Chapter 965 Clues

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 Mi Li sighed quietly: "I also know that this object is extremely rare, and it is probably impossible to find it. I will spend this period of time in seclusion and study to see if there are any other ways to restore the injury to my soul."

Hearing her low tone, Zu An's heart surged for a moment and he blurted out: "Don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will try my best to help you find it!"

Mi Li had helped him so much. They were called master and apprentice, but they were actually siblings, so how could they just sit back and watch.

"Thank you so much." Mi Li smiled. From her tone, it was clear that she didn't quite believe that Zu An could find this medicine. After all, such a thing was so rare that even if the other party was the emperor, he might not be able to find it.

Hearing the disdain in her tone, Zu An didn't say anything, but kept the name of Zishuang Divine Milk firmly in his heart.

"By the way, you seemed to be struggling with the breakthrough just now?" Mi Li's voice sounded again.

"Yes, it seems that I have been trapped in this realm for a long time now..." Zu An told her about his cultivation problems.

Mi Li replied: "Generally practitioners accumulate vitality little by little through years of practice. If there are formations and Yuan stones to help, the effect will be much better. You can use the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique to quickly absorb other people's cultivation.

Promotion, but I don’t recommend you do this. That will cause your foundation to be unstable, so it’s better to practice bit by bit to hone your body’s cultivation.”

Zu An wondered: "The "Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique" is a technique that is parallel to the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra". In theory, it shouldn't have such a big hidden danger, right?"

This is not a great method to attract stars, how could it have such a big flaw?

Mi Li replied: "There are yin and yang in the universe, and everything has pros and cons. The "Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique" is great because it can be done quickly, but because it can be done quickly, it will also bring instability to the foundation. The reason why the kings of Shang in the past have no problem practicing this

, because their improvement is gradual and they have enough time to refine and absorb the skills of others."

"But you have three great miraculous skills, and you have encountered many adventures, and your cultivation speed has increased too fast. You are now close to the peak of the ninth level at a young age. I am afraid that no one in the past and present can compare with you. Like your emperor,

If I hadn't thought that you had inherited Old Man Mi's cultivation and eliminated the foundation for future promotion, I would have been afraid and would have killed you."

Zu An was shocked. Now, apart from Mi Li, the only one who knows his true cultivation level is the emperor. Everyone else has their own guesses about his cultivation level, but because he has "a clear mirror but not a platform" and the information provided by Concubine Bai

The sachet was used to cover it up, and those people's guesses were far from the truth.

"Then what should I do next? I won't run away and get beaten. With my current level of cultivation, even if I run around and get beaten every day, my improvement will be very limited."

Mi Li replied: "Don't always think that the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" relies on beatings to improve one's cultivation. That's just that old man Mi has gone astray due to his shallow knowledge. In the final analysis, the improvement of the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" depends on the practice of practitioners.

During the battle, you constantly break through yourself to improve step by step. The more dangerous the battle, the more serious the injuries you suffer, and the stronger you will be after you recover." Zu An complained: "Then it's still about getting beaten..."

Mi Li: "..."

She directly ignored the other party's words and continued: "When you go to Yunzhong County this time, you will most likely encounter danger. At that time, you will have the opportunity to accumulate and improve. However, it is not that easy to break through to the master. It often requires genius.

The assistance of earthly treasures or the vast amounts of energy from heaven and earth in certain blessed places and caves can wash away and temper the body. Those things are hard to come by, so I will explain them to you slowly when the time comes."

"Then I am just tempering my body's cultivation and laying a solid foundation now?" Zu An frowned a little. In fact, he has not tempered during this period, but unfortunately he has made very little progress. If he continues to practice, there may not be too obvious effects.


"I'm telling you this just because I don't want you to take shortcuts by relying on the "Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique" in order to achieve a breakthrough. Your current situation is more suitable for tempering the soul. Taking this opportunity to temper the vitality in the body at the same time, the effect should be better." Mi Li.


Zu An was stunned: "Isn't tempering the soul something only those at the Grandmaster level can do? Isn't it too early for me?"

"Your current cultivation level will not be too disadvantageous against a low-level grandmaster. The difference is only in the means of the soul. Your situation is different from others. If it is other practitioners who have tempered the soul before the master, the physical strength will be very high.

It’s easy to collapse due to being overwhelmed, but you don’t have this problem.” Mi Li explained.

Zu An was overjoyed: "Then I don't know how to temper the soul."

"Meditation, relax your whole body, feel the energy of heaven and earth, first imagine that your mental power is materialized, don't use your eyes, don't use your vitality, but use your mental power to feel everything around you, try to touch them,

One day, you can use your mental power to move some small objects slightly, and you will be a beginner." Mi Li explained while saying, "I will teach you a formula first, which can help you exercise your mental power. I will teach you the details after you get started.

The method of tempering the soul.”

"Thank you sister...Master!" Zu An was extremely happy. If his mental power could be materialized, wouldn't he be able to touch many things through the air in the future?

As if she guessed what he was thinking, Mi Li's warning voice came: "By the way, I want to remind you one thing. Your mental power is still very fragile at the beginning. Do not try to touch living things, otherwise the other party will

If you have any overreaction, your mental strength will be severely damaged at the least, or you will become an idiot directly."

Zu An was shocked: "Is it so terrifying?"

"Of course, you must not practice mental strength too hastily, otherwise you will easily lose your mind and soul." Mi Li's voice gradually became weaker again.

Zu An thought that the other party was so seriously injured in the state of his soul body, and he must have suffered a lot from talking to him so much, so he hurriedly said: "By the way, I just thought that I practiced the second half of the "Hongmeng Yuanshi Jing"

Yes, it can heal other people's injuries. I wonder if it can repair your damaged soul?"

"You want to take advantage of me?" Mi Li's voice suddenly rose.

Zu An was startled, then reacted and immediately explained: "I didn't mean that. My Hongmeng Qi can now enter other people's bodies to help heal their injuries."

"No need, it's of no use to me, I'm in a soul body now." Mi Li also realized that her reaction just now was too much, coughed lightly and said, "You should practice well on your own, I need to sleep again."

After he finished speaking, the room fell into silence again.

Zu An called several times, but there was no reply from Mi Li. For a moment, he felt empty in his heart.

"We must help her find the Purple Frost Divine Milk!" His eyes became more determined, and he quickly took out the clothes of the embroidered messenger from the glass orb, quickly changed them, and then walked out of the room in the night.

Silver medalist Xiao Jianren was lighting an oil lamp in his room and reading a book. Suddenly, he felt a warning sign. He picked up the knife beside him and looked behind him: "Who!"

I saw a figure sitting in the shadow not far away. Xiao Jianren squinted his eyes and quickly saw the other person's attire. He hurriedly put away the knife: "I have met Master Eleven!"

Zu An hummed: "There is something I need you to help me with."

With the strict superior-subordinate relationship of the Embroidered Clothes Messenger, there was no need for him to beat around the bush.

"Your Majesty, please give me your instructions." Xiao Jianren was overjoyed. He had only been ordered to follow Sang Hong with his men before. He was still a little uneasy. But now that he learned that there was a mission, a big stone fell in his heart.

"Do you know about the Purple Frost Divine Milk?" Zu An looked at him nervously. The other party was a living library. I am afraid that few people are as familiar with the information in the Embroidery Tower as he was. If he didn't even know it.

, that might be really troublesome.

Xiao Jianren was startled: "Could it be that one of the adults has his soul damaged?"

He asked a bit tactfully, but he actually wanted to ask if you were injured, but he was afraid of violating a taboo.

Zu An couldn't help but feel happy. It seems that the name of the Purple Frost Divine Milk in this world has not changed, so it will be much easier to find it: "Don't worry about it, do you know where the Purple Frost Divine Milk can be found?"

Xiao Jianren shook his head: "This is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, rarely seen in the world. If the place had not paid tribute to the emperor once in the early years, the Purple Frost Divine Milk, I might not have known about it."

"Where is the emperor?" Zu An frowned, that would be a bit troublesome, but no matter how difficult it is, there is still a target, which is better than a headless fly.

Xiao Jianren had a strange look on his face, thinking about how to understand the meaning of your words, as if he wanted to steal it from the emperor, he hurriedly said: "The emperor's soul was severely injured in the battle with the Demon Emperor, and it was only with the help of the Purple Frost Divine Milk that he recovered.


"So now the emperor is gone?" Zu An raised his eyebrows. He now wanted to hang up this narrow-eyed man and give him a good beating for half-talking. What a bad habit.

As if sensing his "murderous intent", Xiao Jianren hurriedly said: "It was the previous generation of Yunzhong County Duke who paid tribute to the Emperor's Purple Frost Divine Milk. If this thing can be found anywhere in the world, it must be Yunzhong County.

It belongs."

This chapter has been completed!
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