Chapter 63 Wilder

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At the same time, in the northeast of Chang'an City, Anxingfang, the Duke's Mansion of the State of Yan.

The originally continuous stretch of colorful flowerbeds in the courtyard were forcibly torn down, covered with soil, and filled with hills of medicinal herbs.

On the bluestone floor, there are stoves everywhere, as well as casseroles for cooking medicine placed on the stoves.

The smell of medicine lingered in the Duke of Yan's Mansion. The servants in the Duke's Mansion, under the command of the doctor, carefully monitored the cooking time of each medicine pot, constantly removing the medicinal soup and replacing it with new medicine.

"... Duke Yan was once a great general who controlled the country. He was a strong master in martial arts and body training, and his energy and blood were unparalleled in the world.

But the moon waxes and wanes, and the Duke of Yan has accumulated too many open and hidden injuries in his early years. In his later years, his energy and blood will be exhausted faster and more violently than that of an old man of the same age..."

In the courtyard, Qiu Quan, the director of the Shang Yao Bureau, was talking to his brother Qiu Zhen, the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office, in a low voice, "The symptoms of abdominal distension, glossitis, yellow face, and heart palpitations are just symptoms.

The real internal cause is rapid consumption of yin blood and spleen deficiency and blood stasis."

"Pu Shuo Zhen Yin?"

Qiu Wen pursed his lips tightly and said, "In the past half month, we have been administering medicine according to the method of urgent consumption of Yin blood, but Yan Guogong's blood condition has not recovered for a long time, the heat and poison keep recurring, and the virtual fire has not returned to its original state.

Why don't you try blood-activating products? Only by removing blood stasis can new life be born..."

Yan Yundang was born in the second year of Tianjian seventy years ago. He joined the army as a young man and accompanied the army to attack the Turks in the north many times. He made great military exploits and was awarded the title of Duke of Yan.

Although because of his old age, he could not suppress the various hidden wounds left in the fight with enemies and aliens, and they broke out one after another, his energy and blood collapsed, and he fell from the level of a martial arts master, which is equivalent to a monk in the Zhuxiao realm, and it is difficult to recover.

However, the emperor still cared deeply about Yan Yundang and sent Qiu Quan, the chief physician of the Shang Yao Bureau, and Qiu Wen, the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Department, to the Duke of Yan's house to treat him.

He also urgently promoted Yan Lin, the eldest son of the Duke of Yan, to an official position in the court and made him General Youjinwu to show that his favor to the Yan family would not diminish.

On the one hand, it is because Yan Yundang has indeed made outstanding military exploits.

On the other hand, it was because in the first year of Shenlong fifty years ago, Yan Yundang had participated in the forced palace of the "Holy Queen named Wu" with the official position of Jinwu Guard Youyi Zhonglang.

Played an important role in it——

The favor given to the Yan family is also a blow to some veterans who still remember the era of the "Holy Queen" and the "Wu Family".

Qiu Quan shook his head, no longer trying to figure out the emperor's deep thoughts, and focused on the medical case in front of him.

During this time, the Yan family also invited many well-known and famous doctors to give different prescriptions.

You said you should use Xijiao Dihuang Decoction, which clears heat, detoxifies, cools blood and disperses blood stasis.

I told you to use loess soup to remove heat knots in the five internal organs.

He said that he should use Purple Snow Pill to treat fever and coma.

There are various prescriptions provided by famous doctors. The Yan family does not dare to give Yan Yun a random drink. They mainly follow the advice of Qiu Quan and Qiu Zhen and drink some medicine to treat the urgent consumption of yin blood.

In addition, I also drink some relatively mild and harmless blood-nourishing medicines - such as Siwu Decoction made of Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelicae Sinensis, White Peony Root and Chuanxiong.

However... it has not worked for a long time. Yan Yundang's physical condition is still getting worse.

Fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, pale face, tongue inflammation, numbness of hands and feet,

It is so decayed that it is impossible to tell that he was once a martial arts master.

While the two were thinking,

"Aye, second uncle——"

A clear female voice came from outside the courtyard, and Qiu Feng, her mother, and sisters were seen approaching holding hands.

"Feng'er is back?"

Qiu Quan stood up to greet her somewhat guiltily. In order to be able to take care of Yan Yundang's condition at all times, he had been living in a separate courtyard of the Duke's Mansion. Even when his daughter went to take the preliminary examination of the Academy, he did not accompany her to watch. "How did you do in the exam today?"


"It's okay. I should be able to pass the first test."

Qiu Feng sat down at the table and talked about some of what he had experienced today.

Qiu Feng's father, Qiu Quan, listened and kept nodding his head. When he heard his daughter say that she might not be able to get the first place in the herbal medicine subject, he frowned slightly, "Is there anyone else competing with you for the top spot in the herbal medicine subject in the academy's first exam?"

"Yeah. He's a student from Zhenzhou."

Qiu Feng nodded and said, "It's the little doctor I mentioned before who used strange techniques to cure Yong Hongzhong, the son of the governor of Xiangzhou, in Chang'an Post House."

"It's him?"

Qiu Quan was a little surprised. The Qiu family has been practicing medicine for generations.

Yong Hongzhong's dizziness medical case was later analyzed by everyone in the Qiu family. At that time, Qiu Feng only used needles to prick the Baihui, Touwei, Fenglong, and Xuanzhong acupoints. There were no needles in the temples and Fengchi acupoints - the temples can comb the head.

Qi and blood, regulate the Qi of the head,

The Fengchi point can calm the liver and extinguish wind, clear away heat and relieve external symptoms, clear the head and improve eyesight.

However, despite all odds, the little doctor finally cured Yong Hongzhong's dizziness - no matter how weird and bizarre the 'reset method' he said sounded.

"His knowledge of herbal medicine is as profound as that of his daughter."

Qiu Feng replied: "It should be a family tradition."

"Is this so..."

Qiu Quan nodded, "It seems that the medical case of the son of the governor of Xiangzhou was not cured by chance."

"Wait a minute, he is from Zhenzhou?"

Qiu Zhen seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly frowned and murmured: "A little doctor from the south..."

"What, did you think of something?"

Qiu Quan was a little surprised. His brother rarely showed such expressions.

"No, it's nothing."

Qiu Jing hesitated to speak. He just thought of the student who talked about the relationship between malaria and mosquitoes in the restaurant half a month ago.

The theory that malaria was caused by mosquitoes completely overturned the centuries-old theory of external pathogenic factors, and had a huge impact on Qiu Zhen, the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that it makes sense - since ancient times, doctors have taken many measures to prevent malaria, including isolation from wind, cold, and moisture, but they have never been absolutely effective.

Killing mosquitoes might actually be the key to opening a new door.

Qiu Wen only knew that Tantai Leshan had been living in seclusion in the academy recently, and had been studying the direct connection between malaria and mosquitoes, and the results of his research were about to come out.

Tantai Leshan was not out of seclusion, so he couldn't talk about it to his family, so he had to ask Qiu Feng: "Where does that student from Jingzhou live? What is his name?"

"Live in Huaidefang."

Qiu Feng thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called... Li Risheng?"

"Huaidefang, Li Risheng..."

Qiu Zhen remembered the name firmly and looked to the west of the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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