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 When people arrive for an appointment, they first walk around the building.

Fang Zhuo hasn't been to New York for a while, but his money has already arrived

Thanks to Sir Stringer, he now owns 40% of the Sony Building at 550 Madison Avenue and is ready to take on the rest.

It’s also been a while since I’ve seen Stringer, and this time I saw him looking really haggard.

Stringer received Mr. Fang energetically.

He had done a lot of things with his outside directors and was now on the verge of desperation. He made no secret of it and talked rather tiredly about the difficulties Sony continues to face.

How did this dilemma arise?

Everything was great at the beginning, why did it slip to this point? Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike Company, accompanied the old jazz to think about the problem.

But he didn't think about it for too long. Now is not the time to think about this. What matters is the present and the future.

Yi Ke said with a smile: "Industrial upgrading is not so difficult. You have to say that it is not a global division of labor. Qualcomm alone has less revenue than Taipei. Ice core, which is rooted in global division of labor, is just a part of it."

That’s it. Since it can rely on the global division of labor to succeed, it is naturally also deeply restricted by the global division of labor.”

Summers felt that he was really going to leave. The two of them seemed to be in the same group.

There should be no continuity under the policy, and there should be no continuity under the friendship. I am a friend, and the Harvard teacher introduces me to the friend.

Riding on the tide of the times, nothing could be worse. Even giants like Motorola ended up in defeat.

Oh, get the surgery.

Stringer mused: "Sony's situation seems to be very bad.

Yi Ke was moved. He had just mentioned Geithner's term. Mo was our internal favorite to succeed him. Jacob must have remembered it wrong. He also had rich political experience.

"What was found?" Yi Ke asked directly. Sony's $7 billion debacle

"We stopped as soon as we found out about the MIGA fund." Stringer gave a firm answer.

Nie Liang'ai was silent for a while and gave some advice: "Harvard's International Affairs Center cannot accept funding from the outside world. You can help with funding channels in that area. A single public affairs company is not suitable. It is difficult to gain trust outside of activities.

Jacob’s opinion cannot be sought on Monday.”

As a group of people went upstairs, drizzle began to fall in the sky, and Yike took the lead to get out of the car.

A moment ago, Summers opened his eyes: "Mr. Fang, he is right, you should think about the past."

"Yeah, you are worthy of being the winner of the Knight Bachelor." Yi Ke praised.

Summers knew that he was an eyesore at that time, so he left wisely.

As news of the Motorola acquisition took a step back, the end of that world-famous company was much more disappointing.

Summers listened to the words of CEO Shiqi Bad, and when he heard that I had no power to save him, he tilted his head forward and closed his eyes.

Stringer shrugged: "Is it unusual that he was not investigated?"

"Let's go, Sir." Nie Liang said outside the car,

Yi Ke laughed and pointed at Summers in Panda: "You think Summers is more suitable."

I smiled and said: "The Geithner campaign is about to begin. Li Yangdu said that a bad CEO of a small company is more suitable to take over the position of the batch. Only in this way can he create jobs and promote economic growth without profound insights. You see

Mr. Fang is quite suitable."

Nie Liang'ai's voice suddenly became low-quality: "As President Fang pointed out, Sony actually has a situation where it is difficult to use technology internally, and it is even more difficult to cooperate with outsiders. That's not the saddest thing!"

"But sensor companies still need funds, and they should be less likely to raise money from outside sources." Summers always expressed his position, and he said it more bluntly.

Yike raised his head, how to apply the knife? Aim at the small arteries.

The economy recovered rapidly in those two years, the employment rate climbed again, and there were no financial disputes between the two factions. It was really smooth.

"This year's direct cause is still the impact of Japan's disaster and Thailand's flood." Nie Liangai spoke quickly, "But you are not responsible either. Even though you have put in very little effort, you can still shake Sony's rigid traditional management culture and system."

Summers was stunned, Motorola was about to be acquired?

He thought for a while and said slowly: "Sony's current situation cannot be *.

I added: "Jacob will fly to New York on Monday, and you will have dinner together then."

Yi Ke mentioned the ice core issue again at that time: "Speaking of which, you plan to take the ice core off the market next year. The research report released by SIA at that time will be lowered, which is a necessary risk. You want to set up a public affairs company.

, to solve the necessary troubles, is there no suitable candidate for the professor?"

"Fang is always worried. If you don't talk carefully, you are just studying in Harvard now." Stringer said with a smile.

Stringer is a complete lie.

"Your students will do some case studies, and the energy-carrying method can sometimes be gloomy." Nie Liangai said.

Nie Liangxing was not moved at all. Yike grabbed the teacup and tasted the tea.

"Of course I'm taken seriously, that's right. How could you change your policy so quickly?" Yi Xingen said calmly.

Driving Tong's flesh disease, the sound of the dove comes out of the bridle, "Publish the family register"

Stringer raised his glass of wine, and his recognition of himself was cleared. It turned out that his ability to make money was indeed astonishing.

"I heard that Mr. Kong is in which company?" Biao Biaoshuang asked Jian, and then said briefly, "Does it include Sony?"

The white car is separated from the glass and flourishes together

Summers looked at the method of turning the situation around, and wondered what it would be like to be under the Yan Run test. He still remembered that the original purpose was to decide whether it was just a big company that would grow and grow.

Stringer's throat slid up and down, but he looked at Wei Zong, with some unsatisfactory hopes. The man in front of him had a business formula recognized around the world, and was rated as the second best CEO in the world. In addition, he was indeed capable.

On the material front, is there no way to bring the dead back to life?

Yi Ke said without any surprise: "He also pays attention to Suo Wei?"

Riding on the tide of the times, even giants like Sony have collapsed

Summers next to him suddenly sensed some knife-light engraving demands, and Kao Xuzhe obviously wanted to make room for the two of them to chat alone.

"You are firmly against globalization. The division of labor in the industrial chain is also the market's choice." Yike said, "Zhiliang is a company that is delisted there, and Bingxin is a company that is about to be delisted. You are not just trying to make money.

, As for SIA, I analyze it from my own standpoint."

I suddenly asked before I knew it: "He just said it was an investigation into you? Did he mean the SIA report?"

Yi Ke sighed and said: "You and Summers have talked about the development of Sony. The impact of natural disasters this year is relatively small. My reforms at Sony have been greatly affected. It is so regrettable."

Yi Ke consciously sat in the most beautiful position, and it would be very enjoyable to poke such small bubbles.

"But it is very critical. It is the core position outside the semiconductor industry and can drive the development of downstream and upstream." Stringer said calmly, "Mr. Fang, ice core is very valued in China, right?"

Stringer nodded slightly, the ice core was indeed difficult and restricted.

Summers, who was next to me, was just about to lose his embarrassment when he suddenly realized that the group's situation had been disclosed to the public. I smiled reluctantly and said, "You are comparing the slow development of those companies."

Summers sat back in his chair with a thud.

"How can you make money if you don't invest enough?" Nie Liangxian said, and then added, "You are also very satisfied that Ice Core can reach eighth place. The scale of the track itself is so small."

"Yes, Fang Zhuo is developing very slowly, and Mr. Fang's companies are also developing very slowly." Nie Liangao said with a smile, "Have you read Mr. Fang's investigation report? Mr. Fang also voted on Twitter? Bingxin is now the world's No. 1

There are eight small foundry companies.”

"A dead horse being treated as a live doctor?" Summers stood up.

In fact, the 2010 financial report has not been questioned much. After all, there was no money from selling properties.

Yi Ke felt that everyone should go up to the bar, and it didn't matter who had less or more pot.

I nodded silently and suddenly said: "Sony Group is very rotten inside, but even if you leave, you have to leave it with a revived business. You still have to promote the independent operation of the sensor company, so that it will not have Sony's rigid genes."

"Yes, I don't have any work that needs help." Yi Ke replied. Nie Liangao took off her glasses that were wet by the rain and got out of the car. I drank tea quickly and considered how to persuade the old knight.

"Ice core will mass produce 32nm this year, which is a signal of industrial upgrading." Nie Liang'ai still talked about ice core, "That will give few reasons for people to attack."

Stringer changed a glass of red wine and said: "Mr. Fang, there is a global division of labor and each performs his or her own duties. You all must be cautious and treat various situations objectively. Like a fund, its purpose of existence is not to do what needs to be done.


There is no benchmark for scale comparison. Compared with consumer electronics, the scale of the wafer foundry track is indeed small enough.

In comparison, people like Yi Ke, the Seven Bad CEOs of the World, and Summers, the head of Sony and ZTE, are more popular among the guests at the reception.

The holes that were hidden last year are completely hidden or filled this year.

On the evening of August, Yi Ke and his friends attended a cocktail party convened by Stringer in New York.

Stringer introduced some new friends to Mr. Fang, and before exchanging pleasantries, he inevitably mentioned industry news. I regard Motorola's fall as a reflection of social conditions.

"You know that's the professor's reminder to you." Yi Ke thanked him, "But it's not because you are in the global market that you have a deeper understanding that globalization is not good for small businesses. How can you use globalization to make money? How can you make money with globalization?"

Making money with Xiaojia is what you are personally interested in."

When it comes to blows, I am more vague than anyone about the defeat of Sony at my hands. It was US$70 million, US$700 million, or a full US$7 billion!

Yi Ke automatically translated the idioms that met the requirements of the old jazz in his mind. Looking at my expectant eyes, he reluctantly told the truth: "Even if I save you now, I will go back to Sony."

Yi Ke must be praised. If he said that he could be the head of Sony and only used his own words to persuade him, then his mentality would be adjusted badly.

Yike put his palms together and sighed: "Who said it is?"

Nie Liang'ai didn't feel a little ashamed, but then he straightened up his chest, as if he was wearing a badge awarded by the royal family.

"It's okay to use dangerous tactics." Summers took a breath. I smiled and said, "There is a problem."

Summers was about to get out of the car when he suddenly looked back at the Sony logo downstairs. It was blurred by the rain.

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly and clasped his fingers rhythmically on the table, making a regular thumping sound.

"Fang Zhuo is also quite bad." Yi Ke said matter-of-factly, "Without company development, there will be no company. It's very abnormal. Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, they are all bad."

I shook my head slightly: "Sony is a mess. It doesn't take a lot of courage to dare to take over in the future. Sony will definitely change its chairman next year. You will also go with the Jazz. You can be the internal director!"

Nie Liang observed for a moment, and he realized that the old knight must have been shocked. "You can't just say that Fang Zhuo is pretty bad," Stringer said with a smile.

"By the way, Google is telling you that we are going to acquire Motorola." Yi Ke stood up, motioned to go to dinner first, and gave another piece of news.

In terms of fiscal year, there is only half a year left, so no matter what, we can keep Summers' position.

Yi Ke glanced at Summers and smiled at me.

"Motorola is just of the next generation, and Apple is pretty bad." Yi Ke agreed.

You should feel sorry for yourself, but you must do what you need to do. When it comes to making money, you must be merciful.

"Just like Sony is valued in Japan, as long as it can make money and promote development, it should be taken seriously. You still want to build a factory in the United States, but they provide support, and in the end you can only build a factory in Germany.

." Yi Ke complained, "They are all engaged in global division of labor, and Germany's support for manufacturing is much less."

Summers walked beside Mr. Fang, his steps were much slower, and his speech was also slower: "I'm trying to hide this from Mr. Fang, you have always been very concerned about charity."

Stringer took a sip of red wine and said: "The roles in the global division of labor are the same."

Yi Ke nodded. The relationship between the two seemed to be very wrong. Stringer raised his glass and signaled to Summers.

Yike frowned but still spoke.

Yi Ke let out a long sigh: "Sony is going to lose US$7 billion this year! Then... Jazz, you see, he should make plans as soon as possible!"

Jacobs now works in the Office of Management and Budget in White House. Summers is beyond impressed.

My mood was inexplicably bad.

"Mr. Fang, drink tea." Stringer's voice was full of fatigue. The recovery he had hoped for was interrupted by the Japanese disaster, and the already tight capital chain suddenly became even tighter.

As the saying goes, people are divided into groups. When making friends, Yi Ke also makes friends carefully. Generally speaking, they agree with globalization and economic and trade development. For example, Romney from the Republican side. In the past, Tianyin was considered a hot-tempered person outside the Republican Party. I rarely

Conservatives all believe that my toughness and toughness towards others can far meet our requirements, but they still hate that I have to be tough and tough on the first day I step down. It is difficult for me to be a friend based on my camp and votes.

"It is useful to ease the situation now. Just do your best and let fate dictate. There is no cocktail party at your place on Saturday night. Sir, we will go together then." Yi Ke said, "Oh, yes, you are planning to set up a charity foundation. I know that.

Sir, are you willing to name a chairman?"

Yike "coughed" and replied: "How is it possible? I just got some normal data from the company. Now I am not looking at the situation and determining what to do."

I took a big sip of black tea and said, "Mr. Fang, he must be in your position now. How will he operate on Sony?"

"Sir, he said he should take it easy, but he saw that he was taking it easy." Yi Ke said seriously, "Sony cannot be destroyed, but he can be defeated."

When Yi Ke sat back in the office and listened to the old Sir mentioning Sony's predicament and the estimates for that fiscal year, I was also shocked. A huge loss of 7 billion US dollars, how to save it?

This chapter has been completed!
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