Chapter 328 The truth is only within the range of the cannon!

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 "Pei Shao, can I believe you?"

Life is everywhere a stage.

Every actor involved has a heart that wants to be a director.

It was close to midnight in the middle of the night. After being called to the underground shelter by Sumo, Pei Shao, as the first person from Hope Village to enter the shelter, panicked!

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and pattered to the ground.

This is not because the weather is hot, but next to Somo, there is a rifle that is loaded and the safety is turned on. It’s scary!

"Director, I promise from my conscience, no, I swear to God, I swear on the reputation of my ancestors of the Pei family, I, Pei Shao, have never done anything to be sorry for you."

"This time I'm exploring the traces of the alien race. I use this head to guarantee that if I slack off a little bit or betray you in any way, you can kill me at will!"

"I'm really wronged!"

"This alien race is really just like Hampi. They hide very deep. I will set out with my people tomorrow, no, tonight, and I will dig three feet into the ground to find them!"

The man in his forties, with the wrinkles on his face pinched together because of anxiety, looked a bit like a villain in a TV series who refuses to fight until he kills him.

Sitting in the main seat, tapping his fingers on the rifle next to him, Sumo was not anxious, but slowly began to ask questions:

"Pei Shao, since you said that, I believe you for the time being, but after listening to what I'm going to say next, if you want to quit the position of intelligence captain, I won't have any idea."

"If I want to give you a task, and this task is related to the village, you and me, and human beings, there is a high chance that you will die if you go, it will be very hard, and you will be misunderstood by others."

"Will you accept it? Can you understand it?"

"Attention, I am not testing you or threatening you. I need the real answer in your heart."

Pei Shao was an intelligence soldier. In the entire village, except for the clever Zhong Qingshu, no one could match him in terms of intelligence ability.

"I don't understand it, but I can accept it!"

Unlike what Sumo expected, Pei Shao's answer was so straightforward that even Oreo, who was in the shadows, was stunned before he nodded slowly.

Pei Shao was not lying.

Oreo, who can smell the special smell, knows that he really wants to!

"Very good, keep talking!"

"I can accept it because I am a soldier under your command. It is the bounden duty of a soldier to obey orders. I have no right to refuse the task you give me."

"I don't understand that it has been so long before you, Director, entrusted me with such an arduous task. I don't understand why you had to withstand all the pressure by yourself before this and let us grow under your wings.

, this is the end of the world, this is the wasteland, we are not flowers in a greenhouse, we are warriors who can advance and retreat together with the director!"

Standing up straight, Pei Shao shouted loudly.

His voice was loud, his posture was upright, his gaze pointed straight ahead, and his face was full of the stubbornness of ordinary people.

He is telling Somo that he can be trusted!

Before Oreo could nod, after feeling the "power" coming from Pei Shao's heart, Su Mo suddenly stood up and put his hand on Pei Shao's shoulder.

At the same time, Sumo picked up the rifle on the table, turned off the safety, and handed it to Pei Shao.

Sumo acted very decisively, so decisively that Pei Shao didn't even react.

There is a story about this man, but at this moment, Sumo has no intention of asking.

He knew that Pei Shao would serve as the intelligence captain and his first "confidant" in the entire village.

He has ambition, he has emotional intelligence, he has wisdom, and at the same time, he is the same type of person as himself!

A rifle sometimes represents very little, and sometimes represents a lot.

At a time when there were only three pistols in Hope Village, this rifle represented Sumo's absolute trust and respect.

When he saw Somo handing it over, Pei Shao understood instantly, took the gun solemnly, and held it in his hand like a warrior.

"I hope Pei Shao, the village soldier platoon, will report to you!"

"very good!"

After patting Pei Shao's shoulder heavily, and seeing that he finally had a useful person under his hand, Sumo waved and went to the workbench first.

Pei Shao, who was behind, did not hesitate. After putting the rifle into the storage space and putting it away, he quickly followed.

In the workroom, the lights are bright, and the huge ceiling lamp emits bright light, illuminating the lower part as bright as day.

Following Somo, as the first person to enter the shelter, Pei Shao curiously looked here and there, but when his eyes glanced at the big guy on the work table, his eyes stopped.

"Director, this is"

Sumo grinned: "Yes, these are two shortwave dedicated tactical backpack radios equipped with fully automatic antennas that can use various tactical and static antennas. The model number is PRC-2090. I think you should be familiar with it!"

Pei Shao nodded quickly: "No stranger, no stranger. I've been eyeing this guy for a long time since I was on earth, but it's a pity that I haven't had the chance to touch it. This radio station in Kangaroo Country is definitely a good thing. It has a car dock and the communication distance is close to me.

It can operate up to 2,000 kilometers without any problem, and this thing is easy to use. It is basically a fool-like design that can kill other radio stations. How did you get such a good treasure, sir!"

Pei Shao's eyes lit up when he saw a guy like Radio Station eating, like a child who saw his favorite toy and wanted to rush up and play with it immediately.

Sumo laughed again: "It has a chat channel. Who would use such a radio station? The survival base of mankind is currently large. Although it is rare to have such a thing, there is no problem if you look carefully and get two stations together. And don't worry.

It’s a radio station, and I’ll even set it up for you with the car dock!”

He patted the machine next to him that was covered with black cloth. After lifting the black cloth, Pei Shao's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

He was totally confused.

After hesitating for a long time, Pei Shao gritted his teeth and said: "Director, you also said that the chat channel has replaced this big thing. Now we don't need to spend this wasted money. We only need a few points to add friends. If the ocean disaster comes, kill a few

The foreign race will make money back, there is no need to buy this thing, even if it is cheap, it is not cost-effective."

Sumo shook his head: "That's not the problem. Have you ever thought about what if the chat channel cannot be used?"


At this moment, Pei Shao was really confused, but three to five seconds later, after realizing what Su Mo had said before and after, he exclaimed:

"Director, the chat is going to disappear? That's why you need to use this thing to communicate?"

Sumo nodded: "You can understand it this way. Maybe your chat panel can still be used, but as a contact terminal, there may be some problems in the village. Then you can't contact us through the chat panel, so we have to

Rely on this big guy to get in touch”

"And the task I assigned you is very simple. Come and sit down and I will explain it to you in detail!"

He greeted Pei Shao, who looked cautious, to sit on his left side, and took out the upgraded senior phone. After demonstrating its functions and attributes, Sumo handed it over and began to describe the plan he had made on paper.


"You have a good day to clean up tomorrow. If you want to modify the Dihu, you can use the tools I have here. Prepare supplies for food and housing, diesel, weapons and ammunition, radios, and emergency supplies."

"Wait until the morning of the day after tomorrow, after I announce the heavy rain in the waterfall on the World Channel, you immediately drive up and set off with people you trust. Note that the number of people can be small, but they must be loyal."

"In the direction of 12 o'clock in the shelter, you only need to drive to explore this location, and use this elderly machine to record the location of the aliens you detect."

"Remember, you must not come back before this disaster strikes. You must monitor the movements of all alien races in this direction, record the places where their position changes will converge, and then start at 11:30 on the 21st, use this set

The code in the codebook communicates with me and passes me the location of the foreign race in this direction."

"After the delivery is over, you don't have to worry about Dihu. You only need to take care of your own safety. I will sail to pick you up immediately!"

The task is hard to pronounce, but it is actually not difficult to understand.

However, after hearing this, Pei Shao immediately said: "Director, is it enough to explore only this direction? What if there are aliens in other directions? Our exploration range is only three hundred kilometers in diameter. According to the speed of the earth tiger, 19

From the 21st to the 21st, we change the driving range, and we can drive to the guaranteed limit of 1,500 kilometers, and about 2,000 kilometers, so the range that can be seen is not very large!"

Pei Shao had such a question. Su Mo could guess it before he said it. He didn't panic at this time and replied softly:

"Don't panic, you just need to follow my orders. And I will give a lot of orders in the next few days. I hope you don't have any questions. Every order I give you must treat it as the first order."

Treat it with attitude”

"This time, the future of Hope Village and the depression is in your hands!"

Radio is a kind of inheritance, passed from father to son, from company commander to squad leader, and from veteran to recruit.

Not only is the owner of the object changing, but it is also the delivery of a mission.

When he saw Su Mo solemnly picking up the top radio station and handing it over, Pei Shao nodded fiercely, his face full of determination.

"Go ahead, don't tell anyone about this conversation tonight"

"Prepare early, rest early, and keep your spirits up. This is a tough battle. Remember not to make any mistakes!"

"Yes, director!"

Taking advantage of the cover of darkness in the early morning, after sending Pei Shao out of the shelter gate and saying goodbye, Sumo returned to the workbench on the third floor.

Oreo was listening to the entire conversation between the two.

Although Oreo does not have any divine power, her judgment ability has been improved to several levels due to her godhead.

When the ability is activated and there is no interference from outsiders, Oreo can completely understand whether a person is lying or telling the truth.

From the beginning to the end, no matter what Pei Shao said, Oreo nodded, which proved that Su Mo had a very good vision.

After touching his head and throwing an energy fruit to Oreo, Somo looked at the white paper in front of him and wrote a second headline without resting.

2. Weapons to deal with 20,000 aliens

The current weapon technology tree level of the shelter is still stuck in the era of explosive packs, small-caliber machine guns, and rifles.

These things are used to fight people and land, and the effects are very good.

But if you want to fight more than one dozen in a naval battle, it's a bit stretched, and it's easy for these aliens to slip under the water and slip away.

Therefore, before upgrading the fifth-level shelter and evolving RPGs and rockets, there must be a range of lethal weapons to ensure the lethality of the Hope.

This weapon only needs to meet two characteristics:

1. Ammunition is cheap and doesn’t hurt when used on aliens.

2. High power and wide range, and the power can be adjusted according to needs

With these two characteristics, coupled with the collision ability and speed of the Hope, it can be guaranteed that any alien race can only become a turtle in the urn.

"Weapons that can be carried on board must meet these two characteristics, which is difficult to say and easy to say."

“I used to say that the deck of the Hope looked like a battleship, but now, it seems that it’s really become a flag!”

"As long as I can find a way to carry one with a caliber above 300 mm, the end of these alien races will come!"

After sketching a "cannon" with a simple drawing on the paper, Sumo laughed silently.

Dignity only lies on the edge of the sword.

Truth only lies within the range of a cannon.

If you want to make others afraid, you have to hit them with your fists to make them hurt, make them cry, and make them remember!

If you want the aliens and miscellaneous fish to be frightened, you have to bombard them with cannons!

Thinking like this, with Sumo's thoughts, the Hope Bond Creation Lottery previously rewarded by the system slowly floated out and enveloped the entire workshop.

Cannons are very expensive to build, and it is difficult to push the technology tree, but what if you can get out one shot regardless of the cost?

Anti-theft stamp, refreshed after half an hour

This chapter has been completed!
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