Chapter 413: New World: Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky

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"Mr. Su, I don't want to harm anyone."

When Xia Zhu faced Su Mingzhe's 'invitation', even though Su Mingzhe was sincere, he still refused without hesitation.

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"It's not about harming people. Didn't I say that? I'm just asking you to go...those businesses with no moral bottom line are not asking you to intentionally harm people."

Su Mingzhe was a little confused as to why Xia Zhu was so stubborn.

He said a lot of good things, but it was of no use at all.

"Mr. Su, I really don't want to harm anyone anymore."

Xia Zhu's eyes were full of stubbornness. Seeing that the man insisted on persuading her to 'harm others', she gritted her teeth, picked up her bag and was about to leave: "If Mr. Su, you insist on me harming others, then I would rather

I will never look for a job in my life, I would rather stay at home and be an old loser."

"Miss Xia, stay."

When Su Mingzhe saw that Xia Zhu was about to leave after a disagreement, he quickly reached out to stop her and said helplessly: "Since Miss Xia is so insistent, let's discuss other cooperation."

Xia Zhu's determination was something Su Mingzhe had not expected.

When later generations analyzed the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" on the Internet, most opinions believed that Xia Zhu was with Wang Duoyu because of her money.

Even at the end of the movie, Xia Zhu's move to retain property for his son and grandson was interpreted as a 'fraudulent donation'.

No matter how those videos are interpreted, the Xia Zhu that Su Mingzhe sees now is still a pure-hearted girl who is repenting for the several companies that went bankrupt because of her.

Even, in order not to implicate innocent people anymore, she decided not to work outside the home again in her life.

At this time, Xia Zhu exudes a kind of 'Mother's radiance'.

Affected by this brilliance, Su Mingzhe felt for a moment that he was a little too despicable, shameless, and dirty.

Immediately, Su Mingzhe shook his head and drove out the messy thoughts in his mind.

"It seems that my willpower is still not strong enough, and it has been influenced by a woman."

Su Mingzhe has always been accustomed to self-reflection.

However, habits developed over a long life are difficult to change so easily.

Just like now, he thought that he must deeply reflect on himself, but he pushed Xia Zhu away.

Xia Zhu's innocence is even better than Wang Kaiqi's.

Wang Kaiqi's simplicity is that she is not familiar with the world, has not experienced wind and rain, and is like an orchid in an empty valley.

Xia Zhu, on the other hand, is conceptually upright, responsible for her work, and sincere to others, but also a bit stubborn. She corrects her mistakes when she knows they are wrong, and never makes excuses for her mistakes.

2019, autumn.

Su Mingzhe and Qiu Ya were both forty years old before they knew it.

Their eldest daughter is only sixteen years old this year. She fell in love just after entering high school. Su Mingzhe was so angry that he almost demolished the middle school.

Fortunately, it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

This girl is just being pursued, she has not yet consented.

Because of this incident, Su Mingzhe became more and more strict in his discipline of more than a dozen children.

With Xia Zhu joining, Wang Kaiqi had enough fun in the entertainment industry, and the two of them gave birth to several more children for Su Mingzhe.

In this world, the number of Su Mingzhe's children slowly exceeded twenty.

Seeing that the eldest daughter is about to graduate from college and talk about marriage, Xia Zhu and Wang Kaiqi on the other side are still pregnant.

Su Mingzhe finally began to regret a little:

"In the next world, we really can't be so wasteful."

...the dividing line between all evils...

1969, the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Jiangnan Province, Jinhua City, Pujiang County.

Compared with Yiwu next door, Pujiang not only has a smaller population, but is also more mountainous and watery, with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas.

It is also because of this characteristic that even three years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there are still thousands of bandits roaming around the Pujiang area, wreaking havoc on the place.

In the 1960s, Pujiang was merged into Yiwu, and its administrative level was reduced to "Pujiang District".

However, at the end of 1966, Pujiang County resumed its ‘county-level’ administration.

During the military training a few years ago, there were 110,000 militiamen out of the 240,000 people in the county.

This day, the sun is shining brightly.

When the workers at the Puxi Central Factory received the notice, they all wore shabby clothes and sat near the bridgehead, waiting for the grain trucks to arrive and prepare to unload.

Suddenly, in the lower reaches of Puyang River, a bamboo raft slowly moved upstream, attracting everyone's attention.

When the bamboo raft got closer, everyone saw that there was actually a little boy of about seven or eight years old on the bamboo raft holding a pole.

The little boy, barefooted and holding his bamboo pen alone, swam upstream and slowly arrived at the bridge at the entrance of Puyang Town.

There were many workers on the bridge. When they saw this little boy coming over alone to hold a pole, they suddenly became curious and looked over.

"Whose doll is this? How come the adults in the family can safely let such a small baby go out?"

"This doll doesn't look big, looks unfamiliar, I've never seen it before."

"You're not from the countryside, are you?"

While everyone was talking, the little boy had fixed the bamboo raft and inserted the bamboo pole in his hand into the water, standing straight like a javelin.

A middle-aged man in charge, wearing a four-pocket Mao suit and a dark blue liberation cap on his head, saw the little boy walking on the bridge. He took out a pair of cloth shoes from his waist and put them on. Then he walked over with his hands behind his back and stopped him.

The little boy’s path:

"Baby, where are you from? Who are you looking for here?"


Su Mingzhe looked at the other party in confusion. When he saw that he was blocking her and refused to give way, he could only frown, patted the box he was carrying on his back, and said:

"My surname is Su. I am sending my father and mother's ashes home."

"Last name is Su?"

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard this: "Baby, what's your father's name?"

Su Mingzhe replied:

"My father's name is Su Chaoqun."

"Su Chaoqun?"

After hearing this, the middle-aged man took a while to recall the name.

Nine years ago, Pujiang had just merged into Yiwu. At that time, companies were downsizing workers and the education system was decentralizing teachers.

A total of five to six hundred people were demobilized across Pujiang.

Su Chaoqun was a teacher at Central Factory Primary School and was one of the teachers who was decentralized to support farmers.

I heard that he and his wife were both sent to Yiwu.

I never thought that after not seeing each other for several years, the couple would be gone.

what a shame.

However, in this era, there is a lack of food and clothing, and a cold can kill someone.

Dead people are not that rare.

At this time, a young man came from a distance and asked Su Mingzhe:

"You are a child of Uncle Chaoqun. Your name is Su Mingzhe, right?"

"It's me, Brother Erjun."

Su Mingzhe searched his memory carefully, and he had some impression of the young man in front of him.

The Su family is not a big family in Pujiang. The adults, wives, and children combined make up a family of one hundred people.

Su Erjun's grandfather and Su Mingzhe's grandfather are cousins, so they are quite close.

"Come home with me. I received a call from Yiwu the day before yesterday. I've been waiting for you at home for two days."

Su Erjun felt a little uncomfortable looking at Su Mingzhe who had no father or mother at such a young age.

"Uncle and aunt Chaoqun, when did they not get it?"

"My mother has been dead for several years, and my father got sick two days ago."

The old house of the Su family is not far from Qiaotou, Puyang Town.

Su Mingzhe had been here several times in his original memory and knew the way to go.

However, since someone wants to lead the way, let him lead the way.

Su Erjun asked Su Mingzhe a few words.

Su Mingzhe didn't hide anything and answered everything honestly.

Soon, Su Erjun took Su Mingzhe to a wealthy family and asked Su Mingzhe if he had any linen clothes on him.

Su Mingzhe naturally took it with him. According to Su Erjun's instructions, he knelt at the gate wearing mourning clothes.

Su Erjun then knocked on the door and shouted:

"Grandpa, Mingzhe is back. Mingzhe sent Uncle Chaoqun and Aunt Chaoqun home."

A group of relatives had been waiting for the Su family's old house for a long time. As soon as they opened the door and saw Su Mingzhe wearing sackcloth and mourning, the crowd began to cry.

Affected by the atmosphere and the memory of his original body, Su Mingzhe couldn't help but burst into tears.

Su Mingzhe does not need to worry about burying Su Chaoqun and his wife.

The Su family received the call two days ago and started preparations.

Because of the times, the funeral could not be held grandly.

Relatives and friends helped to take care of it, and after they were buried near the Su family's ancestral grave, the matter was over.

Su Mingzhe didn't eat anything that day and fell into a drowsy sleep all night.

On the second day, he was taken to the main hall, where a dozen elders of the Su family smoked dry cigarettes and began to discuss matters concerning the living.

Su Chaoqun and his wife are gone, but Su Mingzhe is still young, and the Su family must take care of him until he grows up.

This is the customary rule of clan and township covenants.

Of course, if Su Mingzhe was a girl, everyone wouldn't need to study it so carefully.

Just drop him into a random family, raise him and marry him off.

The problem is, Su Mingzhe is a boy and he will have to support a whole family of men in the future.

Even though he is still young now, everyone still needs to treat this issue carefully.

Su Mingzhe's grandfather, Su Shitou, was the first to speak:

"Erwa and his wife (Su Chaoqun and his wife) left the little boy and left. Let's see how we can cope with it."

"Brother Shitou, the second baby is gone, but everyone is here. We must not leave this little one without support."

Su Erjun's biological grandfather and Su Shitou's cousin, as one of the few elders of the Su family, spoke first at this time:

"We have sixteen families here. Each family is squeezed in and given one and a half kilograms of food rations every month. Brother Shitou, what do you think?"

Each of the sixteen families contributed one and a half kilograms, which was twenty-four kilograms of rations.

At this time, the ration stamps for adults were twenty-six kilograms a month.

It’s really interesting that everyone has put out so much, and they still put out so much every month.

Su Mingzhe's grandfather listened, took a puff of dry cigarette, nodded his heavy neck, and then said:

"Then let's do this. If you guys pay more attention in the future, it will be troublesome for Chaocheng, Chaoxiang and Chaogui to collect the rations for you."

"Okay, uncle."

Su Chaocheng, Su Chaoxiang, and Su Chaogui are the leaders of three branches of the more than a dozen households in the Su family. Let the three of them help collect the grain of their brothers and deliver it together in the end, which also saves the big guys from having to deal with each other one by one.

Su Shitou had two sons and three daughters, but the eldest son and his two daughters went to support the village, leaving only a daughter and a son.

My younger daughter also got married a few years ago.

Now that his youngest son is gone, Su Shitou's dull temper has become even duller.

This chapter has been completed!
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