Chapter 107 Building the Foundation (2/3)

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If foreign companies compete for the market, Tianlong Food's turnover and profits will definitely be affected.

However, Su Mingzhe, the boss, is stable.

General manager Lu Youguang didn't think the matter was serious.

Some people below are panicking, but it will not affect the overall situation.

In mid-July, Su Mingzhe was invited to Xiangjiang.

Mr. Li invited Su Mingzhe to visit Xiangjiang this time, and he was not just doing nothing.

Most of Su Mingzhe's large amount of funds are in China, in several banks in Hong Kong.

At the beginning of the year, this money began to be mobilized and flowed into the international stock market.

Major shareholders of banks like Li Chaoren will discover the flow of funds.

Mr. Li invited Su Mingzhe to Xiangjiang this time because he didn't understand some of Su Mingzhe's operations and wanted to ask for advice.

"Master Li, long time no see."

"Mingzhe, just call me Brother Ju. We are already so familiar with each other, so don't be too unfamiliar."

"That's okay, Big Brother."

"now it's right."

After Mr. Li picked up Su Mingzhe, the two came to a villa and sat down.

Mr. Li turned on the TV, which happened to be broadcasting this year's Miss Hong Kong contest. He couldn't help but smile at Su Mingzhe:

"Mingzhe, the selection of Miss Hong Kong is about to begin. Do you want to have a try?"

"Forget it, I'm not too interested in this."

Su Mingzhe waved his hand and looked at the beautiful beauties on TV. He didn't know many of them, so he was not very willing to take action.

"forget about it."

Mr. Li only thought that Su Mingzhe was young and thin-skinned. As a landlord, he simply made arrangements directly.

In the following days, Mr. Li took Su Mingzhe to play on his cruise ship.

He actually found a few pretty and pretty female celebrities and favorites from the Hong Kong Miss Awards, and sent them to Su Mingzhe.

Su Mingzhe looked at the beauties who ran into his bedroom at night and felt a little dumbfounded. He felt that Mr. Li might have some misunderstanding about him.

Although I am young and have two girlfriends, I am really not horny.

However, this kind of thing is not easy to explain.

Mr. Li has already sent people to the bedside. If he refuses again, it will be a slap in the face.

Alas, it's just a joke, let's just make do with it.

Mr. Li kept making various arrangements for Su Mingzhe and took Su Mingzhe around.

It seems that Mr. Li's invitation to Su Mingzhe to come to Xiangjiang really had nothing else to do.

For a week in a row, there were all kinds of flowers and flowers.

Su Mingzhe played and sang every night, but he couldn't bear it anymore, so he thought about finding an excuse to leave.

Fortunately, Mr. Li is not really that boring.

Finally one day, while fishing at sea, I asked my questions about investment.

Su Mingzhe began to slowly invest in the Internet field with Xiangjiang's funds last year.

The rate of return is also very good.

This year, we have also increased investment and invested some domestic funds in the Internet field.

Seeing that the Internet field is booming, various indices are soaring.

Mr. Li also wanted to take action, but was warned by his father that today's Internet may appear to be blooming, but in fact it is like cooking oil in hot fire and is very dangerous.

Su Mingzhe took billions of spare money and threw it into this invisible Internet field. He didn't know when it would be blown up to the point where no bones were left.

Mr. Li seemed to be persuading him as a friend, and said: "Mingzhe, the Internet is very deep. You are still young, so it is best to be cautious."

Su Mingzhe was not stupid, and he heard the other party's intention of exploring.

But there are some things that I really can't reveal, otherwise I'll be in big trouble.

Therefore, Su Mingzhe smiled and thanked Mr. Li:

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Ju. He is now moving abroad."

Su Mingzhe naturally knew that the Internet bubble would soon collapse around the world.

But you can't say this to Mr. Li.

After all, it will take another year or two for the whole industry to collapse.

After listening to Su Mingzhe's words, Mr. Li knew that this Su Mingzhe was far from the scheming person he seemed on the surface, nor was he the good friend he seemed to talk to about everything.

But this was within Mr. Li’s expectation.

After all, no one would believe that Su Mingzhe could successfully reach this point and talk to people casually like a simple fool.

In the following days, Su Mingzhe felt that his body could no longer bear it. He wanted to leave, but was told by Mr. Li that Li Chaoren also wanted to see him.

If Su Mingzhe wanted to say goodbye again, it would be difficult to say so. He could only accept Mr. Li's warm hospitality for a few days.

No matter how you say it, in this world, Li Chaoren is considered a senior in the business circle. Regardless of his status or net worth, he has to surpass Su Mingzhe.

Li Chaoren wanted to see Su Mingzhe, so Su Mingzhe really had to wait.

Fortunately, Mr. Li arranged many activities, which would never make Su Mingzhe feel bored.

Two days later, Mr. Li took Su Mingzhe, who was weak in waist and knees, to the Li family's mountaintop villa and met Li Chaoren.

Li Chaoren was already over seventy years old at this time, but he was still sharp and sharp in speech, and he did not look old.

"Hello, uncle."

"Young man, sit down, sit down."

Li Chaoren has long discussed Su Mingzhe with his eldest son. After all, Su Mingzhe is the richest man in the Mainland and is of great research value.

In Li Chaoren's view, Su Mingzhe's fortune-making history was very smooth, as if it was like God's help. It has always been smooth sailing without any disturbance.

First, when Su Mingzhe was twelve years old, he set up a street stall on Guanqian Street, Gusu City and saved his first capital.

Three years later, Tianlong Food, the first business, was founded.

Later, investing in PHS, it seems now, is a high profit return of hundreds or even thousands of times.

Finally, in the financial turmoil, he took advantage of opportunities and achieved a sharp increase in his net worth.

Li Chaoren has seen people who have made similar fortunes among many tycoons in Hong Kong, but in terms of age, they are all adults over thirty years old.

Such trend-setters are all cunning and extremely talented people.

When Li Chaoren studied Su Mingzhe, he actually wanted to accumulate some experience for his descendants and expand his network of contacts.

Su Mingzhe was a guest at Li's house and chatted with Li Chaoren for a long time.

In fact, it's just a bunch of nonsense, and everyone is trying to find out what's going on with each other.

Su Mingzhe has long been familiar with the Li family, and there was no need for this.

It was just that Li Chaoren and Mr. Li were too impatient, so Su Mingzhe continued chatting with them.

This concludes this visit to the Li family.

The next day, Su Mingzhe proposed to return to the mainland again.

By this time, it was almost the end of August.

In a few days, university will start.

Su Mingzhe didn't want to take any more leave.

This time, Mr. Li did not try to persuade me to stay, and even helped to book the flight tickets.

Su Mingzhe took the plane that night and flew directly back to Yanjing.

Li Ansheng and Su Mingzhe got off the plane one after another.

This summer vacation, Su Mingzhe couldn't even spend a day with Li Ansheng, and he felt quite guilty.

After returning to Yanjing, Su Mingzhe was not in a hurry to report back to school. He took his girlfriend out for a day of shopping and had fun for two days before returning to school.

Sophomore year has begun.

The learning tasks suddenly became heavier.

When Su Mingzhe was a freshman, he had very high expectations for his sophomore year because he failed to develop new skills.

Even, in order to practice his computer skills, Su Mingzhe even invited three roommates to play game plug-ins.

Unfortunately, the skill was not successfully generated.

Now Su Mingzhe decided to build a website. in the previous life was founded by Su Mingzhe's future students.

The highest market value of Renren has reached nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars. In the domestic Internet field, its market value ranks third after Qiandu and Penguin.

At this time, both Qiandu and Penguin are online.

Su Mingzhe is still in Qiandu and Penguin has invested in it, and now he has founded Renren on his own, which is to dominate the entire Internet field.

Outsiders don't know that Su Mingzhe is so ambitious.

Even the three roommates in the same dormitory just wanted to help each other and each held 5% of the shares in the Renren company registered by Su Mingzhe.

Su Mingzhe used his own companies to hold 85% of the shares, making him a veritable major shareholder.

As soon as Renren went online, Su Mingzhe asked Ma Ge for help and used Penguin to push the news.

With the help of Penguin, Renren became popular on the Internet as soon as it came into being.

Brother Ma was also feeling very bitter.

The largest shareholder of his own company has created a new competitor.

Penguin not only cannot suppress the opponent, but also links with the opponent to help promote it.

Such an embarrassing thing happened to me.

Let the big guys comment, and you can go find someone to reason with.

Su Mingzhe also knew that what he did was a bit excessive, so he quickly used the name of Renren to pay Penguin 10 million in advertising fees.

Well, Penguin has to do things after taking the money, and the joint promotion in the next year cannot be stopped.

This is even more bullying.

Count balls.

Xiao Ma gradually accepted the reality.

Because Su Mingzhe agreed to give up 20% of Renren shares to Penguin.

At this time, Penguin has not yet found a profit point.

At this time, there was no online payment, and even wealthy people who wanted to spend money could only pay with cash.

Su Mingzhe has a lot of money-making ideas in his mind, but they are directly restricted by the lack of secure online payment channels.

On this issue, Su Mingzhe and Xiao Ma also talked several times.

At the Internet Forum held in China, Su Mingzhe and Xiao Ma both proposed to solve the problem of online payment.

Online payment not only involves network issues, but also has restrictive factors from organizations such as the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

So, everyone knows this issue.

But if you want to solve it, it still needs time to slowly ferment.

Anyway, Penguin and Renren are not too worried about this issue.

At present, those most anxious to solve the problem of online payment in China should be several B2B Internet companies.

Companies like, Alibaba, etc.

If these companies do not solve the problem of online payment, their development will be greatly restricted.

In a blink of an eye, it was the last day of December 1999.

In one day it will be a new century.

Su Mingzhe doesn't have time to spend time with his two girlfriends, playing about the turn of the century.

He has bigger things to do.

New Year's Day.

Hualong Technology, a joint venture between Weilong Communications and Huawei Technologies, held a press conference.

At the press conference, Hualong Technology launched the world’s first mobile phone with a color screen and camera capabilities.

As soon as this mobile phone came out, it caused an uproar in the world's technology community at the beginning of the century.

Because, Su Mingzhe found someone to produce a holographic projection of a future science fiction image.

"Hualong Technology makes the future no longer a dream."

The price of Hualong mobile phones is also very affordable. There are three grades in total, namely 1,800, 2,800 and 4,800.

The mobile phone system also has built-in English, Japanese, Korean, French, Russian, Arabic and other world language versions.

As the press conference was held, investors from all over the world came to the news again, like sharks smelling the fishy smell, constantly looking for investment opportunities.

Some sales channels want to quickly win regional agency rights.

Su Mingzhe didn't have too high requirements for these channel vendors. As long as he didn't make any mistakes, he agreed to their agency rights.

At present, Su Mingzhe has only one requirement for Hualong Technology, which is to make a quick return on investment.

In order to develop this mobile phone, Su Mingzhe and Huawei jointly developed it and have invested more than 3 billion.

The cost investment is too high. If the cost is not recovered soon, Su Mingzhe will not be able to bear it.

This chapter has been completed!
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