204 Your number is gone (two in one)

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 Shanghai Hang Lung 23.

Fang Zhuo walked into the president's office.

However, even the air of the President's Office, which has been away for a long time, smells of criticism.

Regarding the pace of this wave of public opinion, Fang Zhuo thought it would stop. He was not as arrogant as Gu Zoujun. He held reform seminars and accepted various interviews. How could he keep the pace down?

Unexpectedly, Professor Lang took the initiative to set the pace.

Is this because the star economist feels that he is not a star enough?

Or is there some deeper purpose?

It’s okay to mention other things. It’s okay to criticize your views on state-owned enterprises, the management of enterprises, etc. You can even criticize the original hostile acquisition of Sina. However, it’s okay to target the “East Five District” in this way.

Zhuo was a little angry.

There is nothing wrong with the "East Five Blocks" itself. The procedures and processes have been confirmed by Shanghai City leaders. The competitive advantages are also derived from paying more attention to mass demolition.

However, it would be really easy to drag this matter into the chaos that has stirred up the economic community across the country and investigate whether there are problems with it.

If we really check, Yongke will definitely have no problem and the loan will not come from Shanghai local.

However, what is actually okay and what others think is a problem will have different effects on different people.

Fang Zhuo and Qiu Di are close friends, and they are close friends with Zheng Danrui. They usually don't even eat together a few times. If someone with intentions makes a deal in the public opinion this time, he will be fine, but the two of them will be in trouble, especially

Still in a place like Shanghai.

If you don’t hesitate to think more about the possible connections behind some public opinions, the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business was founded by the Li Jiacheng Foundation, and Professor Lang teaches there, so he may have been instructed to take advantage of the troubled waters.

Fang Zhuo had difficulty determining Professor Lang's true intentions. He knew that fate and hatred sometimes happened inadvertently.

The former is just like Ni Runfeng striking up a conversation with him on the passenger plane. That was the beginning of fate.

The latter is like the competition between myself and Hutchison for land. Zhou Kaixuan can't be said to be careless. She is the director of the Li Jiacheng Foundation and intends to push Hutchison to win the East Eight. She doesn't look like a good match.

with the characters.

And even if you call and ask, the other party won't be able to explain clearly what's going on behind the scenes.

This public opinion storm has swept the domestic economics community. Not only has Gu Zoujun's family become cannon fodder, it will also have a far-reaching impact.

Just like Fang Zhuo's previous comments about Gu Zoujun, once he is involved, he must either make a final decision or abandon the car to save the handsome man.

In this case, Fang Zhuo felt that he was involved in this way and had only four words to send to Professor Lang.

Your number is gone.

Professor Lang, who came from Xiangjiang, has been famous for a long time, including his famous love affairs.

In today's situation, the media are upright and upright, talking about theories but not talking about state-owned enterprises. Both public image and industry support are quite good.

Moreover, does academic theory have anything to do with female mistresses?

It doesn't matter.

But just like property rights reform before there are sound regulations, it can still be successful if carried out in private, but once it is focused on, it will immediately become a piece of cake.

It would be more difficult to deal with another person under the current situation where everyone is watching. As for Professor Lang, it would be very easy to resolve the battle with him quickly.

Fang Zhuo reviewed the current public opinion again and made two more phone calls to check on Changhong's recent situation.

Others have forgotten Changhong, but he has not.

As a result, even as Greencool was under comprehensive investigation, there was news from Changhong claiming that it was conducting an internal investigation and that it would pursue the legal responsibility of APEX in the United States.

Fang Zhuo had anticipated this situation. Although Ni Runfeng had been operating in Changhong for a long time, Changhong's decline and current public opinion would not allow him to simply overcome this hurdle.

After thinking for a long time in the office and making a few phone calls, President Yike began his normal work.

Yike's road to listing in the United States is uneventful. It has formed a listing advisory team and is conducting due diligence. If there are no surprises, it will submit registration to the United States in November, and a prospectus will be provided to public investors.


Generally speaking, the time from submission of registration to the announcement of color C taking effect is 4-8 weeks.

In other words, the date for Yike's listing road show and final determination of the issuance price and quantity will be December this year or January next year.


This is the latest response from President Yike captured by reporters. In the picture, Fang Zhuo has dull eyes but a tired look on his face. I wonder if he was affected by the recent turmoil.

They also photographed Fang Zhuo's back as he hurriedly walked into the Hang Lung Office Building.

Such a simple response did not elicit any feedback from Lang Xianping. Even when the reporter handed him the microphone, he laughed it off.

The other party only had four words, but it would be too shameful for me to talk at length.

However, Lang Xianping did not respond, leaving his supporters to express their opinions. Since it was already biased towards emotional expression rather than academic arguments, it was not reported much in newspapers, and more was posted in online media.

"Mr. Fang Zhuo is obviously obsessed with his personal achievements. No one cares whether he is happy or not."

"I've heard about Fang Zhuo's behavior in the investment circle, and it doesn't matter whether he's happy or not."

"Fang Zhuo didn't even deny that he had a problem."

"If there are any problems, we will know after investigating. Just like Gu Zoujun, he supports Yongke Real Estate to accept the investigation."

"If Fang Zhuo has a clear conscience, he should take the initiative to accept the investigation instead of conducting some Sina netizen survey. This is even more funny, clumsy and unpleasant than Gu Zoujun's reform seminar!"

Under such public opinion, the Yike President Office received many interview applications from the media, including many well-known media, such as "Southern Weekend" and "Economic Daily".

However, Hang Lung 23 declined all interviews, remained silent, and did not respond.

But even if Yike has no voice, this does not prevent some media from reporting on it. Some media even ran headlines such as "Another? The curse of Fang Zhuo, the richest man in Shanghai, to avoid investigation."

Time has entered the second week of November, and there is no movement from the cold-hearted Yike. Sina, the first domestic portal website that vaguely represents Fang Zhuo's attitude, suddenly started an annual economist selection event.

In view of the debate that has lasted for more than a month, the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and economic theory have indeed been hot topics during this period. Many economists, professors and scholars have also come into the public eye for the first time.

It is normal for a portal website to conduct such a selection activity.

However, it shouldn’t be up to you, Sina!

What's more, you, Sina, ranked Lang Xianping's name in the conspicuous first voting position!

What does this mean?

Is it Sina who wants to show favor to Lang Xianping? Is it Fang Zhuo, the man behind Sina, who wants to show favor to Lang Xianping?

Or is it that Sina is planning to backstab its boss at such a time?

In just two days, Lang Xianping was far ahead in the selection of Economist of the Year. This time, he blasted four companies, criticized the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and debated his Chinese counterparts, which indeed increased his reputation exponentially.

At the same time, some voices calling for an investigation into Fang Zhuo's companies still exist.

Many people who were waiting to watch the excitement increasingly felt that Fang Zhuo was going to shed a layer of skin this time. Like Duan Yongji, who lost the battle for control of Sina, he was in a good mood and specially organized a small wine shop to sit down.

There was no lack of gloating about Fang Zhuo's misfortune.

The Sina dispute between Duan Yongji and Fang Zhuo was not just about financial losses. Of course, the loss itself was very serious. Although he did not sell his shares immediately after losing, he did not touch the mid-to-high position in his successive sales.

When Sina's stock price was 16 US dollars, Duan Yongji took action. He felt that the price was already very good.

Then, the stock price broke through $20.

Sina's stock price reached 27 US dollars, and he felt that this price should be a recent high.

Then, the stock price broke through $30.

Sina's stock price reached 36 US dollars, and Duan Yongji sold all his shares.

Then, he watched the stock price reach $40,50...

The profits from this one and the other are in the hundreds of millions!

In addition to economic losses, the business cases of domestic portal leaders like Sina are destined to be written into textbooks and analyzed repeatedly, and every time, Duan Yongji's name will be identified as a loser.

One side.

Compared with money, Duan Yongji was more worried about this.

"Fang Zhuo's choice this time is too unwise. After all, he is young and not sensitive enough."

Duan Yongji can make a comment with just one sip of wine.

"Especially with Gu Zoujun in front, he actually dared to take the initiative to ask the media to get involved in this matter. He is insane!"

Duan Yongji took three sips: "Look at Changhong's Ni Runfeng. He was first reported by the media to be involved in a situation, but Ni Runfeng is so cunning and cunning. He doesn't get involved in public opinion at all and leaves no loopholes. Now he has nothing to do. He is so old and so old.


Next to him, Zou Xuelin was Duan Yongji's loyal supporter when he was at Sina. He once led several middle-level managers to demonstrate outside Fang Zhuo's office. But later nothing was done. Some people are still at Sina, but he has resigned.

"Mr. Duan, do you think there is any problem with Fang Zhuo's Yongke Real Estate?"

Duan Yongji smiled and said: "Maybe there is, maybe there is not. If everyone thinks there is, then there is."

Zou Xuelin understood that Mr. Duan was a little drunk.

Duan Yongji was very talkative today: "The real estate field is a mixed bag. Fang Zhuo doesn't seem to be interested in this. Maybe there is some pressure from Shanghai City. Wasn't the Pudong district chief transferred from Lin'an?


"His Yongke Real Estate strangely defeated the two major real estate developers in Xiangjiang in the competition in the East Eight Blocks. This time may be a backlash."

Zou Xuelin also expressed his opinion: "But after all, Gu Zoujun has learned from the past. There is no movement behind Fang Zhuo. Now that he has been convinced by Sina, I'm afraid it won't be so traumatic."

Duan Yongji smiled and said: "You have to teach him to be a good boy."

At this moment, another person who had not spoken much suddenly glanced at the vibrating mobile phone, scrolled through it for two seconds in surprise, and said in amazement: "That, that Professor Lang, he, he..."

Duan Yongji frowned: "What's wrong with him?"

Zou Xuelin reached for his phone, read it for a second, and said in a daze: "He was exposed by the Hong Kong media "Sudden Weekly" for keeping a flight attendant mistress... and took photos of passionate kissing in the car..."

"We also found the house where the two lived together..."

Duan Yongji's hand holding the wine glass suddenly froze.

Media reports in Xiangjiang? Famous professors and experts pampering young and beautiful stewardess? Passionate kissing in the car?

This kind of time!

Duan Yongji's face turned ugly. He knew what kind of situation such news would cause. The public's demand for the unity of public morality and private morality was very high.

Zou Xuelin read the report twice, put down his cell phone, and said suspiciously: "It's a media report from Xiangjiang. This...this doesn't have anything to do with Fang Zhuo, right?"

Duan Yongji didn't even want to drink anymore. He frowned and thought of Fang Zhuo's actions before and after he controlled Sina again.

He shook his head, leaning towards the fact that this matter had something to do with Fang Zhuo, but he was already too disinterested to discuss it.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the tavern turned dull.

Several people, including Duan Yongji and Zou Xuelin, suddenly thought of the only positive response from Fang Zhuo in the past few days.

In other words, it's not a response, it's just an expression of mood.


On November 15, a news report from Xiangjiang's "Sudden Weekly" swept the mainland public opinion.

"Professor Lang fights Stewardess Miao hand to hand!"

This Hong Kong media is not a serious media, it is a famous paparazzi magazine. It has been accused many times by people in the entertainment industry, but this time its cover not only contains multiple clear photos, but also announced the location of the house where Professor Lang lives together.


In addition, the timeline also speculated that the two met at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and later purchased a shared house and car.

In just one night, after overnight confirmation, the news that had been circulated on the Internet forum was published by several newspapers. Media rooted in Shanghai such as "Oriental Morning Post", "Shanghai Weekly" and "Shencheng Securities News" published the indecent news.

The paparazzi changed the title to confirm the news.

"The Affair of a Famous Economist"

"Professor Momose's Economic Theory"

Another day later, the personal life of popular economist Lang Xianping attracted widespread attention.

Is there any relationship between economic theory and private life?


But everyone is curious.

Two days later, Sina belatedly started a new poll and the result this time was still 90%-10%.

90% of netizens voted that such a professor should not be selected as Economist of the Year.

10% of netizens voted that stewardess should be selected.

Sina provides options A and B like this.

In the end, the annual economist selection event initiated by Sina eliminated Professor Lang Xianping, who ranked first.

However, its work was severely criticized by Chairman Shen Cheng, who believed that leaders of portal websites like Sina should remain objective and neutral, not bring emotions into their work, and should treat news content seriously and cherish it.

own industry reputation.

The chairman ordered Sina's management to conduct deep introspection and reported that three months' salary of President Wang Yan and others had been deducted as a warning to others.

Sina removed the professor and stewardess voting campaigns.

On November 19, Lang Xianping quietly announced his resignation from the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

On this day, Gu Zoujun was officially arrested.

On this day, the Yike Group, which had been silent all this time, suddenly received a semi-official response from Li Lan, the vice president of the public relations department, to reporters.

Facing the reporter's camera, he said contemptuously:

"Who? Who are you asking?"

"He, ha, doesn't respond. He doesn't respond. There's nothing to respond to."

"Oh, why don't you respond?"

"He can't even control his crotch, so he comes to control our business?"

This chapter has been completed!
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