Chapter 593 Return

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 Impossible, this must be an illusion!

Li Ang's eyelids jumped, and he looked around the room, trying to find any flaws.

"Still hard to accept? Do you feel like you are still in a dream?"

Professor Jun seemed to have guessed what Li Ang was thinking, and said calmly: "The construction of dreams must also follow objective laws. You can randomly pick a book from the bookshelf and open the pages.

If this is still a dream, then it should be blurry."

After that, he looked at the caregivers and signaled.

The caregivers hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to help Li Ang untie the same type of restraints worn by Hannibal in the movie "Silence of the Lambs".


Professor Jun spread his palms, and Li Ang was silent for a moment. He stood up and went to the bookcase. He closed his eyes and picked up a book. It was "The Integration of Personality" by Jung.

"There is indeed clear and logical text in it, right?"

Professor Jun said: "In addition, there is this."

He clicked on the tablet to play the second video.

The room is still on the screen. Li Ang, wearing a white surgical gown, is sitting on a chair. He takes a deep breath and calmly says to the camera: "My name is Li Ang. The time is August 10th. If you see this video

, that proves that my memory has been reset again."

"In the past few months, my auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and hallucinations have become more and more severe, and none of the drugs on the market are effective.

In the words of the medical team, the hippocampus and other parts of my brain were not injured. On the contrary, they were highly active. Once I relaxed my mind, they would continue to revise, tamper with, or even fabricate memories.

When it was serious, my brain was completely messed up. One second I was watering flowers in a nursing home, and the next second I was in the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

He was only wearing underwear, a cloak, and boots, and was holding a sword and shield. The yellow sand under his feet was mixed with the teeth, blood, and nails of countless generations of fighters.

Amid the cheers and cheers of tens of millions of spectators, the stone gate in the distance slowly opened, and a lion with a scar on its face walked out and walked towards me.

Everything is so real.

The last second I was lying on the hospital bed, listening to the team of doctors discussing the treatment plan,

The next second I became the commander of the Galaxy Starship, commanding countless battleships and fighting to the death with the alien fleet two light minutes away.

High-energy beams flew horizontally, and cyclone torpedoes bombarded them indiscriminately.

This battle determines the life and death of two races and two civilizations, and thousands of soldiers sacrifice their lives every minute and every second."

In the video, Li Ang's voice gradually became softer and his eyes were blank, as if he was still immersed in that memory.

"Dreams, or hallucinations, are not always regular,"

He came back to his senses and continued: "The brain cannot create things beyond cognition. The material of dreams comes from reality. Once the material provided by reality is not enough, dreams will become chaotic and disorderly.

Sometimes, I will have some... bizarre, even creepy dreams.

Huge and endless dilapidated warehouses, old musty old houses, deserted and silent cities, wells extending to the depths of the earth, and...horrible monsters that are difficult to describe in words.

Nightmares appear more and more frequently. Because dreams are too real, the pain caused in them, including death, will also be brought back to the real world.

According to the doctors, if I don't take measures, even if I don't die from the excessive hormones secreted in my head, I will reach the psychological endurance threshold and completely collapse.

Become a vegetative state, or even worse, such as being forever immersed in a nightmare of despair and unable to extricate yourself.

Therefore, a team of doctors headed by Professor Jun came up with a way to create a personality strong enough to break free from nightmares and regain consciousness.

In order to achieve this effect, they will design a complex script like a playwright or novelist, and continuously instill it into me in a normal state in the form of words, pictures, and music.

I think about it day by day and dream about it at night. After reading the script, I will have corresponding dreams and create a complete world.

As the protagonist of the dream, Li Ang will go through a typical 'hero's journey' as outlined in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces".

First, he lived an ordinary life, then was suddenly attacked by an accident and forced to embark on a journey. During this period, he gained friendship and love, experienced hardships and obstacles, defeated the villain, became a hero, and gained personality sublimation.

The hero Li Ang has overcome difficulties that are unimaginable for mortals and possesses extremely confident spiritual power, enough to get rid of nightmares and return to the real world.

Then rely on strong willpower to maintain concentration at all times, thereby suppressing the brain's delusional impulses."

He paused and smiled bitterly: "In a while, I will go to the operating room to inject anesthesia and sleep for more than 72 hours to complete the entire dream.

Wish me good luck and wish you good luck."

The video was interrupted. Professor Jun took a deep breath, crossed his fingers and said, "This is why you are here.

You were summoned, Li Ang."


Li Ang was silent for a long time, digesting this huge amount of information.

He instinctively refused to believe it, but the unresponsive matter and telepathy, as well as the memory fragments that appeared out of thin air in his mind, all foreshadowed a terrible fact——

What is said in the video is true.

He is really a "created" character. His past life is all fiction...


Li Ang suddenly raised his head and said: "The video said it was August 10th, but now it is October. According to the video, hibernation only takes about 72 hours.

How do you explain it?"


Professor Jun heard this and silently played the third video.

What still appears on the screen is Li Ang. He is wearing a green hospital gown with a depressed expression. He squats in the corner of the bedroom, covering his forehead with his hands, and repeats: "This is not true, I want to go back, I want to go back..."

Professor Jun slides his finger to play the fourth video.

Li Ang stood on the bed in the bedroom, with sunken eyes and a crazy expression. He held up a book as a weapon and shouted at the caregiver: "I am an apostle, I am the apocalypse, and all you rebellious people should die!"

In the fifth video, Li Ang walked barefoot in the nursing home restaurant with an indifferent expression. The surrounding nurses tried to stop him, but he punched him one by one and knocked him to the ground easily.

Paragraph 6, Paragraph 7...

"The process of summoning heroes is not smooth sailing. The complexity of dreams is far beyond our imagination. The scripts often go beyond control and mutate, resulting in the summoned 'Leon' being different."

Professor Jun sighed: "We repeated it seven times, trying different world views, scripts, characters, plot tones, and constant permutations and combinations, but all failed.

'Leon' are either weak and cowardly and just want to return to their dreams, or they are cruel and murderous and rebellious to society, or they are insensitive and don't care about their own life or death.

Every time you restart, we will play these videos for you to remind you of your own identity.

However, every time you sleep, your personality will continue to weaken - just like the ship of Theseus.

You are our eighth and probably our last hope."

This chapter has been completed!
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