480 Plan has changed

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 When you go out to hang out, you must be trustworthy and eat whatever you say you will eat.

Fang Zhuo kept his promise and not only invited Paulson to breakfast, but also carefully selected a time-honored restaurant located on Gymnasium West Road.

At 6:30 in the morning, four black cars slowly stopped in front of Huixingju at No. 7 West Road.

"Boss, can you reserve the venue?"

Fang Zhuo got out of the car and asked the alarmed boss before he could shake hands with Paulson.

The elderly boss looked at this posture and said in embarrassment: "You guys in the street, this is not good."

"That's right, fine, let's set up a table outside." Fang Zhuo didn't force it and said with a smile, "I'll pay for the breakfast for the neighbors today."

The boss looked at the cars and foreigners, gave a thumbs up to the young man in front of him, and asked: "What's your last name?"

"The surname is Fang, Fang Zhuo." Fang Zhuo reported his name and took a few steps towards Paulson, who arrived in the early morning and took a short rest. "The steamed buns and fried liver will be served first."

The boss directed the waiters to move the table outside and shouted into the room: "Young and old gentlemen, Mr. Fang outside is paying for today's breakfast!"

The neighbors who were eating and shopping inside were not polite when they heard this, and immediately responded with "I'm not angry with the General Administration".

So, in a rather lively voice, Fang Zhuo and Paulson completed the handshake when they met for the first time.

"Fang, it seems you come here to eat here often?" Paulson has been to China nearly a hundred times, but he doesn't understand Chinese and only sees a lot of excitement.

"This is my first time here, but I can make friends for the first time." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Sit down, please sit down, Paulson, I know you are very familiar with Huaxia, but have you ever eaten on the street like this?"


Paulson shook his head. This was indeed the first time he had eaten like this.

The table that was moved out is not big, just enough for four people.

But Fang Zhuo didn't call Deutsche Bank, United Nations, or Washington. He just sat down by himself, with his assistant standing behind him.

Paulson was also sitting across from him, behind him was Hu Zuliu, Goldman Sachs' chief economist in China.

"Go in and eat." Fang Zhuo saw the breakfast being brought over and said to his assistant. He also said to Hu Zuliu who was standing, "Azu, go in and eat even if you haven't eaten. Paulson and I have been friends for a long time.

He also knows me."

Hu Zuliu frowned, did not speak or moved.

Paulson saw the movements of the assistant behind Fang Zhuo and guessed the general situation. He raised his hand to indicate that he was not in the way and said in English: "Fang's spoken English is very good and there is no problem in communication between us."

Hu Zuliu went in silently to eat.

For a time, there was only one-on-one communication between Fang Zhuo and Paulson.

"Fang, I was really surprised when I heard your name appeared on ICBC's list of potential collaborators." Paulson was very direct when he came up. "Especially, the way you appeared surprised me even more."

He frowned and said: "I thought Goldman Sachs helped Bingxin and we were friends. I never thought you would treat your friends like this?"

Paulson did know that Goldman Sachs was the underwriter of Fang Zhuo and Yike's listing. Moreover, Goldman Sachs not only invested in the semiconductor company of the man in front of him, but even made a lot of efforts to review his equipment procurement and technology introduction licenses.

From this perspective, Paulson heard the voice of senior executives saying "this is a betrayal" at the internal impromptu meeting held before coming to Beijing.

Although Paulson does not think so, he is well aware that the Chinese people's moral values ​​include "propriety, justice, integrity, and shame" and feels that this is a suitable way of communication.

Chinese people tend to give more friendship and rewards to those who treat them as friends.

"It is because I regard Goldman Sachs as a friend that I can't bear to see Goldman Sachs' reputation collapse at this critical time." Fang Zhuo gave the reason lightly, knowing that this man must be aware of his words attacking Goldman Sachs, and then,

He politely handed the fried liver bowl to Paulson.

Paulson has been at the helm of Goldman Sachs for many years and has a good eye for people. When he heard these words in person, he immediately thought, well, Fang Zhuo is being polite.

Then, it cannot be measured by common sense.

He took a sip of fried liver, frowned, put down his spoon, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Fang Zhuo lowered his head and took a bite of the bun, thinking deeply, where is this question going?

Seeing this, Paulson continued: "It's been less than half a month since U.S. Bank received the news about this project. I didn't ask Washington Mutual, and it's probably about the same. So, Fang Zhuo, what are you thinking? What are you thinking?"

What do you want?"

Although the consortium assembled by the GA Fund caught Goldman Sachs off guard, it was not a headless fly that came here. Paulson had very good information channels, and starting with United Bank helped to make judgments.

The opponent in front of me is a temporary patchwork that cannot be made temporary again.

It is quite absurd for such a patchwork to be discussed on the conference table at the ICBC head office.

Paulson believes that his opponent is not only Fang Zhuo, but also the trend of opinions within ICBC.

Fang Zhuo also took a sip of fried liver, which was not to his liking.

He put down his spoon, knowing that Paulson's "you" did not refer to himself and Deutsche Bank, but to himself and ICBC or his leaders. The plan in his mind switched back and forth, and he was quite hesitant about how to deal with Paulson's inquiry.

Paulson, head of Goldman Sachs.

Fang Zhuo was very familiar with him, but not only with his identity, but with his upcoming role as finance minister.

From being a rich man to becoming a cabinet minister, this path is not uncommon in the United States.

It is said that Paulson has rejected Bush's invitation many times, but it may not be long before he agrees to take up the post.

Fang Zhuo could not help but consider the influence of such a figure.

Moreover, Paulson is a typical business conservative, representing big capital, big finance, big business, and big enterprises.

Internally, we advocate free market economy and oppose administrative intervention. Externally, we promote trade and investment liberalization to maximize economic benefits.

To a certain extent, this concept is indispensable for SMIC and Ice Core to obtain purchase licenses for advanced equipment and technology, although the intermediate process is also full of difficulties.

This combination of Paulson and Xiaobu complements each other quite well.

Since joining the WTO, Xiaobu has vetoed China's bearing and drive quota restrictions in 2002, refused to suppress China's clothes hanger products in 2003, ductile graphite casting in 2004, and furniture products in 2005.

Both George W. Bush and Wall Street's lobbyists are trying to ensure that the relationship between the two parties is maintained, at the expense of small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States, while benefiting large companies on Wall Street.

Goldman Sachs, which Paulson still runs, is one of them.

The strategic investment in ICBC involved this time is only a small part.

Fang Zhuo's thoughts ran around the earth, and finally he put them into the pork and garlic buns in his hands. Facing Paulson's gaze, the lion opened his mouth and said in a deep voice:

"We want our share from Allianz and American Express."

If your plans change, try American Express.

This chapter has been completed!
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