Chapter 271 Diagnosis

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 "Master, it's time to eat."

"Well, here we go."

In the Jinchengfang study room, Li Ang, who was doing three things at once and using his mind and pen to do his homework, took a long breath, stood up, walked to the living room, and asked casually: "What's for dinner?"

"Master, what you want is stewed vermicelli with pickled cabbage and pork, stir-fried meat with celery, braised fish..."


When Li Ang heard the word "sauerkraut", his face froze inexplicably, and a bad sense of déjà vu arose in his mind, "Is the sauerkraut made in our own jar at home?"

"Yes, this winter, what kind of cabbage did you use, young master?"

Chai Chai said inexplicably: "Is there any problem?"

"No problem."

Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he disliked the oily and unpalatable sunflower seeds, so he looked for opportunities to use southern Chinese cabbage and northern turnips to try to hybridize Chinese cabbage. Now he has achieved some results, "By the way, don't buy sauerkraut from outside again in the future."

Yes, I do it all at home."


Chai Chai didn't know why, but he nodded anyway, and sat at the dining table after listening to Li Ang's strange complaint about "Laotan pickled cabbage, carefully smoked."

The two were about to eat when they heard a knock on the courtyard door.



Qiu Feng’s voice.

Chai Chai tilted his head in confusion, while Li Ang, as if he knew Qiu Feng would come, stood up from his chair and walked across the courtyard to open the door to greet him.

Qiu Feng stood outside the door, frowning slightly, holding a book with "The First Edition of the New Textbook of the Imperial Medical Office - Physical Diagnostics" in his hand, with an unhappy expression.

"Let's go into the study and talk."

Li Ang knew Qiu Feng's intention and took her back to the house. Qiu Feng forced a smile, said hello to Chai Chai, and followed Li Ang into the study.

"The sun rises,"

Qiu Feng placed the Imperial Medical Office textbook written "Compiled by: Li Ang" on the table and asked calmly: "What's going on?"

"You mean?"

"Innovation in the Imperial Medical Office."

Qiu Feng said seriously: "We are very happy about the expansion of the Imperial Medical Office. But why are there no contents on syndrome differentiation and treatment in these textbooks?"

At the court meeting, the six ministries have agreed to the proposal to expand the Imperial Medical Office and recruit more medical students - the financial allocation to be allocated for this purpose is within the scope of the court's acceptance.

Improving the quantity and quality of doctors will not be harmful at all to the important officials of the imperial court and all interested parties.

Qiu Quan and other doctors from the Imperial Medical Office have long suffered from insufficient funding and manpower. Li Ang is naturally very happy to be able to provide them with more material and manpower.

However, Qiu Feng noticed something was wrong the first time she saw the book that Li Ang gave her alone.

"Risheng, it was written in the physical diagnosis book you edited,"

Qiu Feng opened one of the pages, "The causes of fever may include internal bleeding, huge hematoma, arthritis, dermatomyositis, pulmonary infarction, limb necrosis, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.

The same fever, accompanied by repeated chills, may be malaria or sepsis.

With bleeding, it may be a blood disease.

With chest pain, it may be myocarditis or lung abscess.

With abdominal pain, it may be liver abscess..."

She raised her head, stared at Li Ang and said seriously: "Based on the symptoms of the disease, directly delimit the cause of the disease, without justification or evidence, Risheng, what do you want to do?"

No wonder Qiu Feng reacted strongly. She grew up in the Imperial Medical Office, read medical books since she was a child, and has a profound understanding of medical theory.

The physical diagnosis compiled by Li Ang seems to be based on observation, hearing, inquiry, and understanding, but in fact there is no dialectical link at all. It has not gone through the eight cardinal principles of dialectics.

At best, Li Ang is very talented and bold.

At worst, Li Ang is violating medical principles.

"Sit down and talk."

Li Ang used his telekinesis to move a chair and said calmly, "You and I both come from a family of doctors.

Since Zhang Zhongjing, Chinese medicine has established the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment.

The so-called syndrome differentiation and treatment,

It refers to using the four diagnosis methods of inspection, smell, inquiry, and incision to collect evidence, analyze and summarize based on the evidence, and identify the cause, nature, and location of the disease.

Then determine the corresponding treatment method based on the dialectical results.

Concrete analysis of specific issues.

I have no problem with this."


Qiu Feng nodded.

"Okay. So, the dialectical methods of medicine include eight cardinal principles syndrome differentiation, qi, blood and body fluid syndrome differentiation, viscera syndrome differentiation, six meridians syndrome differentiation, etc.

It's like different types of tools with the same effect.

Among them, the most common and basic one is the eight-cardinal syndrome differentiation.

All diseases are summarized into eight categories: yin, yang, exterior, interior, cold, heat, deficiency and excess.

Among them, yin and yang are the general outline.

The surface and the inside summarize the depth and severity of the disease.

Cold and heat describe the nature of the disease.

Virtual and real describe the state of the human body's struggle against disease."

Li Ang briefly summarized the most important dialectical link in traditional medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment, and said seriously: "The dialectical method based on eight cardinal syndrome differentiation can theoretically summarize and describe all diseases in the world.

However, there are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no two identical patients.

Two cold patients who also had symptoms of aversion to cold, fever, and headache,

Because of differences in living habits, physical health, living environment and other factors,

The causes of colds may also be different, including wind-cold, wind-heat, summer-dampness, etc.

Different causes will produce different prescriptions.

The same disease suffered by the same patient at different times will have different prescriptions.

Even if two doctors diagnose the same patient at the same time, they will prescribe completely different prescriptions.

Thousands of people travel far and wide, right?"

Qiu Feng nodded: "Yes."

"That's the problem."

Li Ang said: "Excellent doctors, such as the directors of the Imperial Medical Office, the Shang Yao Bureau, and the imperial ministers,

Have a profound understanding of medical science,

Observe the patient's symptoms, be able to take a high-level view, observe carefully, and demonstrate repeatedly.

Even if they come to different conclusions and have different dialectical processes, the final medication is still effective.

However, in any field, outstanding people are in the minority.

The threshold for excellence in syndrome differentiation and treatment is too high. It requires not only reading medical books, spending a long time and accumulating experience.

It also requires strong logical reasoning ability and meticulous observation ability. It is not enough to simply read some medical books and recite some prescriptions.

Many quack doctors are either not talented enough, don’t think carefully, or have no heart.

Just follow the instructions and rely solely on experience. Use whatever medicine you see when you see symptoms.

If you have a cough, you can resolve phlegm and stop it; if you have diarrhea, you can protect your intestines and stop diarrhea; if you have internal heat, you can nourish yin and clear away heat, which leads to misdiagnosis and misdiagnosis.

Patients get sick in a daze, take medicine in a daze, and die after spending money in a daze.

Not to mention the kind of people who only think about how to make money.

As a result, when people got sick, they didn't dare to go to a doctor, so they were forced to copy the "Bodhisattva Sutra" and "Encouraging Kindness Sutra" to pray for blessings."

Li Ang shook his head and said: "I once heard a story.

A patient suffered from edema, and his family finally found a famous doctor.

The famous doctor tried to prescribe many medicines, but they had all kinds of strange effects.

I’ll take two slices of ginger and ten bamboo leaves, with the tips removed.

I will soon need reed roots dug by the river and sugar cane that has been frost-resistant for three years.

Two years passed, and the condition showed no improvement. The doctor who had received enough money sincerely said that he had exhausted all his knowledge and introduced another doctor.

What is the name of the doctor who serves as the head of the Xinglin Association in a certain place?

And the medicine prescribed by this doctor named He was even more bizarre, even requiring a pair of crickets from the same nest.

Finally, the broken drum skin was used to make the so-called Baigu Skin Pill.

After eating like this for several years, the patient eventually became edematous and died in pain, and most of his family property was lost in the process.

Quack doctors harm people, this is the worst evil."

Li Ang's tone was calm, and he silently added the second half of the sentence.

The patient in the story is named Zhou Boyi, and his son is named Zhou Shuren.

"The complexity and integrity of syndrome differentiation and treatment, as well as the strict requirements for talent, logic, and observation,

The ranks of doctors are destined to be a mixed bag.

It is difficult for people to distinguish between good doctors and bad doctors."

When dealing with water poisoning in Suzhou, Li Ang saw with his own eyes that doctors such as Qiu Wen and Qiu Quan used acupuncture to relieve the pain of patients who had taken antimony potassium tartrate.

Even though I don’t understand their medical principles, I still respect their medical skills and ethics - as long as they can be effective.

However, since there is no standard answer to syndrome differentiation and treatment, quack and bad doctors like Yu Miaoshui will always have a place to make ends meet.

Outstanding doctors with talents and abilities like Qiu Zhen and Qiu Quan are rare in number and are likely to exist among ordinary people's "hearings" and "hearings".

"In the ranks of doctors, there will always be few good doctors and many quacks. This is a fact of probability and has nothing to do with my likes and dislikes."

Li Ang said peacefully: "That's why I want to make innovations."

This chapter has been completed!
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