Chapter 506 Amber

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 Asking the Sword Chapter 506 Amber


The giant python roared and chased, but once again it bit nothing.

The dark silk threads around Li Ang kept shooting out, hooking on the ceiling, walls, and ground, pulling him back and avoiding the snake's kiss flexibly.

All Mo Si are part of Li Ang. He no longer needs to separate his mind to monitor and control, he can directly "see" Mo Si's sight.

He seemed to rise from the human body, overlooking all the actions of himself and Mosi from a higher perspective.

The giant python that was unstoppable and unavoidable in the past seemed so heavy and clumsy in his eyes.

It’s almost time.

Li Ang muttered silently in his mind, and massive ink threads extended from his spine, wrapping around his back, along his torso, and covering his limbs.

He lowered his head, looked at his palms that were being covered with ink, and smiled slightly.

The powerful experience of turning into a demon in the Jialan Sect seemed to come again.

The difference is that this time, I am in full control of everything.

The python seemed to realize that the situation had changed and increased its speed again.

At the same time, the snake's tail crossed half of the room, arriving first and hitting the moss behind Li Ang that was crossing the room, making it impossible for him to escape.

The ink thread broke, and Li Ang's retreat was blocked. Under the action of inertia, his figure flew back a little distance.

A snout big enough to swallow an elephant came towards me, and my eyes were shrouded by the shadow of the snake's head.

Li Ang raised his head and let his face be covered by ink.


The snake kissed him hard and swallowed up Li Ang before he could fall.

The giant python's jaws exerted strong force, like a millstone, preparing to crush him into pieces.

The palm of the puppet servitor holding the bell is hanging in the air. It should shake the bell at this time and forcefully pull Li Ang out.

However, Li Ang seemed to have undergone some unpredictable changes just now.

Let the servitor think that even in this situation, he still has the possibility to reverse the situation.

Katcha, Katcha.

There was a sound of muscles tensing and trembling from the python's head.

The vertical holes of the snake narrowed rapidly, almost forming a straight line.

Above its snout, the skin and flesh scales quickly bulged out, as if it had been stabbed from the inside by a sharp object.


A pitch-black spear penetrated the giant python's snout from bottom to top, from inside to outside.

Several snake scales burst out and flew across,

The giant python tilted its head back involuntarily and hit the ceiling, causing ripples in the room.

However, the jet-black spear has no intention of giving up.

The ink at the tip of the gun gathered and condensed, and its volume continued to expand, turning into the shape of a spiral drill bit, and began to rotate from slow to fast.

Buzz! Buzz!

The drill bit turned faster and faster, and the uneven surface shredded the python's scales like a razor at extremely high speeds, further amplifying the injury.

The giant python struggled violently and opened its mouth, revealing Li Ang holding the gun handle in his mouth.

At this moment, he was completely covered in moss.

His body swelled to more than two meters, and he was extremely strong and tall. His muscles were clearly defined and almost ready to explode.

The shoulders and the back of the spine have curved sharp corners.

The nails on the ten fingers are as sharp and long as blades.

Li Ang felt the power pouring out of his limbs and bones, and looked down at his current demon form from a higher perspective.

"Is this considered three times as powerful as blackening?"

Li Ang complained silently, and looked at the bite coming again, and countless serrated snake kisses appeared in his mouth.

Don't dodge or dodge, hold the spear tightly and swing it down hard.

The spear drill bit, which was still spinning rapidly, tore open the upper jaw of the giant snake and stabbed it diagonally into the skull of the giant snake.

In an instant, scales flew everywhere, minced meat splashed everywhere, and blood transformed from the sludge sprayed out as if it was free.

However, such injuries cannot stop the python from moving.

Its lower jaw was still biting, and the new saw teeth in its mouth also bit Li Ang, crushing and cutting.

This is a battle between the same species, with the ink threads breaking and the mud splashing. The latter, with the blessing of a larger body, can withstand the consumption better.

"Rebirth of the Great Era of Fighting Waves"


Li Ang stepped forward heavily, allowing the soles of his demonic body to be crushed and cut by the saw teeth.

The ink thread on the back of the hand squirmed, and he untied the charm plate and transported it to the back of the spine.

The sound of kacha kacha running came from inside the charm disk, filling all the wind charms into the grooves.

Then, launch to the rear.

Like the engine of a fighter jet, fierce winds erupted from behind Li Ang.

With the full release of his telekinesis, he broke free from the shackles of the serpentine's teeth and charged forward along the python's throat.

The tilted drill in his right hand shattered the python's skull, all the way down its spine, crushing everything it encountered.

The glow crossbow in his left hand fired continuously, blasting out balls of light and opening up a path.

From the perspective of the puppet servitor,

The giant python was struck by thunder, its body trembled and swayed, its spine tore out a long track, and bursts of explosive fire spewed out from the broken part and its mouth.

The snake's body was like a pillar supporting the sky, slowly collapsing.

Li Ang broke through the snake's scales and fell away from the giant python's body before it collapsed.


He landed on the ground, flicked the spear in his hand, and flew away the mud fragments stained on it.

Control the giant drill bit at the head of the gun, slow down and stop slowly.

Then he turned around and looked at the giant python.

Such serious injuries made it difficult for the other party to recover.

The huge snake body melted and decomposed, returning to the form of brown sludge.

As if falling into weakness, they slowly squirmed and gathered together.

Li Ang put away his triangular gun, picked up a ball of mud from the ground, and tried to absorb it with ink silk.

"Huh? Can't absorb it?"

Li Ang was surprised to find that Mo Si could not absorb and assimilate sludge, just like ordinary creatures could not digest steel.

"Why is this?"

Li Ang frowned. He was sure that Silt and Mo Si were of the same species, and he had clearly felt before that Mo Si had a desire to devour Silt.


All the silt aggregates again, and the surface solidifies and hardens, turning into a rock shape.

On the top of the rock, a drop of amber liquid slid down, like blood dripping from the rock.

The desire to devour the silk threads rose again. Li Ang stepped forward, the silk threads in his palms stretched out impatiently, absorbing the amber liquid in an instant.

"So fast?"

Li Ang smacked his lips. Before he could study carefully what the amber liquid was, it was sucked away by Mo Si.

Maybe...that's the product of the next evolutionary stage of Mosi?


The puppet servant named Ati stood outside the white line and said: "Passed the test of the mountain chief."

"No, not yet."

Li Ang shook his head at the servitor, his eyes returned to the brown rock standing quietly, and his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

He could feel that the brown sludge had not lost its vitality.

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