Chapter 126 The Qin family was maimed

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After a stick of incense, the battle subsided, and the five mounts licked their wounds. Each of the five Lu Ye leaned against a big tree, either healing their wounds or adjusting their breath.

The corpses of Qin's disciples were scattered around. The fifth-level disciple died the worst because he survived until the end and was besieged to death by Lu Ye and others. His corpse was chopped into several pieces.

In just half a day, the safari team fought three games in a row. First, they encountered the opponent's safari team, and then joined forces with their own peak-defending team to destroy the opponent's attack team. Now, with the power of five people, they destroyed half of the opponent's team.

The peak-defending team has achieved fruitful results.

In such frequent and fierce confrontations, both the man and his mount were injured, but fortunately the injuries were not serious.

"Thank you!" Xiangruan's body leaned over, and Qiao Qiaoer thanked Lu Ye.

When they teamed up to besiege the fifth-level realm, Lu Ye clearly had a chance to kill the opponent, but left the chance of the last blow to others. In the end, Qiao Qiaoer was lucky and took the opponent's life. This time, she made money.

Got thirty spiritual stones.

In the three battles, who killed the most enemies was undoubtedly Lu Ye. He accounted for 30% of the entire team's gains. In the final fight to the death at the fifth level, it was he who stood in front and blocked the opponent's attack. Otherwise, his own side

Even if no one can kill the other person, they still have to pay some price, and maybe someone will be buried with him.

He has already gained a lot. Of course, Lu Ye will not be too greedy. Everyone comes here to work hard, and no one has more lives than others. If possible, he is still willing to help others.

It is indeed not easy to practice casual cultivation.

"You deserve it." Lu Ye responded casually while recovering his spiritual power. He moved slightly to the side. This woman's enthusiasm made him a little unbearable.

Qiao Qiaoer moved closer to him again and whispered: "My sister will go find you tonight."

"Roar..." A big snow-white head suddenly squeezed in between the two of them, staring at Qiao Qiao'er with a pair of breathtaking tiger eyes.

"Dang... pretend I didn't say it." Qiao Qiaoer stood up quickly, put her hands behind her buttocks, walked to the side and sat down. She thought of the bad memories of last night.

This scene made Song Xie, who was recovering from his injuries, burst out laughing. He couldn't stop coughing while laughing.

Qiao Qiaoer's eyes were like knives: "Cough you to death!"

There were rustling sounds not far away, as well as waves of spiritual energy fluctuations.

Everyone looked stern, Xie Jin raised his hand and said: "Don't panic, we are one of our own."

It was indeed our own people. The attack team had already knocked down this mountain peak and killed many people. They rushed over to support them. When the leader of the fifth-level realm arrived at the place and saw it, he was stunned: "Have you finished killing?"

They thought it would be a tough battle here. After all, the safari team only had five people, but the Qin family had more than a dozen people. Even if the safari team had mounts, it would at best delay the opponent here. On the way here, they

I was ready for a big fight, but when I arrived, I found that the battle here was over.

Looking at the number of corpses around, the fifth-level monk took a deep breath. This was like annihilating all the enemies...

Is our safari team so strong? I never saw it before.

The fifth-level man looked at Xie Jin in shock. Xie Jin nuzzled at him, and the man immediately understood.

It's not that our safari team is strong, but that there is a fierce person in the team.

In the previous rounds of killing, Lu Ye could kill at least one enemy monk each time. If he was lucky, he could kill two, but others did not have this ability.

After several attempts, the Qin family's half of the peak guarding team no longer had the strength to resist. They also wanted to flee in all directions, but they couldn't escape without mounts.

Those at the fifth level were immediately annoyed. In order to come to support Xie Jin's team in time, they let go of seven or eight monks from the Qin family. If they had known that the battle here would end so quickly, they could have completely killed the other side.

But the results are not bad now.

Xie Jin briefly discussed with the fifth-level people, and the attacking team returned to the top of the mountain and temporarily defended the mountain.

And he led Lu Ye and others back to his own territory. All five of them and five of the cavalry needed medical treatment, and the continuous battles had consumed a lot of people, so they needed to recover properly.

After crossing two mountains and reaching the third peak, tents had been set up there. This was the peak of Qingyu Mountain, and more than twenty people were responsible for guarding it.

However, Lu Ye saw Mu Ling's figure here, and there were two others who seemed to be medical cultivators.

Immediately I understood that Qingyu Mountain had brought several medical cultivators here for the convenience of treating them. You must know that this is a very dangerous matter. Although the medical cultivators also have the ability to protect themselves, they are not as good as the monks at the same level.

Worse, if this mountain peak is attacked by Tailuo Sect or Qin Sect, a few medical cultivators will definitely not be able to escape.

In the tent, Mu Ling carefully treated the injuries of Lu Ye and Amber. He was so busy that he was dripping with sweat.

In fact, the injuries of one man and one tiger were not serious. After Mu Ling's treatment and taking the healing pill, he was almost healed by the next day.

The next day, Xie Jin once again led everyone out to kill the generals, but this time there was no chance to confront Qin's safari team. Qin's safari team seemed to be avoiding them, and even the original safari team was divided into guarding areas.

To join the Peak Team, Lu Ye and others could only cooperate with their own attack team to capture the enemy's hilltop.

The momentum is overwhelming!

Mountain peaks were knocked down one after another.

In just three days, the Qin family lost eight peaks in a row. The Qin family initially occupied only twenty-five peaks. They had snatched two from Qingyu Mountain before, but now they not only spit them out, but also took six of them.


In the central mountain hall, Qin Wanli's expression was as ugly as his dead father.

Judging from the situation on the Shadow Moon Disk, among the one hundred peaks, the Qin Clan only has nineteen left, and the Qingyu Mountain has thirty-two. The Tailuo Sect occupies the largest number, with forty-nine peaks, almost occupying

Half the number, this number is very scary. You must know that in the past, even if Qingyu Mountain had the advantage, the most it could win was forty-six peaks.

The number of forty-nine has already broken the record of previous years.

This situation occurs mainly because Qingyu Mountain has occupied Qin's territory in the past three days while giving up its own territory. Whenever Tailuo Sect has an attacking team to attack, the peak-defending team will evacuate in advance.

Give up your own mountain.

In this way, unnecessary losses can be avoided and the combat effectiveness of the peak-defending team can be guaranteed.

Tang Wu's purpose was very simple, not to fight against Tai Luo Sect first, to cripple the Qin family, and then to deal with Tai Luo Sect when he was free.

Qin Wanli is not a fool, how can he not see this, but what can be done to see it? The rules are here, the peaks represent the quota to enter Longquan, the Qin family cannot refuse it.

"Senior Brother Tang, isn't this a bit too much?" Qin Wanli looked at Tang Wu with a sad expression.

"What's too much?" Tang Wu said calmly, "I, Qingyu Mountain, acted within the rules and did not break the contract. How can I say that it is too much? If you, the Qin family, want to get a piece of Longquan's pie, you will naturally have to pay the price."

Qin Wanli thought that the price was too high. In these three days of fighting, more than a hundred of his disciples had been killed or injured. How could the Qin family withstand such a torment?

On the shadow moon disk, another group of blue light points headed towards the mountain peak where the red light points were stationed. They were obviously going to attack. Comparing the number of people and cultivation levels of both sides, Qin Wanli sighed. He must not be able to defend this time. No.

Know how many people are going to die.

His expression changed several times, and he said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Tang, my Qin family wants eighteen peaks."

Tang Wu raised his eyes and looked at him, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Yes!"

Qin Wanli took a breath and quickly activated the battlefield mark to issue an order. After a while, the red light spots on the mountain began to evacuate, and a group of blue light spots swarmed up the mountain, occupying it effortlessly.

Qin Wanli glanced at Han Zheyue quietly, and when he saw Han Zheyue glaring at him, he could only smile helplessly. The Qin family couldn't afford the trouble. He just told Tang Wu that he wanted eighteen peaks, and the implication was that

If you don't come and hit me, I won't go out to make trouble again...

Tang Wu agreed to this request.

So the remaining thing is the battle between Qingyu Mountain and Tailuo Sect.

This naturally made Han Zheyue very dissatisfied, but what if he was dissatisfied? The Qin family was enjoying watching the show on the sidelines, but Han Zheyue insisted that they intervene. Not only did this intervention result in the death and injury of many clan members, but also the loss of the mountain.

There are only eighteen peaks left. On the contrary, Tailuo Sect not only suffered no losses, but also occupied nearly half of the peaks.

Han Zheyue obviously also knew the concerns of the Qin family. A family that had only risen for thirty years did not have as strong a foundation as theirs. So she did not intend to threaten Qin Wanli. She just glared at him and turned around.

Written by Tang Wu: “Despicable!”

"Incompetent roar!" Tang Wu said lightly.

Han Zheyue burst into anger: "If you have the guts to fight, what kind of man do you think you are if you always avoid fighting? Are all of you in Qingyu Mountain born in the year of the tortoise?"

"You want to fight?" Tang Wu turned to look at her, "Then it's as you wish."

As he finished speaking, the situation on the Shadow Moon Disk suddenly changed. At the junction of the two houses, waves of blue light points were sent out, attacking towards the mountain peak occupied by the black light points.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Tang Wu's lips: "The stall is so big, can you take care of it?"

There are only so many disciples in each family, so during the Longquan Meeting, it is not that the more peaks you occupy, the better. If you occupy too many peaks, the defensive force will become weak. For example, now, although Han Zheyue has tried his best to strengthen the frontier peaks

The defense is still weak compared to the enemy's offensive strength. Once Qingyu Mountain invades, Tailuo Sect's chances of winning will be very small.

"I'm happy, but do you care?" Han Zheyue gritted her teeth and issued orders one after another in anger. After a while, scattered black light spots continued to move towards the front to replenish the power of defense.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Tang Wu's mouth raised slightly, and Qin Wanli hesitated to speak. When he raised his head, he met Tang Wu's sharp gaze. Qin Wanli twitched the corners of his mouth and did not dare to say anything. He was afraid that after what he said,

, those blue light spots turned around and headed towards the Qin family’s mountain peak.

This chapter has been completed!
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