Chapter 1086 Cherish each other

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Lin Yue also smiled, because in terms of performance, Li Taibai had already killed two big insects, and Lu Yiye had only killed one. In this regard, Wanmoling was slightly better. There were still two big insects left.

The clone of Lu Ye was about to take them all down in one go. The two big bugs finally realized that something was wrong. They originally chased them out eight at a time, but only two were left after fighting. How did they fight like this?

The small intelligence of the Zerg cannot provide them with much thinking, so they can only act according to their instincts at this time.

After realizing something was wrong, the two big insects fled in two directions, one on the left and one on the right.

Lu Ye's clones each chased after one of them. At the same time, Wan Lao and Lin Yue also shook their bodies and rushed away.

The two young men had been cooperating closely just now and it was not easy for them to go into battle and disturb them. Now that the two were separated and the big insect showed signs of escaping, they naturally could no longer sit back and watch.

Lu Ye's original form and Wan Lao met together, and their avatars met Lin Yue, each forming a fighting group, and their spiritual power surged.

After a while, the battle on the main side ended first. After all, Wan Lao's cultivation was better than Lin Yue, and he also had an advantage in such a battle. Immediately afterwards, the clone also killed the last big insect. The battle came to an end.


The main body sheathed the sword, and many sword lights on the clone side also circled into the sword gourd. The two turned around and looked at each other hundreds of feet away. Lu Ye thought about what he should say in such a situation.

, that's fine if there are no outsiders. At this critical moment, both our own Shenhaijing and Lin Yue are present. It would be too strange if we don't say anything.

After holding it back for a while, he slowly said, "You're pretty good." The clone grinned and replied, "You're pretty good, too." The corners of Lu Ye's eyes twitched, and it felt even weirder to praise himself so blatantly.

But in the eyes of Wan Lao and Lin Yue, they could see the mutual sympathy between two rising stars.

It is normal. For rising stars like Lu Yiye and Li Taibai, it is undoubtedly great luck to have people who can compare with them in the same era. The road is long and the competition between the two people is always difficult.

Better than being alone.

Lu Ye clasped his fists again: "Blue Blood Sect Lu Yiye, thank you fellow Taoist for helping me."

The avatar returned the greeting, "It is our duty as monks to wipe out the Zerg race."

"If I have a chance someday, I will definitely have a drink and talk with my Taoist friends. "It's easy to talk."

After all the nonsense, Lu Ye really didn't know what to say. Fortunately, Wan Lao stretched out his hand to stroke his beard and laughed, "It's great to be young."

Lin Yue was obviously touched and agreed, "Yes." "That's enough for now, I'll take my leave first." Wan Lao said, then turned around and headed towards the Jinglan Lake Pass, followed closely by Lu Ye.

On the side, Lin Yue also called to the clone and rushed in the direction of Dark Moon Forest Pass.

Women are extremely curious, even those at the seventh level of the Divine Sea like Lin Yue were no exception. On the way back, she asked, "Junior brother, I knew Lu Yiye before."

The clone quickly shook his head: "This is the first time I've seen you.

"You work so well with him, I thought you were already familiar with each other."

"Maybe it's because I have the same temperament."

This is true. Lin Yue will naturally not be suspicious. In her opinion, Li Taibai has no need to deceive her. Moreover, with Ten Thousand Demon Ridge and Haotian Alliance, no matter how familiar they are, how far can they go...

"You two have similar statures and average cultivation. Standing together, you look like brothers." Lin Yue pursed her lips and smiled softly. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

The clones are not only brothers, they are the same person. Lin Yue said again: "But the junior brother is much more handsome than Lu Yiye." On my side, Wan Lao didn't say much, and just asked briefly about the previous one.

Lu Ye picked up some things he could say about the situation and said that he could handle it.

By the time the two returned to Jinglanhu Pass, the battle here was coming to an end. Many soldiers rushed out of the pass, forming different formations under the influence of the Tongqi Company's formations, and quickly harvested the Zerg's enemies.


Lu Ye and Wan Lao had no intention of interfering. They just wandered around the battlefield and let the soldiers vent their fighting spirit. After half a day, all the Zerg were driven out and the soldiers began to clean up the battlefield.

Collecting the bodies of his comrades who died in the battle, Lu Ye found Wan Lao and said, "Wan Lao, things have happened here. It's time for me to leave."

He only came out for two things, but something went wrong in the middle, and he got involved in this insect wave attack due to fate. Now that the things have been done, there is no need to stay. Wan Lao is talking to someone.

After receiving the summons, Wan Lao raised his hand to signal him not to speak yet. Lu Ye stood aside quietly and waited. After a while, Wan Lao ended the summons and looked at Lu Ye, "Jinglan Lake Pass is leaderless now. You need to stay here temporarily."

." Lu Ye was stunned: "If Wan Lao is here, why do you need me to take charge?" Wan Lao said: "I am a guerrilla guard. I am not limited to a certain pass. I will go wherever there is need. There are new tasks assigned by the superiors.

, I’m leaving now.”

"Then transfer other Shenhai realms to come. Now I only have the second level of Shenhai realm. How can I sit in one pass?"

Wan Lao gave him a meaningful look, "Although your cultivation level is low, your strength is not weak, so why should you be humble? Moreover, there is a shortage of manpower everywhere, and we can't allocate suitable manpower for the time being. You will take the position of leader of the pass first."

Thumbs up, I see that the officers and soldiers below are very convinced. People from other Shenhai realms may not have such great prestige, so now, you are the most suitable candidate.

"But I'm from the Department of Law." Lu Ye still wanted to struggle. It's not a good thing to be stationed at a pass. If he had to choose, he would rather choose a guerrilla position, which would give him more freedom of action. "The Department of Law is also from the state guard.

, I have reported this matter to the state guard, and someone from the chief of the department will go to say hello, so I just said that, I have a mission, so I will take the first step."

When the words fell, Wan Lao had already soared into the sky and disappeared in an instant. Lu Ye watched, speechless. He couldn't figure out how the situation developed like this. This inexplicable, he became the master of a pass. Although the clone can be regarded as

He is a pass master, but after all, there is Lin Yue up there, and it is not his turn to take the lead in everything.

But the situation here at Jinglan Lake Pass is different. There is no one else above him, a veritable boss.

Yu Huang hurriedly ran to him, clasped his fists and said, "I have seen the master of the pass in my humble position."

I don't know where he got the news. It was probably Wan Lao who sent him a message, so he called the master of the pass. "What's the matter?" Lu Ye asked.

Yu Huang handed over a jade slip: "This is the human loss in this battle. Please take a look at it."...

Lu Ye took it and glanced at it. This time, a group of people died on the Jinglan Lake Pass during the insect wave attack. The number was not very large, it looked like dozens of people. In the past, this kind of casualties were not significant for a pass. It's nothing, but now that there is a shortage of manpower at various passes, such casualties are not a small number.

Lu Ye didn't know how to deal with it, but after thinking about what the clone had seen at Dark Moon Forest Pass, he said, "Find someone to transport all the corpses back to Haotian City, pass on the plan, and let the sect family behind them transport the corpses." "Take it back. "Yes." Yu Huang accepted the order and turned around to retreat. It seems that it is not difficult. Lu Ye thought in his heart. Suddenly a message came from the battlefield mark. After some investigation, he found that it was an unreasonable message. It was a slap in the face. Suddenly he cursed. "You bastard, you are not staying in Haotian City honestly, why did you go to Jinglanhu Pass?"

Gan Wudang was so angry that the Department of Law finally found a talent. During the last big meeting, even the munitions department Chao Ye's request to recruit Lu Ye was blocked by him. The result is now good, Lu Ye Ye Baba rushed to the Jinglan Lake Pass and simply ignored him as the leader of the company. "Sitting in seclusion was miserable, so I just walked around and came here. I happened to encounter an insect tide to attack the key point, so I We helped for a while." Lu Ye quickly replied. "Did you know that Liu Yuemei died?" Gan Wudang asked again. "I heard, how did he die?"

"I also want to ask you, was it you who killed him?" It's normal for Gan Wudang to have such doubts. He also knew about Liu Yuemei's pursuit of Lu Ye regardless of his status, and he was the one who came with the headmaster at that time. In the rescue scene, with such grudges, Lu Ye had the motive to kill Liu Yuemei. "Sir, you are kidding me. I am only at the second level of Shenhai. Liu Yuemei is already at the seventh level. How can I kill her?"

"You can't do it alone, but what if you add that Li Taibai? "Sir, you also know Li Taibai." Lu Ye's heart skipped a beat. Lao Wan is such a big talker. He spread the news so quickly, but it's normal to think that there are some things. It cannot be concealed, and from Wan Lao's point of view, there is no need to conceal it. If you want to be in the second level of Luye Shenhai Realm, you must have a good record. Killing those big insects is a record. "I just found out and I heard that Li Taibai and Liu Yuemei have a son-killing feud!"

I have to admit that these high-ranking people in the Shenhai realm are very well-informed, so it’s no wonder that Gan Wudang has such suspicions. Lu Yiye, Li Taibai and Liu Yuemei all have great enemies, but these two have them. With the background of killing enemies across levels, coupled with the tacit understanding and cooperation between each other, it is still possible to kill Liu Yuemei if there is no intention. Furthermore, the timing of Lu Ye's appearance here is too coincidental, and he can't help but do something wrong. Don't make guesses.

"Sir, this is really an injustice. Li Taibai and I have never met each other before. Today is the first time we have met each other. Moreover, he is from Ten Thousand Mo Ridge. How could I have such an affair with him?"

Liu Yuemei's death cannot be acknowledged under any circumstances, even in the face of irresponsibility.

"Just believe it yourself." Gan Wudang didn't bother to say anything more to him, "But now you need to be stationed at Jinglanhu Pass. Who makes you get the right opportunity and show your extraordinary strength? Maybe the state guards can deploy some of them." Maybe someone can replace you, but there is one thing you need to remember: you are from the Department of Law, and no one can change this."

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