Chapter 1356 Mysterious Key

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 "The bastard Black Tooth Family!" Martin cursed secretly, and then ordered his subordinates, "Check, give me a thorough investigation to see what the Black Tooth Family is doing!"

It is not a gentleman to retaliate without revenge, so he just took this opportunity to vent his anger.

On the other hand, Zu An and his party had gone away safely. Yu Yanluo looked back: "Do you think the Golden Crow Guards will find us? After all, many people in Biyuan have seen us and Black Tooth Gu.

There was a conflict in Bankha."

Zu An consoled him: "What are you afraid of? The ashes have been scattered anyway, and there are no witnesses. Even if we are found, we just don't admit it."

Jade Yanluo: "..."

This guy is really a bit of a rogue, but sometimes you have to use this rogue method to deal with some shameless people.

"That's all we can do for the time being," she nodded, suddenly remembered something, and took out a dark key from her arms, "This key was just picked up from the ancient corpse of Black Teeth."

Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen both exclaimed: "When the White Lotus True Fire burned, the monks' ashes were not left behind. How can this key remain intact?"

Zu An's eyes lit up: "Could it be some kind of treasure?"

Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen studied for a while and finally shook their heads: "No, although the material is special, it does not have any special function. It is just a key, but the place that can be opened with such a key is definitely


Unfortunately, after much thought, several people didn't know where the key was to open the lock. Even Yun Jianyue regretted that he had been so hasty in killing Black Tooth Gu just now. He should have tortured him first about what this thing was for.

But who would have thought that a person like him would have such precious things in his body.

After returning to the residence, Zu An sneaked into Yu Yanluo's room, but she was thin-skinned. She thought that the rooms of the two great masters were next door, and they would never be able to hide what happened, so she was unwilling to talk to him.


Zu An also thought that he had had that kind of experience with Yan Xuehen. If she heard anything again, it would be hard to predict how she would react, so he did not insist and went back to the room and fell asleep peacefully.

On the contrary, it made Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen next door prick up their ears and wait until midnight, thinking that something would happen, but their wait was in vain.

"Tsk, boring." Yun Jianyue kept complaining.

If it was said that she was just unsatisfied because of her curiosity about eating melons and watching a show, Yan Xuehen's thoughts were more complicated. Her cheeks were slightly dizzy, her eyes were twitching, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

In the next few days, the frequency of the Golden Crow Guards on the street became even higher. Apparently what happened that night made many people in the royal court be wary.

However, no one from the Snake Clan came to check, but other tribes came to the door one after another to get close to her. Apparently, the news about Biyuan had spread, and everyone knew that Queen Medusa was good at breaking stones.

Even an ordinary person with such talent would become a guest of all the major forces, let alone the head of a clan who is such a stunningly beautiful person.

Yu Yanluo was busy socializing, while Zu An was happy to have some free time and took the opportunity to go to the Elf King's Mansion to discuss follow-up matters with Xue'er.

Who would have known that the guards at the Elf Palace were much stricter than the last time I went there, and there were also many spies from the Golden Crow Guard around. It was probably because after the prince was assassinated last time, they suspected Princess Snow of colluding with the assassin, and did not fully believe her words.

So I arranged for people to guard here quietly to see if they could find any loopholes.

Worried about causing trouble for Xue'er, he didn't force his way in.

Three days passed quickly, and the meeting of all races was officially held.

The meeting place was just below the mountain of the Imperial Mausoleum. There was a large-scale altar at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by an extremely wide square. Various sacrifices and major events of the demon clan were held here.

Zu An has finally seen what a conference of all races is, because there are indeed all kinds of races, and it can be said to be strange.

That's just the common animals, there are some whose names I have never heard of, and the animal world was never so exciting in my previous life.

Zu An stared at the sloth clansmen who were doing everything in the distance as if they were in slow motion, wondering if these guys were so slow in fighting? Wouldn't that mean they were at the mercy of others?

But what's even more outrageous is that he also saw a tribe of tapeworms. Zu An felt disgusted when he saw them. Are these guys also parasitic in other people's bodies and eating shit?

There is also the giant maggot clan. Seeing those guys squirming like a mountain of flesh, Zu An's stomach churns. He is very curious about what these guys like to eat most. Will his breakthrough in the future be to become Fly Man?

There are also many weird races that are similar to tapeworms and giant maggots. Zu An thinks that he should never deal with these races in the future. He is afraid that their racial talent is to spit out shit, which will be a lifelong shadow.

Each ethnic group sat down according to their respective positions, and the seats spread out in a circle with the altar as the center.

Zu An noticed that those in the innermost circle and at the front were almost all the most powerful races, while the Snake Tribe and his group were sitting in the middle.

Seemingly sensing his thoughts, Yuyanluo sighed quietly: "When my mother was still alive, the snake clan was still very powerful. She was sitting at the front at that time, but unfortunately now..."

"Haha, after being in decline for so long, you can still maintain a mid-range position. It shows that the Snake Clan is indeed a big clan," Zu An comforted, "Don't worry, you have returned to the Snake Clan now, and with our help, it won't be long before you can lead the clan to recovery."

The peak of the past.”

Yu Yanluo smiled bitterly and didn't say anything. In fact, she personally didn't really want to stay with the demon clan. She preferred the life of the human clan and recognized the human side more in her heart. But now she is beautiful.

Queen Tusha cannot show any weakness or shake the confidence of her people.

After all the tribes had taken their places, a high-pitched voice came: "The Demon Emperor has arrived!"

People from all ethnic groups stood up and saluted respectfully, shouting in unison: "Welcome to His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

Zu An looked up secretly and saw a golden light falling from the sky. The next second, an old man in yellow robes appeared on the large dragon chair on the high platform in the center.

It can be seen that time has left too many traces on his body, and he is not much different from a dying old man.

Zu An never expected that the majestic Demon Emperor would be such an old man in his dying years.

It’s no wonder that a grand ceremony for passing on the throne needs to be held, considering that time is really running out.

His appearance is very ordinary, neither handsome nor ugly. The most eye-catching thing is the abrupt aquiline nose, coupled with the sharp and sinister eyes, which reminds people that this is definitely not an ordinary old man.

Feeling his eyes sweeping over here, Zu An didn't dare to look any further, thinking of looking like a wolf watching an eagle.

As the Demon King's eyes scanned the entire audience, a stream of spiritual thoughts spread out. Everyone in the audience felt a terrifying pressure. No one dared to make a sound, and some weak race representatives were even trembling with fear.


"Everyone is safe!" At this time, a man who looked like a big eunuch next to the Demon King shouted at the top of his voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" All races responded one after another, and the younger generations of some races were even trembling with excitement, because the Demon Emperor is a totem in the Demon Clan and the object of worship in the hearts of countless people. Now that he finally saw it with his own eyes, how could he

Not excited?

At this time, Yan Xuehen's voice came to my ears: "The Demon King's true body has not come, this is just a fragment of his soul."

As a Grand Master, her knowledge in this area is obviously far beyond that of ordinary monks.

Zu An had heard them mention it before that in the Earth Immortal realm, one could cultivate the Soul of Life, the Earth Soul and the Heavenly Soul, corresponding to the Yin God, Yang God and Yuan God respectively.

Now that the sun is scorching in the sky, the Demon Emperor on this stage should be the Demon Emperor's earthly soul.

It actually looked like a real person. If Yan Xuehen hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have been able to see the flaw. The Earth Immortal's methods were indeed miraculous.

He was curious in his heart. He didn't know what the ghost that Zhao Hao had parasitized on the prince was. He destroyed it in the secret realm. I'm afraid it had a considerable impact on his strength.

"It seems that the Demon King's time is really running out, and he can no longer attend such an occasion." Yun Jianyue said with a hint of excitement in her tone.

Yan Xuehen was startled: "You don't want to run and fight with him, do you? No matter how weak he is, you can't deal with him now."


This chapter has been completed!
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