Chapter 1,286 Attending the party, lecturer assessment

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After returning home from get off work, Su Mingzhe was stopped by Han Chunming when he walked to the middle courtyard:

"Brother-in-law, Dazhi came over today. He said there was a gathering of educated youth and invited us all to go there!"

Dazhi, whose full name is Guo Zhifei, is a high school classmate with Han Chunming and Su Mingzhe, and they were educated youth together.

When Su Mingzhe heard that it was a gathering of educated youth, he immediately replied:

"I've been very busy with work lately, so I don't have time. Can you please ask everyone for me!"

Su Mingzhe had little interest in gatherings of educated youth. This does not mean that he suffered a lot when he was an educated youth.

On the contrary, when he was an educated youth, because of his handsome appearance and weak constitution, he was well taken care of by his classmates and fellow villagers.

It's just that this "care" is limited to "care".

Because of family issues, most people treat Su Mingzhe at a respectful distance.

In particular, many beautiful female educated youths originally liked me, but as soon as they heard about the Su family, they immediately hid away.

Therefore, Su Mingzhe only made a few friends during his years in the countryside, but he only made a few friends who could talk.

I didn't suffer much, but there was nothing to miss.

"Don't bother me!"

Seeing Su Mingzhe's refusal, Han Chunming quickly stood up and persuaded:

"Brother-in-law, there are quite a few people here this time. Guess who organized this party?"

Su Mingzhe sneered:

"Who organized it?"

To him, none of the educated youth had a deep friendship with him.

"What's written on this invitation is Secretary Yang's name - Yang Xinghe!"

When Su Mingzhe took the invitation and looked at it, he suddenly felt embarrassed and refused.

When the educated youth went to the countryside, those with connections could apply to be allocated a place closer to the capital, such as near the suburbs of Beijing.

Those who don't matter, or whose status is not good, will be separated farther away. Some go to the Great Northern Wilderness, some to the Northwest, and some to the Southwest.

An only child and orphan like Su Mingzhe didn't have to go to the countryside to become an educated youth, but he was coerced into signing up.

Fortunately, we were finally assigned to Xiaoqinghe Township, Fangshan County, on the outskirts of Beijing.

Fangshan County is indeed very close to the capital, the most beautiful place, but in those days, it was basically difficult to have enough to eat in rural areas.

What's more, Fangshan County is a poor area with many mountains and little land.

Everyone has to rely on family support to survive.

During this period, Su Mingzhe, who was an orphan, received a lot of help from Secretary Yang.

Therefore, after learning that Secretary Yang was one of the conveners of the gathering, Su Mingzhe really couldn't say no.

After calming down, Su Mingzhe put down the invitation and asked:

"Is there anyone else at this gathering of educated youth?"

Han Chunming thought for a while and said:

"When Dazhi came to deliver the invitation today, he said that the party was actually called for by Yang Huajian, and that guy with the map provided the venue... As for who was invited, as far as I know, as long as people are in Sijiu City, basically everyone Sent an invitation."

There were nearly a thousand educated youths who went to Fangshan County at that time, and among them, eighty or ninety were assigned to Xiaoqinghe Township.

Of these eighty or ninety people, except for a dozen from other places, the remaining seventy or so are all locals in the capital.

Su Mingzhe recalled the plot. In the TV series, it seemed that seven or eight tables of educated youth attending the party were filled, with almost sixty people.

At a quick glance, almost 90% of the educated youth will come.

"Okay, I'll take a leave then!"

On the second day.

Su Mingzhe came to the office. Cai Xiaoli, who went to work half an hour early, had already made tea.

"Master, your tea!"

Cai Xiaoli imitated the posture she learned from movies, twisted her small waist and came to the man's side, handed over the tea, and took the briefcase by the way.

Su Mingzhe saw that her learning was neither fish nor fowl, so he suppressed his laughter and said with a slight smile:

"What happened today?"

Cai Xiaoli blinked her charming big eyes and said with a charming smile:

"Yesterday, someone went to my house to send invitations to the educated youth party. Did you get one too?"

"Not only do I have it, but Han Chunming also has it!"

When Su Mingzhe heard this, he guessed what Cai Xiaoli wanted to say and blocked it with one sentence.

"I don't care, I want you to go with me!"

After being a man's underground lover for two years, Cai Xiaoli had long wanted to take it a step further, and this gathering of educated youth, in her opinion, was a good opportunity.

"It's okay to go to the party together, but don't cause trouble!"

Su Mingzhe thought for a while and decided to fulfill Cai Xiaoli's little wish.

With her own tutoring, Cai Xiaoli can get into a university as long as she maintains her normal performance.

When she becomes a college student, she will have to wait at least four or five years if she wants to do anything again.

Four or five years are enough for Su Mingzhe to settle the relationship between Han Chunyan and Cai Xiaoli.

Cai Xiaoli didn't know what the man was thinking. She just felt that she was a big step closer to her goal. She excitedly jumped on the man and asked for a kiss.

"Don't make trouble, I have to go to a meeting later!"

Su Mingzhe was made furious by the woman, but he couldn't help patting her peach to tell her to behave.

"Then wait until you come back!"

Cai Xiaoli is now a clingy snake spirit who can't wait to stick to a man.

After appeasing his little lover, Su Mingzhe packed up the documents for the meeting and decided to go to the conference room in advance.

As a result, before he could start, the phone on his desk rang.

"Hello, this is the Publicity Department!"

"The great writer is me!"

Wu Yue's voice came from the phone. After saying hello, she said excitedly:

"The conditions you mentioned yesterday have been agreed to by the superiors. The leader said that starting next Monday, the ministry will hold a study week for university lecturers at Yanda. You have been registered. As long as you pass the study and assessment, you can become an official university student.

Lecturer. As for which school to go to, it all depends on your own abilities."

"Okay, thank you then!"

Su Mingzhe and Wu Yue hung up the phone, calmed down, thought for a while, took out the leave request form, scrawled a note, and walked towards the factory director's office.

As a propaganda section, it is generally under the management of the factory secretary.

However, the secretary is too busy and spends all day studying.

Nowadays, all matters in the factory, large and small, are basically handed over to the factory director.

The factory director accepted the leave request form from Su Mingzhe. After learning the detailed reasons, he did not stop him.

As the saying goes, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places.

Su Mingzhe is not the secretary or the factory director.

Now that Su Mingzhe wants to be transferred, neither the factory director nor the secretary will stop him, and will even give him a happy farewell.

After getting the leave request, Su Mingzhe returned to the Publicity Department, summoned all his subordinates, and explained the situation to everyone:

"I won't be here next week, so the Publicity Department will be handed over to Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang, I just told the factory director that if anything happens in our office, you should be more diligent and report it to the factory director!"

"Don't worry, Director, I will definitely protect this home for you!"

That Lao Zhang is an old man in the Publicity Department. He is over forty years old and has not been promoted yet. It is not because of lack of ability but lack of ambition.

During the past few months when Su Mingzhe was the director, I got along well with him, so I just gave him a push.

But whether Lao Zhang can seize the opportunity depends on his own destiny.

After the small meeting, Su Mingzhe returned to his office and told Cai Xiaoli again.

Cai Xiaoli is going to take the college entrance examination and is very happy that a man wants to be a university lecturer.

In her opinion, as Su Mingzhe's status becomes higher and higher, he has become a "yellow-faced woman"

t; Han Chunyan will become less and less worthy of a man.

Once she graduates from college, she will be able to replace him easily.

This chapter has been completed!
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