628 Mars masterpiece (two in one)

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 The joint press conference between Yike and Google is over.

News about Yike Mobile Mars, the open source Android system, and the establishment of the Open Mobile Alliance were immediately spread through various traditional and online channels.

There have been rumors recently that Google wants to make systems and mobile phones by itself. Its cooperation with Yike is also a regular cooperation. Some people swear that Google and Yike only cooperate on music copyright and software, and it wants to do it personally.

google phone.

Now with the press conference over, everything is clear.

Google did indeed build the mobile phone system itself, and also brought together 34 software and hardware manufacturers to form the Open Mobile Phone Alliance, officially launching a challenge to Nokia and Microsoft.

Unexpectedly, the legendary "Google Phone" did not appear, and Google chose Yike as its close partner to undertake the task of manufacturing mobile phones.

Why is it Yike?

Why is Yike a company that has never made a mobile phone?

Why...it actually does well?!

If the news announced by Schmidt may have a more far-reaching impact in the eyes of the media, then Fang Zhuo's vivid demonstration at the press conference may have more of a face-to-face impact.

——The world's unique front-facing camera confidently changes users' usage habits and usage scenarios.

——The 3.7-inch touch screen completely abandons the physical keyboard and aims to open up a new way of human-computer interaction.

——Cooperating with the most popular YouTube and Facebook to develop mobile software, and continue to expand the application ecosystem in this direction.

——Qualcomm chip, 3g communication, glass body, 8/16g storage...

What standards should be adopted for a company that is new to the mobile phone market?

Of course it is tolerance and encouragement!

But for a partner that lives up to Google’s expectations, that’s no ordinary standard!

However, even using the latter standard, the performance of the Yike mobile phone at the press conference seemed to be quite good!

Even further, although Mr. Fang did not elaborate on the hardware parameters, he promised to use world-class hardware. The top 50 richest people in the world would not lie on this point, right?

From the perspective of consumers, many media reporters present felt that Mr. Fang's demonstration really touched the hearts of consumers. Hardware is hardware, and what can be done with the hardware is the most important.

The price is $399, a number that is neither too low nor too high, and it seems worth giving it a try.

Only half an hour after the press conference ended, a reporter from Bloomberg immediately wrote an article to report on the press conference.

——"Yike named its mobile phone mars."

——"Mr. Fang wants to rebuild the definition of smartphones, aiming to achieve the shocking effect of Mars hitting the earth."

——“Throughout the conference, I had very conflicting feelings about Yike Mars. I just felt that it was both radical and mature. Whether it had a full touch screen, a front camera or a glass body, it had many attempts to differentiate itself from mainstream mobile phone products.

It is a breakthrough, but the software applications and ideas it demonstrates are very systematic and mature."

——“I don’t know whether Internet companies are willing to conduct research and development attempts in this area, but as a consumer, I am happy to have more convenient use.”

——"A vivid press conference."

——“I’m looking forward to the Christmas release.”

We have always had a good relationship with Bloomberg, but this time the reporter was from another department and was purely based on his on-site impressions.

Rihanna, a female reporter from the "San Francisco Chronicle" who asked questions at the end of the press conference, was full of praise for her report on the Yike mobile phone.

——"Audio-Technica's mobile phone masterpiece!"

——"Pioneer of Smartphones!"

——"A model of wealthy people in the technology industry!"

——"Just like its name, Yike Mobile is simply an alien work! A masterpiece from Mars!"

After praising the Yike mobile phone, Rihanna mentioned a few words about Google's trends. Today, the main focus is on the Yike mobile phone. Google Android will continue to wait and see the industry's reaction.

Compared to the two media outlets that are less focused on technology and mobile phones, techch, a technology blog that has gradually attracted a lot of attention since its establishment in 2005, has much more comprehensive reports published by founder Michael Arrington.

——"Just like I accepted Apple's invitation half a year ago, today I was invited to attend the joint press conference between Yike and Google."

——"I have to say that when I sat at the press conference, I didn't have much expectations for the Yike mobile phone itself. Instead, the thing I was most interested in was the iPhone that was released in three days."

——"However, after the press conference, I must say that Yike fired a hard shot at Apple!"

——"Six months ago, Steve Jobs spent a lot of time introducing us to the iPhone's keyboard, email, GPS, and browser. Six months later, Fang Zhuo almost omitted this part and left the space to YouTube.

,fausic,front camera.”

——"It just so happened that I was attracted both times."

——"I heard that iPhone will let go of its software development, and Mars also showed in the information display session that it has Yahoo's mailbox, Google's browser, and built-in GPS."

——"This can't help but make me think, are they going in two directions, or are they reaching the same destination through different paths?"

——"On the other hand, when I am looking forward to iPhone, when I am looking forward to Mars, when I look back at the Nokia in my hand or my friend's Sony Ericsson, it seems like I am looking at the products of the previous generation."

——"Fang Zhuo boldly raised a question, what is a smartphone?"

——"From my standpoint, smartphones are never determined by manufacturers, but are the unanimous choices of our consumers."

——"Sorry, Nokia, I may have to choose iPhone and Mars this time."

Michael Arrington wrote a press conference report of nearly 5,000 words eloquently, including his personal feelings, speculation and analysis of the product, and also mentioned the dancing after the press conference.

He had a very good impression of the overall handling of the situation, and also mentioned the Finnish country advertisement.

Finally, Michael also used the name of Yike Mobile Phone to conclude the rating: "A masterpiece from Mars."

After he finished publishing the report, he went to YouTube to see the video taken at the scene. He found that there was already a video of the entire press conference, as well as the Finnish advertisement.

Moreover, there are quite a few people commenting on the video and advertisement, and most of them are very interested in the front camera.


——"I want to buy a Mars mobile phone for my Finnish girlfriend! Hahaha!"

——"Mobile phone manufacturers finally did something smart!"

——“That rotating camera from Nokia is so stupid!”

Michael watched the video for a while, thought about it, and gave his own evaluation of the advertisement: "It is said that the camera of Yike Company was proposed by Finns. I guess he must have used a 'Save Finland'

Compatriots’ project code name, lol!!!”

Thanks to the speed of communication on the Internet and a group of media reporters who watched the mobile phone launch on the spot, Yike Mars mobile phone aroused a lot of expectations on the night of the launch, but it will take time for many industry media reports to be officially released.

The joint press conference between Yike and Google took place in the evening in San Francisco, and it was after nine o'clock in the morning China time.

When the press conference ended, CCTV News, which had just started using Weibo accounts in May, published a text message.

——It is reported that Yike, a well-known Chinese company, has released the first new-generation 3G smartphone Mars equipped with Android system, which has aroused enthusiastic response in Silicon Valley. According to the plan, this mobile phone will be officially launched in December this year.

Yike's mobile phone launch conference attracted a lot of interest in China, and there were also questions set in advance on Zhihu.

But what people didn't expect was that CCTV gave out the official news so quickly.

Beijing, at ten o'clock in the morning, idg president Xiong Xiaoge flew back from Europe last night and is catching up on sleep at home today.

However, he knew the time of Yike's press conference, so he set an alarm and planned to wait until the press conference was over to see the overall situation.

Seeing that it was almost half past ten, Mrs. Xiong, who had cooked millet porridge, took her notebook and walked into the bedroom. She found that her husband was sleeping very soundly.

She thought for a while, canceled the alarm clock, and planned to let him sleep longer before getting up.

It’s not like I won’t be running during the press conference, so I’ll watch it after a good rest.

Sister-in-law Xiong sat at the table in the bedroom, opened her laptop, and planned to steal some food first and then search for relevant information about the press conference so that her husband could see it directly.

At half past ten, while she was happily stealing food, from the corner of her eye she suddenly saw a dark shadow jumping up from the bed.

"You, you... scared me! Why did you get up? I pressed the alarm clock for you, but it didn't go off..." Mrs. Xiong's hand shaking when pressing the mouse.

Xiong Xiaoge patted her chest: "You can only press the alarm clock, but you can't extinguish the bell in my heart. This is called the biological clock."

Sister-in-law Xiong rolled her eyes angrily.

"Let's take a look and see how the press conference went." Xiong Xiaoge went to Europe on a business trip this week. He was busy himself and knew that Mr. Fang must be busy as well, so he planned to watch the press conference normally.

He asked his wife to steal the last dish, and first scanned the domestic public opinion. There were some discussions on Zhihu and Weibo. There was not much movement in the media. After all, the press conference was in San Francisco, and it still took time to spread, oh, that's right.

Saw the news on CCTV.

Xiong Xiaoge read domestic and foreign articles, browsed several technology media that she was familiar with, and only saw one praising report.

Later, he opened YouTube and found the newly uploaded video of the press conference.

"Hey, let's watch the original press conference without interference from third parties."

Xiong Xiaoge said to his daughter-in-law who was sitting next to her.

Sister-in-law Xiong also has a certain degree of curiosity.

The two watched the conference video played at double speed and skipped the parts involving Schmidt and Legere.

When Mr. Fang said, "Welcome to the era of smartphones, Mars looks forward to seeing you all again at Christmas," the entire press conference came to an end.

The video on the website has finished playing.

Sister-in-law Xiong was pondering her feelings about watching, and suddenly realized that her husband had not spoken for a long time, so she couldn't help but ask: "How was this press conference?"

Xiong Xiaoge took a long breath and said slowly: "The big thing is done!"

Sister-in-law Xiong: "..."

She asked: "How did it happen? Is it a touch screen? It seems quite advanced, but is the price too expensive? At US$399, it would cost more than 3,000 in China. Can it be sold?"

Xiong Xiaoge didn't answer, he knew what the price represented.

Nowadays, domestic mobile phones, such as Amoi’s n6, are trying to hit the price range of 2,000, which is already high-end domestically produced.

For example, Lenovo’s i909 mobile phone is priced at RMB 1,000, Bird’s f300 is priced at RMB 900, and Tianyu e60 is priced at RMB 1,600.

The more than 3,000 domestic brands are hunting grounds for foreign brands to roam.

Xiong Xiaoge pulled up the progress bar again and watched it a second time.

Compared with the excitement the first time, this time there was a lot of scrutiny.

Sister-in-law Xiong was impatient and went to make two cups of tea before coming over to accompany her husband.


Xiong Xiaoge looked at it and suddenly made a sound of surprise, then clicked pause. Seeing Mr. Fang drinking water on the stage, his voice trembled again, and he guessed: "There is something wrong with the mobile phone in Mr. Fang's hand? How to solve it? Editing


Sister-in-law Xiong felt confused: "How do you know something is wrong? Isn't it good?"

"No, Mr. Fang's voice was normal before, but now he suddenly stuttered and his tone was a little excited. It's probably because there was a small problem at the scene." Xiong Xiaoge said.

Sister-in-law Xiong sneered: "You can't even get excited when someone launches a blockbuster product? You are too conspiratorial."

Xiong Xiaoge said seriously: "No, from the time I first met him to now, his psychological quality is very good. To say that before the press conference, he was busy with various problems and his mood fluctuated. When he actually went to the press conference, his psychological quality must have been very good.


"You, just be suspicious." Mrs. Xiong shook her head.

Xiong Xiaoge continued reading, this time focusing on the speeches of Google Schmidt and T-Mobile Legere. The former’s announcement of having 34 members was quite shocking.

He thought: "I don't know how T-Mobile cooperates. I heard Mr. Fang said that the operator is a very difficult and important matter. Legere was unclear."

"Sit at home and guess, I'll just call you later and ask. It's not bedtime yet." Sister-in-law Xiong has lost interest and plans to focus on the millet porridge she made.

Xiong Xiaoge calculated the time and planned to have a bowl of porridge before making this call.

Fifteen minutes later, the call came through.

"Congratulations, Mr. Fang, I went through the press conference briefly, and it was very, very good." Xiong Xiaoge truly felt this way.

"Really? I think it's good too. I'm still waiting for the mainstream opinion of the relevant media." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Well, but you, the number one investor in the country, simply watched the press conference? This is not like you.


Xiong Xiaoge glanced at his daughter-in-law who was laughing listening to the foreign voice next to him. He suddenly gave up asking if there were any twists and turns in the press conference and asked directly: "Can the sale be completed in December?"

Fang Zhuo thought about various aspects of cooperation and optimization in his mind: "There shouldn't be any delays. I'm quite confident. Now I want to see the performance of competing products, and I also have to take a look at the domestic 3G situation. Well,

Foreign operators have to continue to implement it, and there are many things to do, but the response to the press conference was good, which can be regarded as a small step."

Xiong Xiaoge pondered over and over again, and many questions swirled back into his mind, but he still said: "Congratulations to Yike, congratulations to Mr. Fang, I will wait to see the stock rise tomorrow."

"Haha, okay, I've been depressed for a while, so it's time to calm down a little." Fang Zhuo was in a good mood.

Xiong Xiaoge estimated that the person on the other end would be quite busy, so he ended the call without saying anything more.

He filled another bowl of porridge and shook his head while drinking, sometimes "tsk tsk" and sometimes "it's done".

"Okay, Lao Xiong, why were you so reserved when you called Mr. Fang just now? This will be done. I don't think everyone on the Internet is optimistic about Mars. There are people on Zhihu who are analyzing what Lenovo is saying.

Heretic and so on." Sister-in-law Xiong couldn't stand it and interrupted the state of "If the husband's porridge is not intoxicating, everyone will be intoxicated themselves".

Xiong Xiaoge has regained his spirit, is he an evil heretic?

It’s too late to praise, so why are the demons heretics again?

He clicked on Zhihu and quickly saw the criticism from domestic friends.

The three major sins of Yike Mars!

The first one is the glass body!

Your Mars is not resistant to falling!


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