Chapter 647 The shocking giant melon

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Above the court, hundreds of officials gathered together and whispered. Many people asked the big bosses to find out what happened, but unfortunately, those guys kept silent.

"The Emperor and the Queen have arrived!" It was not until the eunuch's high-pitched voice sounded that the noisy hall became quiet.

Soon Zhao Ruizhi and Bi Linglong came in from the side one after another. Zhao Ruizhi sat on the dragon chair in front, while Bi Linglong sat on the phoenix chair behind the bead curtain.

Seeing that both of them were there, many ministers who were originally worried breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that everything that happened last night was still under control.

However, many attentive people noticed that the position where Bi Linglong was sitting today was different from usual. Usually the Queen Mother sat in the middle, and her seat was a slightly smaller one next to her.

But now she was sitting in the middle, and the Queen Mother did not appear, and even the other chair was removed directly.

Many people in the venue had already heard some rumors, and they felt a little guilty when they saw this scene. The Liu family was indeed over.

I originally thought that the Queen Mother had been running the palace for many years and had the skills of a great master. With her here, the Liu family would have a chance to make a comeback. Now...

After all the ministers saluted, Bi Linglong cleared her throat and said, "You must also know that something happened last night. The Queen Mother intended to abolish the establishment and joined forces with the Liu brothers to plot a rebellion. Fortunately, King Yi With the help of King Wu and other royal families, and the concerted efforts of all the major families, the rebellion was put down."

Not long ago, her father Bi Qi came to the palace and had a long talk with her.

She also knew that as things turned out, she had no choice but to go along with it, otherwise she would really investigate and accuse the Bi family of falsely passing on the imperial edict or even treason?

Anyway she

I have never dealt with the Queen Mother. Now that the Queen Mother is in danger, let's stabilize the situation first.

We will slowly liquidate certain people later.

Despite being mentally prepared, the entire hall was still in an uproar after hearing the news.

Everyone knows that the current emperor is the flesh and blood of the Queen Mother's sister. With this blood relationship, why would the Liu family be crazy and replace them with other princes who have nothing to do with the Liu family?

But now that the matter has settled, it's hard for everyone to say anything for the loser.

But he kept looking at King Yi and King Wu, and it turned out that they were the main force in what happened last night.

At the same time, he also looked at Bi Qi from time to time. Everyone knew that the Bi family and the Liu family had always been at odds with each other. If they said that he was not involved in such a thing, no one would believe it.

As expected, following the discussion of merit and rewards, Yi Wang Zhao Huang was promoted from Zhendong General to General, and became the leader of all generals.

The sons Zhao Shun and Zhao Si, who had made great contributions last night, were both granted the title of king and granted the title of ten thousand households. Among them, Zhao Shun was promoted to the right guard general.

King Wu was promoted to Liu Yao's previous position as General Wei, responsible for the defense of the capital.

At the same time, he also served as the leader of the middle school, and controlled all the six schools outside the city.

Biqi's food town increased by 8,000 households, and he also served as a servant and a general of chariots and cavalry.

Many discerning people can see that although the rewards Bi Qi received are not as dazzling as those of King Yi and King Wu on the surface, they have gained a lot of practical benefits.

Although the Shangshu Province has the highest status among the three provinces in name, it has to handle various specific government affairs. It is not only busy with affairs, but also far away from the decision-making center.

The servants are different. They are the key figures around the emperor who discuss and formulate policies.

The Chariot and Cavalry General is the third-ranked general among all the titles.

Due to the existence of the number, the general is now King Yi, and the second-ranked hussar general, King Qi, has died and is now idle.

Speaking of which, he now ranks second in the military.

In this way, he will gain power from both the military and the government at the same time. I am afraid that the Bi family will become the most wealthy family in the world in the future.

Everyone who participated in the elimination of the Liu family last night received satisfactory rewards. In addition, some other highly respected ministers also received rewards.

For example, Tingwei Jiang Boyang was appointed as a lieutenant, allowing him to enter the center of decision-making power. He also served as the prince's young master, and was allowed to add an additional 500 soldiers and honor guards.

Everyone secretly guessed that the queen's move was probably to appease her.


Ministers of the DPRK.

Jiang Boyang, who has always been upright and upright, and holds the position of court captain, is in charge of the law. If he seriously pursues the legality of the matter of dealing with the Queen Mother and the Liu family last night, it will really end badly.

Especially considering that the Jiang family is related to the Pei family, the Yu family and even the royal family, and the unmarried daughter Jiang Luofu is a teacher at the back of the college and plays a decisive role in the college.

Jiang Boyang's face was expressionless. He didn't know whether he was bribed by this honor or because he considered that the Liu family would be destroyed and the rice would be ready, so he did not raise an issue in the court after all.

Because of the demise of the Liu family, there were a large number of official positions and power vacancies in the court, so almost every minister in the court meeting received a reward, which was considered to be a happy event for everyone.

Bi Linglong finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that after her skillful operation, the civil and military officials of the court finally acquiesced in the matter.

Who would have thought that Zhao Ruizhi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke: "Where's Zu An, why haven't you heard about his treatment?"


The whole hall suddenly fell into

There was a terrifying tranquility.

Many people looked at each other with doubts in their eyes, why are they still related to the regent?

The colleagues they consulted were also confused, making eye contact: "I don't know?"

A smile appeared on the face of Bi Linglong, who was listening to the government behind the curtain. After hearing this, her expression suddenly changed and she looked down at Bi Qi.

She was smart and realized immediately that what happened yesterday was actually aimed at Zu An?

How dare they!

At this time, Bi Qi replied: "The regent went to the place where the demon clan was sealed to fight against the demons from outside the world. There is still no news. I'm afraid..."

"Hmph, this is not giving him an advantage. I am going to deprive him of his position as regent." Zhao Ruizhi waved his fist angrily.

"Absolutely not. The regent has made great contributions to the country. Even if he encounters something unfortunate in the Sealed Land, the human race and even the whole world should remember his achievements. How could he do such a shameful thing!" Jiang Boyang finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and spoke sternly.

Sang Hong also went out to report: "Yes, the regent has repeatedly made outstanding achievements for the court in recent years, and now he is willing to take extraordinary risks in order to solve the problem of demons outside the world. I don't know what mistake he made to make Your Majesty so angry."

What a joke, the Sang family and Zu An have been tied together for a long time, how can he just sit idly by and ignore it.

At this time, a series of ministers who had good relations with Zu An, such as the Qin family and the Murong family, all spoke in agreement. In addition, many ministers who were close to the National Academy also began to speak out.

Zhao Ruizhi never expected that the ministers who were very respectful just now would be so aggressive at this time. Seeing that many of them had a reputation for majesty.

Senior, I couldn't help but feel guilty for a moment: "Even if you are right, but...he bullied my Linglong, how can can I spare him lightly."

These words did not sound like the emperor's power at all. On the contrary, he became more and more aggrieved as he spoke, and his voice became inaudible.

It's just that among the ministers who are qualified to attend the morning court, everyone can hear it clearly.

The court, which had been so excited just now, suddenly became quiet. They all looked at Bi Linglong in shock, wondering why such a shocking thing suddenly appeared?

Bi Linglong almost ran out of breath and fainted. She was shy and angry at the same time, but she reacted quickly and immediately snorted: "The emperor was frightened last night. Today he is a little confused and started talking nonsense. Someone, help the emperor back to the palace." rest."


Soon the eunuchs and palace maids came over to help Zhao Ruizhi. The queen usually had a high prestige. Except for special circumstances like yesterday when things happened suddenly, everyone still subconsciously obeyed her orders.

However, Zhao Ruizhi quit: "I'm not confused. I don't want to go back to rest. People named Zu bullied you, and you did it all to protect me..."

At this time, King Yi coughed slightly and interrupted him: "Your Majesty is indeed a little confused. You should go back to the palace and rest early."

He is the one who is under the greatest pressure. You must know that last night, in order to deceive this stupid emperor into getting his seal, his two sons used Zu An as an excuse to really pursue him.


After checking, I'm afraid their family won't be able to eat enough to carry around.

On normal days, it would be close to treason for a minister to speak to the emperor like this, but now no one in the entire hall thought it was inappropriate. Instead, many people agreed and urged the emperor to hurry up.

Click back to rest.

What a joke, let this stupid emperor reveal some information, how will it end next?

With so many people in the hall, who can guarantee that the news will not leak out?

After all, the other party is a legitimate emperor, and everyone cannot ignore what he says.

And if what he said is true, the affair between the courtier and the queen would be an extremely explosive scandal even in history, and every one of them would be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history books.

The key is how to deal with this matter in reality?

Really punish the regent?

Not to mention the fact that the regent has strong connections in the court and the National Academy's sacrificial wine. Even without these, based on his own strength alone, who dares to touch him and who can understand him?

The bones of King Jin, the ancestor of the Meng family, countless masters from the Dai Palace, and that terrifying golden dragon are still alive.

Who dares to die?

Besides, if we really force him to the side of the demon clan, and then he leads his army south, it will be a question whether the entire Zhou Dynasty can still exist.

If what the stupid emperor said is false, then if it spreads, it will also be a huge blow to the emperor's sanctity and majesty. The entire royal family and all the princes in the court will probably become a laughing stock.


Your Majesty, please shut up!

This was a thought shared by almost everyone in the court.

Zhao Ruizhi originally wanted to say something else, but Bi Linglongfeng glared at him with a confused look, and he was so frightened that he shut his mouth.

He has been disciplined by the other party since he was the prince. Sometimes he is just like his mother, with a natural coercion of a cat over a mouse.

After Zhao Ruizhi was "invited" back to the palace by the eunuch and the maid, Bi Linglong looked at the civil and military officials of the court and wanted to say something.

, but my cheeks felt hot again. I haven’t been this embarrassed in many years.

No matter how smart she is, and how majestic she is as a mother, she is only a teenage girl after all, so she can't calm down after such a thing.

She had actually thought about countless situations in which her relationship with Zu An would be exposed, but she had never thought of this situation.

Everything happened so suddenly...

She didn't speak, and the other ministers of His Highness did not dare to speak. They were all cautious, fearing that they would accidentally get into trouble.

It's just that it's very painful for those who just stood up to ask for Zu An's life. It's not right for them to continue to say it now, and it's not right for them to retreat.

Sang Hong looked strange. You know, he always felt a little depressed when he thought about his daughter and daughter-in-law being taken over by Zu An. He could only keep comforting himself that his son-in-law was only half a son, so it was considered that the wealth would not go to outsiders.

Until now, I saw that he could even handle the queen. For a moment, I even felt inexplicably proud. My daughter, daughter-in-law and the current queen were all sisters!

Jiang Boyang's face was also very exciting at this time, and he thought that although he knew that the boy was a promiscuous person before, he never expected that he would be so bold, even the queen would dare to get involved?

No, he has to go back and keep his daughter away from him.

You must know that Jiang Luofu knew him in Mingyue City, and now he is working under him at the National College. It is really dangerous.

King Wu's expression was also very exciting. In fact, Zu An had always been a thorn in his heart, especially when he thought that in order to find out the secrets of the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", he personally sent his wife to his room. At first, he thought he was just a little person. , just silence it afterwards.

Who knows, he will be successful afterwards

It’s grown to this point!

During the last ambush in the capital, Yuqing fell out with herself in order to save him. It seemed like she was clearly in love with that guy.

Just once, just once, can he make his usually loving wife completely devoted to him?

Every time King Wu thought about this, he would go crazy with jealousy and regret.


, but the one named Zu is too powerful, and he has no ability to retaliate.

It wasn't until last night that he finally saw a glimmer of light.

But now he is even happier, because even the queen has been tainted by him, and even the emperor has to suffer this kind of injustice. I am not alone anymore.

What ability does that guy have that fascinates women?

The most depressing people in the hall are probably the people of the Qin family. You must know that Zu An’s identity is the son-in-law of the Chu family. Although the two had reconciled before, everyone knew that it was just a stopgap measure. Over the years, the regent and the Chu family Chu Yan and the rest of the Qin family are not all on good terms.

The Qin family is Chu Chuyan's natal family, and their own uncle came out to steal sex, and even stole it from the queen...

Hey, I'm just here for a morning meeting, but I feel like my head is glowing green.

At this time, Bi Linglong coughed slightly, and she finally came to her senses: "In the past, there were indeed some rumors that there was something going on between me and the regent, but at that time, Jijiu personally testified for us, and the late emperor supervised us. It can be seen that the relationship between us Innocent. I think your Majesty heard some slanderous rumors from somewhere, dear sirs, please do not take them seriously. I will definitely investigate this matter to the end."

Hearing what he said, King Yi's face changed slightly, thinking that his two little bastards were already dozens of years old, and they still couldn't tell the difference between the serious and the important. Now it would be better.


Others said: "Yes, empress!"

But everyone was starting to gossip more and more. The Queen's explanation was reasonable and impeccable no matter how you looked at it.

But this is the case with many things. The more you explain, the more guilty people will think you are.

Originally, when Ji Jijiu came out to testify, everyone thought there was nothing wrong with it, but now that they think about it, it turned out that before his death, Lao Jijiu passed his position to Zu An. It seems that the relationship between the two was unusual. Judging from what Lao Jijiu did back then style, I am afraid that he has long been established as his successor.

So after such rumors happened, what if he lied once in order to save Zu An?

Besides, even if nothing happened between the two of them at that time, what happened later?

After the death of the late emperor, the queen and the regent had the final say in the entire palace, and the regent was in and out of the palace for a long time, so he had too many opportunities.

Looking back, when he was still the prince's East Palace, the regent often came in and out and interacted with the prince's concubine.

Compared with Zhao Ruizhi, a silly fat man, the regent is handsome and unrestrained. The key is his unparalleled cultivation. Which girl can withstand his charm?

In the past, due to her identity as Bi Linglong and her extremely mature and sensible political skills, everyone subconsciously ignored that she was still a young girl.

Now that I was awakened by Zhao Ruizhi, I felt a sudden realization.

These two look so good together!

Seeing the strange eyes and expressions of the ministers in the audience, Bi Linglong probably guessed what they were thinking, and she almost fainted out of breath.

These old foxes with unhealthy ideas are really disgusting!

But what happened between her and Zu An was true, which made her feel guilty even if she wanted to refute it.

In desperation, I can only keep a straight face

He snorted:

"Don't let a single word of what happened today be revealed. If I hear any rumors, I will definitely punish you severely!"


She didn't want to stay in this hall for a second longer!

Seeing Bi Linglong running away with a frosty look on her face, all the ministers in the hall had a hint of smile in their eyes.

She is anxious, she is anxious!

She is still a little girl after all.

Bi Linglong returned to the palace with a straight face. No one of the maids around her on the way dared to say a word, not even Rong Mo dared to persuade her.

"Let Lady Bei come to see me!"

After leaving an order, he locked himself in the room alone and did not allow anyone to come in.

Then he got into bed, covered his head, and rolled around on the bed, leaving only one pair of legs kicking around:

"Ah ah ah, this is so embarrassing!"

(After reading this, remember to bookmark it for next time reading.




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