Chapter 413: Siege and Killing

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Zhu Pang made an extremely wrong decision before this battle, which was to focus all his efforts on protection.

In fact, if he performed normally, the situation might not be so embarrassing, but completely abandoning offensive methods in exchange for defense would not bring him much safety at all.

This is also because Lu Ye has such a fierce reputation. Even if he has Yan Jia by his side and his strength has greatly increased, he still has no confidence that he can defeat Lu Ye.

He had indeed protected himself airtight, but when there was a flaw in this airtight protection, he had no room to fight back.

At the same time as Amber's huge tiger claw was photographed, Lu Ye also launched an attack from the side. The sharp blade was filled with murderous intent, making Zhu Pang's whole body feel cold.

He focused all his attention on the direction of Lu Ye and Amber, and used all his strength to defend against the attack from one person and one tiger.

However, at this moment, there was violent spiritual power surging beside him.

A huge impact swept over, coming from the gap in Zhu Pang's defense, and hit him hard. In that moment, Zhu Pang felt that his whole body was about to be torn apart. If he hadn't been strong enough in physical training,

It was so powerful that this attack was enough to kill him.

Even so, the sharp attack also tore through the protection of his blood and spiritual power, leaving wounds of flesh and blood on his body, and even the squirming organs were vaguely visible!

He turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the source of the attack, his eyes narrowing suddenly.

The figure of a girl was reflected in the field of vision. The girl's whole body was boiling with spiritual energy, and she was condensing a violent spell!

The attack that hit him just now was made by this girl!

how come……

What's happening here?

Zhu Pang was stunned.

Challenges on the Lingxi Ranking are always one-on-one. Lu Yiye has a beast pet, so he can just bring it in. This is something allowed by heaven. After all, there is a school of beast control in this world.

To fight with beasts, if monks are not allowed to bring beast pets, then the monks of the beast-controlling school will not have much fighting power at all.

But what happened to this girl?

This can't possibly be a pet, right?

Totally unreasonable thing.

The first thought that popped into Zhu Pang's mind was that Lu Yiye had used some unbelievable means to bypass Tianji's monitoring and brought a Dharma cultivator to beat him!

But soon he felt that this kind of thing was impossible. Heaven's secrets were high and always fair and just, especially the Lingxi list challenge. There had never been any problems since ancient times. There was no reason for such a big omission.

But soon, he no longer had to think about these unintelligible issues, because under the violent bombardment of Yiyi's magic, Zhu Pang's burly figure was like a canoe drifting on the sea during a storm, swaying unsteadily.

There were even more Lu Ye and Amber attacking fiercely from the side.

With the shattering of another shield and spiritual weapon, a huge crisis enveloped him, and the breath of death rushed towards his face.

Amber screamed wildly, and the soul-robbing shock made Zhu Pang's face look painful, and his nostrils were bleeding. A vague thought in his heart kept urging him to give in quickly, but he couldn't concentrate, and he couldn't say the words that came to his mouth.

More spells fell on his burly body, and a sharp long knife penetrated the gap in the defense, pierced his lower jaw from bottom to top, and stabbed straight out of the Tianling Gai!

The chaotic spiritual power fluctuations suddenly subsided at this moment. Yiyi dispersed the condensed spells in her hands, and Amber also stepped aside, crouching slightly, in a posture ready to strike at any time.

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸 hook鄄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling鄮殑杩珺公app锛屽挭鍜阒呰合紒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽紑杞︺佺锵铓嶉兘鱱Umbrella chain 楄毲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙捙浠ヤ笅杞銆

Tick ​​tock…

Tick ​​tock…

Blood dripped on the ground.

Zhu Pang lowered his eyes and looked at the young man who was close at hand, his eyes full of nostalgia for life and unwillingness to face his own situation.

Lu Ye drew the knife, and blood spurted out. The burly figure knelt down on the ground, and then slowly fell to the ground. The ground under the body was soon stained red with blood...

The vitality disappears.

Yiyi quickly stepped forward, collected the loot, put the opponent's damaged armor into a storage bag, threw the storage bag to Lu Ye, and then returned to Amber's body.

At this time, Lu Ye had taken out many bandages and healing medicine from his storage bag, and then took out a package, wrapped it, and tied it to Amber's back.

Accepting Zhu Pang's challenge is just the beginning. If your prediction goes well, you may have to fight your way out!

Under the whistling of the Yuan Magnet, the spiritual power is blocked and the storage bag cannot be opened. Naturally, these healing things must be prepared first.

Not only that, Lu Ye also deliberately found a few long knives similar in shape to the Panshan Knife from among the many previous trophies.

After everything was ready, Lu Ye stuffed a few healing pills into his mouth, turned over and rode on Amber's back, and then let Tianji teleport him out of the battlefield.

When I returned, it was still the endless plain.

As soon as his vision was restored, a strong wind came from the side and hit Amber hard. Even with Amber's strength, he was staggered by the impact.

The angry roar of the tiger sounded, and the tiger's claws swung down in the direction of the attack. With a shrill roar, the sharp tiger claws scraped off a layer of skin.

At the same time, a fierce attack hit Lu Ye. Almost instinctively, Lu Ye slashed out with his backhand.

Amidst the clanging sound, the spiritual weapon that was slashing at Lu Ye was knocked away, and the monk's exclamation could be heard.

Only then did Lu Ye see clearly who was attacking him and Amber. It was a monk from Ten Thousand Demon Ridge riding a rhinoceros monster.

It was the monster that hit Amber, and it was the monk on the monster's back who attacked Lu Ye.

However, both the monster and the monk on its back suffered a big loss at this moment. When the figures passed each other, the monk even fell directly from the back of the rhinoceros.

Lu Ye raised the long sword in his hand and was about to take the monk's life when several huge figures came from all directions, all of them monks riding different monsters.

Although he killed Zhu Pang at an extremely fast speed in the battle field, there were still fast-moving monks from Ten Thousand Demon Ridge who rushed to his original location and launched an attack as soon as he appeared.

Fortunately, there are not many.

Without Lu Ye's instructions, Amber had already jumped up high on the spot and jumped directly out of the circle surrounded by those monsters. While in mid-air, Lu Ye leaned down and struck out with a knife.

A monk stabbed Amber's spear in the waist.

A tinkling sound was heard, and Amber had landed ten feet away and ran forward. The monks behind him hurriedly turned the direction of their mounts and hurriedly chased after him.

Suddenly, on the plain, a snow-white figure rushed forward, followed by soldiers chasing after it, even shouting at the mouth.

"Lu Yiye is here!"

"Kill Lu Yiye quickly!"

"Don't let him get away!"

Looking down from a high altitude, more monks riding monster beasts gathered here. Although the number was not large, there were still more than thirty people.

Lu Ye was only glad that he killed Zhu Pang fast enough. If he had come out of the battle field at ten o'clock at night, he might have been surrounded by people from Ten Thousand Demon Ridge.

There was a whooshing sound in the air, and there was an attack coming from above.

Lu Ye and Amber were both caught off guard by this attack. Even if Lu Ye reacted very quickly and blocked some with the long knife in his hand, the attack still fell on him and Amber.

However, a funny scene occurred. Although those attacks hit him and Amber, the damage caused was almost negligible.

Lu Ye looked up and saw more than ten figures of birds in the sky. On the backs of the birds were some monks from Wanmoling. They were all holding long bows and shooting arrows downwards!

However, how powerful can an arrow without spiritual blessing be?

No matter Lu Ye or Amber, they can resist it with their physical body alone. Those arrows that missed can at most bring some scratches to Lu Ye, but as for Amber, there will be no scratches.

"How can this Lu Yiye be so strong?"

Seeing that the arrow missed and hit Lu Ye but failed to do anything to him, the monks at Ten Thousand Demon Ridge were all shocked. They thought that they had flying mounts this time and would definitely kill Lu Ye, but now it seems that this idea is too natural.


Lu Ye's physique was a bit too strong.

Strictly speaking, the change in his physique began slowly after the Longquan body quenching. The effect of the Longquan body quenching itself was not very powerful, but Lu Ye brought out a piece of scale armor from Longquan. The blood in the scale armor was rich, and there was

Enhance physical fitness.

When Lu Ye had something to do, he would use the scale armor to temper his body and strengthen his energy and blood. Now, the blood energy in the scale armor has been completely consumed.

Furthermore, every time I return to the Jade Blood Sect, the medicinal food prepared by Shuiyuan can strengthen the body.

You must know that the blood-red trout in the Moon Lake were used to temper the bodies of the disciples of the Blue Blood Sect back then. Each official disciple only had a share of one. Lu Ye did not eat less when he was in the sect.

In addition, after practicing Taotie Meal, his appetite was much larger than that of ordinary people. He ate a lot, which was converted into his own Qi and blood, and his body naturally gradually became stronger invisibly.

It's just that he has never used physical training to cultivate himself, so he is not considered burly in terms of body shape.

And the baptism that I received from heaven last time...

After all these accumulations, Lu Ye's physique is naturally far different from that of a talented guy like Ju Jia, but it is no worse than ordinary physical training, and is even stronger.

As for amber...not to mention, the blood energy in the scale armor is the most consumed by amber. If the blood energy in the scale armor is divided into ten, amber has 50%, and Lu Ye has almost 30% to 40%. The giant armor has

Swallowed one or two percent!

Moreover, Amber himself is a monster, and he also learned the practice of swallowing the essence of the sun and moon from the giant armor.

In terms of physical strength, Amber is comparable to two or three Lu Ye. When the demon element is activated, even if the monk cuts it with a spiritual weapon, it may not be able to hurt it.

The advantage of being rough-skinned and thick-bodied is reflected. Normally, if a monk is hit with an arrow like this, he will definitely be injured. Once the injuries accumulate too much, death will not be far away.

However, neither Lu Ye nor Amber were affected by the missing arrow. At first, Lu Ye used a long knife to block the attacks from above, but after realizing that these attacks were almost like tickling, he ignored them.

This chapter has been completed!
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