Chapter 1094: Father and Son (21)

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 "Scott! What do you think?!"

Polaris' voice came from the corner of the corridor, and soon, a green-haired figure appeared in the corridor in a hurry, turning back as he walked, and said loudly:

"You actually let Schiller and Magneto stay together?? You are really crazy, he will mess up everything!"

Scott, who followed her quickly, said helplessly: "I helped Dr. Schiller deliver his luggage, and then he left his room and went to find Magneto. He moved too fast and I didn't have time."


"You should have been staring at him 24 hours a day since you got off the spacecraft! Didn't you see that the line of words on the sun was a warning that Eric wanted to give Schiller a blow?"

As Polaris walked forward, he grabbed his long hair vigorously and said slightly angrily: "Do you expect Magneto to be a person who will take the overall situation into consideration?!"

Lorna looked sad and angry. She covered half of her face with one hand and said: "He clearly knows how important Schiller's plan is to mutants, but he still provokes him, 'There are no patients here.

'? Damn it! The biggest patient here is him! Magneto!"

Scott also sighed and said: "It's okay, Dr. Schiller will not be unprepared, he will not be injured..."

"Oh my God! You just hope that he won't get hurt? If the two of them fight, don't you think Schiller won't be angry? The entire Andromeda galaxy fell into our hands under his plan, except for X

Who else, other than professors, can bear to retaliate like this?! Our reputation will be ruined!"

Polaris walked forward quickly and walked through the corridor with a somewhat complicated structure. She arranged her hair and said, "Before Christmas, we had another fight and got into a fight, breaking Xavier's body."

The Christmas tree at the School for Gifted Youngsters, Wanda and Pietro ran away from home in anger..."

"After that, Professor Charles found me..." Polaris sighed, slowly closed his eyes, recalled the scene that day, and said, "He asked me a question, which I felt I couldn't answer.

The problem……"

"what is the problem?"

"He asked me, do we think he has too much hope for Magneto?" Polaris showed a somewhat self-deprecating smile and said: "He shouldn't ask me this question, he should ask you, ask X

War police, each of you feels this way..."

"Every one of you feels that Professor

thing? But Professor X still has hope for him again and again?"

"Then how did you answer?" Scott asked curiously.

"I said, probably because you are friends." Polaris shook his head and said: "But actually, this is not the answer in my heart, but I can't answer him, probably because you are too patient, Professor.

An ordinary person would have been pissed off by him long ago!"

Scott felt that he couldn't express his opinion on this. After all, Polaris was the daughter of Magneto. She might be rebellious when she said bad things about her father, but if he was there to help, the nature of the matter would be different.


"Yes, I know, I also have a bad temper..." Polaris folded her arms and walked forward, she said: "I shouldn't quarrel with him or even fight him, but wouldn't it be possible to change someone with a better temper?

Can you tolerate him? How many Professors are there in this world?"

Polaris took a deep breath, sniffed and said: "Some people say that I look like him, but at least I have a good relationship with Shockwave and Iceman. Phantom Cat and Rakshasa are barely friends, but what about him?

After living for so many years, doesn’t he still only have Professor X as his friend?”

"Sometimes, I really feel scared. If I reach his age and live like him, break off my fingers to count them, have only one friend, and have a bad relationship with my own children, then I will

How to save your life?"

"Don't think too much, Lorna." Scott stepped forward, patted Polaris on the shoulder and said, "Life is lived by oneself, and we will all have a better future..."

Although Scott said this, he also sighed a little when he said it at the end. If Magneto and Schiller really fight, then the beautiful future may be postponed indefinitely.

Polaris obviously thought of this. She quickened her pace and turned back to Scott as she walked: "We have to go there quickly. Maybe we can stop them before they start a big fight..."

"In case, if they really take action, I will be responsible for holding Eric back, and you take Dr. Schiller away." Polaris rubbed his brows and said, "Fortunately, Dr. Schiller should have a good temper.

, we won’t be on the same level as him, separate them quickly, and they won’t cause a big mess..."

When Scott thought about the situation he was going to face next, he felt a headache. He knew that Schiller must have a better temper than Magneto, but he actually didn't know Schiller very well. He didn't know what if he really

He got angry and wondered whether he could stop him.

The two of them walked forward thoughtfully, turned around the corner, and went up the stairs. When they reached the stairs, Polaris bent down and hid behind the wall next to the corridor, pricking up his ears and listening carefully.

"He is here. I can't use the magnetic field to detect, otherwise I will be discovered. But I don't feel the magnetic field fluctuations. It seems that the two of them are still arguing." Polaris made an "OK" gesture and faced Si.

Kurt waved his hand, motioning for him to follow.

The two of them walked lightly, walked slowly deeper into the corridor, and then moved step by step to the door of Magneto's office.

Just when he was about to arrive at the door, Polaris made a silent gesture to Scott, and then lowered his voice and said: "I can deceive him by pretending to be a nearby magnetic field. We have to listen first to what they are arguing about. Wait."

Only then can we break up the fight..."

Scott felt that it was a bit uncomfortable to listen to someone in the corner, but when he thought about the special situation, there was no better way, so he nodded and approached the North Star.

The two of them sneakily reached the door of the office. Polaris gently pressed his hand on the wall, and intermittent sounds came from inside the door.

"Haven't you ever wondered why a professional psychiatrist's evaluation of you is so different from an ordinary person's evaluation of you?" Schiller's voice came from inside the door.

"If there is only Charles, it can be said that we have known each other since we were young and have a deep friendship. But we have not known each other before, there is almost no understanding, and there is no influence of subjective emotions. Why do I also feel that you are not actually like

In public opinion, is it so inaccessible?"

Magneto seemed to have answered something, but it seemed a little vague. Schiller's voice came again:

"I don't know if you know what your old friend's occupation is."

"Of course, in our time, this course was not yet systematic, but in just a few decades, it has experienced rapid development and is becoming increasingly perfect."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know the professional knowledge. Psychology is literally what it means. We are a subject that studies human psychology, which means that we pay more attention to people's inner beings than ordinary people who look at superficial actions."

"It's not too modest to say that although Charles's professional level is far better than mine, I can be considered a relatively experienced psychologist. So, two scholars with the most thorough research on human inner nature in the world have made a comment to you.

It received extremely high praise, why do you think this is?"

Before Magneto could answer, Schiller said: "Because your inner personality is actually quite charming."

"Yes, this view is also contrary to the public's judgment. Ordinary people and even your children think that you are difficult to get along with and annoying. But in fact, they are not wrong. It's just that both views have their own reasons."

"Psychologists have received professional training, and we are good at analyzing people's inner psychology through external manifestations."

"However, ordinary people have not received such training. Most people only look at people's external behavior, and it is difficult to analyze the deeper behavioral logic."

"We believe that just because you have a charming inner personality does not mean that your external behavior will not be annoying to ordinary people. This is actually not contradictory at all."

Schiller's voice came with a smile, and his tone was always very steady, as if what he said had a reason no matter how shocking it was.

"A person does not have to be perfect in all aspects to have a charming personality. On the contrary, professional data shows that often one of the personality traits of a person is very prominent, while the other is weaker, but he will have a unique charm."

"For example, some famous generals sometimes appear arbitrary, arrogant and arrogant. They cannot handle the details of many things, and some cannot even take care of themselves. However, this does not prevent them from having strong charisma and many soldiers are impressed by them.

His charisma and his willingness to work for him.”

"If you have a bright spot in your personality, you will always attract a group of people who appreciate you. And if you are hated by everyone, it does not mean that there is no bright spot in your personality. This is what I am going to say next...


"What are they talking about?" Polaris listened to the conversation in the room with some confusion. She didn't understand many of the professional psychological terms Schiller said, so she looked at Scott.

Scott didn't understand this either, but he often stayed with Professor X, so he could understand a little more than Polaris. He hesitated and then said: "Doctor Schiller seems to be enlightening Magneto?"

"No way?!" Polaris said in surprise: "You mean, they are doing psychotherapy?!"

"Stop kidding, don't you remember what Magneto said on the sun? He is very averse to psychological treatment. Otherwise, as Professor X's friend for many years, how could he still be like this now?"

Polaris and Scott looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what was going on, but they couldn't find a good time to go in, so they could only continue to listen outside the door.

"'Inner personality' and 'external behavior' are like two jars connected by a pipe in the middle."

"Generally speaking, the more water there is in the jar of inner personality, the more water there should be in the jar of external behavior."

"People who have a more complete personality and are more outstanding in a certain aspect have a lot of water in the jar, but this does not mean that there will also be a lot of water in the jar of external behavior."

"And when there is a lot of water in the jar of inner personality, but there is almost no water in the jar of external behavior, we must consider that there may be something wrong with the pipe."

"There is no way to show the advantages of one's own personality through external behavior. This problem is usually called a 'behavior disorder'."

"Contrary to psychological disorders, behavioral disorders are not caused by unstable personality, but because personality and behavior are not well connected. What you want to show cannot be shown, and what you want to express cannot be expressed."

"Most psychological disorders come from huge psychological trauma, or painful memories of a certain period of time. If you have a strong will, or if the time is long enough and the trauma is forgotten, it is possible to heal on your own."

"For example, you should also have some painful memories during the war, about NAZI and the concentration camps, but that era is far away from now. Even at that time, you may have left some psychological trauma, but your strong mind and time

, soothes all this."

"According to the current situation, your personality is very stable and your logic is very self-consistent. You have figured out all the problems about yourself, what you want to get, what you want to give up, what you need and what you don't need. You are already very clear about it.


"Of course, this is also related to age. After all, I have lived so many years longer than young people. There are many things that I can't even think about."

"To put it simply, you do not have a mental illness that requires treatment, and the behavioral disorders you exhibit that are similar to mental illness have little to do with your mental state. They are mainly caused by the external environment and the education you received.

Pattern of inexpressive behavior.”

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What are they talking about?"

Scott squinted his eyes. He was almost pressed against the door, so he heard better than Polaris. He said, "What do I hear... war, NAZI, concentration camps? And mental illness and what-not disorders?"

Polaris showed a horrified expression, and then said: "It's over! It must be Schiller who wants to treat Eric!!!"

Polaris looked at Scott with wide eyes and asked, "Do you know what the topics Eric can't stand the most?"

Scott had a bad premonition. He looked at Polaris, who kept waving his hands downwards and said in a very fast tone: "War, NAZI, concentration camps and he is sick!"

With a "bang", the door was knocked open. In an instant, the magnetic field burst out and laser light shone across the entire place.

In the room, Magneto, who was adding tea leaves to the cup, and Schiller, who had just picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, were both stunned.

unlucky child

This chapter has been completed!
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