Chapter 330: Takeaway

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Su Feng said: "The flood during Fengyi's reign should have been mentioned in books, right?"

"That flood?"


Su Feng nodded and said: "It rained heavily in Hedong Road and Duji Road for two consecutive months.

The imperial court, the academy, the Zhenfusi, academies in various places, and soldiers from various states tried their best to consolidate the river embankment, consuming countless manpower, material and financial resources, and only then could they stabilize the embankment.

However, for their own selfish gain, some demonic cultivators rounded up and killed the river-suppressing chi beast that lived at the bottom of the river for an unknown number of years, causing the river embankment to burst and the flood to rush into the plain.

Both areas were completely submerged by floods. Houses collapsed, carriages and horses were washed away, villages and towns were submerged under water, and countless people were displaced, and everything was desolate."

Li Ang was silent for a moment. Once the flood breaks out, it will affect hundreds of state capitals along both sides of the river, with millions or even tens of millions of people affected.

In addition, there are problems such as disease spread, soil alkalization, and food production reduction afterwards, which are more serious than water poisoning epidemics that can cut flesh with a dull knife.

During the Fengyi period, it happened to be the time when Shan Zhang was young.

Witnessing the horror of floods with my own eyes, it’s no wonder that in the past few decades during the Shanchang’s reign, the Academy has attached great importance to water conservancy construction.

Li Ang thought for a while and asked: "Even with the current national strength of Yu State, is it still impossible to eliminate the hidden danger of floods?"

"The water of the Zhuohe River is full of sediment. If the dike is built one foot higher, the water level will rise eight inches. The dike is built higher and higher, two or three feet higher than the towns on both banks. It can be called a river hanging above the ground."

Su Feng spread his hands and said: "One stone in turbid water contains six buckets of mud.

There is so much sediment flowing down the river every moment. No matter how powerful the monks are, they are still humans, not gods and Buddhas, and they cannot destroy the sediment in the river out of thin air.

Secondly, under the turbid water is connected to Jiuyou.

The Nine Nether Underground Rivers are all over the world, and no one can explain how complex the terrain is.

There may not be much rainfall in Hadong Province and Tonggi Province, but heavy rains in other places pour into the turbid water through the Jiuyou Anhe River, causing the turbid water to suddenly rise, causing floods.

That is to say, the power of God is unpredictable."

"This is really..."

Li Ang smacked his lips, why does it feel like Yu State is sitting on a powder keg with countless hidden dangers? There are risks everywhere.

"Are you shocked? Haha, when I first found out, I couldn't sleep all night long. I wanted to run to Zhuque Street and tell the citizens about the risks. It seemed like unfounded worries."

Su Feng smiled and said: "Relax, when your authority is increased and you read more banned books in the library, you will almost be able to adapt.

Ordinary people can learn a lesson, let alone a school with countless smart people?

Compared with the former Sui Dynasty, the Yu State had built more dams, reservoirs, drainage gates, and stationed Zhenfusi and government soldiers at key ferries to minimize the risk of floods as much as possible.

We have much more power and means to maintain order in the dark than you think.

The probability of another major flood is almost equivalent to Headmaster Haotian suddenly giving up his faith and coming to the academy to take the freshman exam."

The Yu State does not recognize dual nationality. If the headmaster comes, he will have to be given a new household registration - he must be from Chang'an.

Li Ang rubbed his eyebrows and decided not to worry about this matter anymore.

"Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky..."

In the sound of poetry reciting at the banquet, Tianyou slowly sailed westward and arrived at Xiashan Mountain in the middle of the night.

The carriage that had been waiting outside the gate of Xuegong Mountain took the drunken people back to their homes. Li Ang also got on the carriage and returned to the long-lost Jinchengfang mansion——

Too many things happened during the trial, and it’s time to take a good rest.



In the early morning, after a full sleep, Li Ang woke up in his bed, skillfully released his mind power, fetched a towel and hot water, brushed his teeth and washed up, then walked to the living room to have breakfast with Chai Chai and Jia Luo.

Breakfast includes but is not limited to porridge, fried eggs, fermented bean curd with fermented fermented rice flour, fried dough sticks, pickles, meat and wheat cakes, milk, steamed buns...

Li Ang looked at the table full of food and was already used to it.

Chai Chai has a bigger appetite than him,

And Jialuo is a body-training warrior and has a particularly large appetite - when she lived in Jinchengfang, she was a little embarrassed at first, so she deliberately reduced her appetite and said she was full after only eating three bowls of rice.

After looking at Chai Chai's food list for a few days, I started eating.

Jingle bells——

Chai Chai and Jia Luo were sitting on both sides of the table, holding bowls bigger than their faces in their hands and cooking with chopsticks.

Li Ang, who had finished eating, sat calmly in the middle, flipping through today's newspaper.

Release your mind power from time to time, take away the plates that the two of you have eaten, wash them in the sink, and stack them neatly.

With the increase in food consumption at home, there has been no fire on the stove for a long time, and most of them are restaurant dishes.

In the restaurants along the street, waiters will be sent over on time to bring recipes to Li Ang, a big customer, to order.

After getting the menu, I started working immediately and put it in a food box and delivered it.

Li Ang almost wanted to suggest that they develop a takeout business.

"What's the news today?"

Chai Chai put down the porridge bowl and asked casually.

"No big news."

Li Ang glanced at her, released his telekinesis, and brushed away the two grains of rice remaining on her cheeks, "A certain king of the Six Kingdoms of Nanzhao died of illness. It is estimated that there will be an internal war.

Gangnam Dong-do is preparing to distribute a lamb to families with newborns."

"Giving out lambs?"

Chai Chai tilted his head in confusion, "What does this mean?"

Li Ang curled his lips and said: "Encourage childbirth."


Chai Chai's eyes widened in surprise, "Isn't Jiangnan Road densely populated? Do you need encouragement?"

"Today is different from the past. Workshops produce much more wealth than farmland, so naturally the more workers, the better.

The government over there also posted a notice saying, 'Have more lives, have more lives, and live a happy life.'

Slogans such as ‘It’s the same when giving birth to a son or a daughter, a daughter is more filial to her father and mother’.”

Midwifery forceps and the training of midwives in the hospital have greatly reduced infant and maternal mortality. And the workshops do not select male or female workers.

Li Ang shook his head, "There is also shipping. This academic exchange has led to the development of maritime trade routes to the West. The coastal states are busy building ships and are short of manpower.

Ji Linglang mentioned to me some time ago that shopkeeper Sha De from our hometown in Zhenzhou has been growing in business in recent years and has even changed the name of the business to a salon business."


"Actually, it was the long worm I pulled out of his leg."

Speaking of this matter, Li Ang couldn't help but have dark thoughts on his face, "It seems that Shopkeeper Sha is now obsessed with collecting all kinds of parasites. He goes to other countries to do business. Everywhere he goes, he takes out wine soaked with all kinds of parasites.

Forum, tell foreigners about the dangers of drinking raw water and eating raw food through personal experience."

To a certain extent, Shad is taking advantage of Li Ang's popularity. However, he promotes drinking more hot water, which is beneficial to the world, and Li Ang is happy to see the results.

This chapter has been completed!
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