards promoting patent settlement in the mobile phone industry, but Nokia has now lost the initiative.

If Yike insists on not withdrawing the lawsuit, it will be difficult for Nokia to be completely sure that the ITC will issue a ruling not to ban the sale, and it will also be difficult for Nokia to have the confidence to obtain administrative intervention.

It can trust the current stance of the U.S. administration, but if something goes wrong, it will be the end of the world. Who knows if there will be someone behind the scenes?

Therefore, this is the reason why Simmons insists on coming to visit. He is unwilling to take a gamble and still wants to completely eliminate the risk.

Fang Zhuo is very aware of Nokia's mentality and suspects that as long as it is catalyzed by pressure, we can see a more anticipated scene. "Simons and the others will not come to block our symposium, will they reach this low?"

Liu Zonghong gave his own judgment: "It may not be impossible."

Fang Zhuo thought about the situation in front of him, and suddenly saw Qingzi on the boat in front of him. At the same time, Qingzi also saw himself.

Then Qingzi and Accountant Jia swam away quickly on their self-propelled boat. "You worked really hard." Fang Zhuo sighed.

Liu Zonghong nodded and said, "Yes, Simmons and the others are working very hard this time. The patent licensing will definitely be easy to negotiate."

"No, I mean, Qingzi is avoiding me, hey, he is avoiding me." Fang Zhuo pointed to the ship getting further and further away under the moonlight, which was a little funny. Several people on the ship looked sideways, thinking in their hearts

It’s the same. It’s normal for Qingzi to always hide from the boss. After all, Dangdang was killed.

"What can we do?" Fang Zhuo shook his head and said, "It's okay for Simmons and the others to come to An'an. It's not appropriate to block the venue. They can meet and scold Simmons. You can invite Dr. Wang Jian over. He is at Microsoft China Research

He has been in the hospital for such a long time, and this time it just serves as a lubricant. I will talk to him about cloud computing by the way."

Liu Zonghong remembered the second piece of news in his mind: "Mr. Kong has taken off from New York on his newly purchased private plane and will arrive in Shanghai at dawn." Fang Zhuo's eyes lit up and the gasoline man got on the plane. This was not a big deal.

Got beaten down.

Washington is quite particular about it, and Mr. Kong can continue to perform well in the future.

"Paulson, he is in big trouble now. One is the compliance of his fund's short-selling Yike this time, and the other is the junk CDO production he conspired with Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis last year." Liu Zonghong said in a straight tone,

"Goldman Sachs said that Paulson violated regulations at the time, and Paulson testified that Goldman Sachs deliberately charged high fees and lowered the threshold. The two sides are blaming each other, which has caused a wave of public opinion."

Goldman Sachs and Xiaobao are at odds?

Fang Zhuo could only feel in two words: "It's miserable..."

He shook his head: "Mr. Kong, don't come over after landing. He has been in the United States for a long time this time and needs to spend more time with his family."

Gasoline Man was under a lot of pressure from beginning to end. He also encountered a car accident and a shooting. He had already dedicated all his love for finance. Boom.

The cruise ship was rear-ended.

Several people looked back and saw that it was Penguin's boat.

"Where's Pony?" Fang Zhuo glanced over, but didn't see the real owner.

Penguin President Liu Chiping jumped over and said, "Pony is at Baidu and happened to meet Mr. Fang to thank Mr. Fang for paying the bill." "You're welcome, Martin." Fang Zhuo gestured to pour tea.

Liu Chiping glanced at the people on the boat and expressed his personal attitude tactfully: "Mr. Fang, I have also been watching Yike's long-short game in the past two months. I have to say that although I am very grateful for that experience at Goldman Sachs, I also

I admire Yi Ke’s comeback this time, as Goldman Sachs and others all came back defeated.”

Fang Zhuo smiled, having become immune to hearing similar words recently.

Liu Chiping was silent for a while and then said: "Mr. Xu and I discussed the content of the portal website and we both agreed that this matter should be reported more rigorously."

The most important thing is that Mr. Fang won the financial battle.

"Martin, I hope that next time you attack me in such a private setting, and then apologize to me on the portal, instead of the other way around." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "If I understand correctly."

Liu Chiping: ""

"This happens to be an opportunity for communication. I want to say it honestly, Penguin

Do you need to reflect on your behavior?" Fang Zhuo said gently without worrying about the portal reports.

It is difficult for Liu Chiping to agree to this kind of reflection and persuasion. What about you, Mr. Fang? Are the behind-the-scenes transactions accused by the Wall Street Journal and other American media really fiction? Who needs to reflect?

Fang Zhuo looked at the Penguin CEO in front of him and said sincerely: "Even I have a better reputation than you Penguin. Mr. Fang, you, you..."

Liu Chiping suddenly felt the charm of the former world's richest man, so sincere!

He was silent for a while and then said: "Mr. Fang, I still think that the legitimate development of the company should not be overloaded with moral sentiments." Fang Zhuo stretched out his right hand.

Liu Chiping subconsciously leaned forward and shook the head of Yike.

"I just came from my thoughts on the West Lake. I am a person who likes to study business development." Fang Zhuo smiled and let go, "Be careful, Yike is here."

Liu Chiping's heart tightened, and he suddenly felt the sincere reminder from the former world's richest man under the moonlight. It's so dangerous!

This chapter has been completed!
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