407 Partner (2 in 1)

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 As the president of Samsung Electronics, Lee Ki-tae is interested in having an in-depth understanding of the Android system, and on the other hand, he has to execute orders from Lee Kun-hee.

But no matter what, he didn't want to see the competition in front of him turn into cooperation so quickly in a mutually connected way.

I just announced my intention to withdraw from the four alliances...

How could you announce so quickly that Eko+Sony is going to work with Google to push Android forward?

Can unilateral declarations be effective?!

Li Jitai glanced at the expressions of Google + Android and found that although they did not speak, they seemed to be prepared.

The president of Samsung Electronics' thoughts were racing, his face sank, and he said seriously: "As one of the top three mobile phone manufacturers in the world, we at Samsung believe that an open platform should not make such hasty decisions."

"Samsung is optimistic about Android, not that it is opposed to its development. On the contrary, we are happy to see the birth of an open source mobile operating system."

"Samsung's withdrawal from the four alliances does not mean that it will give up cooperation with Android companies."

"I think the real problem is that the four alliances cannot effectively provide help to Android companies. In fact, the four alliances will even cause internal friction due to competition with each other in the mobile phone market."

Lee Ji-tae quickly adjusted his rhetoric, pointed out the problems of the four alliances, and at the same time used Samsung's market position to attract the attention of the other two parties...

Neither Larry nor Rubin said anything, just watching how Mr. Fang responded.

"The last meeting held by the four companies was to discuss the acquisition of the Android company to replace the previous investment. No consensus was reached." Fang Zhuo asked simply, "Since you said so, Mr. Li, what kind of deal will Samsung be willing to make?"

Price for Android Acquisition?"

Lee Ki-tae pondered how to deal with this problem.

Fang Zhuo continued to say lightly: "Both Yike and Sony are willing to contribute money, effort and people. Samsung has said the money now. How much are you willing to pay?"

"This is not a question of money. The establishment of a system ecology is not just a question of money." Li Jitai retorted.

Fang Zhuo turned to Rubin and said: "You see, Samsung is just unwilling to talk about money. Yike and Sony are willing to cross the price threshold to further explore the future mobile phone system trend with Google and Android."

Li Jitai really can't negotiate money. Even if he agrees to this meeting, what will happen if there is a meeting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

He captures the point.

Yike+Sony intends to acquire it together with Google.

Can it be replaced by Samsung and Google together?

In this way, at least Samsung can slowly talk about cooperation with Google, and it can also communicate with China to see if Samsung can achieve both self-research and investment.

If this doesn't work, then we have to prove to Google that Yike + Sony cannot provide what Google wants.

Li Ji-tae decided on his strategy almost in a flash. He looked at Rubin first and then Larry, and said sincerely: "It's not that Samsung is unwilling to negotiate money and bid, but it's just that it can't bid on the basis of the chaos of the previous four alliances.

Samsung is also willing to work with Google to build Android’s future mobile phone system ecosystem.”

Such a statement by the president of Samsung Electronics made Larry feel moved. Samsung's upward momentum in the mobile phone market is very good.

At this time, Fang Zhuo asked leisurely: "I'm a little curious about Mr. Li's harsh statement. Mr. Li, are you sure you can make the same decision on the company's major strategies as Chairman Yike and Chairman Sony?"

Li Jitai's heart thumped, and he quickly became angry and slapped the table: "Otherwise, what do you think I'm doing here!"

"Some people are anxious, some people are anxious." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "I just asked casually, why are you banging the table? Everyone in this conference room can decide whether the cooperation discussed can be implemented."

"However, as Sandel just questioned, Mr. Li, if Samsung Electronics plays like this on such an occasion, you need to refer to the instructions of the Samsung Group..."

"The establishment of a business ecosystem is a long-term thing, and it must require some business ethics, right? Otherwise, if you think Android is good today, and you think other systems are good tomorrow, what should you do?"

"What you said casually doesn't count. Is what you, Lee Ki-tae, say now really okay?"

Fang Zhuo also meant to tell Larry what he said. The skin of the four alliances had been torn apart, but the two had already communicated with each other before, so it had to count.

If it really doesn't count, there will be another wave.

Lee Ki-tae will never give up at this time: "My words represent the direction of Samsung Electronics!"

"Ahem." Larry moved his voice.

Lee Ki-tae suddenly realized that there was a problem. People at Google knew the role played by Chairman Lee Kun-hee.

He immediately added: "I have already communicated with the group president, and Samsung is willing to cooperate with Google."

Fang Zhuo only said "tsk" and did not propose to call Li Jianxi on the spot.

Although he suspected that Lee Ji-tae was just talking for a moment, Bao Buqi had really communicated with him.

Now this matter is not complicated. According to his feeling, returning to the original number is 2 greater than 1, but Google may also consider the influence of Samsung Group level... In this case, there will be more factors to consider.

Are you considering the Japanese market where Sony is located? Are you considering China’s booming growth? Are you considering Google’s entry into the Chinese market’s topic search business?

When multiple companies and different markets are involved, the factors involved in business decision-making are very complex.

The most important thing to do is to simplify the complex and actively promote the research and development and ecological establishment of the Android system.

Of course, these are all Fang Zhuo's own thoughts.

He didn't have time to communicate with Larry about this. If the current situation changes, then it's time to try to communicate and reverse it in private.

Fang Zhuo and Li Jitai both looked at Larry from Google.

The two of them talked lively, but the choice actually lies with Google.

Larry felt the gazes of the two people, looked at each other with Sergey, and then asked Android Rubin: "Rubin, what do you think about the acquisition of the company?"

Rubin answered without hesitation: "Yike and Sony."

The originally expected two-party bidding came to nothing. If we really had to choose, of course it would be the president.

Mr. Fang also invited me to answer questions on Quora.

The robot’s answer hasn’t been finished yet!

Fang Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, a little surprised that Larry would ask Rubin for his opinion at this time.

Li Jitai saw that the dust was about to settle, but he still said to himself: "I object, Android needs to consider the three of us..."

Rubin still interrupted without hesitation: "I'm selling my company, is it your turn to oppose it?"

He thought to himself that after all the sales, Google, Yike, and Sony would be busy, and he only had to do research and development.

Fang Zhuo echoed: "We Yike, Sony, Google, and Android are all in love and are committed to building an Android ecosystem. Is it your turn, Samsung, to oppose it?"

Li Jitae only looked at Larry.

Larry's final decision was to respect technology and nodded lightly.

Li Jitai didn't give up yet and looked at Sergey who had been silent.

Sergey said: "In the future, I still hope that Samsung can participate in the construction of the Android ecosystem. Android will be a mobile phone system without borders."

Li Jitai let out a long sigh and lost the forcefulness in his words. He did not express his likes and dislikes at this time and said: "Samsung will consider it carefully."

He stood up, and unlike Sandel who left the room directly, he still shook hands with everyone present before walking out of the conference room.

Two companies left in a row, leaving only Yike, Sony, Google, and Android in the conference room.

At this time, Google's Larry looked at Sony's Stringer and said: "Based on the current situation, does Sony need time to think about it?"

Stringer said succinctly: "Sony and Yike are close partners, and we are consistent on Android matters."

This answer somewhat surprised Larry.

He looked at Fang Zhuo again without saying anything, and said to Rubin again: "As for the market value of Android Company, I think this price is very sincere. Regarding the details of the acquisition, Google, Yike, and Sony will discuss it again.

But no matter what, our goal is to promote the development of the Android system, and this remains unchanged."

Although Rubin regrets the demise of the Four Alliance bidders, he is actually very satisfied with the price.

He nodded a little reservedly and said: "Our team is very confident in the development of the system."

Larry liked Rubin's attitude.

According to the acquisition price of 85 million, although it exceeded original expectations and mainstream valuations, it was not much more after deducting the investment from Yike and Sony.

Moreover, with the two hardware partners of Sony and Yike, it may be possible to set an example for the Android system.

Larry considered it from this perspective and felt that the result after the twists and turns was acceptable.

The discussion in the conference room ended with pleasantries. The three companies that changed the acquisition members need to discuss the details at a later time.

However, the subject's shareholding ratio is fixed.

Google holds 66% of the shares, Yike holds 17%, and Sony holds 17%.

When the meeting ended, a group of people walked out of the conference room, and the blond reporter who was stopped earlier was still squatting at the door.

When she saw people, she took pictures and asked questions quickly, wondering what was being discussed in this small meeting outside of the industry conference.

Also, she took pictures of Motorola CEO Sandel and Samsung Electronics President Lee Ki-tae leaving sadly.

No one answered reporters' questions.

But Fang Zhuo took two steps and suddenly suggested: "We are all optimistic about the open source of Android, and we have reached a consensus on cooperation today. Why not take a group photo as a souvenir for the future."

Everyone readily agreed.

The job of taking pictures was left to the reporter, because if it wasn't left to her, she would take pictures nearby.

Rubin Centering for Android.

Google's Larry stood on the right side of Rubin, while Fang Zhuoqian gave up his left side to Sony's Stringer. He himself stood next to Stringer, followed by Sergey and the top executives of Android.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

As the reporter's camera recorded, a stone slowly fell in Fang Zhuo's heart.

This participation in the acquisition of Android can provide Yike with more chips to attack Apple mobile phones. A leading mobile phone is still full of challenges, but getting involved at the system level can eliminate some disadvantages.

Now there is another problem.

Fang Zhuo smiled at the camera and thought about the old jazz man next to him. How should Sony deal with it?

The reporter finished taking pictures.

Fang Zhuo put away his smile, glanced at everyone, and saw Larry looking at Stringer thoughtfully.

Open source Android does not require investment and allows mobile phone manufacturers to join.

Android companies that are not completely owned by Google will have huge value.

Asia needs a system research and development center, which can be established in Shanghai.

We must speed up the progress of Sony's system. There is not much time left for Yike.

If Sony is given some time, its holdings can be divided between the two companies.

Each thought seemed to light up in his heart one by one, and then slowly be suppressed in Fang Zhuo's heart. There was no need to rush Sony's handling. The old Jazz was still the head of Sony who needed beautiful reports.

The mobile phone industry conference in Silicon Valley lasted for two days.

The meeting on the second day was not eclipsed by the departure of Motorola CEO Sandel and Samsung Electronics President Lee Kit Tae. Everyone fully imagined the future of smartphones.

However, this fully imagined smartphone still has a physical keyboard.

This makes Yike's technical director Xu Keden quite anxious. Where is this?

This is Silicon Valley!

Silicon Valley elites are not just imagining things!

They are advanced mobile phones that are fully imagined based on reality and can be accepted by consumers!

Xu Keden started to lose his hair.

Unlike Yike's internal doubts and worries about making mobile phones, Apple's Jobs, who learned about competitors' trends due to media reports, had the urge to call Fang Zhuo.

Is Yike going to participate in the acquisition of a mobile operating system based on Linux kernel?

Now that you have acquired a mobile phone system, what will be the next trend?


Jobs once felt that a serious leak had occurred at Apple. Otherwise, how could Apple's competitors in music players shift their focus to mobile phones in the fiercely competitive market?

However, Apple’s internal confidentiality regarding mobile phone projects is extremely strict.

The software and hardware teams were completely separated. They went to communicate with the operators as engineers from the semiconductor company Infineon, and all relevant employees signed various agreements...

So, maybe the problem lies in the mobile phone cooperation between Apple and Motorola?

After much thought, Jobs thought he had found the link that inspired Yike's new project.

It was the Purple 1, a music phone powered by iPhones, that the two companies collaborated on. Apple’s purpose was to learn from Motorola’s mature mobile phone experience to improve its own mobile phone research and development.

As for the installation of iPhones, that is just a small attempt.

Jobs held a small-scale internal meeting to discuss the situation of Yiko Company. He believed that starting to build a mobile phone system from now on would be a very delayed choice. It would be difficult for this rival who had caused great trouble for the iPod to accumulate mature technology.

Solve the basic level problems of the system.

Even with Google and Sony, this is a challenge that is difficult to pose a threat to Apple.

Discussions within Apple have not expanded, and secret project development has maintained its original progress.

This chapter has been completed!
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