Chapter 307 Rice Vat

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 Having said that, Sui Yi still had a hesitant expression on his face.

The world of monks in the pre-Sui Dynasty was much more chaotic than today. There were constant vendettas and assassinations, and aliens were more active.

In that kind of collective involution environment, the monks' creativity was stimulated to the greatest extent, and all kinds of novel exercises, talismans and even sorcery and magic techniques emerged one after another.

As the last support of the hidden sect, the Mountain Guard Formation can be said to be the crown jewel of the former Sui Dynasty cultivation world.

Even today, the various types of mountain guarding formations that the academy can restore are only twenty.

If there was any doctor who understood the prohibitions of the Tuojialan Sect's formations, he would have become famous in the academy long ago, and his achievements would be enough to be included in the portrait gallery of the school history museum.

Could it be that for this trial, the Academy deliberately suppressed the news that the restoration formation was successful?

Will you announce it after the trial results come out?

"The water-condensing talisman can still be used,"

Li Ang shook the talisman in the air, used his mind thread to make a bowl, and collected some water. "There is enough water, but food...Senior sister, have you brought any food?"

"Didn't bring it."

Sui Yi shook his head, "I thought there would be a lot of food sources in the mountains."

"I didn't bring it either."

Li Ang rubbed the center of his eyebrows with a headache. People are like iron rice and steel. If they don't eat a meal, they will be heartbroken.

God knows when the ban will be lifted, or when the next group of trialists will come in with food.

"How about exploring here first?"

Li Ang suggested: "The alarm talisman has not been triggered yet. If we really can't get out, can we trigger the warning talisman again and let the mountain chief and others come to rescue?"


Sui Yi nodded, climbed the steps with Li Ang, and walked into the Temple of the Heavenly King.

As the sect that was best at accumulating wealth in the world before the Sui Dynasty, Jialan Sect also built its Buddhist temples to the utmost grandeur.

There are a total of twenty-two beams in the store. These beams are more than ten feet high and are thick enough for five or six people to hold them together.

They are all old mountain wood produced in hundreds of thousands of barren mountains - this kind of wood is not damaged by insects, burned by fire, or rotted by rain. Even the palace of the former Sui Emperor could only use a small amount.

On the high platform in the center of the main hall, there is a statue of Maitreya Buddha with his chest exposed and belly exposed, laughing heartily.

On both sides are the four heavenly kings with wide-eyed guards, and behind him is Skanda Bodhisattva.

Each Buddha statue is majestic and tall, with exquisite carvings and lifelike expressions of either kindness or sternness, making people want to kneel down and worship.

Perhaps because the bricks and tiles are damaged and the wind and rain invade all the year round, there is not much dust on the floor of the main hall.

Li Ang and Sui Yi were walking in the vast and empty palace, and they thought they were in a giant country.

"Huh? Why is this Skanda Bodhisattva... sitting?"

Sui Yi noticed something unusual and asked in confusion.

Wei Tuo, also known as Wei Tuotian, is the protector of Buddhism. He is usually found in the Temple of Heavenly Kings of Buddhist temples, with his back against the Maitreya Buddha statue. It means subduing demons and ghosts and protecting Buddhism.

Usually the Veda Buddha statues are standing.

But the one in front of me is sitting in a chair with a Buddha pestle on his shoulders.

"Carrying the Buddhist pestle on your shoulders is easy to understand. Most of the former Sui emperors believed in Buddhism, and they issued ultimatums widely, which greatly increased the number of monks in the world. Monks traveled to various states to gain experience, and went to other Buddhist temples to eat and drink.

The Zen sect in the world is one family, but the financial resources of each Buddhist temple are different, and it is inconvenient to attract visitors, so we have to use Zen methods to implicitly hint.

If Skanda places the pestle on the ground, it means that the small temple is relatively poor and cannot entertain foreign monks for free food and accommodation.

If Veda holds the pestle flat in his hand, it means that this is a medium-sized temple that can entertain foreign monks for free food and accommodation for a few days.

If Skanda carries the pestle flat on his shoulders, it means that it is a large temple with strong financial resources and can entertain foreign monks for ten days or half a month."

Li Ang rubbed his chin. "As for Wei Tuo sitting, it should be a local legend in Lingzhou, right?"


"Well, the earliest birthplace of Jialan Sect is in Lingzhou. The local county annals recorded a story about Zen Buddhism that is not sure whether it is true or not."

Li Ang said: "There are hundreds of monks living in a certain temple. They practice Buddhism intensively in the temple and dare not slack off for a day.

Coincidentally, there was a severe drought in the local state capital, and the temple's monk fields were out of production. The nearby common people and pilgrims did not have much food to eat, and naturally they were unable to help the Buddhist temple.

Seeing that the rice vat was empty and there was no way out, the abbot of the temple summoned the monks in the temple and asked them about their purpose of studying Buddhism.

The monks replied, escape from birth and death, and be liberated.

The abbot said that in this case, everyone should be at ease and pray to the Tao, and continue to ring the bell and recite the Buddha's name in the following days. If there is really no rice, it may be because everyone has suffered from bad deeds in the past and has been inspired by their karma to receive this retribution.

The monks responded kindly.

The abbot then used the last rice in the rice vat to cook porridge, let the monks eat and rest, and asked people to lock the temple door.

After doing these things, he came to the Skanda Hall, knelt in front of the Bodhisattva and asked why monks such as them had done good deeds and accumulated virtues and never slackened in their study of Buddhism. Why did they suffer this disaster?"

"Then what?"

Sui Yi couldn't help but ask: "Weituo used his magic power to fill the rice vat with rice from the sky?"

How is it possible? Wei Tuo is not Brother Shuang.

Li Ang shook his head and said: "The words are divided into two parts. On the other side of the Yangtze River coast, dozens of cargo ship fleets encountered strong winds and waves. Seeing that all crew members were about to capsize into the sea, a monk stood on the bumpy deck and recited Buddhist scriptures.<


Accompanied by the sound of Buddhist scriptures, the wind and waves in the sky miraculously decreased rapidly, and the fleet stabilized again.

The captain knew that the master had great power, so he led the crew to kowtow devoutly and thank him, and wanted to give all the goods and money on the entire fleet to the master.

But the monk said that he did not want all the goods, and only asked the shipowner to send three shiploads of food to a certain temple in Lingzhou as soon as possible."

" more than three thousand miles away from Hangzhou?"

Sui Yi thought for a moment and said, "By the time the food arrives, won't the day lilies be all cold?"

"The captain said the same thing. But the monk said he had his own way. He just asked everyone to go into the cabin and not listen to what was going on outside.

Everyone on the boat did as the monk asked. In the cabin, they felt the strong wind roaring outside, the boat rocking, and the sun and moonlight flowing.

One night later, the ship actually stopped outside Lingzhou Port, and the monk was nowhere to be seen.

The crew kept their promise, unloaded the rice bags from the ship and sent them to the temple in the mountains.

While being grateful, the abbot of the temple was confused as to why the three emergency grain-carrying ships appeared. Suddenly he thought of his questioning of the Skanda statue last night.

So he took the boat owner to the Wei Tuo Hall anxiously.

As a result, as soon as the captain saw the Wei Tuo Buddha statue, he blurted out that the Buddha statue in front of him looked like the monk who saved the fleet in Hangzhou, three thousand miles away last night.

Only then did the abbot notice that the forehead of the statue of Skanda Bodhisattva was covered with sweat, so he knelt down in shame and repented, and asked Skanda Bodhisattva to have a good rest.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Buddha statue of Skanda Bodhisattva sat down carelessly. This is the first statue of Skanda Bodhisattva in the world."

Li Ang paused and said: "I also read this story from the county annals. The county annals did not indicate the name of the temple, but it seems that it should be the earliest Jialan Sect."


Sui Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the Wei Tuo statue carefully, and even used his spiritual sense to go forward to explore, but found nothing strange, "Strange...

If the legend is true, how much magic power does it have to carry three fully loaded grain ships upstream and gallop three thousand miles in one night?"

As the saying goes, "Carrying a mortal across a river is as heavy as a mountain." Monks are not immortals. Even a mind master in the Zhuxiao Realm would find it difficult to lift a fully loaded ship for a distance of more than two hundred miles - the movement of the air and sea cannot keep up.

Three thousand miles...

Sui Yi murmured: "Could it be that the Buddha really descended to earth?"

"Who knows,"

Li Ang shook his head and said: "But if the Buddha really appears, Nagalan Sect will not be destroyed in the end."


A loud noise came from the Main Hall in the distance, and Li Ang and Sui Yi both turned to look.

This chapter has been completed!
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