Chapter 1761 Three Realm Island Auction

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Although there is no discount on rent after three houses, Tang Jun also promised the monks present that within five days, everyone can choose their favorite location on Three Realms Island, which made a group of merchants who had made the decision look forward to it.

Even many monks who just came to see the situation were infected and decided to settle in Three Realms Island.

The news here spread quickly, and with the arrival of the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce and Cheling Sect, countless monks from the entire Wanxiang Sea rushed towards the Three Realms Island from all directions.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that the rise of Sanjie Island is already unstoppable. The mere entry of the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce will only make the situation of Sanjie Island better, but it cannot completely change the situation. However, the entry of Chelingjie has played a decisive role.


The reason why these merchants did not dare to settle in Sanjie Island before was because they were afraid of Yuandu. But behind the bell industry is Jiuyan Rizhao. Sanjie Island has a relationship with the bell industry. Why should they be afraid of Yuandu?

The various discounts given to the first three merchants who chose to settle in Sanjie Island were actually not the result of the deliberations of the Yueyao people of Sanjie Island, but Lao Tang's temporary decision.

He could see clearly that the people attracted to the Three Realms Island today were small businesses, so there were a lot of them, but their background was shallow.

Small merchants are indispensable, but large merchants are also needed. Lao Tang will take this opportunity to build momentum for Sanjie Island. As long as Sanjie Island is lively enough, he will not be afraid that those big merchants will not come to stay.

It must be said that his decision was very wise. As the first batch of monks entered the Three Realms Island, more and more monks arrived in just half a day, making the business area of ​​the Three Realms Island extremely lively.

At the ferry, He Baichuan personally took charge of the reception, and also dispatched some merchants led by monks from the island to the island to inspect the details.

Under such an atmosphere, those big merchants who got the news could no longer sit still.

They can naturally see the broad future of Sanjie Island. They were indifferent before, which was to give Yuan Du face. But now, with some actions of Sanjie Island and the swarming of many small businesses, Yuan Du's face has been affected.

It was torn into pieces when stepped on the ground.

Naturally, these big merchants can no longer hold back.

Sanjie Island has the best location, and the largest piece of land has been occupied by the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce. If they want to ensure their future interests in Sanjie Island, they must enter the market as early as possible, so that they can choose a better location.

After half a day, the first big merchant finally arrived, followed closely by the second, and the third...

It was still Tang Jun who received the consultation.

In the meeting hall, Lao Tang specially brought Chu Shen over to accompany him. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Although there are rumors that monks from the bell world have entered the Three Realms Island, until they see it with their own eyes, this news is really accurate.

It is not accurate and needs to be verified.

So Chu Shen's appearance is very necessary. He doesn't have to do anything, he just needs to sit aside.

Furthermore, when Chu Shen built Wushuang Island, he had dealt with the talkers of these big forces, so he was not a stranger to many of them. A few casual conversations made them more certain about the world of car bells.

He was even more optimistic about the future of Sanjie Island. Nearly 90% of the large merchants immediately decided to settle in Sanjie Island.

In a short period of time, the Three Realms Island, which no one had paid attention to before, suddenly became a hot spot in the entire Wanxiang Sea, and also attracted the attention of countless monks.

A few days later, a large number of merchants moved in on the island, repairing their shops and preparing goods.

The Three Realms Island has also announced to the outside world that in ten days, the Three Realms Island will be completely opened. Monks can enter the island to buy and sell goods. The Five Colors Chamber of Commerce will also hold a grand auction on this day. Monks from all walks of life are cordially invited to come forward.

Come and cheer.

Looking at the Vientiane Sea, the most famous chamber of commerce is undoubtedly the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce. After all, this is a chamber of commerce cultivated by local forces, and no other outsider can compare with it.

However, the reputation of the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce is not bad. When the news spread that the Sanjie Island branch was going to hold an auction, it naturally attracted the attention of many monks.

In order to prepare for this auction, the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce mobilized many rare goods and made a jade album with the names of these goods to distribute them everywhere to build momentum in advance.

Giant Blade Island.

The atmosphere on Jublade Island during this period was not good. Before March, Three Realms Island came to Jublade Island. Although there was no conflict, under the coercion of the opponent, Jublade Island paid a huge price.

Only then did Sanjie Island retreat its troops.

What really happened was that he didn't get any mutton and got into trouble. When the news spread, Jubian Island became a joke to the entire Wanxiang Sea.

At that time, the Giant Blade was extorted from Three Realms Island with supplies worth 20 million spiritual jade, and the reserves of spiritual jade were almost exhausted. During this period, the Giant Blade monks were tightening their belts, and there was basically no spiritual jade to use during practice.


Although people have been sent back to the local system to seek material support, this trip will take at least half a year.

In other words, it will take another three months for the situation on the Jublade side to improve.

As the big island owner of Jublade Island, Zhao Yunqi has been feeling self-blame and regret for the past three months. He regretted that he had listened to Yu Huan's temptation and took people to visit Three Realms Island. As a result, this visit...

The loss is too great.

He also resented Yu Huan for being useless. How could Sanjie Island be so casually conquered by such a big Baiyue Island? If Baiyue had not been vulnerable, Jubian Island would not have been affected by Chiyu.

"Senior brother!" Someone walked in. Zhao Yunqi, who was frowning, looked up and found that it was Mo Hong.

The two are not from the same realm, but they both come from the Giant Blade Galaxy and have been sitting here in the Sea of ​​Vientiane for hundreds of years, so they have a good relationship.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yunqi asked casually.

Mo Hong handed over a jade album: "The Five Colors Chamber of Commerce is going to hold an auction. This is the auction jade album they sent over. There are some interesting things on it."

Zhao Yunqi weakly took it: "There are so many interesting things in this world... but how can we participate in any auction now where we have the capital?"

He opened the jade album and flipped through it casually. He did see some things that interested him, but when he remembered that he was short of money, he gave up the idea of ​​joining in the fun.

Seeing good things but not being able to buy them is better than seeing them.

It wasn't until he flipped through it for a while that Zhao Yunqi's expression perked up and he exclaimed: "Twenty bottles of the best divine refining pill?"

He tried his best to keep his eyes wide open to make sure he saw it correctly, and then looked up at Mo Hong uncertainly. The latter nodded, indicating that it was indeed twenty bottles!

"How is this possible?" Zhao Yunqi looked incredulous.

You must know that the best elixir has no burden on monks, has almost no erysipelas, and is extremely effective. Generally speaking, no matter what kind of elixir it is, as long as it is the best, it is something that can only be found but not sought.

No matter how skilled the alchemist is, he cannot take the initiative to refine the best elixirs. Only when he is lucky, one or two elixirs will appear in a furnace.

Therefore, these top-quality elixirs are usually collected by alchemists, and are not sold until a certain amount is reached.

Just like the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, they have also auctioned the best alchemy pills, but never more than five bottles, usually three bottles, sometimes even only one bottle...

What is the concept of twenty bottles of top-grade God-Refining Pills? Zhao Yunqi felt that if he could collect all twenty bottles of top-grade God-Refining Pills, he might even have a glimpse of the secret of Rizhao!

After all, if his cultivation level has reached his level, if he wants to make a breakthrough, he has to cultivate his soul. Unfortunately, with his own ability, he has not made any progress for so many years.

He has also taken some similar elixirs that can boost the power of the soul, but those things are erysipelas. The more he takes, the more obscure the soul becomes and the farther away it is from the sun.

So when he saw that there were actually twenty bottles of the best alchemy pills in this auction, Zhao Yunqi's heart couldn't help but become excited.

After pondering for a moment, he raised his head and looked at Mo Hong: "Junior brother, I remember fifty years ago, did you get a handful of Tianxin sand?"

That thing was of great value. Mo Hong had always wanted to find someone to help refine it into a magic weapon, but unfortunately he couldn't find all the auxiliary materials.

Mo Hong suddenly became alert: "Senior brother, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Yunqi smiled: "Junior brother, we have known each other for many years, shared hardships and adversities. Thirty years ago you were seriously injured, and you were still my senior brother and I took care of you day and night..."

Mo Hong's face immediately dropped. If he had known this, he would not have brought the jade book over!

The Five Colors Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to the auction. It is not only building momentum for the Three Realms Island, but also for the branches of the Three Realms Island. Therefore, almost all well-known spiritual islands have received invitations and auction jade from them.


For this auction, the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce has indeed brought a lot of rare goods, but the thing that attracts the monks the most is the twenty bottles of the best alchemy pill!

Which monk in the late Yueyao period doesn’t need this thing?

On the medium spiritual island, which family does not have a late-stage Yueyao monk?

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is rarely sold, because the monks have a demand for it, let alone taking out so many at once.

Therefore, for many qualified late Yueyaos, this is not only twenty bottles of top-grade divine refining pills, but also an opportunity to aspire for the Rizhao title.

No one wants to miss it!

When the jade albums of the Five Color Chamber of Commerce were distributed, the entire Wanxiang Sea was in a sensation. For a time, countless pairs of eyes gathered on the Three Realms Island, just waiting for the day when the auction would actually begin.

At the same time, in a bamboo building in the monk garrison area of ​​the main island of Three Realms Island, the clones of Lu Ye went into battle and began to refine the Tongqi Lianzhi Formation Disk with a numb expression.

With his current Yue Yao cultivation level, he shouldn't be too relaxed in refining this thing. There are plenty of materials. He repeated it over and over again to form the array plates piece by piece.

Although the situation on Sanjie Island has completely opened up, and as long as the situation is maintained well in the future, there will be no worries about income, but both Lao Tang and Luan Xiao'e feel that Sanjie Island should have some kind of livelihood of its own, rather than simply relying on the rent of the rented shops.


So after a meeting in Yueyao, Sanjie Island decided to open two stores of its own.

This chapter has been completed!
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