Chapter 215 Miracle

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 Late at night, behind the academy, in the glass greenhouse.

Li Ang put a large bucket of penicillin suspension into the refrigerator, "Now, we just need to wait."

On the table in front of him, there were more than a hundred ceramic petri dishes containing agar, staphylococci extracted from syphilis patients, and a small piece of paper soaked in penicillin solution...

If all goes well, the piece of paper soaked in penicillin solution will kill the surrounding staphylococci and form a circle in the petri dish.


Qiu Feng, who was also wearing a white coat, took a long breath and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Want a cup of tea?"

With a move of his hand, Li Ang released his telekinesis, causing the thermos flask placed in the corner of the greenhouse to levitate and pour two cups of hot tea.

"Thank you."

Qiu Feng took the tea cup, and the two of them leaned at the table next to each other, took a sip of tea, stared at the petri dish in front of them, and were silent.

All the hard work for a long time is now placed on those ceramic plates.

Zier wow Zier wow——

The insects in the forest behind the mountain are still chirping energetically, and from time to time, one or two night owls are heard chirping.

"By the way, the sun rises."

Qiu Feng was the first to speak and broke the silence. This period of joint struggle has made the relationship between the two more harmonious.

"What's the difference between penicillin and allicin?"


Li Ang thought for a while and found that the antibacterial principle of allicin is that the oxygen atoms in the allicin molecules can combine with the sulfhydryl groups in the cysteine ​​molecules necessary for bacterial growth and reproduction, thus inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria.<


Penicillin contains penicillane, which can destroy the cell wall of bacteria and has a bactericidal effect during the reproduction period of bacterial cells. It has miraculous effects on Gram-positive bacteria.

"It should be said that allicin is difficult to store and transport. But powdered penicillin can be stored for a longer period of time."

Li Ang explained: "Most of the allicin currently produced in various states is used by the people in the state and cannot be shipped to other places in large quantities as bulk commodities.

There are still many relatively remote places with inconvenient transportation, and allicin has lost its efficacy when transported there.

Patients who want to take medicine must rush to the state capital city in person.

Penicillin is easier to store and transport."


Qiu Feng's eyes lit up. The benefits of allicin were obvious. In Chang'an alone, the child mortality rate dropped by more than 70% this year, and the maternal mortality rate dropped by 75%.

For patients with symptoms such as blood carbuncles, the mortality rate has dropped by more than 80%.

If penicillin could be popularized throughout the Yu Kingdom, the average life span of the people in the Yu Kingdom could be increased by at least ten years, or even more!

The so-called hanging pot to help the world is nothing more than this.

Qiu Feng took another sip of tea, feeling uncontrollably excited. He subconsciously glanced at the young man beside him who had created this miracle, only to find that there was not much smile on Li Ang's face.

Drug resistance...

When penicillin from another world first appeared, dozens of units of penicillin could save lives. Pneumonia, puerperal fever, bacteremia, etc. were no longer terminal diseases, and the average life span in the world soared.

For the first time in tens of thousands of years, humans have successfully resisted the dominance of microorganisms.

Use wisdom, hard work, and unity to conquer the invisible enemy.

But bacteria are also evolving and adapting.

Generations of bacteria may have produced β-lactamase, which hydrolyzes and inactivates penicillins.

Either the target site of penicillin in the body, the penicillin-binding protein, has changed, or the permeability to penicillins has decreased.

The effective dose of penicillin has slowly increased from dozens of units to hundreds of thousands or millions of units.

Even vancomycin, known as "humanity's last line of defense", has become endangered in the face of constantly iterating bacteria.

The number of deaths caused by antibiotic resistance in the modern world every year is 1.27 million!

An additional 4.97 million deaths were related to this.

By comparison, AIDS and malaria kill 680,000 and 620,000 people each year.

Antibiotic resistance is by no means alarmist. You must know that there are thousands of scientific research teams and millions of professional doctors in other worlds.

And here, Li Ang is the only one.

It can be said that these penicillins were produced by him, countless years in advance, and across countless thresholds.

If he died early, or due to external factors, it would be impossible to establish a modern medical system and cultivate medical talents. At the same time, the large-scale use of penicillin among the people would produce super-resistant bacteria...

As a result, it will be completely out of control.

Are you saving people or killing people?

Li Ang let out a long breath, and the burden on his shoulders seemed heavier than ever.

The tide of time came much faster than he imagined. Compared with what he had to do, time seemed completely insufficient.

He turned his head and saw the worried expression on Qiu Feng's face, and smiled slightly, "It's okay, I'm just thinking about the patient.

That’s right,”

He changed the subject and said, "It seems like your family hasn't come to see you much lately?"


Qiu Feng curled his lips, "They are studying the microscope, and they quarrel every day at home."

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, "A fight?"

"Because of medical issues."

Qiu Feng explained: "Many science members have obtained microscopes to observe everything around them.

A bachelor was the first to use clothing dye to dye tiny, moving round insects to better observe them.

And imitating the rising sun, I called those little bugs cells.

Thin, tiny. Describes the size of a small insect.

Cell means that a child is born and wrapped. It describes the body of a small insect with a layer of membrane, just like the coating of a fetus.

After that, many bachelors discovered that there are many types of cells with different characteristics.

Some cells survive when exposed to water, die when exposed to hot water, die when exposed to pure alcohol, and die when exposed to allicin...

They made a long list and speculated that these special cells were to some extent the cause of human illness.

Boiling water, washing hands with pure wine, and taking allicin can kill disease-causing cells, so people will not get sick."

Qiu Feng took a sip of tea and continued: "If this discovery is true, then the medical techniques and medical classics we use now will undergo earth-shaking changes.

This is what my family is so noisy about.

Should we support or oppose it?

Should we explore new directions or follow the original medical principles?"

"That's it..."

Li Ang scratched his head. Although he also came from a family of traditional doctors, he was more familiar with the medicine in the memory of other worlds. "What do you think?"


Qiu Feng tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said slowly: "I think no matter which path it takes, as long as it can cure the patient, it will be effective.

As for the longer-term disputes about orthodoxy, concepts, and sects,

We must give way in the face of the real suffering suffered by patients."

"Don't watch ads to see the efficacy?"

Li Ang smiled. If everyone in the world could think like Qiu Feng, then he would have a lot less trouble in establishing an alien medical system in the future.

The two of them were leaning against the table, holding tea cups and chatting. From the food in Chang'an City to where they planned to go during the next winter vacation.

Li Ang is no longer the founding county uncle, and Qiu Feng is no longer the daughter of an imperial doctor.

They are just two doctors waiting for the medicine to be released and ready to help the patients.

Dang Dang Dang——

On the table next to him, the exquisite clock sent by Su Feng made a crisp sound, interrupting their chat.

The time has come.

Li Ang put down his teacup in silence and stepped forward to the table.

He and Qiu Feng looked at each other, and they both picked up a petri dish and slowly opened the ceramic cover.

This chapter has been completed!
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