Chapter 527 Dry Food

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To say that Ghost Spade's body is moving is actually a bit of a stretch.

It clings to the ground, uses its hands and feet, and squirms slowly. On the exposed skin of the body, there are jagged cracks - the number of these cracks is constantly increasing, and they open and close several times from time to time, creating suction, absorbing gravel, sand, and soil, and

Glowing strains on the rock wall.

Lu Yunan looked at this scene solemnly. Ghost Spade was indeed dead. Half of his head was originally split by lightning, and the remaining half was shattered in the process of falling off the cliff. Only Ba was left.

But his corpse was reversely controlled by the parasitic demon on his body, crawling all over the ground erratically like a primitive worm.

It is sad that a martial arts master ended up like this.


Suddenly, the slits on the back of Ghost Spade's hand opened and closed together, making a similar "sniffing" movement, and then used both hands and feet to turn in the direction of Li Ang and Lu Yunan.


"It's coming from the right!"

Lu Yunan reminded him loudly. Li Ang could barely recognize the outline of Ghost Spade's corpse by relying on the shadowy spots in his sight, and kicked him in the chest.

The suppressive effect on spiritual energy and demons at the bottom of the Liyuan Valley was too strong. The corpse of Ghost Spade could not exert one thousandth of its strength before it was born. Li Ang kicked him on the rock, scratching randomly with his hands and feet, and the cracks in his chest tore at the soles of Li Ang's boots.

In just a few seconds, the bottom of Li Ang's boots was bitten to pieces.

"Put me down!"

Lu Yunan jumped down from Li Ang's arms, kicked her unbroken left leg on the ground, held onto the rock in front of her with both hands, turned over, and rummaged through the rocks to find something.

With his hands free, Li Ang picked up a heavy stone from the ground, hit the corpse of Ghost Spade on the chest, and pressed it hard against the rock.

But the cracks on the ghost shovel seemed to eat everything, and even the stones were being scraped by the saw teeth, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I found it!"

Lu Yunan shouted, jumped over on one foot, and thrust a stick into Li Ang's hand.

Is this a three-edged gun?

Li Ang weighed the stick. The triangular gun was completely broken in the previous battle. This seemed to be the head part of the gun.

He tried his best to keep his eyes open, tried to discern the direction, stabbed the shoulder of the ghost shovel corpse with the tip of the gun, twisted it hard, and cut off the arm.

Then he followed the same method and completely disassembled the ghost shovel body.

Despite this, all parts of Gui Spade's body were still crawling on the ground, trying to escape.

Li Ang shot one at a time, like pinning fish, and used half of the triangular spear to string together the remains of the ghost shovel - there was still a layer of ink on the surface of the triangular spear, which would not be eaten up for a while.

"Why is this thing so tenacious?"

Lu Yunan bared her teeth and jumped over on one leg, "Is the cockroach reincarnated?"

"Who can tell clearly about demons?"

Li Ang gasped for a while, his spiritual energy was blocked, and the feeling of being blind was really bad. After opening his eyes for a while, he felt his eyes were raw and could not help but shed tears.

"What should we do now?"

Lu Yunan pointed to the remains of the ghost shovel attached to the triangular gun.

This thing is too weird for physical attacks to be effective, and leaving it alone makes people a little uneasy - who knows if it will eat more dirt, evolve into something else, and attack Li Ang again.

"Go and find the parachute first. Li Yuan has a strong suppression power against demons, so you can wrap it up with a parachute first."

Li Ang held the triangular gun in one hand and supported Lu Yunan in the other. The two trudged forward for a distance with difficulty, and finally found a parachute made of silk on a rock not far from the ground.

Relying on his memory, he found the cartilage frame in the parachute, disassembled the skeleton, and made a secondary fracture splint for Lu Yunan.

Then a part of the umbrella cloth was used to wrap the remains of the ghost shovel.

After all this work, the exhausted two people finally found a place to sit down and rest.


Li Ang leaned against the rock wall, raised his head to the sky, and let out a long breath.

At this moment, Jialuo should have rushed back to the Turkic Royal Court with the help of the wolf-head armor, and used the close insect to inform the Yu Kingdom of the cause of the incident.

I don’t know what happened to He Fanshuang, Qiu Feng and the others. With the strength of the team, it shouldn’t be difficult to escape from Tongluo City and the encirclement before Taihao Mountain and the Turkic monks could react.

But it is difficult to say that the subsequent task of treating Khan can be completed.

Lu Yunan tilted her head to look at him and asked, "What are you thinking about?"


Li Ang raised his hand and grabbed the air above, "I was just wondering if we can get out of here."

"That's enough."

Lu Yunan blew her bangs and said calmly: "This is the bottom of Liyuan Valley, a forbidden place in the world. Monks in the Zhuxiao Realm will become mortals when they come here.

We were able to descend to the bottom of the valley smoothly without being eaten by the monsters living in the valley on the way. We were lucky among misfortunes.

By the way, do you think Lian Xuanxiao will come to save you?"

".Hard to say."

Li Ang rubbed his forehead, "Not to mention whether the academy can contact the mountain leader, even if it is contacted, we have to consider whether the mountain leader can resist Li Yuan's suppressive effect.

Moreover, our current location does not necessarily correspond to the cliff on the ground - God knows how far the parachute took us. The corpse of the ghost spade may have smelled the smell of our meat and crawled over from a distance."

"It's difficult to handle."

Lu Yunan sighed and said, "We can't get out by walking alone. Liyuan stretches for fifteen hundred miles from north to south, fifty miles at its widest point, and several miles at its narrowest point.

Only in the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Horse can we go out.

As for climbing up.”

She raised her head and looked at the cliff, "Three thousand meters? Four thousand meters? Or five, six, seven or eight thousand?"

The cliff in Liyuan is so steep that there is almost no place to stay. It is like a natural chasm.

For a while, the atmosphere was somewhat silent.


Lu Yunan's stomach growled breaking the oppressive atmosphere. The two looked at each other and smiled. Lu Yunan took out a bag of dry food from her arms and said, "Want some?"

Li Ang smelled it and vaguely smelled the aroma of animal fat, "What is this?"

"Compressed biscuits with lard added."

Lu Yunan explained: "The ingredients are wheat flour, sugar, oil and milk powder. It has been preservative treated and can be stored for two to three months.

A pack like this can probably feed the two of us for three days if we save some money."

She paused and said calmly: "This thing looks simple, but it's actually quite troublesome to make.

But, I’m used to being hungry, so I always bring a bag like this with me when I go out. I didn’t expect it to come in handy today.”

Get used to being hungry?

Li Ang noticed the subtle change in Lu Yunan's tone and hesitated in his heart.

He knew that Lu Yunan was from the Black Mountain tribe in the north, where the climate was bitterly cold and supplies were scarce, so life would probably be very difficult.

After thinking again and again, he hesitated and asked, "What? How did you come into this world?"

"How did you come into this world? My mother gave birth to her."

Lu Yunan laughed loudly, accidentally touching the injury on her thigh, and grinned and took two deep breaths.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, it hurts me so much. So, so, so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so had so so so so had had had to call upon behalf upon behalf upon behalf with Havingspects wriststentoretentoreestentoreestentoretentoretentoretentotoreoretentot with Withtentsuot with respect with respect tomisses with Havingtents."

She hung her palms above her thighs for a while and then lay down again. Her eyes flickered and she said, "You are asking me how I traveled through time, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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