Chapter 117: Marriage Verification

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 Li Ang and the other three once again declined Monk Jing’s invitation to listen to the sermon and left Jing Monastery.

When they boarded the carriage, Yang Yu was still muttering, "How come even the Nestorians are now learning fortune-telling techniques on the street, and when they meet, they tell people that the Yintang will turn black and there will be a bloody disaster..."

Li Wei curled his lips and said: "How can we recruit believers and earn incense money if we don't do this?"

The three of them also wear the Academy waist badges. For Nestorianism, if the Academy disciples can become believers, the gold content will definitely be much higher than that of ordinary believers.

Li Ang didn't believe the theory of a bloody disaster, so he returned home in a carriage. After thinking about it, he simply took Chai Chai out and called Song Shaoyuan, You Douzhi and some friends to go to a restaurant to have a good meal together and treat it like Christmas.


"The radish and pork ribs soup in this Jinchengfang restaurant is quite delicious. You can come over and try it when you have time. Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer."

Li Ang served a bowl of soup for himself and Chai Chai and said, "Drinking soup is probably a beautiful thing."

“Should we eat more radishes in winter?”

Yang Yu's eyes lit up, "Is this also medical theory?"

Song Shaoyuan thought for a while and said: "The Treatise on Febrile Diseases says: In November, the Yang Qi is inside and the stomach is upset and hot. The Yin Qi is weak and cannot overcome the heat.

Maybe eating radish in winter can relieve accumulated heat?"

...Can’t radish be delicious? By the way, Brother Song, you’ve been reading a lot lately.

Li Ang smacked his lips and decided not to speak anymore - looking at the expressions on Yang Yu's and the others' faces, it is estimated that they will start eating carrot soup at home after they return.

Ever since he was admitted to the Academy, Li Ang's living habits have been imitated by Chang'an families for no apparent reason.

For example, never eat uncooked river seafood, wash your hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet, and only drink filtered or boiled water.

Even the cotton masks that Li Ang occasionally wears have imitators appearing on the streets.

There is a strange sense of déjà vu that I have become the fashion trend leader in Chang'an City.

Li Ang originally wanted to correct this weird trend, but later he thought that this would at least help promote public health habits, so he let it go.

By the way, there seems to be no pork, pickled cabbage and vermicelli stew on the table...

Vermicelli can be made from grains, but Chinese cabbage, the raw material for sauerkraut, does not seem to be available in Yu State yet. It can only be made by hybridizing the cruciferous southern cabbage and northern turnip.

Li Ang was eating radish and pork ribs soup while thinking about improving the recipe.

The main folk vegetable in Yu State is still sunflower. This Malvaceae vegetable has a greasy texture similar to oil and a slight astringency.

Many agricultural doctors from the Academy have tried to improve the taste of sunflower vegetables, but they have failed. They have to turn their attention to the rich vegetable varieties beyond the endless sea.

Maybe one day we should hybridize Chinese cabbage?

Li Ang was thinking about various ways to improve the food. Suddenly, there was a burst of slight crying and talking in the next cubicle.

Yang Yu and others looked at each other and originally wanted to continue eating, but when they listened carefully, the voice seemed... that of a female classmate from the academy?

"The sun rises."

Yang Yu stood up subconsciously and glanced at Li Ang nervously, "Should I go over and take a look?"

"I'll go too."

Li Ang stood up helplessly, leaning on the table. The voice seemed to be that of a female classmate named Zhang Yuyan, who came from an official family. Yang Yu had a good impression of her.

Li Ang and Yang Yu pushed open the door and knocked on the door of the next cubicle. After revealing their identities, the person who opened the door was Qiu Feng, the daughter of the imperial doctor. There were several other students from the academy and a mother and son in the cubicle.
"What, we were eating next door just now. What happened?"

Yang Yu asked, and after talking, he found out that it was about those things in the big family.

Zhang Yuyan's father was the Minister of Household Affairs, and her grandfather once served as the prime minister of the Yu State and was granted the title of Duke. The Zhang family cannot be said to have a noble family in Chang'an, but at least it is a wealthy family.

The Zhang family has a housewife and seven concubines. The Shilang Zhang loves one concubine in particular, but some time ago, the Shilang Zhang always felt that the seven-year-old son born by the concubine looked more and more like him.

Generally, the Chang'an family handles this kind of matter in a ruthless manner.

However, Zhang Yuyan was the daughter of another concubine, and she had a very good relationship with that concubine, treating her as her aunt.

Even if the Zhang family wants to get rid of the concubine quietly, they still have to consider the thoughts of Zhang Yuyan, a disciple of the academy.

Later, somehow, this matter leaked out among the public.

In order to remove the suspicion of being cheated on, and to prove the concubine's innocence, Zhang Shilang adopted the method of blood test.

As for the results of the parentage test...

The blood did not blend together, and the concubine and her son were kicked out and lived on the streets.

At this moment, Zhang Yuyan was crying and sad because of this incident.

I can only say that it is indeed a noble family, but there are a lot of bad things.

Li Ang rubbed his brows, glanced at Zhang Yuyan who was crying, his mother and son, as well as Qiu Feng, Yang Yu and other academy classmates who were whispering comfort beside him, and sighed.

Zhang Yuyan comes from a family of officials and has a lot of pocket money every month. By secretly saving money, she can rent a house and support her concubine, mother and son.

But without identification and title, the concubine, mother and son will inevitably be looked down upon by others, and life will be difficult.

"Can I ask?"

Li Ang thought for a while and asked: "The blood test used by the Zhang family before was the blood test method or the bone test method?"

The blood combining method and the bone dripping method are both blood testing methods.

The former is to take the blood of two people and drop it into a bowl to see if it can blend.

If they can be compatible, it proves that there is a blood relationship; if they cannot be compatible, there is no blood relationship.

The bone dripping method is to drip the blood of a living person on the bones of a dead person and observe whether it penetrates. If it penetrates, it proves that they are blood relatives.

During the Southern Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Liang begged for a concubine from the Marquis of Donghun. The concubine gave birth to Xiao Zong in the seventh month after entering the palace.

Everyone in the palace suspected that Xiao Zong was not the biological son of Emperor Wu of Liang. Even Xiao Zong himself was suspicious. He secretly dug up Donghun Hou's tomb, dug out the bones, and dripped his own blood on the bones. As expected, it blended into the bones.

In order to verify, he also killed his own son and repeated the experiment.

After confirmation, he left for the Northern Wei Dynasty.

In addition, there are also stories of sailors who died at sea, and their bodies on the ship rotted. The families of the sailors took blood to test their relatives and searched for the bodies of their family members.

Seeing Li Ang asking, Zhang Yuyan wiped the tears on her face and said, "It's the blood combining method."

"The method of combining blood..."

Li Ang lowered his head and was lost in thought. Yang Yu saw the thoughtful expression on his face and subconsciously asked: "Risheng, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking that the blood test is completely wrong and cannot prove whether there is a blood relationship at all."

Li Ang raised his head and said: "Let's wait until we go to school tomorrow.

Let me prove it."

It's time to put the blood type theory on the table.

Hearing Li Ang's promise, Yang Yu's face lit up with joy, and the other students were also relieved - everyone knew that Li Ang would do what he said and his actions would be resolute.

He said there was a way, and maybe it could be solved.

The meal was hastily ended. Yang Yu paid for it and found a hotel to settle the Zhang family's concubines, mother and son.

Li Ang returned home, took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the experimental plan.


Early the next morning, Yang Yu arrived at Jinchengfang in a carriage early, and asked about Li Ang's progress as soon as they met.

"What's the hurry?"

Li Ang rolled his eyes, "The misconception of blood test has been going on for so many years. If we want to overthrow it, we have to come up with a more reasonable method of proof.

It’s not something I can do just by writing some articles at home.”

"Isn't this trusting you?"

Yang Yu rubbed his palms and said flatteringly: "Risheng, how do you plan to prove it?"

"See Dr. Su Feng and apply for large-scale experiments and publish papers in academic journals."

Li Ang said casually: "But this only proves that the blood test is completely invalid.

It is still difficult to use blood to prove paternity."

Yang Yu subconsciously asked: "Hey, why?"

Li Ang asked back: "The process is very complicated, are you sure you understand?"


Yang Yu thought for a moment, waved his hand with some guilt, and did not continue to ask - he was obviously an elite student admitted to the academy, but when Li Ang asked, he inexplicably lost his confidence.

The carriage drove into the palace, and after taking a science class, Li Ang found Su Feng, a doctor of science.

"Oh, the sun is rising."

Su Feng said: "Yesterday, the representative of the West Jing Chamber of Commerce in Chang'an also came over and said that he hoped to have some of the soap resale rights and wanted to sell the soap produced in Yu State back to West Jing.

The Hu Chamber of Commerce also has this idea.

Do you think you can meet with them someday and have a talk?"

"Uh, okay."

Li Ang nodded in agreement. Yu State does not allow the outflow of technology, but it is completely acceptable to sell goods to foreign countries to make money.

"By the way, Dr. Su Feng, this is the paper I wrote yesterday. I hope to apply for a large-scale experiment in the afternoon."

Li Ang took out a piece of paper filled with text from his bag and handed it to Su Feng. The academy has always had a tradition of conducting large-scale experiments.

If some doctors have new theories, new inventions, or new experimental plans, they will invite doctors and disciples from the academy to visit with them.

For example, new waterwheels, farm tools, and even model airplanes that were popular in the academy some time ago.

"You want to falsify the blood test?"

Su Feng scanned the paper and his eyes lit up. After confirming that there were no obvious omissions in the experimental process, he immediately agreed to the experimental application.

The location was chosen at Xuegong Square, and the time was in the afternoon.

Soon, notices for a large-scale experiment to falsify the blood test were posted in every corner of the Academy Square.

By the afternoon, many academic doctors and classmates had come to Xuegong Square. Most of them were PhD students with qualifications, prestige and achievements who dared to apply for large-scale experiments. I had never heard of any new students.

What's more, it was not long ago that the new model airplane was invented.

"Everyone is almost here?"

Li Ang glanced at the number of people sitting on the stool, and without any delay, he asked Yang Yu and Li Wei to hand out a large stack of newly printed papers, while he stood in front of the stage.

"Dear teachers and classmates, today I am here to falsify the blood test method that has been used for hundreds of years."

Li Ang took out five bones from the audience and said loudly: "These ten bones are the old and new leg bones of pigs, cows, sheep, horses, and donkeys.

The new ones were slaughtered in the academy cafeteria yesterday.

The old ones were taken from the Chang'an slaughterhouse and had been stored for at least six months."

Then, he took out five glass jars filled with blood and showed them to Dr. Xuegong and his disciples.

"These jars contain fresh blood from pigs, cows, sheep, horses, and donkeys."

Li Ang said: "According to the blood-dropping bone-dropping method of blood test, you only need to drop the blood of a living person on the bones of a dead person and observe whether it seeps in to prove whether there is a blood relationship.

Now I drip the blood of livestock into the bones of different livestock to see what happens."

With the help of Yang Yu and Li Wei, Li Ang dipped some livestock blood in a glass jar and dripped it on the old animal bones, and found that it blended well.

"The blood of pigs can penetrate into the bones of cows.

The blood of sheep can penetrate into the bones of donkeys. This is obviously contrary to common sense. Are pigs and cows, sheep and donkeys related?

I just used old bones, so what about the new ones?"

Li Ang took another blood and dripped it on the surface of the fresh animal bones. However, the onlookers found that the penetration rate of the blood was much slower this time, and it was even unable to penetrate.

"Why is this?"

A doctor from Xuegong asked.

"It's very simple, bone gaps."

Li Ang said: "Old bones can penetrate blood, but new bones cannot. It is completely the difference between old and new bones.

The muscles and fascia on the surface of the old bones fall off,

The bones themselves are weathered and tiny cracks appear, through which most liquids can easily penetrate.

Dear teachers and classmates, you can also go home and conduct similar experiments. Even if you use water stained with paint and drip it on old and damaged livestock bones, it will still penetrate.

Therefore, the bone-dropping method of blood test is completely useless."

There is no difference between livestock and humans. The bones of livestock can penetrate, and the same is true for human bones.

"The bone-dropping method doesn't work, so Xiao Zong's son died in vain."

Another academic doctor whispered.

"It should be said that he died unjustly."

Li Ang said: "Next, I want to prove that not only the bone drip method is useless, but the blood test method of blood test is also useless."

This chapter has been completed!
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