Chapter 1169: Professor (Thirty-nine)

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Schiller walked unhurriedly behind the glass screen wall, washed his hands in the sink next to the treatment bed, then took a towel from the side, wiped his hands, and walked out.

He sat back on the single sofa, and Valentin was lying on the ground at his feet. Blood continued to flow from his eyes, staining a large area on the carpet red.

The injured posture and the smell of blood made Bruce instinctively want to step forward and bandage the injured, but in the end he did not go and instead walked back into the shadows.

Not because he thought that Professor Pigface was actually a serial killer, but because, if he wanted to reach Valentine, he had to walk past Schiller.

This was definitely not a good idea, because Schiller had already thrown the towel aside and was about to start talking.

"If you come to a psychiatrist's office, but you don't plan to talk to him, but plan to listen to him, then what you hear is most likely some words of comfort, but in fact, every psychiatrist knows

, it is ineffective to only comfort the other person’s condition.”

"No one can comfort yourself better than you, and if you can't even comfort yourself, there is no point in spending money to find someone else to comfort you. You should take medicine to cure your physiological disease, and then

Re-establish psychological defenses and gain the ability to comfort yourself.”

"But if you come to a psychiatrist's office and pay to listen to him talk, then a psychiatrist with professional ethics will naturally find the best way to comfort you instead of just doing it just because it is difficult.


The sofa opposite was already empty, so Schiller put one leg on the other, sat upright and leaned on the back of the sofa, and said: "Every psychiatrist has a way of comforting others, and of course I do too.

No exception."

"The purpose of all psychotherapy I do is to make the patient feel that he or she has been understood, and the best way to make the patient feel that he or she has been understood is not to repeat 'I understand you' over and over again, but to communicate with him

He talks about himself."

"You have to let the patient understand you first, and then he will see whether he has gained understanding from your words and deeds."

"Then let's talk about the part that interests you most first..." Schiller leaned back, put his hands on the armrests, tilted his head and looked at Valentine and said:

"Why don't I recognize humans as my own kind?"

The second before this question was asked, Bruce was still looking at Valentine, imagining the inflammation of his eye wound, but when Schiller's words fell, Bruce had to look at the professor.

"I am a psychiatrist. In the eyes of many people, this job is mysterious, and it is true, but more importantly, this profession allows you to understand the truth - what drives mankind forward.

, it’s actually dirty, ugly and disgusting.”

"The evil in human nature is not a burden to them, but an inseparable part of them and the basis for their survival. However, they have never realized this and formulated a set of rules to restrain this evil.

, they call it morality.”

"Human beings are actually easily domesticated because of their habits. Social animals will be domesticated by social morality. Of course, there will also be some individuals who are not so thoroughly domesticated. In order to limit the behavior of these individuals, people have developed a set of

Rules are called laws.”

"The reason why I don't recognize ordinary people who live in morality and law as my kind is because they have become other species domesticated by morality and law, rather than the original human beings."

Bruce tilted his head to one side, but Schiller suddenly changed the subject and said:

"However, I can fully understand this phenomenon. Human society develops through mutual cooperation. If you want to build a society and live in it, there must be a set of rules to maintain the operation of society. Ordinary people want to

position in society, and following this set of rules is very normal and understandable."

"In other words, they should do this, and I will do the same. If I want to integrate into a certain group, I will act according to the rules of this group, but this is not because I am kind, but because I know

, doing this will be an effective method."

"The most successful education a parent can give to their children in their lifetime is to teach them how to become a social animal and gain their own place in society."

"I don't hate ordinary people." Schiller shook his head gently and said, "I fully understand them, and I can also assume their position in society and think about the troubles they are facing now. Therefore, I can become

A psychiatrist.”

"I fully understand this society, how it operates, and how individuals in society and their emotional systems operate."

When Schiller said this, Bruce looked at him, and Valentin also turned his head to look at him. Although he was completely invisible, they actually both wanted to ask the same question, and Schiller also saw this.

question, so he answered:

"To be precise, I do not regard myself as a social human being. I admit that my race is human, but I do not follow the rules of human society, whether it is morality or law."

"This is because the mental illness I suffer from, that is, autism, prevents me from getting any feedback from society, and I do not need feedback from any social individuals."

"This is a typical symptom of many autistic patients: neither giving nor receiving emotions, no response, no feedback."

"The most important thing about their symptoms is that they have no need to exchange emotions with others."

"So, people often say that the so-called autistic patients have low morals, which is not accurate. First there is the need for human beings to exchange emotions in society, and then there is the 'morality' that constrains each other to respond to each other's emotions. If there is no need, there is no morality.


"I don't participate in emotional exchanges, so naturally I don't need to participate in social rules. This is the original Schiller with scholarly autism. From beginning to end, he is not a social human being."

Schiller sighed softly, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and then said: "Then, we will talk about the second question you are most interested in - why do I want to eat?

My kind?"

Hearing Schiller say this so straightforwardly, Bruce couldn't help but reach out his hand and cover his eyes.

"Autistic patients are not emotionless, it's just that the way they accept and understand emotions is different from ordinary people, but they also crave emotional stimulation. This is the nature of the human race."

"As mentioned before, I do not have any emotional exchanges with any social human beings, so I cannot get emotional stimulation from any ordinary person. Their attachment, fear, or admiration are meaningless to me.


"The way they exchange emotions is something I can't relate to, so in my opinion, lying on the ground crying is like a pig rolling in the mud, unable to solve my emotional needs."

"But very fortunately, I am not an individual, but a category. The world is so big, there are always several human individuals similar to me, and their emotional patterns are common to mine, so I can learn from them,

Get the emotional stimulation I want.”

"However, as we are not social animals, it is impossible for us to establish a new system of emotional exchange, formulate a new set of rules, and then form a new society for each other. This is something we cannot adapt to."

"The way ordinary people understand each other has been domesticated through social rules and laws. However, as an untamed person, I hope to understand my fellow humans in the most original way of the human race."

Schiller sighed softly. His tone of voice did not change at all. It was as boring as giving a lecture. However, if you understand what each sentence he said refers to, it will only make people feel creepy.

"Appetite is a very wonderful thing." Schiller shook his head slightly, showed a smile and said: "It is not hunger, it is not the body reminding you to get nutrients."

"Hunger will make people devour everything in front of them, but appetite is the guard on the road to crazy gluttony. If a thing cannot arouse human appetite, then no matter how hungry the body is, people will not eat it."

"Appetite is very cautious and restrained. Food must be able to remind you of its taste in terms of color, shape, smell, etc., thereby stimulating your taste buds and secreting saliva before you take it into your mouth."

“And when you taste the food in your mouth, you will evaluate whether it matches your imagination, then swallow it, wait for it to digest, provide you with the necessary nutrients, and then convert the nutrients into fuel for life.


"This process is long and wonderful. It is the first pilgrimage road built by human beings outside of survival. It has a very special significance."

"Before what is swallowed is transformed into nutrients, the imagination of the taste of food, driven by appetite, is the pinnacle of human understanding, empathy and imagination."

"Therefore, I am naturally willing to dedicate my most dedicated moments to the few of my kind in this world."

When Schiller finished speaking, Bruce's hand pressing his ear hurt a little, but he actually heard what Schiller said because he was pressing Harley's ear.

At this moment, Bruce felt that the greatest progress he had made was that he could accurately judge the level of logical self-consistency of a madman, and decisively choose to give up when the level of self-consistency far exceeded his ability to persuade.

This is a very great ability. The anger blocked by this ability can make people live many years longer.

Bruce walked over and sat down opposite Schiller. He looked into Schiller's eyes and said, "I will take Valentine away, heal his injuries, and then let him face legal trial."

"This is not because I value the law so much, but you can't kill him, let alone eat him."

"Bruce." Schiller called his name, focused his eyes on him again, and said, "I hope to hold a banquet, so I need abundant ingredients."

"I will not kill pigs, nor will I kill people." Schiller stood up, walked to the table, picked up the jar with the eyeballs in it, put it under the light, looked at it, and then said:

"But regardless of whether this thing is evil or not according to the rules of society and humanity, you can't stop them from opening their own chests, actively and voluntarily giving me what I need."

"Stop using your professional abilities to hurt others." Bruce turned to look at him and said, "Don't do that again, Schiller."

"I will remember to send you an invitation when the banquet is held." Schiller looked into Bruce's eyes and said.

Bruce took a deep breath and felt his back teeth clenched. He put the palms of his hands together and put his fingers on his nose, feeling dizzy.

As Schiller said, it is not illegal for people to harm themselves at any time. If a normal person is instigated, it can be said to be unethical.

However, Schiller did not actually instigate him. He just showed the tip of the iceberg of his madness to the madmen, telling them that all the answers are at the top of the mountain. Madmen who are not afraid of pain and do not care about death will rush to get it first.

Serve it to the table yourself, as is the case with Valentine.

And Bruce doesn't know how to stop this yet.

Just as Bruce was thinking, the phone behind the glass screen wall suddenly rang. Seeing that Schiller had no intention of answering the phone, Bruce had to stand up, walked to the phone and picked up the receiver, and Gordon's voice sounded on the other side.

With an anxious voice:

"Schiller, Roman Sionis has escaped from prison! He is probably going after you, so you must be careful!"


When I was brushing lof today

I actually got the third copy of this book

And as soon as you enter

I was beaten with my pants all over the floor

This chapter has been completed!
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