Chapter 1,239 Fourth Masters helping hand, thank you Yin

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Because it was a family dinner, everyone was arranged in order of age.

Su Mingzhe stood at the front with the three princes, the fifth prince, the seventh prince, and the eighth prince, five adult princes who already had the title of Baylor.

The other princes, Fujin, Xifujin, and Gege were ranked behind.

Before Kangxi arrived, everyone began to salute to the dragon chair.

Everyone is done.

Kangxi began to speak as usual.

All the princes and brothers listened respectfully to the instructions.

Only Ruoxi, the girl standing in the back, listened to the tone of Kangxi's lectures, which was no different from her boss in modern times. They were all talking in long words, "Uh-huh, ah-ah", and for a moment, she thought of the ridiculousness. , unable to hold back his emotions, he let out a chuckle and chuckled.

When Su Mingzhe heard the laughter, he quickly opened his consciousness and found that the little girl behind him was peeping her head, and from time to time she gave out a charming chuckle at the people around her.

"This little girl is really not afraid of tigers like a newborn calf!"

Kangxi, who was sitting high on the dragon's throne, heard someone speaking while he was talking. He couldn't bear it anymore. His expression instantly became serious, and he stretched out his finger towards the little guy:


Everyone looked along the gesture and saw a confused girl standing there cutely:


Seeing that his sister had not yet reacted, Marte Ruolan couldn't help but remind her in a low voice:

"Go ahead..."


The girl suddenly felt panicked, and the flowerpot-soled shoes under her feet were heavier than ever before, making it difficult for her to move forward.

In a modern meeting, she would feel uneasy if her boss suddenly called her name. What's more, the person who called her name now was the emperor among millions of people.

When Su Mingzhe saw the girl's face turned pale with fright, he couldn't help but whisper in ventriloquism when the girl passed by him:

"Don't worry, the emperor is in a happy mood today. As long as you don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine! Even if it makes him unhappy, my thirteenth brother and I will help you..."

Martai Ruoxi heard someone whispering in her ear, but when she looked around, she couldn't see anyone opening her mouth.

However, Su Mingzhe's last words immediately revealed his identity:

"'Thirteenth Brother and I"... Could it be that Fourth Master is talking to me?"

Although she didn't understand how a man could talk to her without letting others hear, but with this guarantee, the girl finally stabilized her steps.

Just like the plot, after the girl made up her mind, in the questions and answers with Kangxi, she used the words "Cherish the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, who are slightly less literary; the Tang Zong and Song Zu, who are slightly less coquettish. The genius of the generation, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend the bow." Shooting the big eagle." Praising Kangxi as a generation of sage kings.

Kangxi was overjoyed for a moment, and with the thirteenth prince interceding on her behalf, he let the little girl go.

The lecture is over.

As usual, Kangxi gave some gifts to his elder brothers and Fujin, which was similar to how bosses in later generations gave out red envelopes.

After all, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After everyone received the gifts, no matter how many they were, they were always in a happy mood.

Later, Kangxi had to test the princes' homework.

Fujin, Fujin, and Gege all left one after another and went to the harem to pay their respects to the Queen Mother and their respective mothers-in-law.

When everyone was taking the test, Su Mingzhe wanted to show it casually.

Unexpectedly, none of Kangxi's princes were idiots.

Even the tenth prince, Yin, spoke eloquently and well-founded when faced with Kangxi's questions.

No matter what, Su Mingzhe had no choice but to show off his skills a little in order not to be beaten by the idiot.

The same is true for the subsequent calligraphy sessions.

Su Mingzhe casually wrote the words "the most benevolent and the most kind", which made Kangxi very happy.

Kangxi took the words written by Su Mingzhe and read them back and forth several times before he couldn't help laughing:

"Fourth brother, your writing is strong and powerful, your expression is clear and elegant, and it has a certain meaning of facial expression. It should be the first one today. It seems that you have put in a lot of effort on weekdays!"

"Tell us, how do you practice calligraphy on weekdays?"

"Go back to Amma."

Su Mingzhe cupped his hands and smiled:

"My child was stupid and often worried about busy affairs. In order to calm his mind, he liked to copy Buddhist scriptures to calm his mind. Over time, it had some effect."

"Not bad!"

After listening to Su Mingzhe's words, Kangxi also appreciated Su Mingzhe's words, and immediately smiled and said:

"Come and see, which of the other people's handwriting is better or worse?"

When Su Mingzhe saw that Kangxi actually asked him to find fault, he naturally would not be fooled.

However, he also knew that since Kangxi asked him to evaluate it, it would be okay if he did not evaluate it himself.

After a few thoughts passed through his mind, Su Mingzhe came to the desk, looked at it, picked out two words, and said with a smile:

"Of these characters, I like the characters of the eighth brother and the thirteenth brother the most. As the saying goes, the characters are like the person they are. The characters of the eighth brother are dense and elegant in style, while the characters of the thirteenth brother are like flowing clouds and flowing water, free and unrestrained, both The realm I pursue but cannot pursue!"

"You are right. Although the writings of the two of them are not as good as yours, they still have their own style!"

Kangxi greatly appreciated Su Mingzhe's pertinent evaluation.

When the other brothers saw that Su Mingzhe was the only one to win the favor, even though they knew that they were not living up to expectations, they still felt unwilling to do so.

After all, this is the emperor's praise.

At this time, Su Mingzhe couldn't care less about hiding his clumsiness.

After all, Kangxi still wanted to live, so he couldn't be a coward just to endure it, right?

Afterwards, Kangxi wanted to have lunch and rest. After all, he was now over fifty and had already begun to lose energy.

Everyone sent Kangxi off respectfully.

Waiting for Kangxi to return to the harem to rest with the support of Li Dequan.

Su Mingzhe took his 13th elder brother Yinxiang and his 14th elder brother Yin together to Ningshou Palace to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager Borzigit was the empress of Emperor Shunzhi, the grand-niece of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, and could also be regarded as the aunt of Kangxi.

Because she had no worries about food and clothing in the palace, even though the Empress Dowager was already sixty-three years old, she could still show some of her youthful charm.

When she learned that her three grandsons had come to pay their respects, the Queen Mother was in a good mood and gave them Mid-Autumn Festival gifts one by one.

Not long after, Eighth Prince Yin, Lao Jiu, Lao Ten and others came to greet them belatedly, so they were one step behind the three of them.

This elderly person cannot stand being left alone, but he cannot stand being disturbed either.

Later, in order to show their filial piety, the eighth prince and others kept telling jokes.

A few brothers were talking to each other, and soon they became so noisy that the old lady looked sleepy.

When Su Mingzhe saw this, he winked at a few people and stood up to leave.

After leaving Ningshou Palace, Su Mingzhe took his thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers to Yonghe Palace to pay homage to Concubine De.

This is also the reason why Thirteenth Prince's mother-in-law has died of illness five years ago. When she arrived in the harem, she had nowhere to go and could only follow Su Mingzhe.

Concubine De was happy when she saw her two sons arriving, but thinking that there would be a banquet in the evening, she did not let her sons chat with her. Instead, she asked the palace maid to clean up the house and let the children stay and take a nap.

By the time everyone woke up, it was already the end of Shen Shi.

Everyone washed up and then chatted with Concubine De, preparing to go to Qianqing Palace to wait for the banquet at Youshi.

Suddenly, a palace official came in to report that the Eighth Prince, Xi Fujin, and Marte Ruoxi were here to pay their respects.

Although De Fei was curious as to why the eighth prince came to visit her, she still invited someone in because of the good relationship between her youngest son Yin and the eighth prince.

Brother Eight brought Ruolan and Ruoxi sisters to the courtyard. When they saw Concubine De sitting upright, they immediately knelt down and said:

"Yin (Ruolan, Ruoxi) wishes Concubine De the best of luck and good health!"

"No need to be polite, Babeile!"

Concubine De smiled and asked the maids to bring over soft stools and invite the three of them to sit down!

Unexpectedly, Yin did not sit down directly, but took Ruolan and Ruoxi sisters with him, and then bowed to Su Mingzhe and Thirteenth Brother Yinxiang next to him:

"In the main hall this morning, I would like to thank my fourth brother and my thirteenth brother for asking for help!"

This chapter has been completed!
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