Chapter 938 Friendship (4k)

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 Nokia's sudden press conference held in Paris on December 8 was quite boring, lasting two hours. The chief technology officer explained Yike's patent infringement point by point.

This press conference was attended by many senior executives, including CEO Kallasvuo Kallasvuo, and was quite formal and serious.

The chief technology officer explained it in detail, and there was a real machine demonstration on site, which seemed to be conclusive evidence.

So...did Yike really infringe?

"Nokia has been developing for so long and has accumulated so many patents. It is difficult for us not to infringe."

"But one thing I don't understand is that Nokia has sued two companies in the United States, so why does it never mention Apple?"

"At least let me know when the press conference is over."

The industry giant's targeted actions naturally attracted Fang Zhuo's attention. He temporarily summoned senior executives in the middle of the Nokia press conference to watch Nokia's patent explanation.

Fang Zhuo expressed heartfelt emotions after watching the press conference.

Nokia has too many patents and is very powerful. In the past two months, Yike has taken advantage of the financial crisis to acquire patents in a targeted manner in the market, hoping to slightly check and balance Nokia's actions.


Judging from the current situation, the internal understanding is relatively consistent and clear, and Yike really cannot win this lawsuit.

The comforting news is that our peers probably can’t win either.

Therefore, in the end, the most important way to discuss patent fees is what should be considered.

Directly negotiating sky-high patent fees is one way, and using negotiation to promote peace and then negotiating patent fees is also another way.

The current situation is that Apple and Yike are not willing to pay patent fees directly and are going through the legal process.

Fang Zhuo talked about this matter internally, not about the defensive counterattack in the financial field, but really about Yike's response - the longer time passes, the stronger Yike will become. Nokia has shown decline, and patents are very important to Yike now.

Ke is a big deal, but it is only a small matter for Yi Ke in the future.

However, the press conference held by Nokia after LG was banned seemed to be an attempt to take advantage of the pressure of public opinion, and it also directly publicly displayed a very clear patent situation.

This is obviously not a good thing for Yike, but because the Christmas sales are coming and the legal process generally takes time, the stock price only fluctuated slightly.

"Perhaps because Yike is more conspicuous, our Open Mobile Phone Alliance with Google and other companies is also very popular." Yu Hong only said this at the meeting, without mentioning the scene of the press conference in June this year.

Mr. Fang probably forgot that he once spent most of the press conference evaluating Nokia's new touch-screen phone, which directly resulted in destroying a large amount of the other party's stock.

This hatred... can be big or small, after all, Nokia is now launching a new phone.

"The pressure of public opinion at the press conference is actually easy to handle, especially since they are still in Paris. If they go directly to the opposite side of the ITC, the effect will probably be much better." Fang Zhuo also reassured his colleagues after sighing with emotion, "Everything is business as usual.

Just wait for the legal process."

When the meeting was over, Fang Zhuo returned to his office. No matter how he thought about it, he was still a little confused and a little angry. Apple's infringement was not bad at all.

Thinking about his friendship with Jobs over the gift of machines and cross-patent licensing, he simply called the head of Apple directly and asked if Apple had reached a private settlement with Nokia.

Jobs was already surprised to receive a call from Fang Zhuo, and even more surprised to hear the inquiry.

It is known that this person's psychological quality is very good, but I really didn't expect it to be so good.

He thought for ten seconds and said honestly: "No, Nokia has a bigger appetite."

"Then why did Kallasvuo only talk about Yike today?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Jobs suggested: "Why don't you look for the reason within yourself?"

"In such a press conference, will Kallasvuo ignore the other party just because of some personal emotions?" Fang Zhuo thought this way.

When Jobs heard this, he was a little surprised and joking.

Apple has already licensed patents with Yike, and only intends to differentiate itself in the market. Moreover, both companies have been sued by Nokia, so they can be regarded as comrades in challenging the industry giants.

He thought seriously for a while and gave his answer: "Android is indeed developing very fast. Is Samsung also going to leave the Symbian Alliance?"

The Symbian Alliance was previously established by Nokia together with Sony Ericsson, Siemens, Motorola, Samsung, LG and other companies.

Today, although some members have withdrawn and Samsung has begun to ship Android, the world's second-largest mobile phone company is still a member.

However, Samsung's turning action is also very obvious.

Alliance member LG is banned from sales, Microsoft OEM HTC is rumored to join Android, and Samsung has launched Android phones and has follow-up plans. Compared with Apple, which is fighting alone, this camp has a different momentum.

Yike is only one manufacturer of Android, but it is also a representative manufacturer of Android.

This is a battle of factions.

Dozens of manufacturers are participating in the Android Open Handset Alliance. Everyone must pay attention to this battle. Nokia is now taking the lead in dealing with it.

Fang Zhuo and Jobs exchanged their experiences. This meeting also connected information and competitive situations. He sighed: "It seems that Nokia may really adopt two methods to deal with patent infringement?"

Jobs did not give his own opinion this time.

"Okay, let's just say it. I'll give you the latest Mars next time. It won't require an interactive lottery." Fang Zhuo didn't know whether Jobs signed for the last gift, but he just expressed his gratitude.

Jobs suddenly used this phone call to ask about another matter: "How is the progress of the Hummingbird chip?"

Apple's current chip design and foundry come from Samsung, and the outline of Samsung's future chips lies in Hummingbird.

"Semi-finished product, it will probably take a long time." Fang Zhuo replied.

"If Yike is sued by Nokia, remember to split off the Hummingbird team and sell it to me. I can increase the price by 50% at whatever price you paid for it." Jobs said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo agreed immediately, no problem, absolutely no problem.

He ended the call, put down his phone, and first told his secretary Liu Zonghong something, asking him to see if there had been any new news recently from the Siri company that he had failed to contact before.

Siri does not want to be acquired, believing that the success of its cooperation project with speech recognition manufacturer Nuance will significantly increase the selling price.

Not long after the phone call ended, Google CEO Schmidt took the initiative to break the deadlock caused by a little unpleasantness.

No matter what, Yiko Mars is still the king of Android devices.

Before Samsung came up with its flagship product, Yike mobile phone was the most representative product of Android.

Schmidt believes that we cannot sit back and watch Nokia catalyze the ITC ruling process in a short period of time. As for the mobile services that Yike wants to do in China... he is willing to take a step back on behalf of Google. Yike can bundle its own mobile services in China.

, but Google wants to take away 20% of the revenue.

Fang Zhuo flatly rejected this: "If Google wants to split, Yike will always lose money in this aspect."

Schmidt: "..."

He laughed angrily: "Can't you restrain your arrogance?"

Fang Zhuo argued with reason: "Did Yike require Google to pay the revenue from overseas mobile services? As a shareholder of Android Company, did it require Android Company to negotiate revenue? Faced with unreasonable demands, this is all I can do."

He also took a step back: "Since Schmidt, you took the initiative to call us, that's good. Yike will provide local mobile services first. If Google is sure that it can provide smooth services to Chinese users, this will still be left to Google, but

Google’s revenue from this aspect in China will be shared with Yike 50%.”

Schmidt sneered: "Then you will always try your best to prevent Google from expanding its business in China?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "As of now, without my blocking, will Google's business in China be fine?"

Both sides were silent.

Silence cannot solve the problem.

"Two percent." Schmidt said simply.

"Fifty percent." Fang Zhuo felt that persistence can show sincerity.

"Twenty percent." Schmidt also insisted.

Fang Zhuo still took a step back for the sake of friendship: "Thirty percent cannot be less. We need to face Nokia together, reduce internal fighting, enhance the strength of the Android camp, and encroach on the Saipan market as soon as possible. The bigger the cake, the stronger Yike, and the more

Able to deal with patent competition calmly.”

Schmidt acquiesced.

He said directly: "Tomorrow we will resolve the matter of HTC first. HTC is positioned at the mid- to low-end and has rich foundry experience. It is a very good supplement to the Android camp."

"I'll wait for you in New York." Fang Zhuo agreed.

Schmidt said one last thing before ending the call: "Mr. Fang, I hope you can be a better person."

He no longer had any hope that Fang Zhuo would help mediate the matter, and he just hoped that he would not exert force in the opposite direction.

Fang Zhuo heard the blind tone on the phone before he could speak.

He put down his cell phone sadly, pondered for a while, and suddenly sighed: "Schmidt is such a bad person."

The secretary next to him, Liu Zonghong, thought to himself, no wonder he and his boss were in the same iron triangle.

"Let the Ministry of Justice formulate the patent licensing terms with HTC, and then let the country prepare for the launch of YMS." Fang Zhuo said in a deep voice. Since there is no problem on Google's side, the first wave of YMS can be carried by Yike, HTC,

The three families of Hanwang.

Subsequent domestic manufacturers will discuss this matter one by one. If they cannot reach an agreement, they will leave it to the market.

Yiko Mars is a pilot project in China this year, and next year’s 3G license will be officially released. It is believed that competitors such as iPhone will also enter the Chinese market.

There is a wave of cooperation between domestic manufacturers, and there is also a wave of foreign manufacturers such as Samsung who are willing to carry Android. However, Samsung will most likely insist not to carry YMS, and it is up to consumers to choose and compare the differences between this Android and that Android.

Features such as unified push of software messages like Apple iOS will bring different changes to mobile phones.

The night of December 9th.

The night was still cold, and the three talking heads from Yike, Google, and HTC were eating hot pot, and the atmosphere naturally warmed up.

In particular, Fang Zhuo first made self-criticism.

"I always want to bring the best experience to consumers, because if I didn't think so, Yike Company would not be what it is today."

"However, the process of doing things can be more artistic. I just have this shortcoming. Sometimes I tend to be blunt and look ugly. Please bear with me."

Fang Zhuo punished himself with a drink and apologized for the previous small conflict within the Android camp.

"I think Mr. Fang's spirit is the soul of Yike Company." Schmidt said with a spring breeze on his face on a cold night, "You are not responsible for consumers, and consumers will not pay for you. On the contrary, I am too dedicated to Google's business in China."

Too hasty."

He also raised his glass: "I will follow Mr. Fang's example and punish myself with a drink."

Fang Zhuo and Schmidt looked at each other and smiled.

Wang Xuehong was a little... at a loss in the hazy heat of the hot pot.

The... friendship between these two.

So mellow!

She ignored the capriciousness of these two people and said sincerely: "HTC is very optimistic about the development of the Android system. It is led by Google and Yike Mars. I believe Android can usher in a better tomorrow."

The three of them drank together.

While Fang Zhuo taught Schmidt how to use chopsticks with great interest, he talked about the patent licensing of the PRO Alliance and the patent fees of HTC and Yike.

Wang Xuehong was stunned: "Now that I have joined the PRO Alliance..."

She thought that today's trip was due to external forces, so she could leave the past behind and look forward.

Schmidt used his chopsticks crookedly, conveying the same attitude: "After all, HTC has infringed on Yike's patent."

"Actually, this hasn't been decided yet." Wang Xuehong had a slight objection.

Then, she noticed that the eyes of Mr. Fang and Schmidt seemed to flash a cold light for an instant.

For just a moment, Wang Xuehong even thought it was her own misunderstanding.

She took a breath: "But Yike has indeed made great exploration and innovation in touch screens, and HTC is willing to learn from Yike on this part."

"Well, the company does not belong to me alone. There must be an explanation from top to bottom." Fang Zhuo nodded and said, "It's only ten million US dollars. To be honest, it's not much. The details can be left to the two parties for negotiation.

I agree with what Mr. Wang said, Android will be better tomorrow."

He raised his glass: "Welcome Mr. Wang and HTC to join the Android family."

Wang Xuehong listened to this number, and saw that Mr. Fang had already raised his glass, and then looked at Schmidt opposite who also picked up his glass. After all, he no longer struggled with the patent fees, and completed HTC's turn: "I hope the Android system can

To bring a better user experience to consumers around the world, we also hope that HTC can make a contribution."

"Cheers to Android, cheers to friendship." Fang Zhuo smiled and clinked his glasses.

The three of them drank the wine of friendship together.

After Wang Xuehong put down her wine glass, she couldn't help but talk about yesterday's Nokia press conference and asked Yike's response.

"Delay and wait for change." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly, "We are all our own people, so I will say it bluntly. It is difficult to get around Nokia's patents. Even I have no way around it for the time being. Let's take a look."

Wang Xuehong felt relieved for some reason.

Chicago, 23rd floor of Wrigley Building, office of private equity fund Pursue.

Investment manager Angus suddenly received a call from a big boss in Europe, asking him to evaluate the stock prospects of emerging mobile phone manufacturer Yike, and to confirm and analyze Yike's situation with his peers.

Pursue has not been established for a long time, and the scale of funds under management is not large, but it has successfully weathered the financial crisis and made profits, which is relatively well-known in Chicago.

Angus cherished his job under the current circumstances. Although he was a little surprised by the sudden order, he started to implement it without hesitation, and he quickly noticed the possible bad news about Yike.

"Come on, ask a few other friends to see what they think of Yike, whether there are any problems with the data, and what's going on with the patents." Angus directed his colleagues to handle the new work.

It seems that the mysterious European boss is interested in shorting Yike this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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