give me back a child

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At this time, Shang Wan's calm voice came: "Shao Luansheng, don't you feel tired from doing this? If you feel that you cannot accept what happened to your child, but the fact has already happened and it cannot be made up for.

Why don't you just forget about it! If you want a child, I think someone will definitely be willing to give birth to you, so why bother hanging on to the past?"

The wave of ice cream just now was immediately extinguished by Shang Wan's words from head to toe, without even a trace of residual heat. The towering body immediately felt cold, and the voice that came out was also as cold as ice: "Someone else gave birth to me.


Shang Wan lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

As soon as she finished speaking, he pulled her shoulder, and she faced him, "Shang Wan, it's not so cheap, let's forget it like this? What you said is really light."

His words came out from between his teeth, with a hint of sarcasm in the coldness.

She stared at him sternly, her green and black eyebrows frowning slightly: "Do you still want to hit me again?"

Shao Luan Sheng felt frustrated by these words. His mistake finally made her remember it firmly. Maybe she would never forget it in her lifetime, but even if she never forgot it in her lifetime, he would not let her go.

And if I say it again, it will no longer be cold.

"Give me back a child." The tone was deep and solemn.

Shang Wan was a little confused about the situation and said angrily: "The child is gone, how can I return it?"

"Then get pregnant with another child." This voice was no longer solemn, but firm and cold, leaving no room for negotiation.

The excited Shang Wan widened his eyes and looked at him in disbelief. Did she hear it right? What he just said was that he wanted her to have a baby? Did he want her to have a baby?

Shao Luansheng looked at her reaction and continued to pursue her: "If you give me a child, I will forgive you for your mistakes."

Facing his request, Shang Wan was surprised, his mind couldn't move, like water in a dead pool with nowhere to flow.

"Ah Wan, if you want me to forgive you, you must give me a child." Shao Luansheng repeated it again, as if he was worried that she didn't understand his determination, and the hands holding her shoulders were unusually strong.

Faced with his request, how should she answer? Can she give birth? After a pause, a sentence flashed through her mind, which was what the doctor said to her five years ago. Thinking of this, she was in a mess, so


"But giving birth to a child is not easy. Even if the child is born without a healthy home, it will affect his or her growth."

She could only think of this reason to respond to him, because she really couldn't think of any other reason to dispel his idea.

Giving birth to a child was so far away and a luxury for her.

She wants to be luxurious, but it seems she will never have the chance to be luxurious again.

But despite this, Shao Luan Sheng's determination could not be shaken in the slightest. His shining eyes were like shining stars in the June sky.

"Even if it is not easy, I have to give birth. As for a healthy family, I will give it to him (her)."

She looked at the light in his eyes and got lost in them, hurriedly and confused. After a while, she said softly: "But why do you have to let me give birth? Don't you blame me for aborting the child? You are so cruel like me.

Woman, do you still want me to be the mother of your child?"

Her words made the hands on her shoulders tighten again, followed by a low and hoarse voice: "Don't you deny it?"

There was deathly silence in her big, empty eyes. Thinking about the doctor's jealous words, she sighed deeply and finally said what he wanted to hear most.

"Now I admit it."

Just a few words, but they had the power to destroy the world, thus destroying Shao Luansheng's calmness. His shining eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, like an evil ghost coming out of hell.

The face is sinister and ferocious.

He pinched her shoulders hard and roared like thunder: "You finally admitted it, right?"

"Why? Why do you want to take away the child? Tell me, tell me?" The roars came one after another, causing a commotion in this quiet garden.

Those who passed by looked sideways, fearing that someone would be killed. At this time, a nurse happened to be passing by and saw Shang Wan wearing hospital clothes. She was worried that something would happen and stopped in front of the two of them.

"Sir, Miss, are you okay?"

Shao Luansheng was furious at this time. Seeing someone disturbing him, he yelled: "Get out of here."

The nurse was so yelled at that she trembled and had to leave quickly. After the nurse left, Shao Luansheng yelled again: "Tell me, why do you want to take away the child?"

The tears that he had been holding back could no longer be stopped from flowing down. When Shao Luansheng saw this, he smiled with a bloodthirsty smile, "Why are you crying? Ah?"

Then he shook her shoulders like crazy, and then squeezed her shoulders hard, as if he was going to crush her.

She was still crying and didn't speak. How could she answer? In fact, she couldn't answer.

And she said this because she didn't want to leave any escape route. Only if he hated her could she leave with peace of mind, because she didn't know if his request was just a temporary impulse.

If he believed in his heart that she had taken away the child, there would definitely be a thorn, and that thorn would never go away. The two of them would often step on this thorn, leaving scars all over.

She had to leave. Leaving was the best choice.

And now she couldn't believe his feelings for her. He said he loved her, but at the same time he maintained a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Cai Youyun, and asked her to wait for him for a year. She couldn't see through him.

Can't you tell whether he still has her in his heart? It's better to leave than to do this.

But the most important reason is that she may not be able to do anything to give birth to a child.

Shao Luansheng heard her admit it in person, and his heart hurt more than when he heard her deny it, and this admission also destroyed the gentleness he had just established.

But this time, he won't hit her. He was so heartbroken that he almost died after hitting her once, so he won't make the same mistake again.

But he will let her stay with him forever, making her unable to leave, and making her atone for her actions.

Even if she doesn't want to, he will ask her to agree.

"Shang Wan, you have no choice. You have to give birth to a child for me, otherwise I will destroy everyone and everything around you. The first person to be operated on is your brother Shang Tianyi. His illness is actually almost cured.

Well, if you don't want to destroy your brother, then you'd better do as I ask." Shao Luan Sheng's voice was cold and stiff, without any warmth.

She knew that he was always like this. As long as she didn't understand what he meant, he would threaten her with threats.

But this threat has no effect.

So she wiped her tears and smiled: "Okay, I will do as you ask."

Shao Luansheng's resentful heart was not very happy because of her answer, but instead became even heavier.

Listening to this tone, it seemed that she was not willing to give birth to a child for him at all, and she only did it for her family.

Ah Wan, why are you so cruel to me but so kind to your family?

There will be an update later, Wan seems to be suffering from something hidden! Can you guess what kind of suffering is hidden? She plans to leave, but will she be able to do so?

This chapter has been completed!
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