Chapter 176 Exam

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 The two soldiers from the Zhenfu Division left while chatting in low voices.

"Dalang, are we leaving like this? No more questions?"

"What are you asking about? That's Mr. Li Xiaolang, the top scholar in the academy, and he might even be the consort in the future."

"But he was the one who indirectly forced Prince Chang Xiang to death after finding evidence of the crime..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, are you risking your life? The saints don't have any objections, you little soldier, don't make trouble. Besides, the higher-ups didn't tell me, the assassin last night resisted a whole set of Moon Swords, and he was still unscathed. At least

He is a half-step master."

"Half-step martial arts master...could he be hired by Jin Wusuan? It doesn't seem like it. The escort team was intercepted and killed outside Chang'an City before they left the Central Plains. This is obviously a capital crime of contempt for the imperial court. Shopkeeper Jin doesn't

It would be stupid."

"I don't know, we are investigating. But I estimate that this case may be unsolved again."

"Huh? How to say?"

"Hey, you don't know if you don't check, but you'll be shocked if you check. We, the son of a county prince, have done too many things in Luoyang in the past, bullying men and women, bullying good people, and there are so many potential enemies.

There was a family that saw no hope of revenge and hired an assassin. So it’s difficult to investigate..."

The sound of conversation faded away,

Li Ang was sitting in the hall of the mansion, drinking porridge calmly.

Judging from the intensity of the spiritual energy fluctuations of the two Zhenfu Division monks who were responsible for escorting Li Shenbin last night, one was a high-level listener to the rain realm, and the other was a beginner to the cloud-patrolling realm.

It can be regarded as the middle level of Zhenfu Division.

The reason why he was able to forcefully kill Li Shenbin was that the defensive ability of Mo Si's clone was amazing. As long as the spiritual energy continued, the clone would not be destroyed.

On the other hand, because the opponent did not understand the ability of Mo Si's clone, he sent the flying sword made of special metal directly over, but lost the weapon instead.

If you change the situation, such as an open plain without obstruction,

Allowing the opponent to use sword energy and talismans to consume him remotely, the Mosi clone may not be able to escape completely, at least not as easily as it seems.

‘After all, the total amount of spiritual energy in my body is still a little low. At this stage, I can only use my fists and feet.’

Li Ang thought with some regret that in the previous test, the Mosi clone was also able to release spiritual energy and release telekinesis spells, but the killing effect was far inferior to that of close combat.

'However, if the overall mass of Mo Si's clone is larger, there may be a way. For example, it can transform into a forty-meter-long sword and stab Li Shenbin to death outside the post house.'

Li Ang paused for a moment. He has been busy with work recently, and he has not fed Mo Si much. And the fine gold, black iron, etc. he had accumulated before are about to be used up.

I have to find a way to get some more.

Li Ang kept the matter in mind and remotely controlled the clone of Mo Si outside Chang'an City to wake up and ordered it to drill in the direction of Chang'an Ghost City.

He still remembered what happened to Jiao Cheng. When the Sword Immortal Tomb collapsed, everyone except Jiao Cheng was buried underground, and Jiao Cheng's own body was also sunk into the underground river by Li Ang.

The only problem is that there is a silver needle used by Li Ang for suturing on Jiao Cheng's body, which may be a hidden danger that will expose Li Ang's identity.

Now that we have a clone of Mosi that can be controlled from a distance, we must eliminate the hidden danger as soon as possible.

Li Ang controlled his clone, went underground, and relied on his memory to explore the underground river.

The collapse of the Sword Immortal Tomb was more serious than I imagined. Not only was the entire tomb buried deep underground, but the underground river also changed its course. It may take some time before the bodies of Jiao Cheng and others can be found.


Time passed day by day, and finally, the day of the academy’s first exam arrived.

As in previous years, the atmosphere in the city is solemn and solemn.

Local parents in Chang'an dressed up their children and accompanied them out to Xiashan Academy.

Students from other places boarded their carriages with solemn expressions.

Since this year is Song Shaoyuan's last chance, Yang Yu, Ji Linglang and others came to cheer him on.

Li Ang watched Song Shaoyuan get on the carriage, then followed Li Leling and got into another carriage, sitting on either side of Chai Chai.

"Are you full after breakfast? Are you still hungry? Do you want to eat more?"

Li Leling cheered Chai Chai and said, "It's okay, I believe in you, you are the best."


Perhaps due to nervousness, Chai Chai's face turned a little pale, and he subconsciously clenched their hands.

Li Ang didn't know what to say at this time, so he patted the back of Chai Chai's hand and comforted him: "Relax, if you don't pass the exam this year, you will still have next year, and if you don't pass next year, you will still have the year after that.

It doesn’t matter if you really can’t pass the exam, it’s just a matter of getting some dishes and chopsticks when you go home.

If your family can afford to support you, then you should grow old early."

"Are you as comforting as you?"

After hearing this, Li Leling, who had put the most effort into Chai Chai's studies, gently patted the back of Li Ang's hand and said to Chai Chai: "Don't listen to your elder brother.

You are born with superior spiritual energy, and I will give you guidance, so you will not fail the exam.

By the way, do you want to read the test paper again?"


Chai Chai nodded, took the question paper from Li Leling, and memorized it silently.

Li Ang also reminded him at the right time: "By the way, remember your name, that is a must."


Li Leling rolled her eyes, "Don't make trouble."

"Relax the tension."

Li Ang smiled.

This conversation continued all the way. As the carriage drove into Xiashan Mountain and the candidates entered, Li Ang and Li Leling also came to the Xuanxie Langfang downstream of the stream and waited.

It's quite emotional to think about it carefully. Last year, Chai Chai was here waiting for him to finish the exam. This year, it was his turn to wait for Chai Chai to finish the exam.

After a long time, the pavilion door of the scripture examination room was opened, and the candidates who had finished answering the questions ran out like last year and rushed to the racecourse.

Chai Chai's answer speed is neither fast nor slow, and her results in subjects such as imperial examination and archery are average from a distance - considering that she has never ridden a war horse or shot a bow and arrow before,

I just had emergency training in three months, and it’s already very good to be able to reach an intermediate level.

The rest of the subjects, including what counts, painting, music, and firewood are all average, but herbal medicine is much better than other candidates because of getting along with Li Ang day and night. It should be able to add some points.

After the normal exam, the three of them took the carriage back to Jinchengfang, where they had dinner and sat around the table, waiting for the results to be released late at night.

And Chai Chai's final result... more than 4,800, which is worthy of being ranked first.

"Great! I knew you could do it!"

When Li Leling heard the news reported by the messenger, she took Chai Chai's hand and stood up excitedly.

"It's all teachers who teach well."

Chai Chai's tail was about to rise to the sky, and he was also overjoyed, "Four thousand eight hundred, hey, if you round up, the gap between me and Dalang is not very big."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Seeing that the two of them were so happy, Li Ang also smiled and nodded, and went to the kitchen to make a late-night snack to celebrate.

Li Ang used his mind to control the kitchen utensils, wash and chop vegetables, and light a fire to cook.

While remotely controlling Mo Si's clone in the underground river of Chang'an Ghost City, he continued to explore.


He narrowed his eyes and found the tomb of the Sword Immortal.

This chapter has been completed!
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