Chapter 644: Coming out of the cage

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 The blood mist spread rapidly, and wherever it passed, the walls and floors decayed and rotted, and large areas peeled off, revealing the restrictions hidden in the masonry.


The complex light symbolizing the restriction flickered on and off under the influence of the blood mist until it was completely dark. Along with it, the rune lamps and candles were extinguished.

"Help! My leg is trapped!"

"Let me out quickly, my head is broken——"

The prisoners and guards groaned and wailed one after another. Some people didn't even know that their eardrums had been blown, and they screamed loudly.

The sea of ​​​​qi has been suppressed, and the efficiency of spiritual energy operation is less than one-eighth of the original.

Under the dim moonlight, Song Shaoyuan stared at the blood mist in front of him, his mind changing rapidly. The sound of the explosion just now resounded through the night sky, and the Nanya guards and the Zhenfu Division would be here soon.

Although Dali Temple is important, it is not an institution related to the survival of the city. Standing on the opposite side of Yu State, the benefits of blowing up Dali Temple are not great. Unless...

This is a trap.

Song Shaoyuan formed a technique with one hand and used the art of Qinghui. An egg-sized ball of light flew straight forward, barely illuminating the ruins through the blood mist.


Everyone could clearly see through the light, the dozens of inhuman figures rising slowly from the blood mist.

"Monster, monster!"

A prisoner screamed, and standing in front of him was a demon more than one foot tall.

It has four-jointed legs, a fat and wide waist, and a sharply contracted upper body. Above its thin bamboo neck, there is a green head the size of a winter melon, with a ferocious expression, like a Nuo face.

The scream attracted the attention of the demon. It slowly turned its head and looked at the prisoner. In the next moment, the lanky and inhuman arm penetrated directly through the prisoner's mouth, exploding the prisoner's upper and lower jaws and half of his skull.


Blood was sprinkled on the ground as if it was free of charge. The prisoner was bleeding from all his orifices and died on the spot. However, after just a few breaths, his body twitched violently and turned into a smaller monster.

Step, step.

The newly born inhuman monster stood up slowly using four insect-like legs. It also had a ferocious expression, like a Nuo face, and its dull eyes reflected the miserable expressions of everyone in Dali Temple.

The blood mist has appeared, and the demon has emerged


"Haotian is above, kill the false emperor!"

"Kill the false emperor and clarify the Central Plains!"

The cry of killing resounded over Yanzhou City, the majestic spiritual energy collided and stirred, and the fiery wind caused by the talismans and spells dispersed the dark clouds in the sky.

Thirteen unidentified men in black are besieging the governor's mansion in Yanzhou City. The techniques and styles they use are very different. The only similarity is that they are all low-level Zhuxiao realm.

Such a force is enough to destroy the city and massacre everyone in a quarter of an hour.

The ones who stopped them were the masters of the Imperial Palace's Enshrinement and Subduing Department.

In the prefect's mansion, officials at all levels who had accompanied the emperor to Mount Tai to attend the Zen Ceremony were hiding in a house full of protective restrictions, looking uneasily at the sparks in the sky caused by the aftermath of the battle.

"Your Majesty, news came from Chang'an that there was an explosion in Dali Temple, which affected Shunyi Gate, Jiang Zuojian and Weiwei Temple. The number of casualties is unknown."

Shen Tuyu lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "The Nanya guards and the Zhenfu Division have already gone over to investigate the situation."

"Got it."

Emperor Yu, who was sitting in the secret room of the Prefect's Mansion, nodded calmly.

Tonight's "assassination" and "ambush" were not unexpected by him. The palace ministers have made adequate preparations for this to ensure nothing goes wrong.

As early as when the mountain chief was attacked and Taihao Mountain issued a proclamation, Emperor Yu had already predicted that sooner or later the conspirators lurking in the shadows of the Yu Kingdom would take action to create trouble and try to make Li Yu collapse.

He decided to leave Beijing this time to become a Zen monk, because he wanted to go to Mount Tai to retrieve a secret treasure left by Emperor Taizu of the Yu Kingdom.

Also in order to lure the snake out of its hole and eliminate the internal crisis in one fell swoop.

Now resolve the conflicts and catch all the monsters and demons in one fell swoop,

It would be better than a few years later, when the talisman of the mountains and rivers dissipates, and when the nations come to attack, they will be stabbed in the back by "one of our own" again, resulting in the loss of everything.

The only question is whether the prince overseeing the country in Chang'an can stabilize the situation as planned...



A loud noise comparable to rolling thunder came from the north of the city. Wu Shiqi subconsciously shrank his neck, reached out to touch the saber hidden under his uniform, and turned his head to look north.

I saw a blood mist rising in the north of the city, like gauze like dusk, scarlet like blood, rising and spreading as time goes by. The specific address seems to the imperial city?

Wu Shiqi was stunned on the spot. There was a folk legend that every brick and every wall in the imperial city was engraved with formations to guard against evil spirits causing trouble.

This statement is certainly an exaggeration, but the imperial city does have many restrictions. Last Chinese Valentine's Day, there was a fire in Chang'an City, and there was also the Li Chao wind, but the imperial city did not suffer much damage. Until now.

It was late at night, and not many pedestrians on the street heard the thunderous noise, saw the blood mist rising like a curtain in the sky, and shouted in panic.

It wasn't until the rapid beating of curfew drums sounded in the streets and alleys that passers-by woke up as if from a dream.

The rapid beating of drums means a curfew, which means Chang'an is under military control. No one is allowed to roam the streets, otherwise they will be regarded as suspects.

This rule was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Pedestrians who were close to their homes hurriedly ran back home, closed the doors, locked the door locks, closed the windows tightly, and hung up the Haotian bells.

If you are far away from home, go to the homes of relatives and friends to take refuge. If you can't, rush into the nearest restaurant or inn - during special periods, the innkeeper cannot drive people away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Continuous explosions came from all directions, and blood mist also rose from those places, forming a continuous cloud in the air.

The pedestrians fled in all directions, but Wu Qiqi stood there blankly.

He had originally found out that the thin dog that died in the well belonged to the Zhong family of the Zhenfu Division. He wanted to go outside the Zhong Mansion to find out some information tonight, but he did not expect that something unexpected would happen.

What to do now? Go home directly? Or return to Wannian County and wait for dispatch from above?

Wu Shiqi hesitated for a moment. His parents were both dead, and he was alone. There was nothing to worry about in his family. As for the Wannian County Magistrate... Wu Shiqi didn't think there was anything a county magistrate could do at this time.

Instead of being a bystander and waiting for the battle between the monks in the city to come to an end, which would ultimately determine the lives of the people in the city, he would rather take the initiative to do something.

After figuring out this joint, Wu Shiqi gritted his teeth and ran wildly. Relying on the experience he had accumulated as a servant over the years, he took the shortest possible route and ran towards the south toward Zhongfu.

Just then, silence fell.

The barking of dogs, the voices of panicked people, the shouts of citizens, the drums of curfew, all the sounds disappeared, and it was so quiet that you could even hear your own heartbeat.

Wu Shiqi stiffly twisted his neck and looked behind him, only to see blood mist covering the sky and the sun, spreading over his head. The scope of his vision was sharply reduced.

And deep in the blood mist, some monsters that look like humans but not humans have already taken to the streets.

This chapter has been completed!
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