Chapter 568: Put order out of chaos, right now!

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Su Mingzhe's job as emperor was actually quite hard.

You have to get up before 5 o'clock.

After getting up and washing up, I have to go to the Queen Mother to ask her regards.

If there is a court meeting that happens every three days and Su Mingzhe can't even eat breakfast, he has to go back to Weiyang Palace to hold a court meeting to discuss state affairs with the ministers.

Before lunch at noon, Su Mingzhe wanted to visit the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother again.

Continue to deal with government affairs in the afternoon.

In the evening before dinner, Su Mingzhe had to go to greet the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother.

This is the so-called morning and evening greetings, three times a day, never less than once.

Su Mingzhe walked from Weiyang Palace to Yanshou Palace for about ten minutes.

Spend half an hour visiting and greeting the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother, and then spend another ten minutes to come back.

Calculating, Su Mingzhe spends three hours every day on the rule of "Morning and Dusk Calming".

The Empress Dowager and the Queen Mother also felt sorry for Su Mingzhe's hard work in handling government affairs. They asked him several times to just come over once a day instead of three times a day.

However, Su Mingzhe insisted on carrying out the "Morning and Dusk Calming" three times a day.

It is precisely because of this persistence that Su Mingzhe won the admiration of all the civil and military officials in the DPRK and China.

In everyone's simple values, a person with filial piety cannot be bad no matter how bad he is.

In sharp contrast to Su Mingzhe is the former second prince and current Pingnan King Li Chengze.

After Li Chengze was released from the palace yesterday, the first thing he did was not accompany his mother and concubine. Instead, he summoned his close men and contacted the officials and generals he had won over to inquire about the news from all parties.

All the behaviors of King Pingnan give people a sense of depression that a storm is coming.

"This second prince is really worrying!"

As the director of the Inspection Institute, Chen Pingping got the information about Li Chengze immediately. After thinking about it, she came to the palace and asked for an audience.

Not long after, Su Mingzhe heard Chen Pingping's report in the imperial study room, but he did not take it seriously. He just laughed and said:

"Dean Chen, I believe that my second brother is not the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation."

Chen Pingping didn't know whether Su Mingzhe really didn't understand or pretended not to understand, but as the president of the Inspection Institute, he had the responsibility to remind Su Mingzhe:

"Your Majesty, you are kind and generous, but you don't know the sinister nature of people's hearts. The second prince has contacted the rebels with about 5,000 soldiers and horses, and may commit treason at any time!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Su Mingzhe categorically denied Chen Pingping's speculation, and then said in his gentlest tone:

"Dean Chen, although my second brother and I have had conflicts before, they were just temporary disputes of temper. Now that I have ascended the throne and my father's bones are still cold, how could my second brother commit such treasonous acts at this time?

What? Your news must be wrong!"

The two looked at each other for a long time. Chen Pingping's piercing eyes suddenly blinked, let out a light chuckle, lowered her head and apologized:

"Your Majesty, maybe the old minister is really dim-sighted and has read the wrong information. I will go back and take a look again."

"How could Dean Chen be so dim-sighted? Someone below must have gotten the information wrong."

Su Mingzhe sent Chen Pingping away with a smile, but his eyes narrowed.

In China, anyone who has attended high school knows the story "Zheng Beke and Duan Yu Yan".

After Zheng Zhuanggong inherited the title and fiefdom, his younger brother Gongshu Duan refused to accept him and started various provocations.

For the sake of brotherly harmony, Duke Zhuang of Zheng kept giving in to Gongshu Duan.

As a result, Zheng Zhuanggong's continuous concessions not only failed to convince his uncle Duan Qin, but instead looked down on him more and more.

Finally, Gongshu Duan rebelled, and Zheng Zhuanggong took action decisively, defeated Gongshu Duan in Yan, and killed him.

In this world, there is no book "Zuo Zhuan", and naturally there is no story "Zheng Beike and Duan Yu Yan".

After Su Mingzhe came to the throne, he first detained Li Chengze for a few days. During this time, he easily won over most of Emperor Qing's confidants, as well as all the civil and military officials in the court.

Now that Su Mingzhe is in control, he releases Li Chengze.

At this time, Su Mingzhe had already set up the stage for Li Chengze and was waiting for him to perform on stage.

Chen Pingping suddenly came over and wanted to dismantle the stage in advance.

Isn't this an international joke?

If Li Chengze didn't rebel, why would you find any reason to kill him?

If you don't kill Li Chengze, how can you promote your majesty?

Li Chengze's affairs are proceeding in an orderly manner.

He thought that everything he did was very secretive, but both Su Mingzhe and Chen Pingping saw his every move.

In a blink of an eye, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Originally, when Emperor Qing passed away, he had to be discharged after twenty-seven days, and he was not allowed to marry or have fun for a hundred days.

However, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the most important festival of the year after all.

Therefore, Su Mingzhe issued a decree in advance that civil and military officials and royal family members must abide by the rules and cannot drink and have fun, but ordinary people can have a happy day and spend the festival together.

As soon as this decree came out, the people's morale was lifted.

The people are all preparing to celebrate the festival happily.

"God is really helping me!"

In Prince Pingnan's palace, Li Chengze heard the news from a confidant. He couldn't help but burst into flames and said excitedly:

"This kid Li Chengqian actually wants to go to the city gate tonight and light some prayer lamps! Doesn't this create opportunities for us? Everyone, start an army and bring order to the chaos, right now!"

There was a young woman standing next to him, but she couldn't help but remind her:

"Your Majesty, according to the ancestral system, the Queen Mother will enter the palace in the afternoon to accompany the Queen Mother and offer sacrifices together. If something happens tonight, the Queen Mother will be in danger..."

Li Chengze's complexion darkened, and his eyes began to look evil when he looked at this woman.

As the saying goes, a little impatience ruins a big plan!

Things have reached this point. How could Li Chengze give up his great cause of rebellion for the sake of his mother and concubine?

Another confidant next to him, Xie Bi'an, noticed Li Chengze's thoughts and quickly scolded the young woman:

"Shi Qing'er, shut up, the prince has a perfect plan!"

"Yes, I have a complete solution!"

Li Chengze looked at Xie Bi'an approvingly. He was indeed his best confidant. He could help him get off the ground, unlike Shi Qing'er who had no discernment and was just trying to cause trouble.

I don’t know how Yuan Meng would recommend such a woman to him.

Soon, Li Chengze used the steps given by Xie Bian to give additional explanations.

In the afternoon, Shi Qing'er accompanied the Queen Mother into the palace.

Once the commotion was discovered, everyone ran directly to Guangxin Palace.

All the confidants present were shocked:

"Your Majesty, why do you want the Queen Mother to go to Guangxin Palace?"

Li Chengze looked at everyone's surprised eyes and felt a little relieved. At this time, he was no longer afraid that everyone would reveal the secret and said proudly:

"Princess Guangxin Palace Chief is mine!"

When Li Chengze finished speaking, everyone present was dumbfounded.

As we all know, the eldest princess and the current emperor Li Chengqian are in the same group.

Why is the eldest princess now with Li Chengze again?

How does this play work?

Everyone is a little confused.

However, at this time, Li Chengze didn't need them to know too much inside information.

As long as these people obey the command, let's kill Su Mingzhe and other threatening people together tonight.

When the sun rises tomorrow and Li Chengze officially ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, everything will settle and the truth will no longer matter.

On this day, many people are busy.

Su Mingzhe rarely gave himself a day off.

After having dinner with the Queen Mother at noon, I took a group of people for a walk in the Imperial Garden.

I don't know if it's just a coincidence.

Su Mingzhe had just walked around for a while when he met the eldest princess Li Yunrui who had returned from greeting the Queen Mother.

"Li Yunrui pays homage to His Majesty."

Today, Li Yunrui is wearing a black long skirt, which makes her skin even more white as jade, making her stunningly beautiful.

"Auntie, please get up."

Su Mingzhe called Li Yunrui, looked at her, and then looked back at Xue Ying who was following behind him. The two women looked quite similar, but in terms of style, they had their own differences.

Li Yunrui has matured and has the ability to enchant people with every smile.

But Xue Ying is charming and cute, as gentle as jade, and full of youthful atmosphere.

Li Yunrui also saw Xue Ying, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he changed into a happy look:

"Your Majesty, are you going to the Royal Garden? It just so happens that I haven't been out for a few days. How about we come together?"


Su Mingzhe did not refuse to play with Li Yunrui.

We haven't seen each other for more than ten days, and Su Mingzhe misses Li Yunrui very much.

Although these days, Su Mingzhe often favors Xue Ying.

But Xue Ying is just Xue Ying after all, and there is no bonus in terms of status.

Compared with Li Yunrui, Xue Ying looks like a high-end imitation.

After Li Yunrui and Su Mingzhe walked side by side for a while, they saw that all the palace maids and eunuchs were far away from them, so they spoke in a low voice:

"Qian'er, my aunt has just received news that Li Chengze is planning to raise troops tonight. You need to inform Chen Pingping and let him prepare."

Su Mingzhe heard the reminder and smiled slightly:

"Thank you, aunt. Chen Pingping has been prepared for it a long time ago."

"That's good."

When Li Yunrui saw this, he didn't wait long and left immediately.

Su Mingzhe took the palace maids and eunuchs for a while in the Imperial Garden. They heard that all the high-ranking ladies in Kyoto City had entered the palace to pay homage to the Empress Dowager, and then they turned to the Tai Chi Palace.

Taiji Palace is the main palace where the emperor lives. To the west is Yanfu Palace and Yanshou Palace, to the north is Yaohua Palace, and to the east is East Palace.

This Taiji Palace occupies the core position of Dauchi, and its status in the imperial palace is similar to the Qianqing Palace in the Forbidden City.

According to the etiquette, after the death of the emperor, the place where the body is stored must be the place where the emperor rested on weekdays.

Therefore, after the death of Emperor Qing, the coffin containing his body was kept in the Tai Chi Palace.

After Su Mingzhe ascended the throne, it was inconvenient to live in Taiji Palace, so he had to live in Weiyang Palace.

The Weiyang Palace is a place where large court meetings are held, and its nature is similar to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. It is not suitable for sleeping frequently.

A few days ago, after Emperor Qing's coffin was delivered to Changling, Eunuch Hou led people to conduct a comprehensive cleaning of the Tai Chi Palace inside and outside, and also used various spices to scent it for a whole day.

As soon as Su Mingzhe entered the main hall, he smelled the faint fragrance.

Eunuch Hou took a step closer and asked:

"Your Majesty, it's only three o'clock in the morning and it's still early before dark. Do you want to take a rest?"

Su Mingzhe was not sleepy, but thinking about what was going to happen tonight, he became a little impetuous. He turned around and couldn't help but said:

"Well, let Xue Ying and Tao Qing come in to take care of you."

This chapter has been completed!
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