Chapter 569 Anesthesia

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Floating, weightless.

The consciousness gradually awakened from the chaos and emptiness. The surroundings were dark, with no light visible and no sound heard.

There is no need for complicated thinking activities. Doubts, fears, and panic emotions arise spontaneously.

The consciousness randomly found a direction and floated up quickly, like a drowning person swimming desperately towards the surface of the water.


Like the beginning of chaos,

The rising consciousness reconnected to the body, and the eyes sensed light through the eyelids.

Memory and personality came online, and the existence named Li Ang finally woke up.

Where am I?

Li Ang tried to open his eyes, but found that he felt like he was being pressed down on the bed by a ghost. He was completely unable to control his eyelids, let alone stand up.

He could only feel as if he was lying on the bed, with a bright light bulb shining on him from above, and his arms and legs were a little cold.

The tinnitus in both ears was severe, and it gradually subsided after a while. Li Ang struggled to distinguish the noisy voices ringing around him.

".The operation was recorded on the volar side of the distal radius. The skin was incised 8cm from the surface of the flexor carpi radialis tendon. The flexor carpi radialis tendon was exposed and unidentified material integrated with the bone was found."

"Through experiments, metal elements have an attraction to non-element substances in patients' bodies, such as silver, gold, polonium, tungsten, uranium, plutonium, etc. The level of attraction does not seem to be directly related to atomic weight or radioactivity."

"Considering the patient's condition, we decided to use gold to induce a portion of the non-element substance to leave the patient's body, then cut it with a laser, peel it off, and send it to the laboratory for analysis."

His hands and feet are restrained, and he has a breathing mask on his mouth. He is currently lying on the experimental table?

The last scene in his memory was of him sitting in a SAT armored vehicle, heading to the so-called Seventh Area Headquarters of the Metropolitan Police. During this period, he received a call from the embassy of his country in Japan, and then passed out.

The voices around me were all in Japanese and not a word in Chinese. Could it be that the SAT people lied to me?

Words like experimental subjects and white mice came to mind one by one. To make matters worse, the gas provided by the respirator and the syringe inserted in the arm seemed to have the ability to anesthetize.

The consciousness that had just awakened for a short time gradually became drowsy again.

Now is not the time to sleep!

Li Ang desperately used his consciousness to hit the invisible wall and awaken his body.

"Everyone, please stop!"

A serious voice came from the broadcast speaker in the upper corner of the room. It seemed that there was another isolation observation room outside the operating room where Li Ang was.

Through the loudspeaker, you can hear the movement in the observation room.

A man walked into the room and said in Japanese: "The research has been suspended. People from the United States are already on their way. We need to transfer the abnormal individuals to them."


An old voice said in disbelief: "Didn't it mean that this research was fully led by the Japanese people?"

"The situation is different."

The man said helplessly: "The United States learned the news here through some means and made a request to the cabinet."

You can hear needles dropping in the room, and the so-called "making demands" is just a euphemism for "exerting pressure."

The top political leaders of Japan have been infiltrated by the United States for decades and have no ability to resist U.S. coercion.


The old voice said unwillingly: "Weiyuan matter is the key to the future! If you feed it gold and silver, it will increase in volume and mass;

If it comes into contact with some rare elements, such as urinium, tungsten, astatine, and og, it will possess some of the characteristics of these elements, and it will also become stable over time and exhibit unique physical and chemical properties.

This means we can use it to achieve countless scientific breakthroughs! Leading to an incredibly bright future!

Superheavy elements, stable superheavy elements, element zero, antielements, metallic hydrogen, normal temperature superconductivity, normal temperature and normal pressure superconductivity, and even controllable nuclear fusion

This is Japan and the wealth of all mankind!"

There was silence in the observation room, and no one spoke. If the experimental subject is transferred to the United States, the other party will definitely transfer it to the United States as soon as possible.

By then all research results will have nothing to do with Japan.

"Dr. Suzuki, I know what you think, but this is also what the Prime Minister means."

The man said helplessly, "Representatives of the US military will be at the door soon."

".Then, please separate the radius bone of the experimental subject."


"Please separate the radius bone in the subject's right arm.

The United States only knows that we have captured the experimental subject and that there is parasitic matter in the experimental subject.

We can completely peel off the radius bone with the highest concentration of microorganisms, and then tell the U.S. side that the original radius of the experimental subject has been completely eroded by the microorganisms."

The old voice seemed to be getting closer to the microphone and shouted towards the operating room: "What are you waiting for? Let's start now! Japan's national destiny for the next hundred years depends on this!"

The old voice was highly respected. The doctors standing next to Li Ang hesitated for a moment, then gathered around again, clamped the cut skin on Li Ang's arm with tweezers, and slowly pulled it apart.

Pain pierces the brain, cold currents rush through the body,

The Weiyuan substance sensed Li Ang's emotional fluctuations, spread and stretched along the spine, and reactivated the slack skeletal muscles.

His right thumb gently hooked twice. The doctor who was about to peel off the radius noticed this. A look of panic appeared on his face and he shouted: "Increase the anesthesia!"

Li Ang opened his eyes suddenly, and with the light of the shadowless lamp above his head, he could see everything around him clearly.

His wrists and ankles were tightly tied to the operating table with restraints. There was only a green sterile cloth covering his body. There was a narrow incision on his right arm extending from the end of his thumb to his elbow.

Through the incision, one can see the dark unprimed matter surging inside.

The doctors and nurses wearing isolation protective suits around him were frightened by his sudden awakening and subconsciously took half a step back.

Fragrant-smelling anesthetic gas surged out of the breathing mask. Li Ang pursed his lips, stopped breathing, and pulled hard with his left hand, trying to break free from the restraints of the straps.


The binding belt didn't move at all. Li Ang's physical fitness was only that of an ordinary person, not to mention that he was still suffering from the continuous influence of anesthetics.

He tried pulling on the straps a second time, but still to no avail.

The pitch-black substance sensed his movements, flowing into the skeletal muscles like rainwater seeping through the soil, and integrating with the nerve fibers.


On the third try, the strap seemed to be made of paper and broke easily.

Li Ang took off the breathing mask on his face and pulled out the needles stuck in his body.


The operating room door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and four heavily armed soldiers rushed in regardless of the isolation regulations, aiming the narrow barrel of the anesthesia gun in their hands at Li Ang.

They pulled the trigger, and the anesthesia needle flew out.

so slow.

The flight path of the anesthetic needle is like slow motion in a movie, clearly visible.

Li Ang subconsciously raised his palms and grabbed two anesthetic needles. Then he grabbed a doctor and stood in front of him, letting the remaining two anesthetic needles prick him.

This chapter has been completed!
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