Chapter 136 Dong Shuye is here to hunt us down again

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"Who do you know from Xieyue Valley?" the young senior brother asked. He knew the origin of his junior brother very well, so when he heard him talk about the past, he was reminded of Xieyue Valley.

"Yes." Wu Hua nodded, "I was lucky enough to join the sect that day. This guy was so talented that almost no sect wanted him. But in the end, he somehow managed to join the Blue Blood Sect. After not seeing him for a few months, he changed.

so big!"

When he first saw it just now, he almost didn't recognize it.

At the mine, everyone was unkempt and dressed in rags. Now that he has become a monk, it is naturally different from the past. Not only did he not recognize Lu Ye at first sight, Lu Ye also didn't recognize him at first sight.

"You said he was Yiye's talent?" The young senior brother frowned, "What level of cultivation was he at that time?"

Wu Hua thought for a while and said, "It seems that he has just opened his spiritual orifice."

"Then you must have admitted your mistake." The young senior brother said, "That person is currently at the fourth level of Lingxi."

"Isn't it?" Wu Hua exclaimed. He didn't pay attention to check Lu Ye's cultivation just now, but what his senior brother said is certainly correct.

Yiye's talent is too low, and it is impossible for him to grow to the fourth level in a few months. You must know that he has just been promoted to the second level.

Did you really admit your mistake? Wu Hua scratched his head.

Behind a few people, a figure slowly walked by, his gloomy eyes flashing sharply.

Jade Blood Sect, Lu Yiye?

A leaf from a mountain tiger?

If the names match, it means that the other party has recognized the wrong person.

But can a newly enlightened guy grow to the fourth level of Lingxi in a few months? Is this guy's talent really only about one leaf?

It is undeniable that the opponent's cultivation has improved very quickly. When I chased him, he was at the third level of Lingxi. In just two months, he was already at the fourth level of Lingxi.

This guy has more than one talent!

But to him, there is no difference between the third and fourth floors of Lingxi. Last time he let him escape because of his carelessness, but he must not let him escape this time.

The reason why he is in this situation is all thanks to this extraordinary tiger. If he hadn't killed the young master, the Jiuxing Sect would not have accepted Xuanmen's declaration of war, there would not have been such a big loss, and he would not have left hastily.

If the station personally pursues and kills them, there will be no chance of the station being breached later!

If he had been stationed at that time, how could Wang Pang be so bold?

The root of everything lies in this person, and he will kill him!

There is also the Jade Blood Sect... If I remember correctly, this is the famous sect in Bingzhou. The newcomers in the Haotian League may not know about the Jade Blood Sect, but they came from Ten Thousand Demons Ridge and listened to the elders in the sect.

Growing up with memories of the past decades ago, the reputation of the Blue Blood Sect still lingers among the younger generation of Ten Thousand Demon Ridge!

"Who is showing such a murderous look?" In front of the breakfast stall, the young master glared at the old Dong who came back, "Where is the big tiger I asked you to buy?"

Dong Shuye turned to look at the young master and grinned: "Young master really wants that big tiger?"

"Of course, won't he sell it?" The young master nodded.

"Why buy it if you want it? I'll just grab it for you!"

The young master was stunned for a moment, then he smiled widely: "Old Dong, Old Dong, you still understand the young master's thoughts, it's not bad, it's not as good as buying something that's stolen, hurry up, let's go!"

Old Dong shook his head: "Don't go, just wait for me here."

"That's not possible. How can you miss such a lively event? If you don't take me, old Dong, I will go back and complain to my mother. Don't think that I don't know what you want. If you want to get ahead, you can't do it without my mother speaking for you.


Old Dong looked at him deeply and said calmly: "I can't tell, the young master is also a sensible person."

The young master smiled proudly: "I just don't have the qualifications to practice. Otherwise, the practice world would have been turned upside down. Old Dong, don't treat the young master as a playboy who doesn't understand anything. We have agreed, if you can help me

Then grab it from the big tiger, and I will go back and say something nice about you in front of my mother."

"Since the young master insists on this, let's go together." Old Dong turned around and left.

The young master stood up quickly, leaving a spiritual stone on the table, and followed him excitedly. He had never participated in a fight between monks, so he was a little excited at the moment. As for safety, he was not too worried, because his mother and

He said that Old Dong was very strong and could walk sideways on the outside of the battlefield, so he told him to have a good relationship with Old Dong.

Lu Ye rode Hu Huo out of the city and headed forward.

Although Tang Wu only sent him for two days, it saved him at least a month's journey. This shows that the other party was very fast. Unfortunately, Tang Wu could only send him here.

Lu Ye was already very satisfied with this. It was a long way to the Blue Blood Sect's headquarters. Now that he was at the fourth level of Lingxi, he no longer needed to be as cautious as when he had just left Qingyun Mountain, walking on thin ice, and his ability to protect himself was greatly enhanced.

It can be said that as long as there are no accidents, walking around the outside of the battlefield will basically not encounter too much danger.

He had plenty of resources in his hands and was traveling freely while practicing. Calculating silently, at this pace of practice, by the time he rushed back to the Blue Blood Sect's base, he would probably be at the seventh or eighth level of cultivation. Of course,

The premise is that the elixir is in supply.

Just when I was leisurely and contented, my heart suddenly tightened, and I felt like I was being watched by someone.

He had experienced this feeling once before, when he was being chased by Dong Shuye. It was like a thorn in the back.

Are people from Tailuo Sect chasing them here? Lu Ye immediately thought of this possibility and looked around, but found no suspicious traces.

There were extremely weak screams and yells coming from far behind. Lu Ye quickly looked around and saw a figure rushing toward him in the distance.

Lu Ye hurriedly focused his spiritual power on his eyes. After seeing the true appearance of that figure, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Dong Shuye?

Why is this guy here?

The last time he saw this guy in Liusu Fang, Lu Ye ran away with Hu Huo. Firstly, he was afraid that he would discover his whereabouts, and secondly, he was afraid that Hua Ci and others would be implicated, but he never expected that he would meet him here.

Dong Shuye, and this guy is coming after him again just like last time!

For a moment, Lu Ye was in an indescribable mood. If he had known that Dong Shuye was in Yi'an City at night, he would not have entered the city at all.

It seemed that Dong Shuye had discovered his whereabouts in the city before, so not long after he left the city, the other party chased him.

He brought amber with him. The amber sold so well that even strangers would look at it more. Dong Shuye, who already had a grudge against him, would be able to spot him as long as he saw the amber.

But what surprised Lu Ye was that Dong Shuye didn't seem to be chasing him alone. He was holding a person in his hand, and the screams and yells came from that person.

Unable to ponder what was going on, Lu Ye slapped the tiger on the back: "Hu Huo, run away, Dong Shuye is coming to hunt us down again." With that said, he took a picture of the Wind Talisman on Hu Huo.

The wind-traveling talisman given to him by the master had already been used when he was chased by Dong Shuye last time. Lu Ye purchased it again. A talisman costs 25 spiritual stones. It is really not cheap. This talisman can attack

The ones used are the cheapest, followed by defense, and the auxiliary talismans are the most expensive, especially Fengxing.

Fortunately, he now had plenty of spiritual stones, so he bought three spare ones when he came out of the Merchant Alliance in the morning.

I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

There were continuous screams from behind. Dong Shuye, who was gliding all the way to catch up with Lu Ye, felt that his ears were deafened by the noise. He couldn't help but shouted: "Shut up!"

"It's so enjoyable, Old Dong!" The young master was held in his hand. He looked miserable, but in fact he was enjoying the thrill of going up and down. No monk had ever taken him to play like this before.


He felt more and more that Lao Dong was a wonderful person, so he put his mouth to Lao Dong's ear and shouted: "Hurry up!"

Dong Shuye's ears were buzzing at night, and the spiritual power protecting the young master was slightly withdrawn. A strong wind swept through, and the young master's facial features were immediately distorted by the blow, making a strange purring sound.

After only three breaths, the noisy young master dropped his head and passed out.

Dong Shuye then used his spiritual power to protect him again, secretly regretting bringing him out because this dude was too noisy.

But he can't leave him alone now. There are many dangers in the wild. If he leaves him, he might encounter something unexpected. He won't be able to explain to his master later.

What made Dong Shuye even more angry was that after two months of absence, the snow-white tiger ran faster...

Two months ago, even if the opponent was blessed with a magic talisman, he could keep closing the distance and finally catch up with the opponent. But now, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he could only keep from being thrown away. It was impossible to catch up with the opponent.


This is certainly related to his cultivation falling by one level, but the other party has obviously become stronger.

The young master, who was knocked unconscious by the strong wind, woke up and started shouting again.

Dong Shuye resisted the urge to crush him to death and withdrew the spiritual power that protected him...

The young master fainted again...

One chase and one escape, quickly moving away from Yi'an City.

Dong Shuye knew that this was not the way to go. He had a mount to travel with and spiritual talismans to help him. He could only use his spiritual power to glide, which would consume too much. As long as the opponent had two more wind-traveling talismans, he would not be able to catch up.

He raised his head and looked at the direction in which Lu Ye was escaping, and he suddenly had an idea. That direction was exactly within the radiation range of the family station where he joined. In the name of the young master, if he was lucky, he should be able to recruit some helpers.

With this thought in mind, he activated the battlefield mark and sent out a message.

On the tiger's back, Lu Ye felt calm. It had been two months since he was last hunted. Both he and Amber had grown in these two months. Especially Amber had tempered his body with the scale armor last night. The effect was very good.

Obviously, Amber ran faster than before.

If the situation continues like this, it is unlikely that Dong Shuye will be able to catch up with him, but that is only if he has the wind talisman. If the wind talisman is used up, Amber's speed will be reduced a lot.

But Dong Shuye's gliding over like this consumes a lot of money. Furthermore, whether it's an illusion or not, Lu Ye feels that Dong Shuye's cultivation level doesn't seem to be at the seventh level.

It seemed that he was only at the sixth level. Compared to the last time they met, Dong Shuye's spiritual power fluctuations had somehow become much weaker.

The distance was too far, and Lu Ye didn't know if he was wrong, but he didn't want to fight with this guy. The tragic situation after the last fight was still vivid in his mind, so he could only run away first out of respect.

The sky ahead was covered with dark clouds and thunder was roaring.

The abominable Dharma cultivator is indeed the lifelong enemy of someone like me, Lu!

This chapter has been completed!
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