Chapter 433: Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men

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Optimus Prime also didn't expect that Su Mingzhe's revenge would be so strong that he would be willing to give out 100 million.

Facing the furious Su Mingzhe, Optimus Prime did not dare to stop him and quickly announced the reward.

Su Mingzhe is not feeling well, and the whole of Xiangjiang is also feeling uncomfortable.

A reward of 100 million can make the entire Xiangjiang society go crazy.

Among the three largest societies at present, Hongxing has twelve halls, each of which pays an average of one million to two million per month.

Calculating it based on two million, that is 24 million per year, and twelve halls are just over 200 million.

The more than 200 million yuan belongs to the association only. As the leader, Jiang Tiansheng can only take 40% of it.

If you do the math, Jiang Tiansheng's annual income is less than 100 million.

Now, Su Mingzhe is offering a reward of 100 million, and Jiang Tiansheng, who has always flaunted his gentlemanly demeanor, is starting to get excited.

Hongxing leaders like Jiang Tiansheng were excited, let alone others.

There are more than 500,000 dwarf mules in Xiangjiang. They do nothing but walk through the streets and alleys, looking for clues everywhere.

The rootless snakehead among them was unlucky enough to be caught before he could escape.

After being arrested, he was beaten severely without even asking questions.

At this time, the warehouse had just reported the loss.

The female assistant is carefully reporting the report:

"Boss,...according to statistics, the total number of products burned in the warehouse is 16.55 million. If the products cannot be shipped on time, the customer will have to pay three times the amount, which is about 50 million. There are also 70

Two employees were killed and six injured."

"I understand. Each of the employees who were killed will be given a pension of 500,000 yuan to each family. In addition to all medical expenses, the injured employees will be reimbursed and an additional 100,000 yuan will be given as compensation."

Su Mingzhe had been sighing in his heart since last night. Now that he heard the exact news, sparks appeared in his eyes.

Just like this, he lost nearly 100 million, plus the 100 million reward, that's 200 million.

If I were really an ordinary businessman, I'm afraid I would go bankrupt this time.

At this moment, JOJO and Pauline came together.

Su Mingzhe left suddenly last night. The two women returned to the villa and waited all night, but did not wait for the man to come back.

The next day, the two women read the newspaper and found out that the Bawang Company warehouse had been burned down.

JOJO and Pauline were also worried about Su Mingzhe, so they rushed over.

When Su Mingzhe saw the two women, he waved the female assistant out:

"If you have any news, please notify me immediately."

"Okay boss."

JOJO and Pauline waited for the female assistants to exit, then quickly came to the man's side and began to comfort him.

Su Mingzhe was still receiving comfort from JOJO and Pauline when the phone rang.

JOJO helped get through, and it turned out that it was Optimus Prime calling, saying that someone had provided information.

Su Mingzhe did not hesitate and asked Optimus Prime to give the bonus to the other party first, and then let people continue the search.

JOJO and Pauline finally got the man to calm down, and then asked:

"Husband, do you really want to offer a reward of 100 million?"

"Of course, I've already said it out loud. How can I keep my words from my words?"

Su Mingzhe waited for the two women to finish the aftermath and asked them to stay in the lounge next door.

I must be very angry today, and the two of them must be ready to put out the fire at any time.

Not long after, Optimus Prime ran over anxiously:

"Mr. Ye, there was news from Dongxing just now, saying that there is definite information about the group of arsonists, and they want to talk to you."

"Who asked?"

"Uncle Ben."

"Pulsatilla? Has he made an appointment?"

"I told you, he can come to the company to talk to you."

"Then let him come."

Uncle Ben, nicknamed "Pulsatilla", is the godfather of female singer Su Qi. In the movie "Young and Dangerous", after Luo Tuo's death, he became the fourth leader of Dongxing Club.

In this world, Uncle Ben was born in the White Paper Fan of Dongxing Society. After the death of Luo Zhengwu (Luotuo's father), the second leader of Dongxing Society, he temporarily took charge of Dongxing Society.

However, he was later forced to give up his position by Shui Ling, who was ingratiating himself with Chief Inspector Lei Luo, and handed it over to Luo Tuo, Luo Zhengwu's son.

During this period, Shui Ling held the emperor hostage and ordered the princes to wait until Lei Luo left Xiangjiang before he was forced to abdicate.

At present, the power of Dongxing Society is divided into three parts. The leader Luotuo controls one, Uncle Ben controls one, and the elders of several other societies also control one.

Soon, Uncle Ben came to Su Mingzhe's office.

"Uncle Ben, long time no see. He is always in good health."

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your concern."

Su Mingzhe and Uncle Ben also met several times, but they were always in public places and they never had an in-depth conversation.

Now that they meet alone, both parties can feel each other's good aura.

At this time, Uncle Ben was in his forties. He glanced at his beard. Although his hair was a little gray, he was full of energy and his eyes were bright and deep. After sitting down with Su Mingzhe, he said: "Mr. Ye, the factory warehouse was burned down yesterday.

, I want to say sorry to you first."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on new books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. is available for Android and Apple.]

Su Mingzhe had some vague guesses after hearing this, but still pretended not to understand and asked:

"Uncle Ben, where do you start talking about this?"

"Mr. Ye knows the main business of Dongxing and has made many friends outside."

Uncle Ben said with a look of shame on his face:

"When you have more friends, it is inevitable that there will be some personal relationships that need to be taken care of. Yesterday, I investigated the matter of your factory warehouse being burned down. It seems that they came to Xiangjiang through our channels."

"Oh, is it so?"

Su Mingzhe had already made a guess. When he saw his uncle admit it, he curved his lips and said with a smile:

"Then uncle, come here and tell me this, are you ready to hand the person over?"

"Ashamed, ashamed."

Uncle Ben heard the ridicule in Su Mingzhe's words.

If he really wanted to hand the person over, he wouldn't have done it himself, but would have sent the person over directly.

However, Uncle Ben is an old fox after all. Even if he was teased, he not only laughed indifferently, but also opened his eyes and told lies, saying:

"After those people came to Xiangjiang, there were other people to help them. The next day, we lost contact with them."

"That's it."

Su Mingzhe would not believe even a punctuation mark of what Uncle Ben, an old fox, said.

However, Uncle Ben is unwilling to tell the truth, and Su Mingzhe will not force him.

Su Mingzhe believes that there will be brave men under heavy rewards.

Uncle Ben came to explain, he was afraid of Su Mingzhe's move.

After sending Uncle Ben away, Su Mingzhe saw that Optimus Prime still refused to leave, so he simply ordered:

"Go to the road and spread the news. Let's say that the people in Dongxing know who the arsonist was last night and hid him."

"Huh? Mr. Ye, is it really Dongxing who hid the person?"

Optimus Prime was stunned and suddenly became angry: "Then why didn't you force the old guy to question just now?"

"Ask him, will he tell?"

Su Mingzhe glared at Optimus Prime, feeling that this guy was very smart:

"He is a white-headed man. If he refuses to tell, can I use pepper water on him or use the tiger bench on him?"

As soon as Optimus Prime said what he just said, he knew that he had said the wrong thing. He was clicked by Su Mingzhe, and he quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and excused himself: "Mr. Ye, I'll do it right away."

Under the heavy reward, some brave men really jumped out.

Hongxing Society spread the news beforehand, and Dongxing Society began to be harassed.

Uncle Ben returned to his residence, and then received a report from the people below. In just half a day, nearly a hundred people in Dongxing, the smuggler responsible for transporting goods and people, and the person in charge of the channel were attacked.

Uncle Ben quickly ordered people to investigate and find out what happened.

When his subordinate Jin Bao found out clearly that those who harassed Dongxing were all doing it for Su Mingzhe's 100 million bounty, my uncle suddenly became angry and furious:

"This man named Ye really doesn't save any face for Dongxing, and his methods are so vicious."

"Uncle Ben, what should we do now?"

There was a strange light in the golden leopard's eyes, and he was also moved.

That's 100 million, money that I can never expect to earn in my lifetime.

Uncle Ben was so cunning that he naturally noticed the changes in his subordinate's thoughts, and quickly warned him: "Those people are not something we can afford to offend. We cannot participate in them, otherwise we will take the money without spending it."

"Yes, that's what Uncle Ben said."

The Golden Leopard was scolded by Uncle Ben, and he quickly responded in a serious manner.

"Let's do this. You go and inform those people that their whereabouts have been exposed, and ask them to leave our warehouse as soon as possible. After they leave, we will have people look for them..."

Uncle Ben's move of "one push, two six and five" made Jin Bao give a thumbs up immediately after hearing this: "Uncle Ben, you are still more powerful. Compared with you, the guy surnamed Su just relies on a little money."

"Let's do it quickly."

Uncle Ben waved his hand and signaled Jin Bao to hurry up and do it.

His current position in Dongxing Society is somewhat awkward. Before he regains power, it is best to keep a low profile.

Jin Bao quickly resigned, but after he left the door, he did not follow Uncle Ben's words, but summoned more than a hundred of his subordinates.

Half an hour later, a fierce gun battle broke out at East Star at a pier in Mong Kok.

The Leopard was directly killed in this gun battle.

The shootout is over.

After another ten minutes, six cars drove out of the warehouse one after another, carrying more than a dozen people and dispersed.

When the warehouse was empty, Su Mingzhe, who rushed over after receiving the news, slowly walked out of the shadows:

"I didn't expect it to be the 'Doctors' gang."

The ‘Doctors’ gang is the villain in the movie “Hardcore”. They were active from the 1970s to the 1990s and specialized in blackmailing wealthy businessmen to satisfy their own selfish desires. Their criminal methods were extremely vicious and vicious.

"Since it's them, I'm not in a hurry to kill them."

Su Mingzhe smiled slightly and turned back to the company. The first thing he did was to summon the "three giants" of Hongxing Club.

Optimus Prime, Feilong, and Da Mang came to Su Mingzhe's office with respect in their eyes.

"I have found out who the arsonists were last night and have found others to deal with them. If it is announced to the public, it will be said that a bounty hunter has taken over the reward order."

Su Mingzhe's words made the three of them stunned for a moment, and then they nodded in agreement.

Su Mingzhe continued:

"A Tian, ​​please gather all the capable people under my command. The warehouse and factory cannot be lost again."

"Mr. Ye, please don't worry. If there is any problem again, I will bring it up and see you."

Optimus Prime decided that in the recent period, all food and accommodation would be in the factory warehouse.

"There is no need to raise the head, but if there are problems again, there will be no need for Hongxing Society to exist."

Su Mingzhe didn't have such a murderous intention, so let's talk, and said to Feilong: "Aaron, you have prepared a few mud tankers in the past few days for ready use, and also prepared about twenty gasoline barrels, which may be used at any time."

Gasoline barrels are used to fill the sea. Twenty dozen gasoline barrels are used to fill the sea with more than 20 people.

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

Feilong responded quickly, turned around and went to do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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