Chapter 43 Genius

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The post house not only receives the convoys heading to the academy, but also receives messengers and officials from all walks of life who travel north and south to deliver messages.

The status of a college candidate is noble, but not that noble.

According to the prescribed system, everyone had a simple meal,

A classmate from Zhenzhou proposed to hold a dinner party in the pavilion and recite poems, but Ji Linglang refused on the grounds of studying classics.

Zhai Yiming on the side also echoed, saying that after arriving in Chang'an for a month, he would be facing the first round of the academy exams, and he had to race against time to study the classics.

After Zhai Yiming said so, the classmate made trouble for himself and apologized. Everyone went back to their rooms, and Li Ang also went back to his room to read.

The first two rounds of exams in the academy were all about regular content, such as scriptures, policy questions, poetry, etc. His foundation in this area was not as good as other students, so he naturally had to sharpen his skills in battle.

But Li Ang didn't go to Cheng Juxiu to open a small stove.

On the one hand, Cheng Juxiu was leading a tour of the academy, so it was not appropriate for him to blatantly give tutoring lessons or reveal topics.

On the other hand... Cheng Juxiu himself also honestly admitted that he had not read much Confucian classics in recent years, and his level had dropped a lot, so he might as well go to Song Shaoyuan.

Therefore, in the next few days, in addition to sleeping during the day and night, Li Ang basically read a book and retouched vigorously. The dark circles in his eyes were extremely heavy.

The situation of others is not much better. The closer they get to Chang'an, the more nervous these students from Zhenzhou become - except for Ji Linglang. Her family is well-off. When she was a child, she and her father Ji Chi went to live in Chang'an again. This time, too.

It's like going back to my hometown.

The convoy headed north to Chang'an. During the march, convoys from other southern state capitals continued to join them.

Everyone in Zhenzhou also saw students from other states.

Everyone was very enthusiastic when they met, and it didn't take long for them to treat each other as brothers and sisters, and talk about the philosophy of life and poetry.

I don’t know what I was thinking privately - after all, the people I saw along the way were all competitors on the way to the academy, and anyone could squeeze out their own spot.

Of course, with the academy patrol around, such private conflicts will not be exposed.

On the contrary, all students pay more attention to their words and deeds and do not dare to overstep in the slightest.

In this complex and subtle atmosphere, a convoy of hundreds of carriages finally drove into the post station outside Chang'an City.

"I'm going to die..."

In the inn room, Li Ang put down the scriptures and annotations in his hand with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

Finally, I finally finished memorizing it.

During this period of traveling, news from the academy also came back.

The examiner for the first round of the Academy Exam this year is Wen Lun, the great Confucian king of the Wang family in Taiyuan.

There are many aristocratic families in Yu State, and among all the noble families, there are five that are the most noble.

They are the Cui family of Boling and Qinghe, respectively.

The Lu family of Fan Yang,

Zheng family of Xingyang

Wang family from Taiyuan.

As well as the Li family in Longxi and Zhaojun.

These powerful families had prospered in the pre-Sui period, and relied on their huge political influence to remain strong.

Even during the chaotic period of the late Sui Dynasty, when various cultivating sects and rebels fought with blood in the Central Plains, it was not able to affect them.

In fact, Emperor Gaozong, who established the Yu State, was himself a member of the Li family in Longxi.

Although under the shadow of the academy, the influence of these old families is much less than before, they still continue to give birth to new important officials, great scholars and even academy professors.

As soon as the news came out that the great Confucian king Wen Lun was serving as an examiner, his books were bought up on the market, especially his annotated versions of classics such as "Poems", "Books", and "Spring and Autumn" were sold out.

All students are trying their best to understand his understanding of the classics in order not to make mistakes in the examination room.

"This kind of behavior makes all students cry and rush to read one person's book,"

Li Ang rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "It smells like Ge Jun."

"Who is Ge Jun?"

Chai Cuiqiao asked curiously: "Is he also a great scholar?"

"No, that is a great educator who can send millions of students away with joyful laughter and playing the suona."

Li Ang complained casually, silently lamenting in his heart why there were not tons and tons of literary classics in his awakened memory of the other world.

However, complaints are complaints, and Li Ang himself knows that even if there are a lot of literary classics in the memory of another world, it will still be useless.

Two hundred years after the peace of the Yu Kingdom, the literary world developed rapidly, and Confucian scholars and famous poets emerged one after another.

Even if he "borrows" a few poems from literary classics and becomes famous by chance, it won't last long - there were frequent banquets and poetry gatherings in Yu State, and at almost every banquet, literati were required to recite poems and write poems to show off their talent.

Literary scholars have accumulated more than ten or twenty years of literature. Occasionally, when they have poetic inspiration, they will copy down good sentences and throw them into a wooden tube on the table. It takes many years to accumulate one or two good poems.

An ordinary fourteen-year-old boy with no life experience suddenly comes up with dozens of famous poems that span a wide range of styles and have completely different styles. Who can believe it? Who would believe it?

When attending a banquet, other people randomly find something, mention a theme, ask for rhymes and rhymes, and compose poems on the spur of the moment to suit the mood and scene.

There are even several people who compose poems one by one, which must be smooth, neat and coherent.

Once you fail to answer midway, or answer poorly, you will be exposed in an instant, and you will be accused of being a thief who plagiarized other people's poems. You will be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to turn around.

Even if you are lucky and are not exposed for a short period of time, you will not be able to survive in the long run.

You, a talented young man who can recite poems and compose poems, must be able to help your relatives and friends write articles, right?

Can the watch be written?

Can you write chapters?

Will a biography of the incident be written?

Can you write biographies of characters? Can you write chronology?

Can you write a funeral note for a close friend?

Can’t even write? Only a few poems?

What kind of genius is this, just a copycat who deceives the world and steals his reputation?

It is precisely because of various concerns that Li Ang can completely accept his mediocre literary talent - fortunately, the academy advocates practical application of the world, and what he does most is not reciting poems and writing essays, but building roads and bridges, improving technology, and developing agriculture.

Exterminating locusts and other practical things that benefit the country and the people.

If not, he wouldn't be so eager to be admitted to the Imperial Palace.

"Master, I have finished reading Wang Wenlun's book, and I still need to read these."

Chai Cuiqiao brought up another pile of books from the ground, "These are the poems Wang Wenlun usually wrote at various banquets, the poems he recited, and the biographies he wrote for others.

They have just been sorted out in Chang'an City, and they cost five guan each."

"Ahhhh! I'm so annoyed!"

Li Ang looked at the thick stack of books and felt his head hurt again.

Boom, boom, boom.

Just as Li Ang sighed, Cheng Juxiu's voice sounded outside the door, "Risheng, are you there?"


Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the door and opened it, "What's wrong, senior brother?"

"My classmate from the Academy is here. Let her help you check your spiritual veins."

This chapter has been completed!
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