563 Context

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 It takes nearly 4 hours to fly from Silicon Valley to Houston and covers more than 3,000 kilometers.

It takes more than 2 hours to fly from Chicago to Houston and covers more than 1,700 kilometers.

Both Fang Zhuo and Comrade Guan Hai are very busy, so this meeting can be described as a two-way trip.

To be honest, Fang Zhuo still has some doubts about this man's motivation for coming to Houston. He is now a congressman from Illinois, and he has to come all the way to visit the Rockets' construction, which is somewhat unjustifiable.

However, the report from the former secretary slightly cleared up some confusion.

Now Ao Guanhai feels that President Yike and the Rockets boss can't be justified, so they met in person.

As a congressman, Ao Guanhai has a very good reputation in Illinois. He follows the tradition of using money to do things. However, Yike is a rather weird company. It only gives benefits and does not mention doing anything.

Taking advantage of some free time, because he is a die-hard fan of the basketball team Bulls, and considering some future financial needs, Ao Guanhai finally decided to enter this business.

The small lobbying team for the formation of Yike or Ice Core was headed by the original secretary Zhao Zhishan. She was selected to accompany Fang Zhuo to Japan because she could speak Japanese. Later, when she arrived in the United States, she was conveniently arranged to do this work.

Zhao Zhishan has not made much achievements in Washington, but his work has been relatively smooth after bringing people to Illinois.

The capital of Illinois is Springfield, but people often refer to Chicago as its capital. There is an old joke from World War II. The U.S. military often uses the question of the capital of Illinois as a way to screen spies, and answers Chicago's question.

They are their own people.

Before meeting Ao Guanhai, Fang Zhuo reviewed the information provided by Zhao Zhishan. In addition to lamenting the influence of the Jews, he also revised some of his understanding.

For example, in addition to the Jews, there are also more obvious Anglo-Saxons, and the struggle between the two is quite fierce. Goldman Sachs can be a representative of the former, while Morgan calls the latter a typical example.

"Xiao Zhao, do you think he will accept it if I give him a championship ring?"

When Fang Zhuo drove to the arena, he asked Zhao Zhishan for his opinion.

"I'm afraid not, because of my previous contacts in Chicago, because I really didn't make any requests... there was some hesitation there, but there is cooperation between Mi GA Fund and Goldman Sachs, well, they have a good impression of Mi GA." Zhao Zhishan works.

He is very attentive and tries to figure out the reasons for many things. The GA Fund is quite famous in Chicago.

"Well, give it a try, everyone loves basketball." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Zhao Zhishan fell silent again. She was actually not sure what help such an Illinois congressman could provide for Bingxin's public relations. However, Aoguanhai's development was really good.

He entered the political arena in Illinois with the strong recommendation of his mentor Minow, replacing the position of state representative Palmer. Because the latter was running for Congress, he publicly announced that Xiao Ou was his heir and let voters vote.

However, Palmer failed in the election and came back to compete with O'Neill. It is said that he was defeated by Minow and the recently retired Senator Paul Simon, and he had no choice but to withdraw from the election.

Senator Paul Simon has a well-known reputation for getting things done with money, and O'Brien's style in Illinois was quite influential.

The car arrives at the arena.

Fang Zhuo met Xiao Ao.

However, before shaking hands with each other, he discovered that there was another character Geithner accompanying him on this trip.

Geithner noticed the eyes of the rich man from the East and knew that he was recognized, so he simply acted as a middleman and introduced Xiao Ao and Mr. Fang.

Finally, he shook hands with Mr. Fang and said with a smile: "I heard that Xiao Ao was coming to Houston to play. I thought that I had to withdraw a deposit from the GA fund, so I decided to come over to see Mr. Fang."

"Mr. Geithner also invested in our fund?" Fang Zhuo was very surprised.

Geithner smiled: "So, I'm particularly curious about why the GA fund closed in advance and no longer accepts investment?"

Geithner's full name is Timothy Franz Geithner, which is a typical Jewish name at first glance.

He has served in the U.S. Treasury for a long time, and is now the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and he is the future financial steward of Olympic Jr.

However, Fang Zhuo did not expect that the relationship between the two is quite close now, otherwise they would not appear together in Houston.

When Geithner was dealing with the financial crisis, he had a special term called the Geithner Plan named after him, that is, the Public-Private Investment Plan, which was intended to introduce private investors and price toxic assets that lacked liquidity through auctions.

As for what are toxic assets, and how to package toxic assets...

Fang Zhuo's thoughts became active.

In fact, Geithner has quite a position now, but what he can control in the future will be more valuable.

Jews sometimes still have a good reputation for doing things.

The United States passed the Glass-Steagall Act in the 1930s, which was a law to regulate and reform the banking system, with the purpose of preventing speculation in the financial sector.

In 1999, Clinton's Jewish financial steward Rubin promoted the "Financial Services Modernization Act" and repealed the "Glass-Steagall Act." This resulted in the merger of Citigroup and Travelers Group, which became a pioneering move in American financial history.

, integrating commercial banking, investment banking and insurance businesses.

After this was accomplished, Rubin directly joined Citigroup, with an annual salary of up to US$15 million.

Summers, who succeeded Rubin, was also a Jew. He strongly supported Rubin's movement to deregulate finance, and later received a job that only required one day's work a week and an annual salary of millions of dollars.

The disciples of Rubin and Summers were none other than Geithner.

In addition to Geithner's direct role as O'Brien's financial steward, Summers also served as his economic adviser.

Fang Zhuo stood in the arena, looking at the smiling Geithner and Xiao Ao, and suddenly had a deep feeling that the prototype of a group was right in front of him.

"MiGA Fund is considering a new direction. We have good cooperative relationships with Goldman Sachs and Bank of Washington, and we plan to see if there is any expansion in this area." Fang Zhuo answered questions from customers.

He added: "Because we are not sure about the profitability of the new business, we have temporarily closed the investment to be responsible to our customers."

Geithner heard the names of Goldman Sachs and Bank of Washington and smiled: "IGA Fund is very active in this area. I still trust your vision and ability."

Previously, due to identity issues, he invested anonymously in Mi GA Fund, a private equity fund with astonishing returns, but he was suddenly informed that he would no longer continue, which made him a little regretful.

Fang Zhuo also heard Xian Ge and smiled politely: "If you are interested, Geithner, then MIGA Fund will be honored to continue to have you as a client."

He reopened the door to investment for this big client who came to his door.

Compared with Sina's grievances and the uneasiness of the Chamber of Commerce, Geithner's pursuit of profits due to his obsession with the changes in GA funds is not easy to refuse at this moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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