Chapter 137 Debate (4K)

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Compared with courses such as music and beasts, "compulsory courses" such as Talisman, Sword, and Mind have undergone greater changes.

Cui Yixian, the director of swordsmanship, and Xi Yangyu, the director of study, did not return to the academy after the New Year holiday. The two courses are temporarily taught by other doctors.

The Academy's internal statement was that the two ministers had important matters to deal with. They did not say what kind of important matters they were, nor how long they would be away.

Li Ang guessed that it might be related to the Cui Vulture who was injured in Shiwan Barren Mountain.

Cui Yixian and Xi Yangyu may have left Chang'an before the winter vacation - this also explains why the change that occurred at the 13th residence on Second Street in Shengyefang did not attract Xi Yangyu who lived in the same house.

Was it that a level one monster was discovered in the barren mountains? Or was the ruins of the Demon Sect discovered?

No matter which one it is, it is definitely very difficult to allow two Zhuxiao realm monks to leave the capital at the same time (this is only on the surface, secretly there will definitely be more monks accompanying them).

In addition to studying, there is a new doctor in swordsmanship, and there have also been some changes in the format of talisman classes and magic classes.

After the new students reach the hiding place, they can write more effective talismans and release more spells.

Now the main teaching content of these two courses has changed from "how to write talismans and perform magic" to "how not to kill yourself by making mistakes during the process of writing talismans and performing magic".

The essence of talismans is to use a special "language" to direct the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to run according to established procedures.

Whether it is the material strokes of the talisman or the gestures and language movements during the operation, they will all affect the final effect.

Making unauthorized changes, or even trying to "innovate", may lead to unknown consequences.

For example, if you want to use [sound insulation], it will suck out the surrounding air and suffocate yourself.

I wanted to write a [Warm Wind Talisman], but I accidentally added an extra stroke to set the whole room on fire.

In order to emphasize the seriousness of this matter, the academy asked the new students to read a large stack of books - all of which were accident records of former students at the school.

If freshmen don't want to die young, suffer from disabilities, or hurt others, they should behave themselves.

Except for classrooms and other prescribed occasions, spiritual power cannot be released anywhere. Violators will have their credits deducted.

This rule has made the freshmen complain. It is like giving a fisherman a boom and a pond but not allowing him to fish.

It's like giving an alcoholic a whole wine cellar but not allowing him to drink.


If freshmen want to lift this ban in advance, they must first reach the intermediate or high level of the Hiding Realm, determine their own path, and prove that they will not lose control easily.

In order to achieve these conditions, the freshmen's enthusiasm for learning has increased a lot, and many students can be seen in the cafeteria eating and reading at the same time.


Li Ang placed the dinner plate and a scientific journal on the table,

Li Wei, who was engrossed in eating meat (the physical training course requires a lot of energy), noticed the smile on his face and asked: "What's wrong with Risheng, you are so happy."

"I saw a paper about glass lenses."

Li Ang was indeed very happy. This issue of the Academy of Science journal published an article written by a monk from Luli Academy about "Two glass lenses of different shapes can be superimposed to see the distance clearly like an eagle's eye."

Essay on Things].

That is, a telescope.

Given the academic atmosphere of the academy, it is natural that there would be a doctorate replica experiment.

With a telescope, there are concave and convex lenses,

With meniscus lenses, optics will be born, astronomy will be promoted, and reading glasses, myopia glasses, and even microscopes will be invented.

With the help of a microscope, ordinary people can also see subtle things clearly, such as the veins of leaves, the shape of epidermal cells, bacteria, yeast, microorganisms, etc.

Li Ang has already thought about it. After someone comes up with a microscope, he will immediately start a series of experiments to prove that bacteria are the cause of human disease and promote hot water drinking and public health.

A thousand words from famous doctors and miraculous doctors are not as intuitive as the millions of bugs squirming under a microscope.

Drink, give me some hot water!

Li Ang described the subtleties of this paper in a few words. Yang Yu and Li Wei blinked, as if they understood.

"What are you reading?"

Li Ang asked casually.

Li Wei replied: "I have failed the history of our country exams twice in a row. I am reading the History of the Sui Dynasty. Qilang is about to fail his agricultural studies. He is reading the agricultural studies and trying to figure out how to make up for it."

"Can I pass the exam in agriculture?"

Li Ang looked at Yang Yu in surprise and asked, "I see that you were very diligent in watering and fertilizing the farmland when you contracted it."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered and he said: "Well, bad luck, a little accident happened."

Li Wei ruthlessly exposed the situation at the side: "A small accident refers to someone trying to save effort in the farmland contracted by himself and using a water collecting charm to irrigate the farmland. As a result, the operation was incorrect, causing the farmland to be flooded, and the hard work of the previous six months was wasted."

"Didn't I read that this method was introduced in the science journals? Who would have thought that the air was humid in those days and caused too much rain."

Yang Yu rubbed his forehead in pain, "I'm afraid it's too late to plant other crops now, so I can only think of other ways.

For example, imitate Zhongshu Ling and get rare peonies."

"You also want to buy and sell by force? Aren't you afraid that the Political and Religious Affairs Office will find you?"

Li Ang shook his head helplessly. What Yang Yu was talking about was an anecdote from Chang'an a few years ago.

The people of Yu State loved peonies like crazy, but an old monk in Ci'en Temple in Jinchangfang cultivated an extremely rare and beautiful red peony, which he kept secret.

Once, the old monk was so vain that he couldn't help but show the peony to others. The news spread, and the powerful people reached out to ask for it.

The old monk was unable to resist, and in the end he could only watch as his cherished peonies were taken by Xue Ji, the current Zhongshu Ling of Zhongshu Province, who was also the brother of Queen Xue.

For this reason, the Zhongshu Ling even held a grand banquet to celebrate his acquisition of the rare peony.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the students in the agronomy class of the Academy can cultivate novel and beautiful flower varieties, they will not only become rich overnight, but they may also be able to skip the agronomy classes in the future.


Yang Yu's words suddenly stopped when he heard about the Political and Education Department. The Academy has a very low tolerance for academic fraud. It brought a new variety of peony back from outside and said it was cultivated by itself. It was obviously a type of academic fraud.

"The rising sun saves me——"

Yang Yu, who had no choice but to cry, said with a sad face, "Please give me a hand, brother.

If you fail the agriculture class this year, you will have to retake it tomorrow with the freshmen of the next year!"

It would be a waste of a lot of time to take another year of agriculture classes. Not to mention having to take them with the next freshmen, which would be a bit embarrassing for Yang Qilang of Chonghuafang.

"I told you I'm not Doraemon."

Li Ang complained silently and said casually: "I don't know much about improving flowers, not to mention I don't have enough time.

Hmm... Find some time and go to the East and West markets to buy some oranges, oranges, tangerines and other fruit trees."


Yang Yu completely trusted Li Ang and immediately nodded and said, "What next."

Li Ang said casually: "Observe the strange branches growing on the fruit trees for a long time and compare them with other branches.

For example, leaf size, width, whether there are notches, petiole length, fruit size and shape, etc.

Collect data, summarize and write a paper titled [Fruits on mutated branches are different from normal fruits] and you will be ready for submission."

Yang Yu said in disbelief: "Is this enough?"

"Of course."

Li Ang said casually: "It's just a first-year agriculture paper, it doesn't need to be very advanced."

In fact, the method he mentioned is bud selection.

That is, plant tissues and organs undergo somatic mutations during cell division, and the fruits on the mutant branches and buds mutate, showing different traits from the original variety, and this trait can be passed on to future generations through asexual reproduction.<


Selecting buds and branches and cultivating them is an important method of fruit tree breeding, which can screen potential excellent mutant varieties more quickly and efficiently.

And the reason for choosing citrus...

One is because citrus and apples are most susceptible to budding.

The second reason is that Li Ang accidentally mentioned the lemon chicken feet snack to Chai Chai last time, which caused Chai Chai to never forget it.

Pomelo, orange, tangerine, mandarin, etc. are all citrus plants. One of their major features is that there is no reproductive isolation between original varieties, hybrids, and original varieties and hybrids, and they can be hybridized at will.

The hybrid between wild pomelo and wild tangerine produces orange, the hybrid between wild pomelo and orange produces grapefruit, the hybrid between wild tangerine and wild orange produces tangerine, the hybrid between citron and orange produces lemon...

The relationships in it are constantly being cut and messed up, giving it a sense of déjà vu from Greek mythology.

"Thank you Risheng for saving my life."

Yang Yu clasped his hands together and thanked you again and again, "When I pass by your temple in the future, I will definitely burn more sticks of incense."

"Don't say goodbye."

Li Ang firmly waved his hand and refused. It was too strange for someone to build a temple to commemorate him while he was still alive, just like Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei became sworn brothers in Taoyuan, knelt down before the portrait of Guan Gong and made an oath to live and die together.

"What are you talking about?"

Yong Hongzhong came over holding a dinner plate. After he stopped stuttering, his energy improved a lot and his eyes became much brighter.

"Recent assignments."

Yang Yu moved his seat slightly so that Yong Hongzhong could sit down, "Hmm? Leave request note? Hongzhong, are you going to ask for leave this afternoon?"


Yong Hongzhong nodded, "Ci'en Temple will hold a monk-Tao debate today. I will go over to attend and write a report for the academy newspaper."

Debating is one of the traditional activities of Buddhism. Two monks sit facing each other and debate on different issues by quoting scriptures.

What is competing is the two sides’ critical thinking ability, logical organization ability of language expression, familiarity with classics and even personality charm.

During the early Yu Dynasty, Buddhist scripture debates were very popular, and monks would use popular preaching methods to promote their own thoughts and principles.

However, now there are various forms of entertainment in Chang'an, and simple Buddhist temple debating is not as attractive as before, so it has become monk-Taoist debating.

Monk, Taoist priest, Confucian master, Nestorian priest, Aojiao deacon,

All parties are competing on the same stage, gearing up to use passionate and eloquent arguments to refute each other.

The entire Bible debate conference will last for several days. When the debate is in full swing, no one can convince anyone. There will even be a real-person fight on the spot, thus laying the foundation for years or even decades of hatred.

The intensity and excitement far exceed boring lectures, attracting a large number of people from Chang'an to watch every year.

Yang Yu asked: "What is this year's theme?"


Yong Hongzhong replied: "Can being a vegetarian bring any benefits?"

Li Wei was surprised and said: "Can this be argued?"

"Why not? This is already a more interesting topic."

Yang Yu curled his lips and said: "The topics in previous years include [Is meditating for the purpose of purifying the mind putting the cart before the horse], [Should burning incense in temples be grand or simple].

I really wonder when they run out of topics and they will consider debating whether a soft pillow or a hard pillow is better."

The Yang Yu family originally believed in Haotian devoutly, but after Yang Yu was admitted to the Academy and opened his horizons, he became less respectful and pious.

What's more, his friend has become a literary star, a medicine god, and a child delivery fairy who has come down to earth to supervise the births of tens of thousands of families.


Li Ang thought about it and felt that he was not interested.

After coming up with the blood type theory before, he secretly went to the Jingsi Temple in Yiningfang to conduct surveillance.

The monk Jing who said they were suffering from a bloody disaster is in the temple.

But Li Ang monitored it for a while and found nothing unusual.

"Aren't you going to Risheng?"

Yong Hongzhong was a little disappointed. Defeating eminent monks and scholars at a debate conference was the fastest way for a young scholar to become famous.

Two hundred years ago, Su Zi, who was just a disciple of the Academy, once defended three eminent monks until they vomited blood on the spot with the argument that "monks not marrying and having children will lead to the decline of mankind", and became famous all over the world.

"Not going."

Li Ang's database does not contain various scriptures and classics, so I just went there to listen to them.

Unless he goes up and preaches "Buddha is the Way" with great emotion, he will probably make the eminent monks so angry that three Buddhas will be born and five Buddhas will ascend to heaven.

By the way, the Taoist priests were so happy that they could not find the north.

Facts have proved that Li Ang underestimated the excitement of the debate between monks and Taoists to some extent.

After school at the Academy, Li Ang returned home by carriage.

Along the way, I saw a large number of citizens rushing towards the Buddhist temple, and monks who were obviously not from the same sect were bickering as they walked.

"Why do you see the speck in other people's eyes, but not the plank in your own eye?"

"Purity comes from the light, supreme comes from the true. If you have a grudge in your heart, everything you see will naturally be grudge."

"You have to go all the way with me?"

"Where darkness goes, light will go with it."

The smell of gunpowder in the words became stronger and stronger, and I doubted whether the two would start fighting before they arrived at the temple.

Not long after Li Ang returned home, Li Leling's carriage arrived to pick up firewood and go to the inner garden of Qujiang Pond to play - there were several new rare and exotic animals that were paid tribute by foreign countries.

After Li Leling and Chai Chai left, Li Ang was the only one left in the Jinchengfang mansion.

"Well... such a big house is indeed a bit deserted."

Li Ang muttered to himself, released his telekinesis, summoned a broom and dustpan, and started cleaning the room.

His talent in reading is stronger than that in Talisman. His total spiritual power is not particularly high, but his accuracy is excellent and he can multi-task.

Just lying on the bench, you can use your mind to clean the room, make a fire to cook, and wash the clothes.

"No wonder most of the Ph.D. students except Xi Yangyu are bulky - they don't need to move much at ordinary times."

Just as Li Ang was enjoying the convenience of life brought by practice,

Dong dong dong,

There was a knock on the side door of the mansion, and voices came from outside.

"Is Mr. Li Xiaolang at home?"


Li Ang frowned, got up from the chair, walked to the courtyard and opened the door.

There were two people standing outside the door, with metal plates around their waists proving their status as judges of the Prosecution Department.

"Is this Mr. Li Xiaolang?"

The two officers of the Zhenfu Division said respectfully and humbly: "We received news that a woman from Huanchang claimed that she had seen you before Jiao Cheng disappeared.

If Mr. Li Xiaolang is free, can he go to the Zhenfu Division to make a brief inquiry?"

This chapter has been completed!
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